Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 837 The Sun Tree Man Plants Trees Again (Small Chapter)

[The so-called powerful]

"You guys, it seems like you really don't like to listen to other people's reasoning."

In the small world where many Hedao people were meeting together, after Su Zhou finished speaking, he stood up from his chair and sighed: "Obviously I think my eloquence is very good."

When he stood up, the void darkness that originally pervaded the entire small world was naturally illuminated by a wisp of blue-purple flames, filling all directions, a scorching burning earth with scarlet flames and dust flying around, with the young man's feet as the starting point. The roots slowly spread in all directions.

Under the stunned gazes of all the people present, Su Zhou stretched out his hand, and a long knife that had burned into red gold appeared out of thin air in his palm, with liquid aura like blood dripping from the edge of the blade.

His pronouncements can be heard.

"But it seems that my skills are better."

The young man holding the knife stepped forward, and the round table originally used for discussion burned.

On the surface, his strength is only on par with those of the others present, but his momentum completely overwhelms everyone.

[What exactly is the so-called powerful?]

Naturally, everyone present would not think Su Zhou's threat was something worth being too afraid of.

The fifteen powerful Hedao masters are here. Even if they can't really join forces to fight against the enemy, they are all plotting against each other. However, dealing with the two Hedao masters, Su Zhou and Taishi Shengzun, makes them want to What stupid codes and laws are prescribed have no effect, but it is easy.

For these two guys who somehow dared to set rules for them, everyone in Hedao felt ridiculous.

In the past, those who were strong in Hedao were beyond heaven and earth. All rules, all morals, and all laws had nothing to do with them. They were the ones who established order and created the sky. How could they be interfered with by the laws of the world?

They are so powerful that all 'rules' are invalid for them. Even the cosmological constants can be changed at will, not to mention everything in the world?

Therefore, they are free and do whatever they want.

However, now, there are people who want to restrain the free and powerful Hedao people in the past, so that they can no longer be as 'free' as they used to be.

be opposed to. must be opposed.

——Because, if they do not object, their definition of "powerful" will be deviated, and their own way will not be able to continue to be implemented!

God Qingsong is the most determined one among them.

‘How can a strong and powerful person allow others to rub him around and be manipulated by others? ! ’

These were the words he declared to Su Zhou, roaring loudly as he raised the sword and moved forward. He also drew the sword from his waist, and the clear sword light like the Milky Way instantly broke through the scorching heat that followed the young man.

But in fact, in the heart of this armor-clad god general, the reason why he said these words was not anger, but fear.

He sensed a hint of crisis.

——That is the uneasiness that ‘freedom’ is being interfered with.

If the original Zhu Zhou really succeeded in establishing a law of harmony to restrain all powerful people, wouldn't it mean that they could only do beneficial things to all things?

Aren't they unable to deal with all the living beings in their own world at will? They can only guide those little people, instead of directly interfering with their civilization process and destroying their prosperous world?

If this is really the case, even if they face those humans who insult themselves, forget themselves, slander themselves, disrespect themselves, or even despise themselves, they cannot throw them into hell and cut them into pieces with a thousand swords. They can only cut them into pieces. Were they arrested, criticized and educated?

In this case, where is the dignity of a strong Hedao man? ! You must know that when everything in the world recites the name of Hedao, strong Hedao people will listen. Every insult is equivalent to pointing at their noses and scolding them!

I absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen - this is what the Lord has in mind.

Putting it this way, is this God Qingsong an evil god who treats the people of his world very cruelly and takes pleasure in torturing all living beings? Otherwise, how could He react so strongly?

After all, as long as his whole life is not oppressed to the point where he cannot even dream, Zhu Zhou will not take action.

If he is dissatisfied with such a request, he must be the ultimate evil god who doesn't even want sentient beings to do it in his dreams.

But it happens not to be.

On the contrary, God Qingsong grew up from being a general in the human world, conquering and fighting all the way to the way of harmony, and achieved the way of "capturing" openly and honestly.

The way is that as long as you defeat the enemy, you can get corresponding feedback from the defeated enemy, and even as long as you cause damage to the enemy, you can recover part of your own injuries... This way is a majestic and righteous way, derived from the 'Way of Heaven' "The principle of making up for the deficiency when there is excess loss; the principle of human beings, the principle of making up for the deficiency when there is more than loss", is the fundamental way of all things in the world.

Evil god? Not really. God Qingsong is now just wandering around. He has not established a heaven, nor has he built a divine realm. He just sits high outside the ninth level of his own universe, overlooking the world, quietly watching the reincarnation of all things, and passing the boring time.

He even occasionally takes action to point out some people he admires, who really can't stand it, and whose lives are too miserable, and gives them his own divine power to seize the power of those who hurt him and change their destiny.

However, from the person who was taken away to the person who takes away others, this transformation will inevitably turn the dragon-slaying warrior into a dragon... Tired of seeing the 'protagonist' who has obtained his own magical power making greater achievements again and again The tragedy caused more people to repeat this cycle of taking and being taken away. God Qingsong was also tired of this kind of gift, and instead became more and more indifferent, just staring.

In a sense, this Hedao God is actually very close to his own destiny - he is almost completely integrated into his own way and no longer interferes with anything.

But Su Zhou's announcement made this indifferent strong man wake up, and even made him feel angry.

Because, the so-called "powerful" in the mind of God Qingsong means "unrestrained".

He used to be a general of a dynasty. When he resisted the invading foreign tribes and won a complete victory, he received a "retreat" order full of suspicion from his own king.

If you obey, you will give up all the fruits of past victory and let the alien race recuperate; if you resist, you will disrespect the orders and disobey the military orders, which is really disloyal and unjust, and a traitor to the country and trouble the world.

Qingsong stared at the military order, his hair turned gray overnight, and then decided to raise an army and continue to conquer the foreign tribes. After the victory, he heard the news that his family had been uprooted as he expected, and he was labeled a traitor.

This is righteousness, this is the law, this is life bound by heavy moral principles.

——This is weakness.

There is no need to mention what happened after that. It was nothing more than the generals dividing one side, defeating the foreign tribes three times in a row, destroying the previous dynasty, and then pacifying the world - but the man who had already proclaimed the emperor abandoned the throne and was born, went to the mountains to practice, and then He entered the world again when the world was in chaos. He repeated this process, and his practice became strong until now.

A forced order?

Of course God Qingsong will not harm any living beings, and of course he will not take pleasure in the suffering of living beings - Zhu Zhou hopes that all living beings can dream, and he supports this with both hands and feet.

But forcing Him to support Him, otherwise it would be illegal and wrong.

Then He will never allow it, and He will never agree to it.

With such pure and simple thoughts, he took the lead without hesitation and waved a clear and dazzling sword light towards Su Zhou.

[Why do all living beings desire to be strong? 】

The sword light flew forward without any gorgeous special effects, without any dazzling flashes, and without any turbulent shock waves or fluctuations that shook the avenue.

Only a translucent ripple like clear water flew forward, but a careful expert could notice that the color of this clear sword light continued to deepen as it advanced, becoming more and more similar to the color of Su Zhou's body.

This was clearly a magical power that forcibly seized Su Zhou's power, and then used his power as the key to destroy Su Zhou's defense. This sword alone showed how accomplished Qingsong God was in his own way.

However, Su Zhou did not make any defensive gesture, and when the clear sword light approached Su Zhou, it had absorbed too much of Su Zhou's power, and it completely turned into a ball of cyan fire, and then turned into a ball of blue fire. As if it hit an invisible solid wall, it immediately shattered into fragments of sparks that filled the sky.

The endless light spread out, forming a ring-shaped shock wave that traveled in all directions and in turn impacted everything around it.

In the vigilant silence of the Hedao experts, the broken sword light turned into a rain of fire that swept the entire small world. It even broke through the world barrier and headed towards the void of the multiverse - with the Hedao power. With one's eyesight, one can naturally see that this divine light penetrates many turbulent flows of time and space and falls into worlds at the other end of time and space.

There is light falling——

In a remote and dangerous port city in a different world, a merchant's son whose mother died early and whose father was kidnapped by pirates was suddenly illuminated by a ray of light.

He was already in a desperate situation. His father's merchant ship was robbed by pirates. The losses suffered by other collaborators naturally needed to be repaid by their family, especially since there was a noble among them who could not escape at all.

The family's house has long been mortgaged, and their sister has also lost the opportunity to go to a missionary school for further study. If they cannot repay all debts by the end of the year, they themselves will be sold as slaves and suffer bullying.

However, the light fell and gave this young businessman the power to 'seize' - as long as he can 'seize' other people's wealth through trade, then he can gain something that can improve his strength, intelligence, physical strength, agility and even skills. 'Skill Points' for levels! ,

Of course, it must be a legitimate transaction... Making money is also taking, and taking by force is also taking. However, there is an invisible force that restrains the power of this extremely powerful 'way of taking', suppresses its nature, and guides it to converge and stabilize. the right path.

With this power, the confused and desperate young businessman broke through many obstacles, repaid all his debts, and even achieved his wish: he regained a merchant ship of his own.

With this merchant ship and his ever-increasing abilities, the merchant boy took a sailing adventure and traveled around the world with ship after ship of goods - he met many friends and even several adventure partners, traveling around the world. During the voyage, they even cracked the conspiracy of an evil king in a certain place, stopped his evil conquest plan, and ensured peace (and stable trade) in the place.

The boy became stronger and stronger, and gradually became a young man, but what remained unchanged was his heart - even if he became the wealthiest person in the world and the most powerful businessman, he was still thinking about how to Make yourself 'benefit'.

It's not money, but 'skill points' - how can the enjoyment of earthly money compare to extraordinary power?

He made too much money and gathered too many interests, which made many people unable to afford his own goods and unable to carry out righteous 'transactions'... The man who noticed this did not hesitate to abandon his past trading principles. When taking one's own 'extraordinary interests' as the highest criterion, it is also beneficial to the world.

In other words, in order to maximize his share of transactions, he used every method to increase the wealth of everyone in the world - because only legitimate trade can obtain rewards, and all exploitation does not count.

He can only think about how to make people all over the world richer, make the world peaceful and peaceful, and constantly develop technology, so that enough people can trade with him and let him continue to gain skill points.

This is his greed and his generosity.

This is both selfish and selfless.

It is capture and innovation.

As a result, the world is moving towards ‘better’.

There is light falling——

In a wild world, a young tree located near a volcano was illuminated by a ray of light.

This small tree and the surrounding forest are all built in the volcanic ash that was erupted and deposited by the volcano. Because it is really fertile, the volcano has only been dormant for less than a hundred years, and the surrounding area has become a lush forest, filled with many animals, insects and birds. Multiply, some people even settled in the surrounding area, multiplied and prospered.

But this little tree is in critical condition. There happens to be a magic crystal mineral vein beneath the place where it is located, and humans have discovered this mineral vein. Soon they will send a survey team to clean up the surrounding debris, and it will naturally be included in it.

But the coming light not only gives it wisdom, but also gives it power - as long as it continues to seize the power of all living things around it, it will quickly become powerful, just like the grass and trees that offer themselves as food for all living things, all living things will It will eventually become fertilizer for the grass and trees, and this power just speeds it up a little.

However, there is also a force that suppresses this powerful power of seizing... Not only can the little tree not kill other lives to seize its power, but it also needs the permission of other lives to 'seize', or 'borrow' 'A little bit of power.

Although the corpse of dead life will also provide it with power, if the corpse is a life that it deliberately killed for power, it cannot absorb it.

As for standards? Does killing a person in self-defense count as a normal death? Does it count if you deliberately lure others to attack you and kill you in self-defense in order to gain power...

Free heart certificate.

The little tree is naturally not like a human being. It is very simple. Since it can only be obtained by making other beings willing, it will pay first and then 'take' - it uses the power of light to forcibly condense a fruit, which is A spiritual fruit.

A wild boar smelled the pure aroma, and was willing to help the little tree in order to eat the fruit. The two reached a contract, so the wild boar not only lent part of its power to the little tree, but also found good spiritual soil for the little tree. and the mutilated corpses of other beasts.

So repeated, so reincarnated.

The little tree grows rapidly.

It uses its increasingly large root system to reshape the surrounding land structure, draw out surrounding springs and rivers, and nourish the surrounding vegetation. It also uses its own power to reconstruct the ecological structure of the forests and nurture the most life in the most reasonable way.

It blooms, allowing many rare insects to thrive; it bears fruit, filling the stomachs of many carnivorous beasts; its leaves and long hanging beards are rich in nutrients, and any herbivorous beast likes them; its branches are It is so tall that it can even solidify the magic power in the world and turn this place into a rare magical secret realm.

The huge sacred tree stands on the side of the Bundagur volcano, and even the most powerful magisters and outstanding druids cannot know its secrets.

Some people say that this is the birth of the magic crystal mine, while others say that this is a miraculous mutation.

But none of this can explain such a thing.

With the growth of the sacred tree, it would have erupted once every few decades. The volcanic eruption that destroyed the entire northern ecology of the kingdom has not happened for a long, long time. According to the magician, it was the sacred tree that absorbed the power of the volcanic eruption. The north, which was originally fertile but not inhabited by many people, became full of fireworks.

A sect that worships the sacred tree has appeared, and many druids have spontaneously gone to protect this miracle tree.

Yes... this is not taking at all, the trees are just giving, just giving.


The entire forest, the entire volcano, even the entire kingdom, and even the entire world in the future, have been 'captured' by it and will become part of the 'power' of the sacred tree.

——Those who steal hooks will be punished.

——The prince who steals the country.

——Those who steal heaven and earth are saints.

The legend of the Holy Tree is far from over.

The light continues to shine.

God Qingsong's attack against Su Zhou contained the essence of his power, but it was shattered by the more powerful power of innovation, turning into endless brilliance and scattered throughout the multiverse, creating countless favored creatures.

However, as all the Hedao experts have seen - the restrained 'seize' has lost a lot of convenient power, but for some reason, it is more beneficial to all living beings, and it has become stronger.

Obviously the essence is still to capture, but the final outcome shows 'innovation'.

Relying on the path of God Qingsong, countless seeds of 'innovation' are blooming in the multiverse - if God Qingsong does not stop it, even his own mother world, the Hedao world, may suffer from such a situation. , 'invaded' by innovation.

——Zhu Zhou, so terrifying!

The skill of playing with the avenue in this way made them shudder.

[The so-called power is the power to show one's own will]

[Whether it is the enemy's rules, or the enemy's world, whether you are constrained or not, or you are the constraint itself - you can show your will in any situation and at any time]

【This is how you are powerful】


Su Zhou waved the Blade of Annihilation in his hand, held it upright in front of his chest, and stared at the many avenue marks slowly flowing down from it.

Then he raised his head and looked to the other side with wide eyes, but said nothing. God Qingsong seemed to be frozen in place, lost in shocking contemplation: "If you want to take away my power, then I will give you my power - but this result is still my victory."

"If you can't figure out the reason why your attack failed, if you can't figure out why the way to seize can also bring happiness to all living beings... it only means that you have never restrained yourself, so you can't get true 'freedom'."

The young man shook his head slightly: "Your power can completely make all living beings better, but you have never considered this possibility."

"You cut me with a knife, and I will cut you with a knife. We don't owe each other."

As he said this, he was no longer staring at the silent God Qingsong.

Yuan Zhu Zhou looked around at all the Hedao people around him and grinned: "Where are you?"

"Do you also want to attack me, show me your 'will and willfulness', and prove your 'power'?"

Su Zhou laughed and said, on the embers of endless fire and ashes, he raised the other hand that was not holding the knife, palm facing up, and gave everyone a provocative hook.

"Then come."

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