Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 807 Su Zhou’s Sky Survey (8500, big chapter)

It can be sensed that the brilliance of the supreme inheritance [Shishi Light] suddenly lights up.

That was by no means an ordinary brilliance, but a divine light that could create a world, open up a realm, and shine on the dark abyss - the invisible light condensed into an entity's imprint, flashing on the forehead of the coffin humanoid, inscribed with a coat of arms. .

Duska stepped back slightly, her expression a little gloomy.

It is also very difficult for Hedao strongmen to try their best to engrave a ray of their divine will on others. It is no less than the starting move of recasting Hedao's weapons. This should be the beginning of the entire Founding Dao to gather divine power. A feat only achievable.

But now, Duska is performing it on his own, and he will naturally be extremely exhausted and feel that his essence has been hollowed out.

However, He had to do this.

Because, only if he, as the host, takes the lead to perform his actions with all his strength, will other powerful Hedao people follow up.

[God of Divine Creation, I will give you the divine power of ‘unification’. You should practice the ‘body of all realms’ and integrate the power of heaven and earth to create your own supreme way! 】

As Duska retreated, Luo Tian Divine Emperor Junguang moved forward. The gray-haired Great Divine Emperor stretched out a finger and touched the shoulders of the coffin figure one after another.

Immediately, there are endless complex runes derived from the base points of the body, like water overflowing, spreading naturally, and finally surrounding the whole body.

The dazzling divine power seems to open up thousands of fragments of the world in its heavenly orifices, and the realm of nourishing the body is contained in the body's spirit.

Luo Tiandao's supreme inheritance [Body of All Realms] is the supreme body training method that uses the power of heaven and earth to nourish one's body. When practiced to the extreme, many worlds can even be derived within the body, although most of them are only based on the characteristics of each acupoint. The special world created by Yun Yu, but integrated into one, can also be compared to a complete small universe.

[With this divine power, even all avenues can be carried]

After exhaling a breath, the Great God Emperor showed a hint of fatigue.

He stepped back and gave up his position to the Final Master, with a calm look in his eyes: [Duska, I believe in the future led by you... But if this plan fails, don't blame me for leaving - I have fulfilled my obligation to Hope, and I will continue to do so. Come down, I am responsible for my subjects]

[Natural] Duska responded in a deep voice, full of confidence: [How could I deceive you? 】

Hollandi seemed to be indifferent to the exchange between the two. He stepped forward, held the seal with one hand, and pressed the chest of the humanoid coffin.

[God of Divine Creation, I will give you the power of ‘end’. You should recite the ‘Song of Eternal Departure’ in a low voice and know that all things will come to an end, and so will the great road. If you need to separate, you should make a decision! 】

Hollandi seemed to have something to say, but still looked solemn.

What succeeded him was the core will of Honghui Dao.

The shapeless humanoid took out a gem from his heart. He buried the gem into the body of the coffin humanoid and chuckled:

[God of Divine Creation, we will give you the divine power of 'coordination'. You should know the 'right Dharma mind', remember that all kinds of great ways exist in the world, and have the right Dharma in your heart]

Finally, Faour, the incarnation master of ceremonies, made the final conclusion.

The strong man in the form of an old man raised his index finger, walked around the coffin, and drew a large formation.

Faour looked solemn as he finally outlined the formation.

[God of Divine Creation, I will give you the power of 'fate'. You should bear in mind the 'Book of Tribulation'. Success or failure is determined by God, and each outcome has its destiny. Only disasters are man-made. If you don't fight and have nothingness in your heart, then Defeat is certain]

The thought to open up, the body to exist in the world, the heart to determine the path, the method to determine the path, and the destiny to overcome the calamity.

Will, body, determination, Tao, and destiny are all gathered together.

So, the soul itself.

The faceless human form in the coffin, although it had no eyes, no mouth, no five senses or seven orifices, but at the moment when the five supreme powers gathered together, this 'life' with no other body except a fleshy body suddenly started to move.

And this movement was earth-shattering.


It is like a strong wind rising out of thin air, coming from nowhere and nowhere, and blowing to the highest place in the heaven and earth.

It is also like light suddenly arising from nothing, flooding billions of miles of infinite time and space, and illuminating the eternal sky.

At this moment, the founding hall, which was almost equivalent to a small universe, began to vibrate violently.

Visible to the naked eye, this extremely sacred center, regarded as the supreme holy land of the founding path, was penetrated and melted by the light and wind that came from nowhere. The endless divine power surged, as if it was going to completely penetrate this majestic hall.

The five Hedao experts present were all aware of this.

That wind is the wordless shouting of the God of Divine Creation in this coffin. It is quiet and soundless, but it can shake the heavens and all the ways and shake the world and space.

That light is also the eyeless gaze of this God of Divine Creation. It scans the heaven and earth, and observes the six realms. Although it cannot see all things, it also sees all the cause and effect and destiny.


He has no eyes, but he can see through the fate of all sentient beings.

He has no words, but He can speak all kinds of ways.

He has no ears or nose, but he can listen to the sounds of the world and smell the breath of beginning and ending.

The 'One God' has no face, but he has all the faces. He cannot make a sound, but his soul can make all things know what he is thinking.

He just stood up slightly and moved his arms lightly to stir up the wind and clouds in the universe. If he were not in the Hall of Creation, but in the universe of creation, he could set off a space-time storm that affected hundreds of star fields.

His thought of opening his eyes will fill the universe with divine will, and the boiling light of divine will will spread across the ten directions, burning all the directions he wants to observe.

When thoughts move, all things come into being; when thoughts arise, heaven and earth collapse.

With such divine power, even a strong Hedao man would never be able to be so domineering.


However, even such a powerful and unique god made a whimpering sound that was extremely confused.


He even wanted to curl up into a ball again.

Just like all newly born babies, they have just given birth to souls and wisdom, and have begun to come into contact with the divine creation of this world. They are afraid of this strange and terrifying ruthless world.

——How terrible.

Feel the touch, the feeling of the cold air touching your skin for the first time, it's almost as painful as being cut with a knife blade.

——How terrible.

The feeling of perceiving the outside world and seeing many completely unfamiliar and incomprehensible things is as frightening as seeing countless indescribable weirdness.

——How sad.

Realize the heart and soul, the hearts surrounding you, some are expecting, some are scrutinizing, some are feeling pity, some are meaningless, some are waiting and watching...but none of them is loving.

——How enviable, deplorable, pitiful and lovely.

Gods created by God are just like man-made people. The things they create are inherently meaningful. It is impossible to search for them all their lives and end up with no answers. As long as they are born, they will have a future to pursue.

However, if this meaning is eliminated, what is the need for His existence? If the purpose of creation is only for a meaning, how is such a life different from a tool?

However, even so, He still wants to live, because life is not owned by Him, not even existence. It is something shaped and given by Him.

Of course the God of Divine Creation must live.

After all, why not? It's that simple and pure.


After the initial fear, he quickly understood his current situation from many Hedao inheritances.

He seemed to understand something.

Under the gaze of the five Hedao experts, the only god hesitated at first, but finally took a step forward decisively.

Immediately, five colors of light leaped into the sky, shattering the restraints of the Founding Hall, interweaving endless Dao rhymes in the realm of skylight, and finally condensing into a pure white light and shadow scroll, which seemed to be engraved with various Dao inscriptions, but if you look closely, It was impossible to see clearly.

Those who are destined to observe it can see the changes of heaven and earth, the replacement of mountains and rivers, and this blank space can evolve into endless virtual images. It can be seen that the sea has changed, the world has changed, civilization has become more complicated, and the life and death of all living beings are uncertain.

The vision of Hedao - the wordless heavenly book.

And the next moment, before the wordless heavenly book dimmed, another hymn sounded like a soft chant. It is impossible to describe how the sound of heaven and earth played by musical instruments can be transmitted into the heart of any living being, evoking endless inspiration and charm. , but if you listen carefully, you will get nothing. In fact, it is a song of the great road where there is nothing if there is no desire, and nothing if you seek.

The Vision of Hedao - The Holy Sound of the Great Dao.

Soon, before the hymn gradually faded away, a new vision was born.

This time, you can see brilliant ripples rolling around the surrounding space and time. These ripples stir up time and space, giving birth to many bubbles of the world. In each bubble, there seem to be endless beings destroyed and reborn, and endless civilizations struggling to survive, but all of this is... Like the moon in the water, its shadow is caught in the bubble, trying to reach it but not reaching it, trying to save it but to no avail.

The vision of Hedao - the bubbles in all realms.

In the blink of an eye, another Hedao, a powerful being that could not even be described as Hedao, was born in the world of creation.

The God of Divine Creation raised his head. He didn't know which direction he should look, or what he was going to do next.

An indescribable impulse filled his heart. The feeling was extremely hot, completely opposite to the cold and biting universe that his body felt.

The only god knew that something was screaming in his chest, but because it was difficult to describe and didn't know how to express it, he could only pretend not to notice it and let it go.


The violent heartbeat vibration even caused space and time to ring together, like a bell, resounding throughout the entire small universe.

【That's it...that's it! 】

Duska stared at this scene. He just stared worriedly at first, but then, he clenched his fists, and even couldn't help it, and shouted with burning eyes: "Yes, that's it!" 】

[I succeeded - He is what I want, this is the only God, our supreme creation! 】

[Integrating all Tao without any flaws or conflicts, just like the universe, it is endlessly tolerant... This is how the God of Tao should be! 】

When the only god raised his head and let out a silent roar towards the vast universe.

The God who created the Dao also raised his head at the same time and let out a hearty laugh that shook the universe: [A creature more powerful than Hedao, better than the creation armed by Hedao - finally, the supreme truth is taking shape in our hands! 】

【Such a supreme creation and creation! 】

at the same time.

The other side of time and space.

cosmic origin.

The invisible will of the universe returned to its lair, looking unchanging but thoughtful.

【how? 】

However, just as the will of the universe was meditating, such a voice sounded, interrupting his thoughts: [I can sense that you have returned without success... Although it is an unfamiliar Hedao breath, no, it has a faint hint of that. The aura of two old trees... But in the final analysis, they are just juniors who have just achieved harmony]

Although Kara, the master of Yuhengdao, was imprisoned by the shackles of the avenue, he seemed to be very energetic. He observed the state of the aura lingering on the will of the universe and couldn't help but joked: "You actually failed at such a junior?" The will of the universe, how about you let me go and take back your full strength, so that you can go back and regain your position? 】

【Shut up】

For Kara who interrupted his thoughts, the will of the universe obviously had no good temper. He looked coldly at the silver-white crystal humanoid and said in a bad tone: [You are said to be a junior, but in fact, your strength is not weak at all. You are so If the guy who has been imprisoned by me for tens of thousands of years is released, he may be hung up and beaten by the other party. I am just testing it. Since I can know the general level of the other party through this, what do I have to lose?】

Saying this, the thinking of the will of the universe soon began to be confused: [I am just wondering, is there really a saying in the world that it is also a way to help others when someone suffers a loss? The original Zhu Zhou kept saying that he wanted to help me, and his thoughts were true, so why did he try so hard to attack me...]

In the final analysis, the will of the universe is not the real sentient being in this world.

Faced with Su Zhou's every move, which even a human spirit would find difficult to understand, it was normal for him to be confused about the other party's logic and actions.

He even had doubts himself: "But the way of heaven is like this - one drink and one peck, it is the iron law of all things. The ten gods created today's results and created my existence, then I will naturally be their retribution and disaster. We should also rebuild the cosmic era and end the current troubled times]

[Is this really wrong? No matter how you think about it, it’s natural]

[Hey, the will of the universe]

In this regard, Kara naturally had something to say. The Yu Heng Dao He Dao shook his head slightly. He sat upright between the infinite shackles, showing the solemn appearance of a strong He Dao, and replied seriously: "You are me, etc." The retribution of the Ten Heavenly Gods is indeed true...but no one says that there is no retribution without retribution, right? 】

[Everything is in balance. You may indeed have reason to destroy the Ten Heavens God System, but the cause and effect of destroying the Ten Heaven God System and destroying the current order of the universe will naturally be inherited by other beings, and then retribution will be given to you]

[This original candle day comes from the other side of the world, and may be the balance in the large multiverse. Every drink and peck you have is destined by a higher ‘heaven’]

What Kara said was true. He sincerely expressed his views on the will of the universe.

And the will of the universe is naturally very aware of this matter.

But He was still thinking.

Then give up.

【That's it】

As if there were invisible gods lowering their eyes, the will of the universe sighed, and then looked in the direction of the realm of sky light: [In the final analysis, those Hedao gods have already begun their final plan... It seems that they were also stimulated by the original candle day, otherwise , they should be more cautious]

[Eternally Moving Star God, it’s time to activate it]

For some reason, he suddenly thought of a common saying in the mortal world.

——In a fish tank full of lifeless sardines, putting a catfish that is full of vitality and tossing around will make the fish tense up, release the true vitality of life, and show a power that is far better than in the comfortable era.

Obviously, the original Zhu Zhou was the catfish, and the gods of the world of creation, and even himself, were the group of stimulated sardines.


Suddenly, the will of the universe laughed, and he seemed to be a little emotional: [Indeed, after the original candle day, the plan has indeed changed a lot]

[But...this kind of tension, fear, worry, and even this feeling the feeling of life? 】

【Is this what living is? 】

Kara closed her eyes, and he could hear the will of the universe talking to himself without deliberately lowering his voice.

Different from the way he could open a river just by talking, at this moment he didn't say a word, but allowed the will of the universe to express its emotions.

However, there was an undisguised smile on the corner of this Hedao's mouth.

——Sometimes, the fish seem lifeless, maybe not because of the lack of threats... because in this seemingly endless fish tank, every fish is a threat to another fish.

Maybe they are not really lazy, but because of mutual checks and balances, they are forced to stay where they are, unable to move.

At this time, put in a catfish, a big catfish that is free and can move as it pleases, freely showing its own right and its own way, and showing all the fish in the fish tank the world outside the fish tank.

That's not a fish.

【That's a hammer】

Thinking silently in her heart, Kara smiled: [That is the hammer that breaks the fish tank and allows the fish to cross the transparent barrier and see the sea again]

[Hammer-like catfish, your arrival may be the result of us and the Ten Heavenly Gods coming to judge after making many mistakes, or you may be the reviewer of the many atrocities of the will of the universe... But no matter what, your appearance, It also makes the dead fish pond come alive again]

[Come on] He raised his head and said to the will of the universe on the other side, which made the will that was originally meditating a little confused: [What? 】

[You told me to come on? 】

【how? 】 And Kara said freely, he smiled, with a relaxed expression: "After all, compared to you, I am still less able to deal with those old guys who have been fighting for millions of years - when I see them being defeated, I will Happy】

[In this case, why is it strange that I tell you to go for it? 】

[Uh...] I was stifled by this blessing. After hesitating for a long time, the will of the universe said one word intermittently: [Thank you... Thank you...]

Kara smiled even wider.

So, after a while.

The stars in the sky shine with divine light.

The endless cosmic spiritual veins shone and finally converged into the image of an endlessly circling snake.

The silver-white stream of light shines along this vein, passing through many stars and galaxies in an instant, and finally condenses in the eyes of the snake, like a finishing touch, making the entire universe snake appear alive.

The endless majestic power covers the sky and the earth. Although it is not complete, it already shows vast coercion.

Confronting each other with the many visions that were faintly rotating on the other side of time and space.

This is a peaceful time.

If you want to ask the sentient beings in the world of creation how they view the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of the rule of the gods, most people will give such an answer after thinking for a while.

The stars rotate peacefully. The aftermath of the Final Catastrophe millions of years ago has long faded into the distant past. No one can recall the roar of the will of the universe that was almost in despair and hatred. After all, the memory of all living beings is short, and it does not take decades. In a few months, as the news diverts attention and new hot news is released, many emotions and news that could have shocked people will be forgotten, not to mention that even civilizations can be destroyed and reborn over and over in millions of years. Ten long times?

This is an era that is finally starting to work.

For the mortals in the Abyss Dao territory, this is their true feeling. Over the past few hundred years, many of the Dark Abyss Dao heavy groups have been continuously transferred to the Moluo Heaven. They all vaguely felt that the original peace would eventually pass, and the distant deeds written in history books and ancient books of gods began to gradually change. It is so clear that while people are nervous and looking forward to it, they also have a sense of mission to witness history.

This is a conflict that is always difficult to distinguish between right and wrong.

Compared with the tense and delicate relationship between the Ten Heavenly Gods, the mortal camp in the entire Creation World has never had anything to say about the so-called dispute between the great avenues. People in many star regions are not even restricted from immigrating. It doesn't matter if an ordinary person wants to live on Anyuan Road this year, Yuheng Road next year, and Nirvana Road the year after that. As long as he wants to, with this wealth, they are free to do whatever they want.

On the Internet, discussions on the respective avenues of the Ten Heavenly Gods have never reached a high or low level for millions of years.

Until now, even the most tireless of all living beings have given up on extracting even the slightest sweetness from the sugarcane bagasse chewed by God knows how many Jingzhao people. Just because they are mortals, they may know better than the gods. , the ten gods are all correct, so if all living beings have no feelings in their hearts, there is no need to choose a side to 'believe in'. They can show the thunderbolt method of 'Destiny Path' to their enemies, and the 'Nirvana Path' to their relatives and friends. Endless mercy, believe in whatever you need.

After all, the Ten Heavenly Gods have always existed for the sake of all living beings. Belief or not is not the main purpose at all. What is important is that their correctness can indeed provide 'convenience' to all living beings.

Therefore, unlike the gods who want to prove that they are right, all sentient beings in the entire universe of creation have an "indifferent" mentality towards all disputes.

Who wins and who loses, and what’s the point?

The days go by the same, the sun still rises as usual, ordinary people without extraordinary need three meals a day, rest when they are tired, and sleep when they are sleepy.

It doesn’t cost money anyway, whether you believe it or not, even if you believe it, it’s the same thing.

However, all this is just wishful thinking in peacetime.

Because the existence of a strong person is enough to shake the universe, stir up the whirlpool, and cause chaos between heaven and earth, and conflicts and disputes arise without cause.

When the long-dormant Hedao experts and Hedao armed forces took action one after another, singing the music of the Dao, many mortals who originally believed that the dispute between gods and gods had nothing to do with mortals, at this moment, because it can affect the celestial phenomena of the universe, overturn the stars, and the sea of ​​stars. The power of the tide and feeling 'fear'.

Yes...the war of the gods does not interfere with mortals, it is just the mercy of the gods.

If the Hedao experts really start fighting in the universe, then even if they deliberately choose an uninhabited star field to fight, the aftermath of their battle in the future may be able to destroy many surrounding galaxies.

Since all living beings are members of the universe, all living beings are also the successors of the great path held by the gods... Since all living beings are also part of the world of creation.

Then, in this battle of great avenues, it is absolutely impossible to stay out of it.

Yin and Bai are now standing on the atmosphere of a planet on the edge of the star field of the All-Seeing Burial Ground. The siblings, who have inherited the way of the sacred tree, quietly stare at the distant sun slowly rotating to the corresponding direction from the other end of the starry sky, releasing golden waves all over the sky. The red radiance looks hot and sacred.

This kind of brilliance has nurtured a total of 4.5 billion people on the garden planet under the two of them, as well as a complete and prosperous ecosystem - this is only one-billionth of the energy of this star, which is enough to create Such flourishing civilization and nature.

Rather than being a powerful Hedao expert, just a creator machine god has many ways to destroy a star of this level and absorb its energy.

There is even no need for a creator machine god.

As long as the two of them break through the realm of the Mechanical God and root themselves on the star, they can strengthen themselves and at the same time make the star continue to dim, until it eventually goes out and turns into a star that is not even a normal star. A brown dwarf.

This is the world of extraordinary beings.

All it takes is one magical power, one bloodline, one method, one thought and impulse, to stir up the future of billions or even tens of billions of mortals and drastically change their destinies, whether they are life or death. , can be easily decided.

Too simple, too fragile.

Civilizations on a planet...their stability, peace, relaxation and happiness are as fragile as dreams.

"If you are not careful, evil thoughts are born in your heart... It really only takes one accident and you forget about 'love', forget about 'responsibility' and the 'connection' between all living beings."

Whispering to herself, Yin, the elder sister, closed her eyes and sighed: "All life is in ruins, civilization is destroyed, and extraordinary people become immortal beasts... This is the moment when they become a 'monster'."

"It's so scary...sister..."

As the younger brother, Bai Huai crossed his arms in front of his chest. He seemed to have thought of some terrible possibility, and his petite body trembled: "It's like, we were like that at the beginning... we just had such a humble wish to live, It can be easily denied by those big figures in the imperial capital."

"Although we can go back now and easily decide the future of those big shots... But I don't feel excited or happy."

The toddler did not continue.

Because he felt a sadness that was difficult to describe in words.

——The happiness of all living beings, in the eyes of extraordinary beings with great power, is as fragile as a dream.

But it is also as beautiful as a dream.

In order to protect such a beautiful, gorgeous, and extremely fragile dream, you strong people intend to choose the right path to protect it, and make more and more dreams stronger and stronger. The solid ones are not like dreams, but like someone. Movies and books that are hard to change.

They even hope that this dream can transcend and become a reality that 'transcends' all illusions.

They hope that such existences can become real 'people' like themselves.

Of course, it's not just mortals who are actually aware of the illusion of their own happiness.

Even powerful extraordinary beings, even gods, can easily understand that no matter how much they seem to rule all living beings, no matter how much they seem to be transcendent, but for those powerful ones who can knead the avenue of the universe, and even achieve harmony. For readers, what is the difference between their own existence and beliefs and dust?

Unless... following the right path.

In this way, whether it is life or death, success or failure, an individual's life will be full of meaning - his life will become a signpost for the future, and his death will become the cornerstone of the future.

This is why, even if they are powerful enough to create things, open the sky, or even create the universe, the gods still believe in those ethereal truths and those indescribable dreams.

Of course, in the final analysis, these are just dreams that many people dare not dream of.

"Do you feel it, brother?"

Suddenly, the green-haired girl who was staring at the stars in the distance suddenly changed her expression. She raised her head with some joy and looked around the void not far away: "The avenue is jumping for's coming!"

"The Lord is coming!"

"Ah - um!" The young child also showed joyful eyes. He followed his sister's lead in a daze and looked around the universe and the sea of ​​stars: "Uncle... Big brother is coming!"

At this moment, in the vacuum of the universe that is extremely close to this planet, there are blue-purple ripples overflowing. These ripples are an endless torrent of time and space, and many world bubbles are surging and breaking on them, and they are born and destroyed.

Then, the ripples condensed into a door. Before the door was opened, there was a hymn lingering in the galaxy, which seemed to be a praise and a sigh. Although the universe was silent, it resounded through the soul.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and a young man with black hair stepped out. As soon as he appeared, the originally dark universe seemed to be illuminated, just like the sun rising on the planet, so the light in the world shines on all things, and the youth's spirit The light shines on the stars, and the world is bright.

In fact, this is just the beginning.

If we analyze and observe carefully, even if it is only half a bucket of water, Yin and Bai will probably continue to see many strange phenomena such as 'time is uncertain', 'epoch rotation', 'walking in the abyss', and 'twilight'.

Chaos, reincarnation, exploration, nothingness... The traces of many great avenues are engraved on his body, so that the mere appearance of the relaxed-looking young man caused sudden ripples in the originally peaceful universe of the Creation World.

"It's time to start, Yin and Bai."

At this time, the siblings could hear the young man's peaceful voice: "Go ahead - sow the seeds I gave you before in the galaxy... The inheritance of the sacred tree should not be cut off in this world."

"Fortunately, I am a professional tree farmer, otherwise, it might really take some effort."

"Yes, Lord!"

Although he didn't understand what Su Zhou meant by saying he was a professional tree farmer, the young Bai stared at Su Zhou's voice seriously. The boy couldn't control his curiosity and asked timidly: "It's just Lord." ...What are you going to do?”

"Me?" Su Zhou looked at the little boy and smiled softly. The powerful man who had already joined the Tao whispered to himself: "Of course I am walking around... Let me tell you, in addition to the original correct choices, there are also You can try the new options I provide again.”

"I believe that my choice will not be worse than other choices. If I use it temporarily, maybe there will be new surprises?"

Saying this, the black-haired young man arranged his hair, turned his head, and then stepped forward with a calm face, towards other galaxies in distant time and space.

At this moment, Su Zhou, who had achieved Hedao, finally began to dream a dream of his own in this dream-like multiverse, in this original world, in this original big dream.

This dream may not be wonderful, it may not be detailed, it may not have many possibilities, it may not have many opportunities, it may not look perfect, it may not seem to have a destined road to success, it may not be full of curious exploration, and it may not have peace in nothingness.

There may not be too many... but it always makes people curious. It seems that embarking on this road can give yourself a new possibility.

Just get better.

Just like Su Zhou himself, stepping forward.

He walked firmly and never hesitated or thought at all. The young man always believed that his path was correct.

Therefore, it needs to be spread widely and announced to the stars and the world.

——The gods take steps, patrol the heaven and earth, wander the stars and rivers, and spread their ways widely.

——The meaning is to preach.

——The power is surveying the sky!

The world of creation, one million and two hundred and seventy thousand years after the first final battle.

In this turbulent primitive world, candlelight emerges from the earth, patrolling the stars, the Milky Way, and the boundless universe.

Those who are strong in harmony are the original candles.

Su Zhou, adhering to the way of Tianyan, patrolled the sky!

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