Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 879 The Era of Disharmony

At first, there was nothingness.

Silent nothingness is the origin of all existence, and nothing can come before it.

Then, comes the ‘movement’.

The eternal music of creation is played from the chaos of the dark abyss, giving birth to many invisible and insubstantial notes. The endless infinite notes are intertwined and harmonious with each other. Before all tangible and qualitative things, many tangible things are given birth to. An eternal thing without quality.

Its name is 'melody', also known as 'melody', and also 'meaning', and in the awe-inspiring mouth of all things born later, it is 'fate' and 'time'.

It was born before the world, hanging above all things, the most vast and ancient, with unpredictable and unspeakable meaning.

The process of gradual change in which the notes are constantly intertwined and played is the 'change of time', and the tune and melody itself composed of all the notes is the 'meaning of fate'.

As time and destiny surround us, the prototype of the world is gradually born in the interweaving of notes. The prototype of all things first emerges from the tangible and qualitative earth, and even the 'sound' represented by the 'note' itself is materialized. The shape of the entity.

That is the prototype of gods and living beings.

The gods are the sons of the creation movement, the representatives of fate and time, and the creators of the world. They are the loudest notes, leading the changes in the melody and dominating the variations of the melody. Therefore, they are difficult to be affected by time, and they can predict the direction of fate. .

All living things are also part of the movement, but they are just one of the most ordinary infinite notes. Their timbre is muddy and their voices are deep. Even if they are missing a few, it does not affect the beauty and perfection of the melody and tune.

However, the gods need all living beings, and all living beings need the gods. A single note can never create a melody, and a loud melody also needs a low harmony to accompany it. This is a complete movement.

Therefore, all living things and gods coexist in the world. This is the "Narrative Poetry of Heaven and Earth"

The solemn and majestic stone pillars of the gods stand at the four corners of the square. Ancient white marble bricks pave the flat ground. The Holy City of Anruo is still brightly lit in the middle of the night. On the stone pillars of the gods, the eternal starlight lamps are shining, in the silence. It also emits bright light at night.

Under the light of the stars and the moon, the bard wore a simple coir leaf robe and held a simple harp, playing and singing ancient songs.

"It is the oldest legend, the longest myth, and the narrative poem of heaven and earth that has been passed down from the beginning to this day. The god king Apum who rules the time is the original commander. He leads the divided heaven and earth of chaos at the beginning of eternity, and makes the world divided into chaos. The rain falls and the rivers flow.”

"Life and death can be distinguished, the gods who have been sleeping since the beginning of time are awakened by the rain, and the ignorant living beings have souls by drinking the river water, and the prelude of heaven and earth begins."

"But the wise king of gods is not like this forever. There is only yellow sand between the barren heaven and earth, and there are no birds in the towering sky. Although lakes and oases blessed by the gods dot the world, and the Apum River runs through the earth, but All living beings are still fighting for flowers and green grass, raising swords and shedding blood, instead of singing hymns and reciting psalms.”

"The mortal kingdoms smeared the earth with red blood, while the gods in the sky burned the sky with tribulation fires, and the god-king of time sighed and fell asleep."

"The twin goddesses of light and darkness, Pranfo and Noel, share the crown of the God King. The love and hate between them are intertwined, giving birth to the holy Holy Spirit and the filthy demon. The blessings and curses between them are intertwined. The most powerful Titans and Dragons were born.”

"All living beings have learned a lot because of the opposition and mutual existence of the twin goddesses, and the original miracle of poetry and the magic of song were born from this. Before that, all living beings could only rely on instinct and talent, and use their original power of 'Unknown Notes' .”

"Love and hatred, blessings and curses, in this era of miracles and magic, the sacred fire and shadows burn and sway clearly, the notes make a louder and clearer sound, and the sound of heaven and earth resounds throughout the world."

"It's just that love and hatred, blessings and curses cannot coexist, just like day and night and light and shadow, sun and moon and front and back. Even if they are twin goddesses and god-kings who share authority, all living beings cannot obey equally. The differences between darkness and night The goddess was gradually hated by all living beings, and only the god-king of light and day gradually became supreme."

"Since then, the holy war between good and evil has lasted for tens of thousands, until the holy fire was extinguished, the shadow faded, and the twin goddesses both fell into eternal sleep."

"Until now, in the third era, in the boundless sky, the untouchable sky, the great and supreme God King Deus rules the world!"

"Praise be to the just Lord of heaven and earth, Lord of the gods. He leads civilization to prosperity and expands the boundless borders. Under his guidance, all living beings and gods set foot on the farthest earth and spread their wings in the highest sky. !”

"All beings touch the stars, the sun and the moon, the gods settle in the clouds and the sky, the notes of all things vibrate high, and the excitement of heaven and earth is loud and brilliant!"

The ballads of the white-haired bard made the grass and trees sway, and even the starlight on the stone pillars scattered. The moonlight shone around him, making him hazy and dreamy. This is exactly what the ancient poem "The Narrative of the Gods" brings to it. protect.

The bard can get memories that will never be forgotten, a body that is difficult to be harmed by all things in the world, and the protection of the sun, moon and stars. As long as he still remembers how to play the harp and how to sing poems, then except for the one represented by the god King Apum, The years, the love and hate of light and darkness represented by the god kings Pranfu and Noelle, and the power of the sky represented by the current god king Deus, even the gods cannot punish them at will.

Anruo Holy City is full of tall buildings, and the brilliant divine light fills the city walls and tall buildings. The ancient holy land is soaked in the protection and blessings of generations of gods, and the composers and performers of the past generations regard it as a The source of all mysteries, it is the greatest honor to open an academy that studies miracles and magic in this city.

Civilization, prosperity, prosperity, all these praises belong to the gods in the sky, the supreme authority, Deus, the King of Gods!

In the first era, all races and gods were exploring the wilderness and fighting for scarce resources. This was a struggle that represented the original 'desire for survival'.

In the second era, because of love, hate and their own wishes, all living beings are hostile to each other, or they are in alliance with each other and love each other. This represents the derivative of the second "desire of love and hate"

Now, in the third era, guided by Deus, the King of Gods, all living beings and gods are exploring the top of the sky and the end of the earth, and the spread of the endless "desire to conquer" has created an era of unprecedented prosperity.

With respect for the third-generation God-King, the temple and statue of God-King Deus are naturally enshrined in the center of Anruo Holy City, which is the academic, cultural and political center of the entire continent.

The sculptures of gods under the sculpture of the God King all have their heads lowered, representing his supreme authority and the authority of God above gods.

But at this moment, the God King, who was sung in many poems, worshiped by everyone, and revered by the gods, rarely sent down his divine thoughts from the palace above the sky, causing the God King sculpture in the center of Anruo Holy City to glow slightly. Open your eyes.

The solemn and solemn god of youth, Deus in the sky, stared at everything in the city, and then smiled slightly.

[The wheel of fortune has begun to turn]

He stared at the city. A rich man from Moal City arrived at the temple with his bloodless daughter. The prophecy of fate had been revealed. Therefore, even though He was already the supreme God, He could not help but sigh and stroke his beard: [ The eternal anchor is about to be laid, and the reincarnation of the Seventh Era will finally have a result]

If any priest hears such an oracle, he may be frightened and confused - since God King Apum made time flow, it has only been three eras. When did it have seven eras?

As for the so-called eternity, apart from the 'Eternal Song' that represents the 'Great Movement of Creation', what other existence can be called eternity?

Deus would only lament about this.

[Mortal life and death are disillusioned, just like the resounding silence of musical notes. The eras they call are just the alternation of responsibilities between us and the gods, in compliance with the four major chapters of the great movement of creation: 'prelude', 'sound', 'play' and 'end'. ...And the real era is the process of the entire four chapters of the eternal song ringing, and when it rotates and plays again, it is the second era]

eternal? What is eternity? At least the gods are not eternal.

The song of eternity has been repeated countless times. No one knows how many times the era has rotated, representing countless years.

Deus lowered his head and stared at the endless river of time flowing between heaven and earth. That was the true form of the first-generation God King Apum, and it was also the loudest melody representing the note of 'time' in the world.

It seems so powerful, like eternity.

But in fact, more than ten epochs ago, the god who represented ‘time’ was named ‘Dampu’, and the current first-generation god-king Apum is just an ordinary mortal.

Until more than ten eras ago, the god of time, Danpu, could not bear the weight of the era's destruction and rebirth, and the loud notes fell silent, so the gods turned into mortals, and the mortals were promoted to one of the gods.

Yes, Deus knows better than anyone else that gods and humans are one body. They are all part of the great movement of creation and part of the universe. Even the god-king of the 'Four Pillar Gods', together The supreme and powerful beings who rule the universe and heaven and earth are also bound by the great music of creation.

Every mortal is a musical note and has the potential to become a god. If a seemingly ordinary bakery owner becomes a god, he is likely to be a great god representing the harvest. Similarly, if every god cannot maintain If you live in yourself, you will become a mortal.

No matter how famous it is, if it cannot survive the cycle of eras, it will remain unknown and will never be glorious again.

Moreover, the essence of every mortal is different, just like 'Tampu' and 'Apumu' both have similar priesthoods, but they are the symbols of the 'Hourglass of Time' and the 'River of Time' respectively, and there is no god. Similar to any mortal.

Infinitely different notes can constitute the infinite and eternal creation movement.

[But this is also a constraint]

And the God King whispered to himself.

The God-King who represents the sky and the desire to conquer, Deus once traveled to the void of the multiverse outside the world of music. He knows that his power is considered powerful among all the worlds, and is called Hedao. It is an existence that requires a miracle to be born.

In other universes, both gods and practitioners need to practice extremely arduously and embark on the most arduous path of seeking the Tao step by step. Only in this way can they have the slimmest possibility of achieving the state of harmony.

But in the world of music, this is not the case.

They are born as gods, and they are born with shortcuts. As long as they get the crown of the God King, they can become the main gods of the four pillars, and achieving unity is just a matter of course.

However, such a personality is not as eternal as the Hedao in other universes. Instead, it will continue to change as the eternal song sings.

If the gods cannot perform their duties well and make their voices louder and louder, then they may not still become gods in the next era.

Just like how Tempu's divine status was transferred to Apum, the possibility of them becoming gods and god-kings is not 'destined', nor is it 'eternally like this'.

This is a shortcut.

——Shortcut does not mean weakness, but it definitely represents a flaw.

A kind of gain, a kind of desire, there is a time of hard work and a need to go through a disaster.

Even the gods are no exception.

——Who doesn’t long for immortality, who doesn’t long for eternity?

Deus thinks about it, Upum thinks about it, Planf and Noel think about it, and the future Heig also thinks about it. The fate of the four *** has been doomed. Although it is still the Third Era and the Fourth Era has not yet appeared, the 'God King of the Starry Sky, Haig' and his pantheon have been born and even exist. They are just waiting for the eternal poem to be sung. A paragraph of its own.

But they are not eternal, they are time, light and darkness, the sky and the stars, and they are the most powerful Hedao experts.

However, it is not 'eternal'.

[What is the so-called eternity? 】

Deus whispered to himself, asking himself.

And the answer is so clear and simple.

——What is eternity?

——As long as it exists, it is destined to exist.

——It is an iron rule that no matter how many times the reincarnation of the multiverse is repeated, their birth has been destined and will definitely appear.

——No matter the order, no matter the cause and effect, we first determine the existence and eternity, and then discuss other weak things, such as logic and the reality of existence and death.

It is a realm above the harmony of the Dao, an 'infinite seed' that is superior to the Dao. With a single thought, it can cause the waves of the multiverse to surge and affect the time and space of infinite eras.

That is the ‘Eternal Anchor’.

That's the 'torrent'.

The song of eternity may be regarded as an ‘eternal anchor’.

However, in this creation poem, in the infinite era, the ‘Eternal God’ never appears.

And the mortal who may represent the note of 'eternity' has never been found before.

But now, it can't.

【Soon, I will be the eternal god】

Staring at the holy city, the father and his well-behaved daughter were praying for prophecy with their daughter.

Deus's deep and majestic eyes focused on the lovely girl, but his eyes did not have any kindness as the father of all living beings, only the determination and ruthlessness of looking at his goal.

The seven-day cycle of reincarnation is finally coming to an end... Under the guidance of fate, eternity will choose to fade away the notes of eternity.

At that time, the God-King, who was not the eternal gods but played according to the melody of the movement, might finally grasp the tone of the first note.

Then - maybe you can compose a new eternal movement, or even become a 'torrent' that can spread endless melody throughout all realms and turn into turbulent rivers!

That's how it should be.

That's how it should be.

Many times, many things should be like this and have always been like this.

But there will always be people who think that ‘this is how it should be’ and ‘that’s how it has always been’ are nonsense.

"The world of music?"

——Boom, boom, boom!

Just when Deus was feeling excited and waiting quietly.

Accompanied by a faint sound that seemed to originate from the other end of infinite time and space, followed by a siren that sounded like a 'tit-tit-tit' sound, an extremely bright and blazing sound came rapidly from the other end of time and space.

A huge light and shadow appeared outside the world barrier. Immediately, all the mortals in the world raised their heads in shock. They saw a light shape that looked like a giant dragon and a human figure suspended at the top of the sky, with blue-purple pupils. , what flashed was a divine light that didn’t know whether it was gentle or severe.

"This is the Zhuritian Multiverse Police Station. I received a real-name police call reporting that this place is suspected of using fate to affect the dreams of all sentient beings."

His voice was like the sound of thunder resounding in the sky, carrying unquestionable solemnity and authority: "I am here to conduct an on-site inspection. I ask for your cooperation in the local universe. Thank you for your cooperation."

Listening to this voice and feeling the power, above the sky, God King Deus immediately stood up, and all the gods also raised their heads solemnly, looking at the unknown visitor in the void outside the world barrier.

【What if I say no? 】

Squinting his eyes, he looked at Zhu Zhou through the barrier of the music universe. The divine patterns on Deus' body lit up, and he raised his divine weapon, the pillar and scepter that supported the sky.

The God of Hedao said in a deep voice: [Supreme God of the foreign land, please retreat, this is where our music gods belong! 】

This is obviously not the correct answer.

Therefore, in the void, the shape of light stretched out a hand silently.

The bright and warm divine light formed the surface of the giant hand, and the solid and immortal divine gold condensed into the skeleton of the giant hand. When it stretched out, it covered the sky and turned the sun into a firefly. More dazzlingly bright, but also softer, held by tiny dots of radiance.


A slight sound, like a plastic bag being punctured.

The barrier of the music world and even the entire sky were shattered.

A big hole opened in the sky, and the sun went out. But what followed was not a silent night, because the hand of light stretched out from the hole was enough to dim all light sources in the universe.

It is the light of candlelight that surpasses all the stars.

And just when this giant hand broke through the world barrier and covered the sky.

The determined voice of the young man can be heard.

"Then I will investigate it myself."

[The third era, the era of excitement, Deus, the god of the sky, rules all the gods, the passion of all living beings in the world is like fire, and civilization is prosperous]

[Suddenly one day, the evil god Zhu Zhou came from outside the sky to fight with the gods]

【Third Age Interruption】

[The Era of Disharmony Begins]

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