Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 804 What do you know! (5100)

The void is penetrated.

As soon as the Hedao weapons came out, time and space were turbulent, enough to obscure the vision of many powerful people in the world, and the turbulent flow of time and space that naturally blocked the connection between worlds. At this moment, in front of the long river transformed by Tianyan's arrow, it was like The water mist in front of the fire retreated rapidly, showing a pale color of nothingness.

Many scattered fragments of world debris were directly shattered into dust when faced with the power of the divine arrow. If it were in the starry sky of the universe, presumably both planets and stars would explode and bloom like fireworks under the power of this arrow.

But this is just an illusion caused by the astonishing momentum and pressure - in fact, except for the lifeless remains of the world and fragments of the void, nothing was shattered by this arrow.

This is indeed an arrow that does not kill.

However, the cyan torrent surged past, and whether it was the many mechanical gods affected by the aftermath of the vortex of disputes, or the incoming worlds that were targeted, they were all infiltrated by an extremely pure aura, and all kinds of hallucinations were born in their hearts. Vision.

The giant gods and silver fairies saw that they seemed to be fighting a fierce battle with a powerful enemy. This powerful enemy possessed all the skills and techniques they possessed, but was even stronger than themselves in terms of basic strength or magical power. With such a powerful enemy, Fighting with others forced them to tap into their own potential and realize that they thought they were perfect, but in fact there was still room for improvement in their skills and magical powers.

Battleships entangled with each other in the void, and huge battle bodies fought among the stars, causing the heaven and earth to boil and the galaxies to tremble.

Of course, some of them were defeated by this sudden illusion and suddenly woke up from their dreams, but if they gained something - some failures may be meaningless, and people don't know where they are wrong, but such failures are Different, people can be keenly aware of their own shortcomings.

And a few strong men who realized breakthroughs in battle and realized their past shortcomings suddenly became stronger and made up for their shortcomings!

This is an effect on beings with self-will.

And there is no obvious self. It is not so much an intelligent life as it is the will of many worlds acted by instinct. Facing this arrow, the reaction is even more obvious.

They - were awakened.

Su Zhou used the long river of heavenly evolution to shoot out an arrow. This arrow is a natural ecology, a planet, the endless vitality of all living things in the universe. It is the prey of the weak among animals, and the growth and sowing among plants and trees. , it is symbiosis, predation, captivity, planting and hunting, alliance and war, integration and division.

The divine will contained in this arrow is really too huge. Just a little radiance spilled out is enough to enlighten the stars and create many nascent star wills like the stellar phoenix.

But unlike the stellar phoenix, the stellar phoenix was deliberately created by Su Zhou with his magical power. The arrow passed by by this heavenly evolution only awakened the inherent spirituality in all things, causing the accumulation of tens of thousands of years to be wiped out in an instant. Just satisfied.

This is not a 'creation', but a magical power of the 'existence' series.

Therefore, the world itself is not exempt.

The divine power of Hedao penetrates the universe, and the many worlds that are attacking the world of creation are now soaked in the shocking aura. The worlds that will be drawn by the will of the universe of the world of creation originally have a certain degree of spirituality. Otherwise, there would be no Life, the universe without spirituality, is just a big stone. Who can control the stone to move towards oneself and be fused with oneself?

Even if it is fused, it is useless to the will of the universe.

And under Su Zhou's power, this trace of spirituality is growing rapidly, fast forwarding to almost maturity, from a hazy innate immortal aura, and finally transformed into a chaotic will of the universe.


Vaguely, one can hear such a mighty sound, resounding in the world pierced by blue arrows, with a trace of confusion and the pleasure of finally being able to express one's thoughts: [Who am I? 】

And this is the beginning of the birth of ‘intelligent life’.

And the moment 'who am I' was asked, all the worlds that were acting instinctively stopped moving towards the world of creation.

The ‘Final Cataclysm’ was stopped.

No need for brute force... Well, after all, it is the power of Hedao Armed Forces. If assisting in opening a spirit is also forcibly opening a spirit with brute force, it is not wrong.

In short, relying on another kind of brute force, Su Zhou used a method that did not harm any life, and achieved the goal that both the Fairy Queen and the Conflicting Territory Lord found very troublesome.

And all this is very simple.

Because when sentient beings have a self, they will not be willing to be a part of other beings.

When you have yourself, you don't want to be confused.

The final catastrophe caused by the second-generation cosmic will in the world of creation is different from the first-generation cosmic will that controls star beasts and cosmic natural disasters and confronts the Ring of Creation head-on.

He pulled thousands of worlds, large and small, towards him, and used the changes in the avenue caused by the fusion of worlds to directly weaken and destroy many Hedao and the extraordinary people under Hedao.

In this way, the will of the universe itself does not need to appear at all.

All Hedao strong men are forced to deal with incredibly huge worlds, which will inevitably consume a lot of their strength and force them to show many methods. Knowing the enemy's trump cards can also strengthen their own strength as a way to accumulate .

One will ebb and flow, and when it comes to a head-on battle in the future, this second generation of cosmic will will definitely have a greater chance of winning than its iron-headed predecessor.

It has to be said that He is really smart, which is enough to show that such an existence as the will of the universe, if he really starts to think seriously and learns from the experience and lessons of his predecessors, he will definitely not be just a fool who only knows how to be reckless.

However, even so, there was a huge flaw in His plan.

"Why do other worlds have to merge with you?"

"Who are you? Are you worthy?"

Although it sounds awkward, it is actually a very normal problem.

The nature of cosmic fusion is, in fact, relatively similar to the process of primitive single-celled life gradually becoming multi-cellular life - each single-celled life is a complete life in itself, with a life support system and instinctive reactions, and can do Make many smart moves to survive in the endless void.

However, this is the limit. If there is no external force in a single universe, for example, too many strong people are bred in the world inside one's own body, and they feed back to one's own body, just like mitochondria in humans, providing a lot of energy for single-cell life. Therefore, evolution... If there is no such good thing, the ultimate will of the universe, which is the same as single-cell life, only has basic instincts.

Facing the many dangers in the void, there is actually no difference between such wisdom and none.

In the frozen void, because all the stars in the original world were frozen in place, and there were no cosmic storms or void cataclysms, it didn't matter.

But now, the icy void melts, and the turbulence of time and space once again fills the multiverse. The fear in the will instincts of many universes has been awakened. They want to gather together and become a 'world group' to jointly resist the many disasters that may come.

This is why worlds in the multiverse are always clustered together.

Therefore, alliance is needed.

The will of the universe in the world of creation has demonstrated its own wisdom and power, attracting many single-celled universes and inviting them to become part of itself. After they are completely integrated, the wills of those single-celled universes will also Become part of the second generation of the will of the universe and become a new and more powerful will of the universe.

For single-celled life, this doesn't mean anything - what's the difference between surviving alone and living in symbiosis with another life, or becoming a part of it?

It's not living where you go, isn't it?

But if you have wisdom, everything will be different.

The original sin of intelligent life with a soul is arrogance.

They have their own ideas, choices, thinking and tendencies, so they will have opposite views from other beings, which will lead to many conflicts, arguments and fights.

In the void, the young man's long hair was flying, blue-purple firelight lingered around his body, and his eyes were blazing, as if there were many stars burning behind them.

Su Zhou smiled and stared at the world in the distance where many people stopped, hesitated, and began to think about it, and whispered to himself: "With a soul, you will understand that your birth is a miracle, it is extremely precious, and it is worth cherishing. Chance."

"With self, you will understand that mixing yourself with other people is essentially killing two lives and creating a new life. That may be a choice, but it is definitely not the choice that should be made now. "

"And with wisdom, you will know that you are just a part of other people's plans, and everything you have so far will become someone else's wedding dress."

Such an ending.

Who can accept it? Who can agree? Who can understand?

Comparing his feelings, if Su Zhou knew that someone was cheating him like this, it would be weird if he didn't immediately pull out the Blade of Destruction, and then use Tianyan Changhe to bless him with [Hedao Arms·Tianyan Changhe·Nirvana Blade Form Version 0.01] and slash it with one blow. !

【Strong! 】

On the other side, the Fairy Queen Elkoel shouted loudly, just like the rude exclamation that a very rude movie audience would naturally make when seeing a satisfying scene.

Originally, such an impolite behavior should have been reprimanded, but since almost all the Mechanical Gods present were his descendants, it didn't matter.

This Hedao strongman could naturally see the subtlety of Su Zhou's arrow, which was something they could not do.

The vortex of strife does have the ability to enlighten the world of all things, but it cannot be like Su Zhou, who can shoot it directly with an arrow. The light of heavenly evolution overflows, and dozens or hundreds of worlds are awakened and realize their own destiny. Essence, possessing the most basic wisdom.

And, most importantly, they never thought that this method could be used to stop the final disaster... Who would have thought? Who would have thought that the meteorite would stop on its own!

On the other side, the Lord of the Conflict Territory was deep in thought. The giant god now turned his head and looked thoughtfully at the world of creation: [’s going to change]

[Now it seems that the final catastrophe is no longer a problem. There is no need for the Dark Abyss Dao to break away from the world of creation, and those guys from the Yuheng Dao who have been brainwashed by the will of the universe... I am afraid they do not have enough time to create the Eternal Star God.]


Chloe controlled the Zhi Ge Giant God to turn sideways, and he was guarding behind him: [The will of the universe will never turn a blind eye to this! 】

It’s not just two strong men from the vortex of conflict.

In the world of creation, all the powerful people who have reached a certain level of strength can see this scene in the void.

In the dark abyss, the great serpent was coiled above the black hole. He looked up into the void, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his expression was a little subtle.

In the Founding Path, Duska, who was having a meeting with many Mechanical God creations, suddenly stopped speaking. He stared into the void, as if he had peered into the distant future. He first breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned in thought.

In the Wanxiang Burial Ground, Linkelda was sitting on the Guixu Celestial Sphere. His expression was complicated, but he smiled slightly.

At the root of the universe, a strong man with a sense of balance lingering around his body, his whole body silver-white, as if he were made of crystal, was originally recuperating with his eyes closed.

He could only recuperate, because the chains condensed by the avenues turned into spherical prisons, imprisoning him in place, unable to move.

Even Hedao, faced with the suppression of the power of the entire universe and the constant restrictions and restraints, could not do anything else while protecting himself.

But now, this powerful Hedao man suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the void.

Then laugh.

[The Will of the Universe, I have long said that everything is too much and too little is too much. If you slowly figure it out, hide your existence, and wait until both the Dark Abyss Dao and the Founding Dao are harmed before attacking, your success rate will be at least 85%.]

[If you intend to influence other worlds in the multiverse, you are destined to be disrupted by other powerful people in the multiverse. Look, isn't the original candle day coming? If you don't have such big intentions and don't want to destroy us, but just want to ensure your own safety, then maybe the original Zhu Zhou will not come, or maybe for the sake of the Dragon of Inheritance Help you? 】

[This is the way of balance, everything you do has its price - now, the price is here! 】

Hengzhu Kara, who is strong in Yuhengdao and Hedao, talks eloquently: [So, why did you imprison me in the first place? I just discovered your birth, and I plan to let you talk to other powerful Hedao people to end this meaningless dispute...Hey, I admit that I do want to explore the core roots of the universe and try to go further. , that’s why I entered your home by mistake, but at that time I didn’t know you were already born, and the home has an owner, so it shouldn’t be considered a break-in...]

Before he finished speaking, a loud voice with annoyance could be heard: [Shut up]

[I imprisoned you just because you talked too much. You said you would remain neutral and keep silent. With your performance, who would believe you! 】

[What's more, you guys are not planning to explore the origin of the universe - you are trying to use the power of the entire divine system of Yuhengdao to try to become the will of the universe and become the master of arbitration of the balance of all things - you guys are planning to rob my hometown. ! 】

[If you didn’t have this idea, I would have no chance to corrode the hearts of those Mechanic Gods. And if I hadn’t succeeded in changing my family, I’m afraid I would have been usurped by you! 】

This is indeed true, even Kara sighed slightly: [If we knew you existed, naturally we wouldn't do that... Hey, if we did it, we did it. We can't blame you for not believing it. It was our fault first]

[However, the will of the universe]

Saying this, the strong Hedao man leaned forward slightly and smiled nonchalantly: [Do you still think you will win?]

There was no voice reply.

Because the will of the universe has long since left.

Outside the void.

Su Zhou, who was about to continue charging up the divine arrows to activate the dozens of incoming worlds, suddenly heard a voice.

【Original candle day! 】

This voice, with a trace of anger and a trace of confusion that seemed to be betrayed: [What on earth are you going to do? ! 】

[Didn’t you say that you want to help me and help this universe become a better place? Why do you suddenly take action to help these guys who have been your enemies more than once? 】

[Are you going to completely side with these guys? 】

It can be completely heard that the voice of the will of the universe really carries a hint of grievance at being betrayed.

Although he may have absorbed the experience of the first generation of cosmic will, so he appeared to be wily and cunning, but when faced with Su Zhou's promise without any lies at that time, he really kept it in mind, and felt that Su Zhou would indeed help him and create a more... Good' universe.

In the end, Su Zhou suddenly pulled the plug and overturned his plan - it seemed that with his own strength, he could really solve the final disaster!

Despite the fact that so far, the Final Catastrophe has not caused any damage... But those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. Su Zhou is blocking all destruction and destruction before it begins. Naturally, there will be no disasters, and the world of creation is impossible. There are victims.

If there really is a large world that collides and merges with the world of creation, it may be fine if there is no contact with extraordinary mortals, but all practitioners will go crazy at least a dozen times, and death will be a common occurrence.

Therefore, Su Zhou seemed to be questioning the will of the universe with a bit of grievance, but simply stopped and shouted.

"shut up!"

He was furious: "What do you know about the universe, what plans do you know, what do you know about a better future?"


At this time, the will of the universe is really confused - that's all, there are still people who tell it what it knows about the universe?

Especially this original candle day, a new species that has only appeared in the past few decades. It is estimated that he himself is a newborn saint of the multiverse who only appeared in the multiverse for tens of thousands of years. In terms of age, he is probably not a few years older than himself. Based on this, Why are you teaching yourself such a condescending lesson? !

And just when the angry will of the universe was about to refute, Su Zhou's angry voice continued to come through the soul: "Really follow your plan, there will be no room for change!"

"I originally thought that you were going to introduce a few small worlds to fuse and intimidate them at the beginning, but I didn't expect that you actually attracted so many, and there were many living worlds coming... Not to mention that you ignored other universes in this way. As a sentient being, is your behavior really worthy of the will of the universe?"

【What do you know? 】

In response to this, the will of the universe was really annoyed: [Original Zhu Zhou, are you really planning to be my enemy? 】

"No, I still want to help you—help everyone."

Su Zhou shook his head slightly: "It's just that if you really do this, you will become the enemy of all sentient beings in the world."

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