Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 801 Painful Correctness (6000, monthly vote please!)

Su Zhou and Lincoln Erda sat opposite each other on the Guixu celestial sphere that was completely revived, with lines of materialized spiritual marks appearing on its surface.

Just like the sages who achieved Taoism in ancient times, without any flashy palaces or decorations, the two of them sat and talked about Taoism on top of the Hedao weapons that represented the truth.

"Guixu Celestial Sphere."

When he personally touched the Hedao weapon, Su Zhou had a thought in his mind and called the Book of Prajna and the pioneer space template that resided in it. He used the power of detection given by these two great beings to mix his own consciousness, Identify its essence.

Golden brilliance and silver shimmer, endless information gathered.

The Guixu Celestial Sphere is indeed a black hole.

Although its mass is large, it is not as massive as a galactic black hole. However, unlike the giant black hole that was formed when the original star collapsed at the end of its life at the beginning of creation, this black hole was man-made from its birth to its end. Traces, when it was still a super giant star, many powerful Hedao people had joined forces to inscribe the rhythm of the endless avenue inside and outside it, and the layers of runes were intertwined, so that even after it collapsed into a black hole, its Countless multiple formations are also superimposed on the event horizon.

Even the 'ground' where Su Zhou and Linkelda are sitting now is essentially the 'event horizon' of this black hole after it has been compressed by a large array. It has turned into a solidified entity with a density greater than that of degenerate matter. Solid psychic energy appears in the outside world as that seemingly ordinary black dwarf star.

Under this motionless watch case is a rapidly rotating Kerr black hole.

Once the balance of such a special black hole is broken, and the gravitational field of Guixu Celestial Sphere is bound by Linkelda and his friends, it will directly expose its singularity, and then drag the entire universe and space of the world of creation. into oneself.

It's like placing an extremely heavy metal ball on a flat net, and it will naturally be pressed into the shape of a 'well'. At that time, everything in the entire world of creation will pour towards this celestial ball. , fall, and eventually all merge into one.

After reaching the limit... there was an explosion.

The Big Bang at the beginning of creation!

"Why do you do this?"

Without any detours or pleasantries, Su Zhou pointed directly at the Guixu Celestial Sphere under him and asked. The young man's eyes were full of curiosity: "The torrent paths of other gods are more or less based on the existence of our own side. To achieve the 'Torrent', at least you are adhering to your own 'Tao'."

"However, according to your plan, if everything goes well, then it is the cosmic will of the universe that was born from all the dreams in the Burial Ground of All Things that achieves the torrent, not you and the two who created the Guixu Celestial Sphere. A strong Taoist."

【We don't care about this】

And Linkelda replied softly: [Who is Hongliu? Does it make sense? Does it matter whose way He walks? 】

[Since He has been born and will eventually return to nothingness, what does it matter? We just can’t bear to see those souls and names forgotten. As for remembering them and resurrecting them, we don’t care about their future]

Su Zhou was silent for a moment.

Linkelda's two former friends now seem to be very likely to be strong men of the Way who represent the twin trees of the Great Way World, the existence and continuation of it.

These three people join forces, and with the correct blessings of the three great ways, it really doesn't matter who the torrent of birth is, no matter whether the other person is alive or dead, whether he thinks it is good to live or wants to commit suicide, whether he is awake and wants to implement his own way or wants to To sleep and wait, all within the realm of their avenue.

They have been told right and wrong, so the rest of them have no choice but to keep their mouths shut?

So they really don't care about the future.

As if being recalled by Su Zhou's words, Linkelda closed his eyes and shook his head slightly: [Back then, we were independent and strong Taoists who were independent from the creation of the world]

[We don’t comment on the various plans of the Circle of Creation. They can do whatever they want. We don’t support or oppose it. We just quietly watch what they do and wait for their final harvest and results. 】

[However, when the Ring of Creation created ten small universes and stimulated the birth of the will of the universe, we who were just watching were shocked to realize that we can't just wait]

[Just wait, if something ‘wrong’ happens, it will be too late to stop it, and it will be too late to save it]

The man with an ordinary face, which can even be said to be a kind of 'median' face, raised his head. If a strong man who has reached the realm of creation looks carefully, he can see that the face of this strong man of harmony is essentially constant. What is changing is always being adjusted and changed in subtle ways, and always maintains the impression of being ordinary.

And if it was Su Zhou who held the Book of Prajna, it would be very clear that Linkelda's face was the face of Wanxiang Burial Ground.

It is the ‘face’ of all the creatures in the dream blended together in the Burial Ground of All Things and manifested in the world.

If we say that the two Hedao strongmen who turned their bodies and avenues into the skeleton and flesh of the Wanxiang Burial Ground are the torso of the Wanxiang Burial Ground... then Linkelda is the head of the Wanxiang Burial Ground.

If it is killed, the Burial Ground of All Things will naturally collapse, and all dreams will escape and turn into reality, turning into a cosmic disaster called a 'nightmare', another kind of final catastrophe.

A prison without a jailer would end up like this.

But he noticed Su Zhou's observation, but didn't care.

The Wujian jailer looked up at the stars in the universe with a calm expression on his face, as if he was saying something that had nothing to do with him: [So we take action]

[At that time, it was already too late. The battle between the Ring of Creation and the will of the universe shattered most of the observable universe. Countless innocent creatures had disappeared. The remnant souls of the gods were floating in the broken universe, just like in the late night storm. The flickering light of fireflies】

[I originally planned to enter death and use my body to become a cradle at dusk to carry the separated souls of all living beings]

[But they said I couldn’t do it—the most I could do was carry and embrace those souls, but I couldn’t give them a future]

——Let us, our power can maintain the activity of these souls, make them exist and continue forever.

——When the time is right, Linkelda, you will create a brand new universe and resurrect these sentient beings who should not have died to extend their lives.

——You can do it, or in other words, no one can do it except you.

——Linkelda, although we all think you are a stupid and stinky stone, it is precisely because you are a stone that will not change for millions of years that you can carry the dreams of hundreds of millions of sentient beings without changing. One's own way.

——So you are our friend.

Closing his eyes, even now, Wu Jian Jailer can still recall the whispers of his friends at that time.

Yes, only He can, only He, this stubborn and inflexible stone, can wipe out all the bright dreams and suppress all the dark nightmares without any guilt.

It’s all about the future, that ‘right’ realization.

At this moment, Linkelda stretched out her hand.

An inexplicable halo lingered on his two fingers, just like the sword light lingering on a sharp sword.

He waved and swept his two fingers across the starry sky, but Su Zhou could sense that there was an invisible and immaterial force of annihilation, like the sharpest blade, cutting into pieces all the eyes that were looking at this place - whether it was Hedao Qiang or not. Under the watchful eye of the observer, or the prying eyes of Hedao's armed forces, everything turned into nothingness, invisible and inaudible.

[What on earth is the old guy doing? 】

[Said he wanted to fight, but then refused to fight. Is Lincoln playing tricks on us? 】


For a moment, several Hedao experts could be heard snorting and complaining.

Obviously, they are observing everything in this universe all the time, and nothing can escape their eyes and ears.

But this is not inevitable. Even Su Zhou has many ways to avoid it, let alone Hedao?

It’s just that He doesn’t care, so He uses the simplest method to crush and warn.

After doing all this, Linkelda sighed: [They turn themselves into dreams, guide the dreams of billions of living beings to exist, and remember the name of each dream to prevent them from dissipating and being forgotten]

[Although they are weaker than me, they have more ways to save the world than me. In this regard, I feel ashamed]

"I see……"

Raising his head, Su Zhou looked at the countless dreams in the Wanxiang Burial Ground.

Dreams naturally need someone to make them happen.

The remnant souls of the gods and the souls of all living beings are all dead... Even if they dream, they cannot be so vivid, so vibrant, so like 'reality'.

——The immortals can have a dream, a dream that is better than reality and perfect, allowing them to fall silent in it and forget about the outside world. The dreamer is myself.

——The Heavenly Lords can have a dream, and their dreams can overflow into the outside world, giving birth to the principles of the great law and achieving magical weapons. These are creations and the Lord of Prajapati. Dreaming about sentient beings.

——The powerful Hedao can also dream. Their dreams can turn the void into reality, they can create things out of nothing, they can change the universe and create life, ethnic groups, stars, and even the world with just their thoughts. '. The dream is reality.

Su Zhou lowered his head and looked at Linkelda again.

And, behind Him, two hazy figures appeared vaguely.

The three powerful Hedao men were all dreaming.

The Vientiane Burial Ground is wrapped in their dreams and maintained by their avenues, so it can be more real than reality, and it can develop civilization, understand the avenues, and practice magical powers in dreams.

Even if the illusory dream manifests in the world of creation, it is also the God of Machinery, and even the deity and lord of the realm of creation.

A civilized person?

No, much more than that.

Nothingness, existence, continuation.

The term [Return to the Void Dao One] finally has a more detailed explanation at this moment.

That is exactly what the realm of Hedao looks like when it reaches its peak.

——Their "oneness" is the cornerstone of all avenues.

So Su Zhou nodded: "I understand."

Now, based on the information he now knows, the young man already has a general understanding of the first final disaster that occurred in the world of creation in the past.

The world of creation at that time should have made a desperate move with the idea that "if they can defeat the will of the universe and some of them can achieve the torrent, then they can naturally resurrect all the dead and repair all the damage."

Indeed, if it is a torrent, let alone repairing a universe, if they who can affect many worlds want to create, it will at least be the prototype of a multiverse. Let alone a broken soul, even if everything returns to nothingness, they can The soul that no longer existed was pulled out of nothingness.

However, they, Linkelda and their friends, obviously did not believe that the Ring of Creation at that time could succeed, nor did they believe that the other party could become a torrent.

In fact, it is true that the Taoist master of the Ring of Creation and the will of the universe perished together, and all the dead, with no one to save or help them, gradually dissipated in the dark vacuum of despair, like snowflakes melting quietly at night.

And when the Ten Heavenly Gods, who were split in the Circle of Creation, continued to fight among themselves after the war, they were killing each other.

Linkelda and his two friends created the Vientiane Burial Ground. They used their own flesh and blood as materials to create a cemetery, and used their own souls as coffins to place all the dead.

They may be dead long ago, but they still exist to this day.


Opening her eyes, Linkelda stared at Su Zhou sitting cross-legged in front of her: [I know that you are not a Taoist now, and you don't know how to become a torrent]

[However, you have an extremely rich and pure breath of nothingness. This is a state that I couldn't wait for at the beginning, so I, who was born, can no longer touch it again]

Saying this, He calmly said: [So, Original Zhu Zhou, I want to ask you a question]

So, after Su Zhou nodded silently and said 'yes'.

Linkelda looked at the young man.

He said extremely seriously: [Am I wrong? 】

[Having chosen not to wait any longer, have I completely deviated from the path of nothingness? 】

Linkelda did not ask whether it was a mistake to create the Burial Ground of All Things.

It was obvious that in His heart this was the right thing more than anything else, and He would not doubt anything about it.

However, as a Taoist and a practitioner pursuing the right path, he began to doubt whether he had deviated from his original goal.

So He wanted an answer.

An answer He himself could not determine.

"What's wrong with you?"

Without any hesitation, Su Zhou immediately replied to Linkelda: "You are not only right, you are simply great."

"To dedicate oneself to helping the world is the greatest act of charity. Although you did not succeed in dedicating yourself at first, you dared to shoulder the path of two friends and carry their wishes and those of all sentient beings until now. It is comparable to simple dedication and simple sacrifice. Difficulty is coming.”

The young man's eyes were clear and his tone was firm and without any hesitation: "Linkelda, I thought you were like those guys who thought they were Twilight's descendants. You were distorted and stopped waiting for reasons that you couldn't explain clearly. .”

"But now it seems that you are very clear about the results of everything you do and the purpose of doing it, and you are also able to bear the responsibility of choosing and implementing everything... everything you say and do is correct for you, What mistakes can be made?"

[You still have something to say - and I also know that it is not nothing]

Although Su Zhou gave what was probably his highest level of evaluation so far, Linkelda shook his head slightly: [Speak directly if you have something to say, Original Zhu Zhou, I have been enlightened for millions of years and cannot move forward, no matter how much you ridicule me Rebuke, if you can point out even a tiny bit of my mistakes so that I can achieve success, how can I be angry and dissatisfied? 】

[Not to mention me, even the most arrogant Duska guy, if you can really give him a 100% way to enter the realm of torrent, he will regard you as his teacher and enshrine your statue in the founding hall]

[I have given up waiting, how could it be right? 】


He had already acquiesced that he was wrong, and just wanted to wait for a judgment.

In this way, He can let go.

But if you want a verdict, then give it a verdict. He, Su Zhou, doesn't want to lose face?

"Why do you think you are wrong?"

He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

Su Zhou said solemnly: "Why do you have to think that 'waiting' is the right thing?"

“Why do you have to think that ‘deliberately waiting’ is ‘nothingness’?”

"Linkelda, has anyone ever told you that 'nihility' means not saving anything, not responding to things you don't like, not praising things you like, just like a stone, you don't care if others knock you, and you are not afraid of the sky falling apart. run?"

"That's not nothingness, that's stupidity."

After saying this, Su Zhou laughed and shook his head slightly, as if he was sighing with emotion, feeling that even a strong Taoist would misunderstand such an obvious truth.

"What do you think is 'correct'? It's just something that a group of incredibly strong guys can prove with their own free will. It's just that some people think they are right, so they admit it."

“As for your Wanxiang Burial Ground, someone has acknowledged it from the beginning—the other two Hedao experts have acknowledged it, all the dream souls in the Wanxiang Burial Ground have acknowledged it, and many people in the Creation World have also been willing to admit it. "

Saying this, the young man looked around at the starry sky.

He looked at the many Dusk Familia who stayed nearby, not daring to approach or leave, and nodded calmly: "Even if others don't admit it, I will admit it."

"Linkelda, you are right."

Relentlessly agree with the other party's path, even if the logic of this statement goes against common sense.

Su Zhou stood up. He looked down at the slightly astonished Linkelda and pointed out the real mistake of the other party: "Everything is false, everything is allowed. This sentence is a line from a game in my hometown, but the truth is not true. Among all things, even now, it’s not wrong.”

"Nothingness never prevents you from doing anything. On the contrary, it allows you to do anything."

"But you know very well that whatever you do, no matter how great your achievements are at the moment, there is an inevitable destination called 'nothingness' in the end."

At this moment, the young man stretched out his right hand forward.

He clenched his hands into a fist, seemingly just closing his palms normally.

At this moment, Su Zhou held the seal.

Then, there is light arising from nothingness.

A wisp of dim yellow light shone from between the young man's clasped fingers, shining brightly in the void and illuminating all the heavens.

In the Vientiane Burial Ground, countless dreams are illuminated by this light.

This is one of the highest supernatural powers in the void system.

【Mingxu Beginning】

The forces of emptiness and annihilation are rotating.

It is precisely because of knowing that even the eternal and powerful man will enter the Tao and be destroyed, transform into the Tao and go away, abandoning all things in the future.

Therefore, the oaths that ‘people’ make now, the undertakings that ‘people’ make up their minds to do, must be carried out correctly to have real meaning!

"Precisely because people will die, people are afraid of death, and people are unwilling to die, so a person who chooses to sacrifice himself for more people will appear noble, admirable, and ashamed of himself."

"Precisely because everything is nothingness, fear nothingness, and reject nothingness, all great beings have sworn to take themselves as the coordinate and implement the eternal correct path for all living beings. Only then will it be the supreme 'correctness' and 'love' .”

Su Zhou closed his eyes.

At this moment, not only his hands, but also the whole body of the young man lit up with a dim halo.

That did not originate from dusk, but the light of dusk that truly came from the depths of Su Zhou's heart.

This light is empty and silent, meaningless to explore, meaningless to perceive, meaningless to touch, and meaningless to think about. Even if one uses the supreme magical power intertwined with many holy days to explore, nothing can be sensed.

However, in the changing of this dim yellow halo, something is vaguely gestating and being born.

The next moment, Su Zhou opened his eyes.

It was like two scorching suns appeared, sweeping the entire Vientiane Burial Ground with blazing enthusiasm and surging wind.

In just a few moments, the long twilight light turned into the most massive and bright light, like daylight.


"you are right."

At this moment, Su Zhou was right there.

But his eyes seemed to be staring at Linkelda from an extremely distant place.

Among them, there seems to be another existence originating from the extremely far away end of endless time and space, coexisting with Su Zhou, staring at the Wujiang jailer who also opened his eyes wide and stared up.


His voice sounded like a great bell: "Sacrifice is the shortcut."

"You and your friends sacrifice yourselves in exchange for the survival of the dead living beings, and have a second chance - then this second final catastrophe, if it evolves into the death of all things, the Ten Heaven God System and the second generation of the will of the universe will perish together. The ending, can you die a second time?"

You can see that the ordinary man clenched his fists.

But the young man still didn't stop talking.

"Sacrificing yourself is too noble. No one can accuse you of being wrong, but you yourself cannot forgive yourself or your own incompetence the second time."

"You desire, you need, you want - you want to become stronger and better!"

Saying this, Su Zhou stepped forward and approached Linkelda.

His voice was still clear: "Don't be thankful, I didn't say you were wrong."

"Be miserable, because you are right."

"So you must do better, you must satisfy all the vows you have made for yourself, you must build the road, you must pave the future, you must light the torch, hold high the light, lead all those who come after you, and 'believe' in this The end of the endless road is right!”

Without faith, everything is nothing.

No one can believe in himself more than Su Zhou.

So, the young man leaned forward and stretched out his hand to the man.

"And I can help you, and you can help me."

The fighting spirit that belongs only to youth, which is full of vigor and will never be extinguished no matter what, is burning the souls of all the gods who are watching and all the living beings in the dream.

Blue-purple flames burned blazingly, and a voice came from it.

"Infinite Jailer, Linkelda, help me to follow the path."

"I will work with you to create a better and more correct universe!"

I haven’t finished writing yet…big chapter tomorrow! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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