Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 869 Let me use it freely! (5600)

Pioneer space? Taishi Shengzun was in a daze.

As the Lord of a Realm, he certainly knows about the existence of the Pioneer Space.

It is a mysterious multiverse force that can transcend all time and space, ignore any status, class, identity and race, and only rely on "curiosity" and "desire to explore" as the criteria for selecting apostles.

Whether it is the disciple of a powerful Hedao man or an ignorant beggar; whether it is the most powerful Void Dragon Clan or the weakest Dew Slime.

As long as they meet the conditions and have a strong enough desire to explore the unknown, the gift and selection of the pioneer space will come to them without distinction.

It is different from what most people imagine. After knowing its existence, any Hedao will choose to treat it with caution and not dare to act rashly - there will really be people who dare to take action against such a large force that is obviously a multiverse level. Feet?

At least a strong person who can seriously become a hedao will not be so stupid.

In the final analysis, curiosity cannot be refuted, and can only be restrained at most as 'correctness'... And a strong person who can hold this kind of path and create a super structure like Pioneer Space that spans the entire multiverse must be strong. Incredible.

The more aligned and powerful one is, the more one can understand the horror of the nature of the Pioneer Space.

What's more, the Pioneer Space contains everything, even if it's Hedao, you can find knowledge and information that is beneficial to you, which is beneficial.

And what they thought was indeed correct - the Pioneer Space is an organization directly subordinate to the great being, and behind it is the great being [Pioneer].

After all, not every Hedao in the world has the same direct inheritance and magical powers from the great beings as the world of creation. They can also control the origin of the universe of the entire original world and forcibly resist the transmission of the pioneer space.

Even so, the members of the Creation World could not completely block the transmission of the pioneer space. The American Federation explorer who made a wish to Su Zhou was an example.

Although Saint Taishi did not know this, he could believe that if it were that pioneer space, he would definitely be able to solve his current predicament.

[Sign the contract, right? 】

He readily agreed without any hesitation: [I agreed - and then will I call for the pioneer space? 】


The voice of the Wisdom Tree became serious: "Don't worry, Master, he has been cooperating with the Pioneer Space some time ago to coordinate many worlds. As long as you sign a contract with Zhu Zhoutian, you will definitely be able to call the Pioneer Space!"

[It seems...that's true? 】

Saint Taishi still vaguely remembers that when he was waiting for Hedao to surround and seal the universe, Su Zhou who hurried back seemed to have said this?

But he is not allowed to think too much now.

Outside the sealed universe, outside the world barrier, in the distant void above the sky, many "anti-Zhu Zhou" Hedao have joined forces to take action.

There was a loud roar, as if something huge was rumbling in the void. An unbelievably huge mountain was expanding at the speed of thinking. The expanding shadow of a super giant mountain appeared in the deep darkness. It absorbed the endless spiritual energy in the void. The light flow grows and shines brightly.

For a moment, all living beings in the entire sealed universe saw it. They were either shocked or confused and raised their heads to look at the majestic sacred mountain that occupied most of their field of vision.

This is the condensed form of many magic weapons of 'blocking' and 'suppressing'. The concrete sacred mountain of suppression is an incredible magical power that can only be activated by the cooperation of many combined forces.

In the void of the multiverse, the brilliance of the world's stars is the most dazzling, and the sealed universe is the first among them. But now, the appearance of the sealed sacred mountain has taken away all attention. This majestic mountain with a majestic atmosphere cannot be shaken and will never be shaken. The ancient lines of the avenue vaguely appeared on it, and there seemed to be many shadows of the world rotating inside it.

Nowadays, some small worlds are attracted by the quality of the shadow of this sacred mountain, collide with it, and are integrated into it.

Perhaps it won't take long before a small world group with the sacred mountain as the center will appear.

[Using this as a town is enough to seal off the connection between this world and the original candle day]

Taoist Master Youquan, who presided over all this, breathed a long sigh of relief at this moment. He stood on the top of the sacred mountain. In addition to being relaxed, he also had a great sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Before this, Youquan had never had the opportunity to control such a huge divine power. Although his Dao was stable and could be steadily improved, but he still wanted to grow to the point where he could compare with those peak combined Dao powerhouses in the multiverse. It takes a very long time.

But using the excuse of fighting against Zhu Zhou, He easily summoned such a large group of Hedao fellow Taoists to join forces and created this sacred mountain of suppression that no one had ever created alone.

This seals the sacred mountain and suppresses the universe. It can completely suppress all extraordinary power reactions with spiritual energy as the core. It can block hyperspace channels, block subspace effects, and make all magic, magic, spiritual energy and superpowers possible. All will fail, even the speed of light will be blocked, the entire universe will become a silent black sea, and the foundation of all interstellar empires will collapse.

This is the most severe punishment, which directly suppresses the miraculous universe into a world of extraordinary spirits without any miracles!

This is the true divine power of Hedao!

[Sure enough, sometimes, a common enemy is more important than the same road...]

Youquan had a clear understanding in his heart.

He lowered his head and looked at the sealed universe and the interior of the sealed universe. The strong men of Hedao who supported Zhu Zhou, headed by Etai Shi Shen Zun and Qing Song Shen Zun.

Taoist Master Youquan couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

[The mantis arm is just a cart]

Following the divine will, the sacred mountain moved slightly, and then, with the sound of rumbling rolling, the huge phantom of the mountain covered the entire sealed universe, as if the sky was tilting, and like the Great Seal of Fan Tian.

Under this heavy pressure, even the cosmic barrier had to deform, and the pressured areas showed a strange and radiant halo. Waves of water-like ripples rippled, causing the entire universe to shake slightly.

In the ancient times, the first batch of founders of the sealed universe fought until the sealed universe almost collapsed. Now, although the sealed universe has become more stable, the number of powerful ones who attacked this time is also greater, and the confrontation It is also more intense.

The power of dozens of Hedao is enough to forcibly fabricate a small universe created entirely by man-made avenues. And this divine power, which is enough to create the universe, has turned into a magical phantom that suppresses everything. Even a large world like the sealing of the universe cannot Frontal resistance.

The sacred mountain slowly pressed down, and the endless superposition of divine power caused all the sentient beings in the universe who watched this scene to hold their breath in astonishment. Heavenly fear surged from the deepest part of their souls, which was difficult to contain and almost fell down.

When the sky falls, there is a tall one, but where is the tall one in their universe? What kind of strong man can block such a blow?

"Where's Su Zhou?"

Some people exclaimed and asked like this. They knew that it was Su Zhou's act of creating Zhu Ritian that attracted so many Hedao strong men. But now, when many Hedao attacks were launched, he suddenly disappeared.

Everyone on earth believes in Su Zhou, but they are also confused about where he is at the moment.

And at the moment when doubts arose.

In an instant, a ray of light lit up, racing towards the void with a powerful aura, like a meteor flying backwards, hitting the seal!

Its momentum shattered all restrictions, and even the suppressive brilliance of the sealed sacred mountain could not be blocked. It was penetrated by this buzzing brilliance in an instant, and even many small worlds around it that were attracted were blown away and turned into An unusually bright meteor shower in the void!

"That is?!"

"I sensed it, it was Su Zhou's breath!"

"No, there is just a layer of Su Zhou's aura on the surface, but inside, it is the aura of another Hedao powerhouse beside Su Zhou!"

"Is it Su Zhou's backup plan?"

For a moment, everyone who detected this scene noticed this radiance. Some were surprised and thought it was Su Zhou's return, but others were keenly aware that it was obviously the great energy of the Holy Lord Taishi.

And what they guessed was not wrong.

That was exactly what Su Zhou had left behind.

It's just that the backhand itself doesn't seem to be so willing.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--the tree of wisdom! You didn't say that you have to go to the void to call the pioneer space! 】

The body of the flying star, Taishi Shengzun, is really unable to hold on at this moment.

He had just signed a 'Temporary Patrol Contract with Zhu Zhoutian Multiverse Police Station' with Zhu Zhoutian under the persuasion of the Wisdom Tree. After that, he had the authority to share part of the power of Su Zhou's 'innovation'. In the future, Zhu Zhoutian Once completed, the divine power of the great seal fragments such as the God Scale can also be shared with them, allowing them to patrol back and forth in the multiverse within minutes.

But here comes the problem - just after He signed the contract with Su Zhou, an invisible majestic force surged from the depths of the multiverse and began to endlessly lift it up and push it into the void. middle!

"Come on, Holy Lord Taishi!"

He heard a familiar voice. It was Su Zhou. He didn't sound hurt by the battle with Hong Shi.

After Taishi Shengzun felt a little relieved, his heart immediately became filled with doubts, because Su Zhou said again: "Hold on a little longer, I'll be back soon!"

[What, how can I hold on? ! 】Sage Taishi was at a loss.

"Will." Su Zhou said: "It's okay, Pioneer Space will help you, and I have already made preparations - do you really think that there is no other way in the sealed universe except me? These people don't even ask about the sealed universe. Which guys were the ones who broke it in the first place?"

Then the Holy Lord Taishi flew out - according to Zhuzhoutian's rules and regulations, when the universe is in danger, the members of Zhuzhoutian go up first.

【I want to join Pioneer Space! 】

In this way, now that he has boarded the pirate ship, Saint Taishi no longer has any scruples.

Hedao, who looked like a majestic Taoist priest, almost broke his voice and shouted: "I want to join the Pioneer Space!" ! ! ! 】

The stream of light is about to collide with the sealed sacred mountain, and the gap between the two sides is almost as big as an ant shaking a tree.

But, just the next moment.

Without any delay, accompanied by bursts of buzzing and distant chants, silver radiance gushes out from the depths of the multiverse and appears directly around the sealed universe!

In an instant, in the void, all the flowing shadows of the avenue were covered by the torrent of silver halo, stagnant, and washed away. The holy glory of the realm, which was formed by the mutual influence of many strong Taoists, was like being erased by a blackboard. Like the erased handwriting, it was directly wiped clean by the silver light.

An extremely pure curiosity, cleaner and simpler than anything else, emerges in the hearts of all living beings. It is a thought that cannot be denied even if it is the Tao.

After all, which Hedao can reach the current state without being 'curious' at all?

The sacred mountain is suppressing it, and Taishi Holy Lord is on top - theoretically, as a Hedao with no decisive gap, he should be suppressed by the sealed sacred mountain in an instant.

However, the silver radiance circulated around it and turned into an indestructible defensive shield, which abruptly blocked the entire sacred mountain!

It felt like using a needle to lift up the entire mountain, but no one dared to doubt the power of the needle.

[Want to go to higher places, set foot further, and become stronger? 】

【Want to know the meaning of life? 】


In the silver halo, there is such a phantom light screen flashing.

Since the last time, the powerful Hedao in the world of creation used extraordinary means, that is, the supreme magical power of the great existence to block the 'Return Teleportation', the Pioneer Space has learned from the painful experience and directly strengthened its protection against every pioneer explorer and pioneer. intensity of protection.

The truly infinite and incredible power can be infinitely blessed by infinite explorers.

Everyone who intends to attack the Pioneer Explorers will face the entire Pioneer Space itself!

Protect shortcomings? Pioneers protect their own shortcomings the most!

At this moment, what else can you choose?

[Strong, strong! 】

Feeling impressed by the unimaginable power of the Pioneer Space, the Holy Lord Taishi could only sincerely click ‘Yes’!

More than that.

In the void, as the power of the Pioneer Space flashed, one after another transboundary light gates appeared that may have penetrated the entire multiverse. There was a simple and distant powerful aura floating around them, vaguely related to the sealed universe.

【who is it? Invading our homeland...】

[blasphemer, stay away, foreigners are not allowed to trespass in the Holy Land! 】

[Having been sleeping for too long, in today’s multiverse, even the founders of the law who are supposed to be lions have begun to gather in groups and behave like lambs? 】

For a moment, extremely powerful and terrifying auras circulated, as if they had attained enlightenment a very long time ago, and came from behind the many light gates: [The changes in the multiverse have also made it impossible for these juniors who used to be unable to get close at all. Also got the right to desecrate the pure land? 】

[Where is the Lord Zhu Zhou? He actually made this clown jump around! 】

These voices were either calm, arrogant, or full of dead silence and ridicule. Just by making them, they announced their origins and declared their power and authority.

The Probabilistic Science Federation, the Origin Empire, the Pure Land of the Three Realms, the Ender, the Master of the Veil...

These names may still be remembered by some ancient pioneer civilizations in the universe hundreds of millions of years ago, in the pre-sealed era before the Silent Age.

They are the first group of founders in the sealed universe, the first group of strongest people - it was the battle between them that caused the sealed universe to be shattered and the fragments of the great seal to be scattered in the world.

Sensing their mistakes, these powerful beings and civilizations chose to leave their homeland and leave the seal fragments in the sealed universe. Some of them wandered to the other side of the multiverse, and some chose to sleep in a silent black field. Until some time ago, the multiverse aliens Change, until Su Zhou becomes enlightened.

Su Zhou's achievements exceeded the imagination of these powerful men. After confirming that Su Zhou had repaired the great seal, gathered the approval of the three major seals, appeased the will of the universe... and had the peak power of Hedao, They were also sincerely convinced and recognized Su Zhou as the 'World Honored One' who sealed the universe in this era, his hometown, and his hometown.

Theoretically, with Su Zhou's level of Hedao stationed there, the sealed universe can be said to be impregnable. Unless a torrent strikes, there is absolutely no way it will fail.

But since a powerful enemy of Hongshi's level was attacking, it was not surprising that Su Zhou was unable to take action for a while.

Everyone present was Hedao. After learning the message left by Su Zhou, they didn't say much.

After all, even they thought that they would not be able to please Hongshi if they met him.

Since you can't do it yourself, there's no need to say more.

On the other hand, they have enough confidence to deal with the dozens of ordinary people in front of them.

【what happened? ! 】

For a time, not only Youquan Dao Master, but also all the Hedao members of the Anti-Zhuzhou Alliance could not help but show expressions of astonishment - this was not because they were ignorant, but because more than a dozen people were suddenly refreshed in front of their eyes. The powerful ancient strongman, no one has ever encountered such a thing!

[The foundation of this great world is actually so profound! ? 】

For a moment, even Taoist Master Youquan felt a trace of regret - he had sensed it for a long time and determined that there was only the Taoist aura of Zhu Zhou in the sealed universe. He dared to take action only after knowing this.

This is not surprising. Even in the infinite universe, there may not be a strong man who can surpass the Dao of Heaven itself. In some infinite universes, there are only strong men in the Tianzun realm, and there may not even be any extraordinary ones. So You Quan didn't think much about it.

It would be better to say that the appearance of an anomaly such as Su Zhou in the sealed universe is already bizarre and incredible. It is normal to say that it consumes the entire universe's luck.

However, the situation in the sealed universe is special - all the powerful Hedao masters in the past generations have left their homeland, and the civilizations that have the potential to achieve Hedao have also chosen to move away collectively because of the loss of spiritual energy.

Su Zhou is the only one who truly joins the Tao in the sealed universe and is recognized by the universe, innovating together.

Therefore, he is the World Honored One.

This is a special case among special cases in the multiverse, and they just happened to catch up.


Even the Holy Lord Taishi, who was communicating with the Pioneer Space about the corresponding treatment and working conditions for the powerful ones, couldn't help but open his eyes when he saw this scene: [The magical power of calling for help is so terrifying, it is indeed the number one in the multiverse. Supernatural power! 】

This indeed contains the basis of correctness - if you are not correct, not good enough, and have no one to support you, how many reinforcements can you get if you believe in you?

Just like the other universal supreme magical power of the multiverse, the 'Face Magical Power', those who are not truly the strongest cannot use this move, nor can they use it well.

At this moment, he was completely convinced by Su Zhou.

[What should I do? The sealed sacred mountain is blocked by the pioneer space, and so many powerful people suddenly appear in this big world]

Next to Taoist Master Youquan, a familiar Hedao frowned and gave advice: [I think, let’s just leave - can Zhu Zhou still take care of the affairs of the entire multiverse? We are avoiding Him with all our boundaries, and we are not meeting Him face to face]

[This is the only way] Without thinking, Youquan chose the most correct choice - since he couldn't seal this great world and block the connection between Zhu Zhou and his enlightened universe, he had no choice but to run away.

He immediately turned around with those Hedao who were against the Zhuzhi Alliance, and without saying a word, he wanted to leave the void on the spot.

Taoist Master Youquan made up his mind that he would never get close to any cosmic void related to Zhu Zhou in this life. He would avoid Zhu Zhou just like he avoided the Five Holy Saints.

However, what they thought was really too beautiful.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

In the deep and dim void of the multiverse, a burst of hearty laughter rang out.

Just when a group of Hedao turned around because of the light gate that lit up in front of the universe.

Right behind Youquan Taoist and Hedao.

A burst of scorching warmth, like a winter bonfire, a gentle but firm burning will swept across the void, and the almost materialized divine will of the avenue swept through many combined paths and left its mark on them.

A blue-purple sun emerged in the center of the void, illuminating the surrounding world.

Beside it, another dim, gray-brown sun also emerged, vaguely supplementing it.

The figures of Su Zhou and Hong Shi walked out of the bright sun. His eyes were burning. Although he was smiling, the light in his eyes was extremely cold.

"Prisoners, in order for me, Zhu Zhoutian, to truly take shape, I need you to go to prison to achieve it!"

"Use your freedom and contribute to the better tomorrow of this multiverse!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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