Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 892 Past and Present

The battle in the sky will last for a long time.

Of course, it might not be time, because time is meaningless to both sides of the battle, but for the young man on the earth, the battle ends very quickly.

When Alan drew his sword, both the shadow messenger and the flame sergeant who stopped, all felt a huge threat, and the power that could threaten their lives was spreading.

"What kind of power is this? It's not the goddess of day. It's more violent than that..."

The shadow messenger waved his staff, and the shadow thorns like sea urchin thorns followed the shadow of his feet and flew towards Alan.

These thrusts were extremely sharp, seemingly invisible but capable of easily cutting through steel, shattering and breaking the rocky ground wherever they passed.

But Alan just took a step forward, and lava cracks burst out on the ground, swallowing up many shadows.

The flame magic brought by Zhu Zhou naturally restrains all curse-based spells, and it is different from ordinary light-based offset and restraint spells. Zhu Zhou's light is a fire made from burning curses, which will devour the enemy's resentment and destroy it. Keep growing.


Therefore, with a blast and roar, the flames became even hotter, and countless cannonball-like lava masses also followed this step and flew towards the Shadow Messenger.

"It actually doesn't work?"

The Shadow Messenger was not surprised. He had already sensed a power from Aram that was not inferior to that of an ordinary demigod hero. The 'divine power' in the opponent's body had obviously been inspired. In this way, the opponent's 'poetry miracle' was truly Important stuff.

There was no order, but in an instant, the shadow puppets that were fighting with the many flame soldiers all escaped from the target and flew sideways towards Alan at a rapid speed.

But the result was astonishing - the boy's eyes swept across and he sang softly.

[The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until noon]


A low smoldering sound of fire sounded.

With Alan's eyes as the source, a gentle light lit up, and then turned into a soft but tough light shield, covering the whole body, resisting all incoming miracles and magic.

The miracle of poetry originating from Zhu Zhou is now guiding the surging power in Yalan's body. This is a power that the young man has never sensed in the past, but is now churning endlessly.

The rays of light ignited the shadows, and even burned in turn. Following the spiritual veins of the shadow puppets, they spread towards the frightened shadow messengers. This immediately made the old man holding the staff throb in his heart, and he immediately cut off the connection between himself and the shadow puppets. connect.

Sure enough, in the next moment, when all the shadow puppets touched the flame shield around Alan, they all melted like rising water vapor or melting ice.

Even the resentful souls, elemental spirits and lucid totems that were bound in the shadow puppets were freed, dissipated in the thanksgivings of liberation, and turned into light and ascended to the sky.


"What kind of miracle is this?"

"Even 'Hymn to the Dawn' is no match!"

The Flame Sergeants were a little confused at first. Aram's power was similar to theirs, so that they thought they had encountered unknown reinforcements. But when the shadow puppets were transferred to attack Aram and were easily eliminated, they even really Think of Aram as a helping hand.

However, the oracle that came down from the sky later made these warriors who believed in the God King of the Day stunned.

【Destroy Aram】

A message without any emotion comes from the sky: [Destroy the candle day]

【Destroy all creatures in front of you】

"My Lord?!"

Although confused, the Flame Sergeants are used to obeying orders. Since the gods have spoken this order, they will act.

Regardless of whether they think the other party is innocent or should be eliminated...that's another matter.

So says the oracle.

"Kill!" Immediately, a white light lit up on the head of the female captain. This light was pure and bright, like the most brilliant sunshine at noon. When this light touched Yalan's body, the female captain's entire body melted. As a ray of light, it was teleported to the young man.

Without any hesitation, she swung the sword in her hand and slashed diagonally from the upper left to the lower right, intending to cut Yalan in half. The force was so powerful that just the aftermath caused the earth and rocks under the young man to burst. crack.

At the same time, the Shadow Messenger seemed to have heard the oracle. He also let out a roar and raised his staff high. Suddenly, the gray gem inlaid on the top of the staff cracked, and black shadow lights visible to the naked eye burst out. Like a black snake wandering in the atmosphere, devouring all life in the world.

The ten black snakes are growing stronger with all the vitality in the world, and are attacking the front and back of Alan with a sharp roar. At the same time, the female captain's blade of light also slashes down fiercely.

[Those who do unrighteousness will receive unjust retribution. God is no respecter of persons]

However, Alan, who raised his sword, spoke his second miraculous poem.

He swung his sword and used the sword skills taught by his father to cut open all the incoming corrosive black snakes. Whether they were bites like lightning or slashes like strong winds, they all flew like light. The knife blocked and split.

The greater the curse on the enemy, the greater the improvement in Aram's strength at this moment. As long as the enemy is a good person with no evil deeds, Aram's miracle will not be of any use, and even chanting this poem will consume a lot of physical strength.

However, whether they are Shadowbringers or Flame Sergeants, whether they use darkness or light, the curses lodged in their bodies can be described as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, an endless purgatory.

So at this moment, Alan is stronger than all of them combined!

boom! !

A sword light split open the atmosphere, chopped the blessed half-sword in half under the astonished gaze of the female captain, and devoured the corrosive snake under the shadow messenger's incredible gaze. A terrifying burning sound in the atmosphere sounded. That was the sword light. The aftermath shattered the air and ionized the atmosphere.

As the main target of this knife, the Shadow Messenger immediately flew backwards. During the flight, a golden-red line of fire appeared on his chest and abdomen. When the line of fire separated, the inspector of the Shadow Temple Guan Guan was cut into two pieces with a single knife, and the burning flame adhered to the wound, making it difficult to heal!

As the target of the flame attack that was swept away by the aftermath, the flame sergeant was blown away by the strong wind, and even the sandstorm was stopped due to the blowing storm.

For a time, the sky and the earth were clear, and even the celestial phenomena were suppressed by the power of the messenger of God.

The door of the temple.

Eve watched all this.

The expressionless girl witnessed everything with her own eyes - those who suddenly appeared in the village, killed villagers, destroyed houses, and wanted to harm themselves were being suppressed by the young man who threatened to make himself happy and protect himself.

He did what he said, he did what he wanted to do, and he accomplished what he promised himself.

So...what should I do now?

Eve thought for a while, recalling the legendary stories that Alan had told herself during the many days and nights in the past.

She opened her mouth tentatively.

"Come on, Alan!"

She encouraged.

Immediately, the other side of the battlefield seemed to hear this quiet encouragement, and the flames of apprentice Zhu Zhou suddenly became three points more intense, making all enemies who faced his attack miserable.

Behind Eve, Elias watched all this with a smile.

[Alan, your power is the divine power called 'change'. In the long past, you have never been able to awaken, because the conditions for your awakening are also changing moment by moment. It is almost impossible for you to achieve success. Become a 'god'】

[The same goes for Eve. Her power is the power called 'eternity'. As long as it is not eternal, it is impossible to awaken her... But what is there in the world that can be eternal and can make the eternal goddess realize her mission? ? 】

[But...only eternity is something that cannot be changed even by 'change'...and only 'change' is the real 'eternity' in this multiverse]

[You have always been dependent on each other and have walked together through many eras - you have left this movement with the opportunity for all living beings in the universe to become gods and harmonious beings, forever leading the rotation of eras and the rise of all things]

The gods who had penetrated the truth behind all this raised their heads and looked at Gao Tian: [But those shallow gods ignored your sacrifices]

[They want to occupy your power, so they want to disappoint you, give up, and then plunder your divine power... and become 'eternal' themselves]

Elias shook his head slightly: [They almost succeeded]

[But it is impossible to succeed]

[Because there are me, there are teachers...there are all those who see injustice on the road and are unwilling to see tragedies take action]

[So everything is not destined, and there will definitely be a better ending]

High in the sky, at the top of the firmament.

Can hear Zhu Zhou's mocking laughter.

"Destroy Aram, destroy Candlelight, and destroy all living things?"

The young man's voice was almost laughter, and he made no secret of his disgust and contempt for the other party: "I sensed something was wrong, sensed that history and destiny were beginning to change, so I couldn't afford to play anymore, so I had to turn the table over and start over, right? No one saw it. , no one is observing, so that part of history that was wiped out can be written by you, right?"

[Whatever you say, original candle day]

At this moment, on the dome, a winding giant dragon can be vaguely seen. It is a pitch-black dragon named Original Candlelight Multiverse Divine Power Battle Form 7.30. Three sharp long horns are flashing with dazzling lights. Thunder, dazzling fire and soft, flickering starlight.

The three major magical powers of judgment, purification and prayer are going deep into the foundation of the universe, turning into the three major poems [Revelation], [Proverbs] and [Promise], achieving the localization of magical powers.

Facing them were the twin god kings, one on the left and one on the right, riding on both sides of the chariot.

The goddess of the day and the goddess of the night, Planfu and Noel are standing ready to guard against the magical power of the dragon.

The day god king Pu Lanfu hit his shield with his spear, making a loud and sonorous military music. He scolded in a deep voice: "Although I don't know how you did it, Aputu didn't stop your erosion in the prelude era, so Zhu Zhou The name continues to this day...but it all ends here]

[Zhu Zhou, you do have great power, but you really don’t understand the rules of our universe... Yes, as long as no one sees, no one records, and no one observes all this, we can rewrite the rules of the universe. The Akashic Records made it possible for all this to never happen...even turning back time]

And the Dark Night God King Noel plucked the strings, and he smiled slightly: [Falseness and truth, whether it is for Hedao or the God King, are the same... If you want to create a world with hundreds of thousands of years of history , you don’t need to really let that world spend hundreds of thousands of years, you just need to arrange the memories and traces of hundreds of thousands of years, so what is the difference between really spending hundreds of thousands of years]

[In our universe of music, as long as the poem can be sung and the melody can be continued, then the specific changes will be decided by us - the name of Zhuzhi will be cut off here, and we will mobilize all our power to eliminate this word]


But Zhu Zhou didn't seem to care. He laughed and showed his fangs: "Is it true? I don't believe it."

Obviously, such words can greatly anger others, even the God King is no exception.

The twin god-kings of light and darkness took rapid breaths several times before they could resist the desire to take action immediately.

But the next moment, Zhu Zhou's words stunned the two god kings: "Even if it is true...but, isn't it you who pronounced the word that you want to erase?"

Shenlong repeated: "Destroy Aram, destroy Zhu Zhou, destroy all living things - destroy Zhu Zhou."

"Wanting to destroy something just proves that that thing exists real and true."

Su Zhou stated word for word: "Thank you."

"In this era, I won again."

The void inside the universe, the dome above the sky, the history of chaos began to change, and began to be determined and rooted with this word.

And a long time ago, the history of Candlelight, which originated from the "Prelude Era", also began to spread due to the power of this word, flowing into this "Ringing Era"!

[How is it possible that history can be fixed with just one word? ! 】

The twin god kings were simply unbelievable. They wanted to block this trend, but they were blocked by the light cannon breathed by the dragon. They turned themselves into long chaotic dragons and integrated the infinite chaotic energy in their bodies, and finally condensed into The jet-black material flow was almost like returning to ruins, and then it was sprayed out without hesitation.

This 'Dragon's Breath of Nirvana' is Nirvana in the literal sense - countless miniature quantum black stars are rushing towards the Twin God Kings like rivers. These will merge with each other at any time, and the small black holes that converge will form in an instant. Coupled with Zhu Zhou's divine power, it is an attack that is enough to damage Hedao!

"One word?"

And just when the twin god kings supported the giant shield and chanted a song to block the dragon's breath, the dragon shook his head solemnly: "How can it be just one word!"

"Zhuzhou is a thought, a belief, an action, a way - Zhuzhou is more than just a race or a name!"

"That is the kind of 'rightness' that all life is looking forward to, calling for, and wanting to realize!"

At this moment.

The universe of music.

As the strong men of Hedao fought and gambled, the shadow of another continent suddenly appeared on the edge of the Ilotar continent.

On this continent, the majestic mountains are ancient and majestic, the dense forests are quiet and vast, and endless clouds swirl and gather above the mountains and forests, turning into a vast cloudscape.

On top of it, there are fertile lands, strong grass animals, gathering places on the edge of river banks, huge cities and kingdoms, as well as towers and temples that reach into the sky.

Its name is Atlantis, which is also Penglai, and it can also be called Canaan, which is the land promised by God to flow with milk and honey.

In ancient times, the prophet "Buyi" came to the world. Under the siege of the sons of gods and messengers, he divided the sea and opened up the land. He used the ark to save all living beings and led the righteous people to leave the continent of Ilotar and arrive at Atlan. Teece.

A long time has passed, and all the living beings on the continent of Ilotar, the gods and their demigod descendants, have forgotten those who once left the desert wasteland, and those who followed Candlelight.

And now, the second prophet and the new Candlelight appear on this continent that is good at forgetting.

There are fierce legions and a huge fleet gathered with thousands of sails, setting up flags on the other side of the sea.

People's eyes are blazing and their beliefs are firm.

They will use fire to revolutionize all things and create a new world.

——The past and present history are beginning to intertwine here——

Recommend a book, "Weird Agent"

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