Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 841 Peeping Tentacles (Small Chapter)

The ice in the void melts, and the world group takes shape.

These two changes that affected all realms have been happening for quite some time.

To be honest, even those who are famous, have even become historical legends in other worlds, and have powerful people such as Yun, whose technology is close to the Tao, have no idea why the multiverse has become what it is now.

[I thought the frozen void was the basic constant of the multiverse...]

[Oh my god, our multiverse model is going to change drastically—go and apply for funds from the alliance center! (ecstasy)】

[We, we finally left the void area and came to the normal multiverse block? ! 】

It is normal for these advanced civilizations, who thought they had come to an end, to feel panic or excitement due to drastic changes. However, some rural civilizations that used to be on the edge of the multiverse have entered urban areas due to changes, so it is also very happy to feel normal.

But in any case, adapting to the environment is the basis of all life and intelligent civilization.

Faced with a sudden increase of more than ten times the number of neighbors, the way to adapt to the environment may be a multi-universe war with hundreds of millions of casualties, a conference to coordinate hundreds of world civilizations, or an extremely grand meeting that convenes hundreds of people. A super martial arts tournament for all the extraordinary strong men in the world to decide who is the strongest in this world group...

All in all, many civilizations use their own methods to solve new territorial and political problems around their own civilized world.

They finally raised their heads full of doubts and looked at the boundless void sea.

"Is the change happening now a beginning, or is it already an end?"

They couldn't help but think about these questions: "If this change affecting the multiverse is just the beginning, how should we respond to subsequent waves?"

This is a big problem that plagues all life and civilization.

In the face of this doubt, every powerful race has its own way of answering it.

——Multiverse Void Sea——

A huge wandering trading fleet.

Although it is said that most of the powerful Hedao people are only in Hedao one universe, and they can really take a step forward and start to try many worlds in the Hedao multiverse, there are very few who are on the road to great achievements.

But this does not mean that the new Tao created by the strong Hedao will not be perceived by other powerful civilizations.

Just like the End of the World Seal can sense and seal the avenues in the entire world, as long as it reaches a certain level, regardless of detailed information, at least whether a new powerful Hedao appears in the multiverse, everyone can still Just barely figured it out.

——Three powerful Hedao masters have appeared one after another recently, and the number is more than before.

——In the past, there might not even be one in a year, but recently it has been like a blowout.

——The mutation in the void is indeed an unprecedented change, and it seems that it will indeed promote the birth of strong men.

A certain advanced extraordinary civilization that is accustomed to traveling through the void and conducting trade in many worlds and universes is going through its daily routine.

This race named Ila looks like a group of psychic sea anemones floating in the air, and their giant void ship also looks very much like a group of extremely huge coral reefs, like an irregular giant rock covered with It was filled with so many holes that the secret fear patient died on the spot.

However, although it looks like just a small hole, in fact, each small hole contains a unique simulated world environment. They are all 'world holes' used by the Ila civilization to collect the surrounding void conditions.

When the giant ship of the Ila civilization passes through the void of the multiverse, these 'world holes' will produce a 'world resonance effect' with similar environmental worlds in the surrounding void world - if it is just one, the resonance may be somewhat distorted, but Just like a compound eye, the resonance generated by billions of world holes can completely reproduce the overview of tens of millions of surrounding worlds in the central brain.

In this way, just by passing by, the Ila civilization can obtain most of the useful information in the surrounding world.

When the Ila giant ship crosses the void and crosses the stars of many worlds; when countless sea anemone-like Ila people float in the mothership, rising and falling in accordance with the rhythm of spiritual energy; when the information of many worlds passes along the world hole and reaches Ila When pulling the center of the central intellectual brain, the 'omniscient heart'.

Once every ten years (equivalent to approximately 1,300 Earth years), the Ila civilization will begin to count the number of new unions in the multiverse.

Irregular rock-like coral ship, from the billions of tiny holes, flying strings suddenly jumped out, and the soaring spiritual light danced in the void, vaguely outlining a vast and magnificent picture in the darkness of nothingness. , an extremely majestic formation.

Intelligence collection and selling are exactly the interests of the Yi La civilization.

Why isn’t it a specialty that we rely on for a living?

Are you kidding me? How could a super civilization with the support of a strong and powerful person need to rely on buying and selling to survive? Whether it’s bargaining, cheating people, or selling fake goods, deliberately picking up opportunities for other low-level civilizations, it’s all. The hobbies of this group of large anemones.

After all, as one of the 'escapees' from the second era of the Huntian Realm, they are pure fun-loving people.

But now.

I'm afraid the Yi La people won't be happy anymore.

【What? ! 】

【How, how could this be so...】

[How can such nonsense be allowed to run rampant...]

When the omniscient heart of the central intelligence brain summarized all the information on the changes in the avenue collected over the years, and passed the results to all the Ila people who purchased the central information authority, almost all the Ila people were shocked.

Because, the intelligence brain transmitted the number of new Hedao powerhouses.

It’s forty-nine thousand!

Not four, not forty, not four hundred and four thousand, but forty thousand!

For a time, almost all members of the Yila clan were numb.

【What the hell? ! 】

Dronahal Byi, a powerful Taoist from the Ila Civilization, was taking a bath in a miniature star in the center of the giant ship. This kind of soothing and stable sunbathing was indeed one of his few hobbies, and The multiverse gossip in the central information authority is even more close to his heart.

But now, this glowing red sea anemone was even shocked to the point where the colorful neon colors began to change rapidly: [Nearly 50,000 new students? Are you kidding? There are so many strong Hedao people who really think Hedao is seaweed. Even the world of Huntian is not so exaggerated! 】

[Is there something wrong with the central brain? Or is this multiverse mutation really so terrifying? Then why didn’t our clan produce a second powerful Hedao person? 】

Zhuo Nahar's muttering was only a moment of shock, but soon, compared with the vast majority of ordinary Yi La people who were shocked to the point of losing consciousness and could not see the way, this Hedao strongman soon discovered Understand the subtleties of these data: [Wait]

[How come most of these 49,000 powerful Taoists are united to the same Tao? 】

Generally speaking, in a unified civilized race, there will only be one Hedao.

The reason is actually very simple... The inheritance with Hedao is almost completely crushed when faced with the inheritance without Hedao.

Whether it is the level of refinement, the difficulty of practice according to someone's guidance, or the power of supernatural powers, the future upper limit, or the guaranteed lower limit, all are dominated by the Hedao inheritance.

Generally speaking, because of the immortal principle of inheritance, at least those who can achieve the state of harmony in the sealed multiverse, basically do not exclude sharing their inheritance with all sentient beings in the world.

This means that the powerful inheritance is not only not hidden, but also begins to spread almost at no cost... In this way, what other inheritances are there?

Don't think that you can rely on 'surprise surprise'. If you can really cultivate harmony, there may be gaps in the inheritance, whether it is alchemy or magic potions, forging or sneak attacks with hidden weapons, holding your breath or escaping, fighting head-on or detecting precognition. , everything can be rounded off by Hedao inheritance.

One clan practices one method and one country respects the same. Only in this way can we unite our efforts.

Although this does not mean that no one can combine this path except the strong one at the beginning.

It is normal for dozens or even hundreds of powerful people to join one path.

But to say it has no impact would be a joke.

At the very least, there must be a slight breakthrough, something different, and a distance from the original Hedao world without interfering with each other, so that the chance of successful Hedao is greater.

【Innovation... Candleday】

Dancing his tentacles, Zhuo Nahar's skin turned a solemn pure green: [Why are there suddenly close to 50,000 strong men who have reformed together? ! 】

[Furthermore, the wave of Hedao spans all the worlds, and the time of Hedao is almost the same... What exactly is this technique? 】

For a moment, this Hedao strongman from the Ila Civilization couldn't help but make a bold guess in his mind: [Could it be that...]

The ends of the tentacles contracted. This veteran Hedao who had been around for countless years felt extremely rare "tension" and "excitement" that he had not felt for a long time: "Could it be said that these are all the same strong force?" The unity of the two... is the prelude to the torrent of success? ! 】

Standing up, the surrounding space was distorted.

In just an instant, Zhuo Nahar appeared in the void, with runes of light flowing on countless tentacles around him, forming illusory "world holes" that flowed like a giant coral ship, making it look extremely sacred and majestic.

He began to use his own divine power to sense the true origin of these tens of thousands of Hedao fluctuations.

Then, he saw a huge world that was so huge that even a powerful Hedao man could not imagine it.

The sealed universe that was originally covered in a great seal is now quietly rotating surrounded by many worlds.

[There is the center of the Hedao ripples...]

He couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

However, at the same time that Dronahar was sensing and sealing the universe.


There was also a piece of information that came back, which made this strong man suddenly wake up, confused and confused.

The power of a strong Hedao master can be transmitted across endless time and space, and he can even bring in his magical power to poison, easily destroying a world without the protection of powerful immortals, or punishing all disrespectful people who dare to pry - the Ila people. This is a loser. What these intelligence dealers are best at is being hacked.

So after sensing something was wrong, Zhuo Nahar immediately put on a defensive posture and immediately prepared to fight back.

But this time is different.

After a brief moment of surprise and caution, he heard a rather mechanical voice that seemed to be just a preset prompt: "If you are interested in the way of innovation, please press ①, and to call the Zhuritian Multiverse Police Station, please press ②. If you want to report an unjust and powerful person, please press ③. If you have additional requirements, please press ④ to transfer to manual service."

"Everyone contributes to build a harmonious and beautiful home in the multiverse!"

Dronahar: [? 】

after a while.

"Sir, Your Majesty?"

"Lord Binding Yi?"

Such a cautious request for communication came from Dronahar's private resting bathhouse.

An Ila man with a milky white body combed his tentacles neatly, crawled in front of the door of time and space, and asked respectfully: "Excuse me, did you see the message from the omniscient heart?"


Then, a solemn voice that seemed to have just come to its senses and was still recalling the details of the previous exchange sounded: [I saw... Zhu Zhou, it’s interesting, it’s interesting]

【Interesting! 】

With that said, He passed the information about Candlelight and innovation to the current leader of the Ila civilization: [You also come and see, this good fun must be shared! 】

In this regard, the captain who is lying on the ground and represents the civilization of the entire Ila fleet is quite accustomed to this - this ancestor of all the Ila people is indeed a pure fun-loving person, just like all of them.

Therefore, he felt that his ancestor was very happy. After briefly browsing the relevant information, he asked with a smile: "Then how should we deal with it next? Is all this a threat to our clan?"

[A group of arrogant guys who want to be the police of the multiverse... They are a group of good people, but I don’t know if they have the power to match them]

At this moment, Zhuo Nahar seemed to have just reacted. He laughed and shook his head: [It is not harmful to us, even...]

[We can also cooperate with them]

At this time, Zhuo Nahar's whole body was simply shining. He thought excitedly, and then said: [We collect information, collect information about the bad and powerful people in the multiverse, and then... report them all to this Zhu Zhou! 】

[What happens next has nothing to do with us, we can just follow and have fun! 】

[I’m afraid this multiverse won’t be boring anymore]

Situations similar to the Ila civilization are not uncommon in the multiverse.

Because candles come one after another, or even a continuous stream of Hedao fluctuations, it has indeed affected many worlds, and many old and powerful people, ancient civilizations that have been silent for a long time have been shaken and have to be born.

Like a dragon that has been sleeping for a long time, when it feels the world shaking, it can't help but surface and explore the situation.

However, unlike the pure fun-loving people like the Ila civilization... there are many civilizations that pry into the origin of Candlelight not out of 'curiosity', but out of 'malice'.

For example, Hongshi Upper Realm is such an old and powerful civilization.

This name must be unfamiliar to everyone, but if you mention another identity, you may be able to recall a little bit.

The origin of the Yunzhou Realm, the giant ship that could turn into a realm, was built by Hongshi Upper Realm.

This is yesterday’s update. I suddenly fell asleep last night and haven’t been until now.

My head is really not feeling well lately. Please forgive me. It’s still going on at night.

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