Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 838 The Tauren can also be Zhu Zhou (Small Chapter)

Can you defeat several strong men of the same level by yourself?

If it's a wheel battle, it's really hard to say. After all, many times it doesn't take 300 rounds to decide the outcome. You only need to find a flaw to end a battle. Not only does it not consume too much physical energy, but it also Can improve the feel.

But if they attack at the same time, it will be different.

For human fighters alone, if they want to defeat three fighters of the same weight and physique who work together, even if there is an absolute gap in skills, they are very likely to be defeated - as long as the opponent is not afraid of death, If you are willing to take the blow, you can use your body to seal his actions and win.

But it cannot be said that the fighter alone has no chance of winning...

As long as you can distance yourself, use the fastest time to defeat the enemies one by one, and turn the siege into a separate fight, you can win.

The so-called high-level strength means that it is high and has no boundaries. This is what it means.

There have also been instances on ancient battlefields where a strong military commander paired with a good horse could dominate an army ten times his own, entering and exiting seven times... This is the importance of mobility. .

Running and fighting at the same time can indeed work wonders.


If we say that a strong man stands still and accepts the simultaneous attacks of more than a dozen strong men of the same level, he does not dodge or dodge.

In this case, can he win?

This is indeed a problem.

"excuse me."

At this moment, Su Zhou stepped forward, and he stretched out his hand to ask Saint Taishi, who was planning to move forward with him to fight against other Hedao strongmen, to stand back.

【Huh? 】

Immediately, the Taoist showed a surprised expression, and all the Taoists present seemed to be insulted.

【What do you mean? 】

[Original Zhu Zhou, do you really plan to use your own power to become our enemy? 】


For a moment, noisy sounds sounded in the small world.

Of course they will be shocked.

The situations faced by one person and two people facing siege are very different. One person may be unable to deal with several people of the same level, but two people rely on each other and can even withstand the siege of more than a dozen people without losing. They guard each other's blind spots, and the effect is that one plus one is greater than two.

At that time, perhaps we could only rely on exhausting our physical strength to bring him down.

[Zhu Zhou, what are you...]

Taishi Shengzun is also considered a strong person among many Hedao. If he joins forces with Su Zhou, it will indeed make other Hedao extremely difficult... But the young man's actions made him confused: [Everyone present is a strong person. , even if you have dozens of Hedao incarnations than us, they are still enough to defeat you before summoning those Hedao incarnations! 】

【The risk is too great! 】

"Don't worry." The young man replied calmly: "The right one will never lose."


How can this be?

Although he said so and thought so, Saint Taishi had no intention of going against Su Zhou's will.

Su Zhou is indeed a more correct and powerful person than him. His current confusion may be just because he cannot understand Su Zhou's power.

So, does Su Zhou really intend to fight against them on his own?

the answer is negative.

At this moment, the powerful Hedao warriors headed by God Qingsong had already raised their magical weapons and stepped forward to meet Su Zhou, who also raised his magical sword.

On the verge of the catastrophe of transformation, nothing in the world is irritating to God Qingsong. Only Su Zhou's judgment and evaluation of his path can make this veteran Hedao feel humiliated and make him feel angry - —After that, Su Zhou showed no fear towards them joining forces, and even his contempt was not that important. After all, if it was him who was questioned about his own way, he would definitely challenge it without hesitation. Everyone present.

This is the pride of Hedao and their arrogance.

The fifteen Hedao experts pressed forward together, and even the invisible aura turned into a reality that could replace the universe. In the void, the tiny world originally selected as the meeting site suddenly shone brightly, its brightness even It briefly transcended the entire sealed world and turned into a new star shining brightly in the turbulence of time and space.

Each new avenue essentially represents a new 'cosmic structure'. After all, for a completely self-consistent universe, it is difficult to add a new avenue while being perfectly compatible with everything in the past. Even if Hedao cannot do it at the beginning, every old Hedao has the potential to create a universe.

Fifteen veteran Hedao exerted their power at this moment, and countless laws and principles were intertwined. Many runes and auras reflected the stars in the world. The majestic power accumulated in their Hedao world poured out from their bodies at this moment. , almost 'infinite' power is surging.

Although Hedao has not touched the limit of infinity and cannot be considered a torrent, it can accumulate its own power infinitely... Within a certain period of time, even if they claim to have infinite power, it is not wrong.

Facing fifteen powerful enemies, Su Zhou just raised his sword.

【Arrogant! 】 God Qingsong uttered these two words briefly. With his experience and strength, he could naturally see that Su Zhou's strength and will, and even the strength of the avenue were half as good as his own - but he naturally also It can be seen how short Su Zhou's true age is, and it can also be inferred that Su Zhou's savings are far less powerful than those of them, veteran Hedao.

A bright future? More than that, to be fair, Qingsong Shenzun believed that Su Zhou could definitely achieve the Great Flood. In the future, it would be easy to surpass a powerful Hedao like him who was about to transform into a Tao.

But that is the future, and the so-called promising future requires time.

But now, he doesn't have time.

Because He has attacked.

Swinging out a sword, Lord Qingsong devoted all his strength to this attack.

The dark void immediately lit up with a sword light that could pierce through the world. It broke through the turbulence and pierced directly to where Su Zhou was. Wherever the sword passed, time and space were being reversed, and all energy and matter were being reversed. It's like going back in time, and then blending into that sword, as if that sword is the source of all things, the beginning and end of all cause and effect.

The so-called seizure is nothing more than the law of nature. Life with low entropy plunders other low-entropy beings to maintain their own low-entropy state. When entropy no longer transfers and there is no more seizure in the world, it will be the heat death of the universe and the end of all things.

To say that one sword can open the sky is to underestimate this sword. This strike by God Qingsong explained the objective laws of many different worlds and revealed the similarities among many universes with different avenues and constants - He has almost touched it. The edge of the torrent.

As soon as the sword comes out, many phantoms of the world will follow it, bringing with it the aura of overturning all realms and crushing all things.

But Su Zhou was unmoved. He just showed a calm smile, then raised the Blade of Destruction and blocked the sword with the most ordinary 'horizontal sword stance'.

The blade of the Blade of Destruction shone with a crystal halo, and the magic sword that held Su Zhou's personal space and the power of his avenue was like an entire solid world, blocking the attack of Lord Qingsong, and both sides were shattered. The forces of the world conflict and annihilate in the most microscopic realm, eroding and eroding each other, and then are reflected in the grandest multiverse void.

blocked? Such thoughts flashed through the mind of God Qingsong, but he didn't take it seriously. Rather, he blocked it just in time. He knew that if he wanted to win, he had to drag Su Zhou into a competition of hard power, and This kind of frontal blocking happens to be the best channel to compare hard power.

But when this Hedao strongman wanted to continue to exert his strength and use his deep accumulation to force Su Zhou to retreat, exposing his flaws and giving other Hedao strongmen a chance.

An accident happened.

A spear suddenly appeared in Su Zhou's right hand. The young man who was supposed to have no remaining strength suddenly summoned his second magic weapon. He quickly raised the spear and pierced the chest of God Qingsong, and then broke out. , bringing up a straight line, scarlet light mist and runes suddenly poured out from the wound of this powerful Hedao man like rising clouds, reflecting the shocked expression of the other party and the thoughts that flashed in his heart. idea.

[How can He still have some energy left? 】

【That is? ! 】

God Emperor Tianyi, who was holding the formation on the other side, also opened his eyes wide. He could sense the power of the sacred tree from the spear that was far superior to his own purity.

The halo of the World Tree's spear is not bright, it can even be called dim - even with the year-round warmth of the Wisdom Tree and Su Zhou's personal space, this magic weapon is still inferior to the Blade of Destruction, but After all, it is a divine weapon blessed by the two sacred trees. Its greatest power lies in its 'eternal existence and eternal continuation'. It can be said to be indestructible. Even if it is destroyed by unimaginable existence, it will die and be reborn.

However, now that Su Zhou has achieved Hedao, it is impossible for anyone in the Hedao realm to be able to destroy it. The simple and smooth Shenmu Spear was easily withdrawn, bringing up a cloud of light mist, causing Qingsong Shenzun to stop. He fired the attack in his hand and staggered back - but he still hadn't figured out why Su Zhou suddenly had an extra strength, which allowed him to still have enough energy to launch a second attack when he was confronting him.

This injury is not serious...but it cannot be restored to full condition immediately. What's more, if the reason is not found, it will only be the second time he is seriously injured and returns.

Even other Hedao experts were shocked by Su Zhou's sudden burst of power and stopped their attacks.

[Why, I felt that part of Qingsong's power suddenly turned towards the original Zhu Zhou? 】

[What is the principle of this? ! 】

"Do you really think that you are the masters of the world?"

Su Zhou lowered the Blade of Destruction, carried the World Tree spear behind his back, and looked around. The young man's question in a calm tone was so powerful that the surrounding void was shaking because of it, and the aftermath of his fight with God Qingsong was sweeping away the uninhabited world around him, making every small world shine brightly. Therefore it sways dimly.

"Do you really think that you are the controller of the universe?"

His inquiry was like saying, 'The people who are having lunch now must be having lunch,' or 'The last time I read your book was the last time. There was an emotion in my heart that was more absurd than absurd - they were originally the masters of the world, the controllers of the universe, and every Hedao could even be said to be a person who recreated the universe.

Yuan Zhuzhou himself was also a member of the Taoist movement, so how could he say such a thing?

However, they saw Su Zhou raise his index finger and shake it.

"It can't be done."

"The universe you live in doesn't think so."

The other Hedao experts couldn't understand Su Zhou's words for a while.

But God Qingsong, who was covering the wound, looked at Su Zhou.

He could see that there was no malice, no hostility, and no ripples in the eyes that looked at him, just like a saint looking at the heaven and earth, just a pure gaze.

Not even staring at myself.

Instead, gaze at the entire world and universe behind you.


-He felt it.

——The world of Hedao behind him...the world where he was born is using his own power as an intermediary to accept the path of the original Zhu Zhou!

Even, he was elated and rejoiced because of it!

[How is that possible...] Lord Qingsong couldn't help but murmur.

With this feeling, even Qingsong, who was about to transform into a Tao, still felt complicated and found it difficult to express his feelings.

I have been with the Tao for a long time, my hometown for millions of years... Is he so impatient? It can be said that there is no obstacle, and he accepts the Tao of the original Zhu Zhou more smoothly than he accepts his own Tao?

——What a joke!

But that's what it is.

As we all know, the true nature of those who are strong in Hedao is the Dao itself in the universe in which they live. All the entities projected are all incarnations of the Dao and are the 'Tao phase'. Even if they are destroyed, they can be easily restored.

Su Zhou's tens of thousands of Taoist appearances are exactly derived from the tens of thousands and even increasing number of worlds he has combined with the Tao, but this time is different... This time, he is in front of God Qingsong. His face is directly aligned with His mother world!

Generally speaking, it is difficult for a world with a strong Hedao to accept the Hedao of other strong Hedao people. The reason is also very simple, because the first Hedao person has to face only the universe. If he is rejected by himself, then the second person will have to be outside the universe, and he will have to accept the rejection from the first strong person.

But... what if the universe itself doesn't reject it?

Then the rejection of the first Hedao strongman is irrelevant - after all, there is a saying that goes, a talented man and a beautiful woman are a perfect match, and it is your turn to be opposed by a monster?

Therefore, the world that originally provided power to God Qingsong also began to provide power to Su Zhou, giving the young man extra divine power to use the second magic weapon to defeat God Qingsong.

[Demon magic——]

Hearing the instinctive rebuke from the stirring voice of God Qingsong, Su Zhou just shook his head slightly: "How do you talk? Your world and I are in love, and both parties are voluntary."

"You don't think that your universe will only accept your way, right?"

This is pure love!

Not only Qingsong Shenzun, who was almost speechless, but also other Hedao powerhouses present were shaken by this.

The fourteen Hedao experts suddenly felt a chill rising from their hearts. This sense of unknown and incomprehensible danger was something they had not felt for hundreds of thousands of years; in their eyes, Su Zhou, who was holding a long knife and walking slowly towards himself and others, was simply an indescribable and terrifying monster, and he had already begun to show his fangs at them. The absolute sense of danger forced them to fight back.

【superior! 】

Perhaps it was the shock brought by the sacred tree spear before. God Emperor Tianyi immediately reacted to this shock. He exhaled and immediately raised the long ax in his hand: [Original Zhu Zhou is our formidable enemy. Don’t be fooled. His skills are scary! 】

Immediately, many strong men joined forces. Although they had never joined forces before, their instinct for war allowed them to quickly occupy all the favorable positions around Su Zhou.

[Be careful, Lord Zhu Zhou! ] Even the Holy Lord Taishi couldn't help but remind him, wanting to join the battle - but Su Zhou raised his hand again to reassure the other party.

“I never stand alone.”

He said: "Because everything, even those that seem to be hostile to me, are also my allies."

"Just as their world would willingly accept me."

"They themselves are the same."

My fever has gotten better today, but I'm still a little dizzy.

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