Alan once had a dream.

In his dream, after a long time, the world is no longer barren. There are countless springs on the earth, pouring out countless water. They will turn into rivers, lakes and seas, nourishing the earth, making the grassland and Forests grew and there were oases and flowers everywhere.

I was no longer a guard at that time, not even a general, just an ordinary archeology student, but even so, it was more peaceful and happier than my current life. Although humans in that era still had many contradictions, they still had many contradictions. It won't be like now, where we have to fight each other for a little bit of water and oasis, so that the world will be filled with blood.

How happy would it be to live with the one you love in such a world?

But after waking up from the dream, everything was forgotten. But every time Alan saw Eve, his heart would always flutter slightly. Her long golden hair and gentle eyes attracted his attention. If it were for her, when would he do it? Where is not happiness?

It’s just that Alan always thinks...

He would think about what kind of dream Eve would have if she dreamed.

The answer is surprisingly simple.

An unhappy dream.

For Eve, her dreams are always very vague... but also very clear.

What is blurry is the event, what is clear is the emotion.

It was always difficult for her to remember what she had encountered in her dreams, but she always felt a heavy sense of exhaustion and despair... She always felt that she wanted to get something, but she always missed it.

She lacks happiness.


Although Eve comes from a royal family, she does not suffer from princess disease in the traditional sense. She does not want much and is not willful. Eve does not even have the frailty of an ordinary princess. Faced with someone who wants to assassinate her, Eve She would also pick up a knife to resist the assassins and thugs who shattered her peaceful life.

Eve feels that she is very lucky. She was born in a royal family, and she has the talent to learn miracles. She loves herself, Alan, and her father... No matter what era it is, with such conditions, people should be satisfied, not to mention that she is already very content. , which is enough to feel happy.

But she couldn't feel it.

"Why? I have everything I need, but I still feel it's not enough?"

"Why? I've been pursuing the life and dreams I want, but I always feel like it's impossible to succeed?"

"Why do people in this world have to fight with each other? It's obviously good for everyone to join forces to jointly develop the oasis, so why do some people always have to fight?"

Eve always has ten, hundreds, ten thousand, countless whys in her heart. Why do these things always linger in her heart and will last until the end of eternity.

She often feels ashamed of herself and feels inadequate. She is such a good girl, even if she is sad, she is always considerate of others.

High in the sky, someone can see the dreams of two 'mortals'.

Su Zhou stared at Alan and Eve.

Gaze at the two notes that represent "change" and "eternity".

"What a perfect plan."

Facing the gods in the Overture Chapter who were fighting with him, Zhu Zhou sighed with emotion: "Only change is the real eternity, so the notes representing eternity can never awaken alone and become the true eternal goddess - but even this It's not absolute at all. If one day, with the help of Alan, Eve really realizes all her wishes, I'm afraid she will be able to understand the supreme realm of 'Destiny Spectrum' and become the 'true protagonist' of this music universe. Then surpass the God King, achieve eternity, and even turn into the prototype of the 'Transcendent'."

"This should be a kind of fate, but the irony is that in order to resist this fate and seize the 'eternal note' represented by Eve, you gods have weaved all kinds of new fates."

"Let eternity give up its own life, asking for nothing again and again, and would rather fall into eternal sleep than come to this world again and leave its own melody - in this way, you can take away what Eve left behind after she fell asleep. The eternal melody of the great universe.”

"You kill the dreams of mortals to take away power they don't know they have."

【so what】

No god among the gods cares about this kind of thing, and the God King of Time even dismisses it: [To be honest, even if we don't take action, the melody of eternity and change will always be like this, and they will never get long-term happiness. You can’t change the tragedy you want to change]

[Rather than letting them continue to long for eternity but not get it, it is better for us to get it and create an eternal paradise]

"Even if happiness doesn't last long, you don't need to change, define, or despise it. What's more, do you really know what a paradise is?"

Su Zhou didn't want to talk more. Compared with the many enemies he had fought before, especially compared with Emperor Hongshi, whom he had just fought not long ago, the gods of the Yue Zhang Universe were of a relatively low level and had low moral standards. The level and goals are at the lowest level, so there is no need to discuss scriptures with them at all, just fight them and be done.

Before starting the battle again, he looked towards the 'Prelude Era'.

There, there is a man who once wanted to be a hero, finally became a hero, and is still a hero, dreaming.

Zhou Buyi has actually been dreaming.

In the past, his dream was to defeat the Demon Emperor and restore peace to the world.

After defeating the Demon Emperor and establishing the Tianzheng Alliance, his dream was to maintain civilization and continue peace.

But now, his dream is to make more people in the world know the meaning of peace, and to guide everyone to jointly create a greater peace.

The dream was so clear, and it turned into reality again and again, that Zhou Buyi was not sure whether he was dreaming, writing a piece of history, or whether he was the person in a dream, a character in a book.

But does it really matter?

Because from the beginning to the end, Zhou Buyi has been changing, but he has not changed - he has always been a practitioner of dreams, but his dreams have always become bigger, more lofty and sincere.

The small dreams of young people in the past have finally become part of something bigger and deeper.

The Super Sacred Tree Fortress Taiping has been traveling on the Ilotar continent for more than half a year.

Time passes endlessly in the Yue Zhang Universe. After this huge flying fortress initially broke through the encirclement of many demigod heroes and oracle messengers, it has been flying over the vast desert, sowing seeds and spreading the seeds of sacred trees.

Wherever the warship passed, the people cheered, because lush forests and springs would gush out, bringing vitality and fertility.

But the demigod heroes got the oracle's instructions. They lit fires, rained down lightning, and used hail, earthquakes, tornadoes and sandstorms to eradicate the forests that made the people cheer... because all of them were the corrosion caused by the evil god Zhuzi. , although it seems to be rich, in fact there is poison hidden behind it.

Not to mention the many ordinary people who were angry after great joy and sorrow, even the demigod heroes themselves were muttering, because with their strength, they really couldn't see what conspiracies were hidden in those forests - they were not stupid, either. Of course we can see what the people want.

It's meaningless just to see it. The oracles of the gods are naturally more important than the public opinion of the people.

They could only obey the gods and pull out all the forests Zhou Buyi had brought to this land.

The strength of demigod heroes ranges from the commander level to the overlord level. With such strength, it is actually impossible to stop Zhou Buyi, who has already reached the realm of immortals - but as the blood descendants of the gods, these heroes who have received the oracle and messengers can gain power from the entire world. In the final analysis, they are the darlings of the world in this era, which is very different from Zhou Buyi who is just an outsider.

Even though Zhou Buyi was as powerful as a god and could easily defeat a dozen heroes, hundreds of demigods would still swarm in and block the trajectory of the fortress battleship.

What's more, among the many demigods, there are also many powerful beings whose power is comparable to that of gods.

Therefore, Zhou Buyi did not intend to single-handedly fight against all the powerful men except the gods in the entire Prelude Era. He just took Alan and Eve to wander around the land.

Shenmu has the patience to fight guerrilla warfare with these people, and Alan and Eve are also happy to continue this journey - now, the war in the Upper and Lower Elam Kingdom is over, although the reason is that the gods oracles require that all wars in the world be stopped and unite The strength is against the Shenmu Fortress, but it is a good thing to avoid death.

But obviously, this situation cannot last forever.

On this day, when Zhou Buyi drove the Shenmu Fortress to an oasis city that was about to wither, he saw groups of people kneeling and bowing to him in the open space of the city, praying.

"O great forest god!"

That is Zhou Buyi's current name on the Ilotar continent. Although he is under the command of an alien god, many civilians do call Zhou Buyi a god.

They kowtow and salute repeatedly on the dry and scorching gravel ground, which is almost as hot as an egg. Even though their knees have been burned and their heads are bleeding, they are still so pious.

The city owner, who was over seventy years old, almost choked up and said: "Please revive our oasis in Brown City... When the spring water dries up, the oasis will also wither. The surrounding oases are already owned, and they cannot afford so many people. need……"

"Please save us!"

This is a helpless prayer. If it were normal times, they would naturally not dare to ask for a favor from an outside god, but now that people are about to die, it doesn't matter whether they will be punished by the gods.

Anyway, it is just death, so why should we be afraid of choice?

"I promise you."

Zhou Buyi naturally would not refuse. He played Xiao, and the sound of the sea of ​​leaves was melodious. Suddenly, the springs that should have dried up began to gush out new water, and the withered forest revived one by one and took out new leaves.

After doing this, Zhou Buyi left the area as usual.

Later, the pursuers composed of demigod heroes and oracle messengers also arrived.

"Who is the hero and who is the evil god from outside the realm?"

An oracle knight riding a giant dragon breathed through his helmet. He opened his mask and shook his head in confusion: "To be honest, I really don't understand why these forests must be eradicated - my hometown. There is also a shortage of water and land. Gods bless us, why can’t we just cooperate with these extraterritorial...evil gods? They are really good at planting trees."

"You think I don't want to?"

The leader of the Titan of Sand is a humanoid mountain giant that is thousands of meters high and is made entirely of flowing quicksand. His voice is like thunder. Even if he speaks softly and in a gentle tone, it still explodes like thunder: "You think I don't want more green on my body? But since Father God has issued a death order, it means Father God and the others must have a big plan, and these extraterritorial evil gods will destroy the plan."

"Don't think too much, we just complete the task."

The principle is this. As a demigod hero and an oracle messenger, one is a direct descendant of the gods, and the other is a practitioner protected by the gods. Naturally, he can only carry out the orders of the gods.

Therefore, after they arrived in Brown City, even if they couldn't bear it and no matter how much they felt they shouldn't do it, they still followed the oracle and demolished all the forests without leaving anything behind.

"I'm sorry, we're sorry too."

Turning green into desert again, the demigods will indeed feel that what they do has nothing to do with glory and heroes, but no matter what, this is the order of the gods, and it is an absolute death order, even if it is crying and desperate prayers filled the city, it was impossible for them to hold back.

They even caught a few people who took the lead in surrendering to the 'extraterritorial evil god' and praying for the evil god's blessings - these people must be dealt with. Anyone who has communicated with the extraterritorial evil god may become unclean, and the gods will not Would allow such betrayal.

The demigods have been arguing about this for a long time. Some people say that there is not much, and a little punishment is enough. What do you care about with mortals? Some people say that loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal. Since they dare If you betray the gods for this, you must have the consciousness to die for this.

The demigods quarreled until they saw the Shenmu Fortress, which was supposed to be far away, turning back to the skyline of Brown City.

Zhou Buyi stood at the front of his fortress. He stared at the quarrelling demigods in the distance, as well as the many ordinary people who were tied up and kneeling on the ground - it was those ordinary people who endured enough to be scorched a few days ago. The heat and scorching heat of human flesh and blood kneeled on the ground, praying to him for more possibilities in life.


He asked, just as Eve would never stop asking in her heart: "The forest before is just that. This time I am just reviving the springs and oasis that originally existed in Brown City. Why do you want to demolish them all?"

"Do you have to sit back and watch your people die?" He asked in confusion.

It's a good question, and many heroes have difficulty answering it.

After a long time, the oracle knight was still driving his dragon and replied loudly: "The oracle said that all the forests and vegetation you left behind are to be demolished. Not even a blade of grass can be left... I don't want to either. ah."

The last words were barely audible, just mumbled complaints.

After someone took the lead, others naturally spoke up. A demigod with a long bow on his back and a beard and hair like fire said: "They are already traitors by making a deal with you, the evil god from outside the territory, and traitors deserve the fate of traitors."

"It is destiny that Brown City's oasis will dry up. They made a deal with you for the destined future. Such prosperity, oasis and spring water are things that should not exist!"

Alan and Eve, who were standing behind Zhou Buyi, saw that the demigod stretched out his hand and pointed at the "betrayers" who were tied to the ground with gray faces and despair. Obviously, this demigod has made up his mind to kill these traitors who "eat the inside out" as a prelude to this formal teaching.

"Don't look, Eve!"

After Yalan noticed this, his expression naturally changed. He stretched out his hand to block the blonde princess's eyes.

"Don't block it."

Zhou Buyi said calmly: "Let her see it - she should see it."

"Learn not to bear pain, look directly at the bloody reality, shrink back when encountering difficulties, choose to give up, choose to die on your own... Alan, let Eve watch."

"You should also take a serious look and see the true face of the gods in this world!"

"Look at the true face of so-called destiny!"

Hearing this, Alan was shocked. He slowly put down his hand, but Eve was not afraid at all. She raised her head and stared at Brown City in the distance.

The former princess saw that the demigod with the fiery hair and beard just whispered a word, and then the fierce and explosive flames enveloped all the people who had communicated with Zhou Buyi. The high-heat divine fire burned these people to ashes in an instant. There was no brutal cruelty at all, and everything was ended very quickly.

They all turned into ashes, just like the woods Zhou Buyi had always wanted to plant, turning into invisible dust.


Witnessing such atrocities throughout the whole process, Eve clenched her fists, and light blue veins popped up on the back of the girl's white fists. This was unprecedented confusion and anger: "I don't understand..."

In Eve's dream, the so-called happiness means not having to worry about water sources, not having to quarrel with each other, the family living together in harmony, the old man telling stories to the children, and the parents supporting each other.

People can support themselves by working. No one is exploited and oppressed. There is no need to wage war between countries, but they can unite into a whole. You sell sweet fruits, I provide sweet rice, I sit at the window and sing songs, and Asia Lan was playing the harp outside the window.

We don't have to fight and fight, but enjoy the peaceful time.

Such happiness is absolutely unmistakable, and Zhou Buyi can bring such happiness, at least most of it.

Zhou Buyi can bring vegetation and forests, he can bring endless springs, he can bring laughter to Brown City, and he can also bring smiles to the world.

But why, why do those demigod heroes, those heroic knights who are supposed to protect the people and bring peace of mind and laughter to everyone, insist on destroying all of this?

Just because of the oracles of the gods?

Just for the so-called fate?

Can't figure it out.

Of course she didn't understand.

Even Aram doesn't understand.

"In this multiverse, there are far more people and gods who think only for themselves than there are gods and people who think for the entire civilization and the happiness of everyone."

Zhou Buyi said: "They are walking on the wrong path. As long as such people exist, misery is a destined fate."

"This is the source of the tragedy."

Alan and Eve, the tragedy in their hearts is probably just that the two passionately in love cannot be together. They are separated from their lover by yin and yang. Even if they are reincarnated, they will no longer be the same person in the final analysis.

They don't need to think about the country, the people, food, drinking water and poor life - it may be a bit excessive, but a royal guard and a princess, no matter how caring they are about the people, all they need to think about is just talking about it. Falling in love and singing will never lead to a situation like Brown City, where the spring oasis is drying up and the entire city is on the verge of destruction.

Their fate is indeed a tragedy.

But the real tragedy is actually this world that has created so much sorrow.

In order to create the tragedy between the two of them, this world was arbitrarily shaped by the gods and used as a tool to "weave the stage of destiny"!

"I was dreaming all the time."

Ignoring the yells and declarations of war from the demigod heroes, Zhou Buyi pulled out the sword from his waist.

It was a knife that was very similar to Su Zhou's Blade of Death. The man with black hair and green eyes stroked the blade and the imitation of the Blade of Death. He said to himself with some nostalgia: "I felt that at first , after killing the Demon Emperor, the world will be at peace. What a beautiful and simple dream, I can only see the beginning, but I can't imagine the hardships after unifying the internal conflicts of hundreds of families."

"Later, I had another dream. I felt that if there was an enemy, society could pour out its negative desires, wash away the hostility and extreme emotions, and allow the Tianzheng Alliance to develop smoothly... But at that time, I couldn't imagine the various emotions of people. , let alone imagine how quickly the bureaucrats in a huge alliance will become corrupt, whether they have enemies or not, they will become corrupt."

"I've always dreamed of a better world, but now I don't."

Because dreams can wake up.

Someone has to wake up and change this world that makes people want to dream, and even the multiverse.

Zhou Buyi swung his sword and ordered the Shenmu Fortress to turn back and charge at full speed towards the positions of many demigod heroes.

The demigod heroes were cursing and fearing. It was not that they couldn't deal with the charging Super Shenmu Fortress, but it was unnecessary to face it head-on. And for some reason, Zhou Buyi's aura increased many times at this moment. Those things they used to feel were nothing more than this. 'The divine power was so powerful that it increased to hundreds of times in just a few seconds!

This is natural, after all, it is the body of a sacred tree. Zhou Buyi only used the aura that ordinary human beings can possess before, but now, he has begun to truly explode his strength as a sacred tree.

The Super Divine Tree Fortress also obeyed the will of its master and began to violently deform in the roar, turning into a humanoid giant. Even the Titan was as weak as a child in front of it. Even though the Divine Titan continued to absorb the power of the yellow sand under its feet, it could not It was always difficult to wrestle with this huge sacred tree giant. He was knocked away by a punch, and a big hole appeared in the middle of his chest.

In an instant, Zhou Buyi defeated the joint efforts of many demigod heroes on the spot.

However, in the final analysis, many demigod heroes are the darlings of the world. Not to mention those heroes who were beaten and retired, those who are still left today are naturally the most powerful group of demigods in the world.

These demigods who became powerful because of Zhou Buyi's actions began to fight with Zhou Buyi and the Shenmu battleship - the man was an outsider who was not welcome in the world, and being surrounded and fought by thousands of demigods was like being trapped in a quagmire , difficult to win.

The Dune Titan, which was almost defeated, returned. With the support of the world, its body became stronger and stronger. Now it can rival the fortress robot; and the glory of the knight riding the dragon shines like a star.

The battle between the powerful forces in the desert set off shocks and aftermath that swept thousands of miles away. Although the terrible earthquakes and storms avoided cities as much as possible, casualties could not be avoided.

The sky and the earth change color.

Even though Zhou Buyi repeatedly tried to defend it, those demigods had no such intention - in their view, dying for the gods' plans was really the honor of these mortals.

"Do you still want to give up, Eve, Alan!"

And at this moment, Zhou Buyi suddenly roared: "Faced with all this suffering, do you still want to give up and commit suicide - just because you can't see the one you love?!"

"Forget those things - if that was your past destiny, now it's time for you to choose a brand new one!"

This question is like a bell that wakes up the dreamer.


So, after a brief silence, Eve and Alan both answered in unison, their voices firm: "We want to change the world with you!"

——The established destiny finally derailed here.

The blond girl stood on the bridge. She saw with her own eyes a world that she had never seen in full before - the heroes and knights in the story were not really that heroic. They caused a lot of bloodshed and created a lot of suffering. .

Their fight was not started for happiness, it might just be for their own selfishness, or it might be an unclear oracle.

Yes, it’s time to wake up... If Eve and Alan had an illusion before, they felt that Zhou Buyi would leave this world, or that after successfully turning the whole world into a forest, everything would return to normal. , they can still live the life of knights and princesses in the past.

They even imagined that the misunderstanding between the gods and Zhu Zhou would soon be solved, and they would join forces to create a dreamlike paradise.

But now, after witnessing the truth of this world for a long time, they finally understand that these are all dreams.

The reality is only bloody struggle, not so tender.

"The gods of this world do not welcome you."

Therefore, the girl looked at Zhou Buyi's back.

She seemed to see a higher, larger shadow on the sky. Eve said firmly: "But we welcome you!"

This is a heartfelt admission.

So, that's enough.

Zhou Buyi smiled. He knew that all the forests he had planted had been burned down, but the seeds had been planted.

Those ordinary people who dare to be angry but dare not speak out, those tiny notes, if played together, would be the most magnificent sonata in the world.

The man could sense that layers of notes and melodies began to sound around him. Some of them were the notes and melodies of those who were burned to death by the demigod heroes. Their souls did not choose to go to the heaven of the gods, but Choose to go under Zhou Buyi's command.

In the Shenmu battleship, as the roots of the trees were entangled, bodies were shaped one after another. Those who died were resurrected in the battleship, and they became one of the many pilots of the Balance while looking at each other in shock. .

"It's time to wake up." He said: "This world is not worth sleeping on."

Zhu Zhou not only lights up the dark room and wakes up others, Zhu Zhou also lights up his own dreams, burns his own dreams, and then wakes up to look directly at the entire dark world.

Then go and shape the world into what you dreamed of.

——It seems that there is music playing, echoing from afar.

Above the sky.

The gods drove chariots and sacred mountains, clashing and fighting with the dragons again and again.

But suddenly an announcement sounded.

"I have already won this era."

The gods did not understand everything that was happening on the earth, but Su Zhou suddenly said with certainty, which puzzled the God King of Time who was fighting with him.

[Where did you win... Damn it! 】

But before the other party could say anything more, Shenlong laughed, swung his long tail, and shook the God King's chariot, even at the cost of getting a few blood marks on his body from the gods.

"As expected of my best friend, Zhou Buyi did better than I imagined."

With such a smile, Su Zhou lowered his head: "The seed has been planted."

Therefore, he set his sights on the next era.

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