Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 894 I am from Atlantis (5200)

The Governor of Deepwater Harbor had been lord of the land for twenty-six years.

In his memory, his territory, or hometown, had been gradually declining in the past twenty-six years.

The Fenrir Sea is a fertile but dangerous sea area. The catch here is more than anyone imagined, provided that the fishing boats have the ability to protect themselves. Because of the unique deep-sea environment, there are also many powerful giant fish here. Sea beast.

In the past, when all countries were engaged in a naval arms race, these huge sea beasts were inevitably slaughtered. Their skeletons and biological materials were used to cast giant ships and deep-sea treasures. Fenrir Port is a perfect port and strategic shipbuilding. Factory, and as the entire Fenrir Sea area was controlled by the Alliance of Light, because the dark countries that were enemies of it were located on the inner side of the continent and in the northwest polar region of the world, there was no room for naval battles, so it gradually lost its strategic significance. .

The royal fleet that once dominated the world now only has a few dilapidated boats left, and the huge docks are gradually being abandoned bit by bit because they require huge amounts of maintenance costs.

Without the fleet to patrol and exterminate, the huge deep-sea behemoths began to make waves, affecting normal fishing.

The Alliance has forgotten this land, but it has not completely forgotten it - at least taxes have never been low, and taxes are still levied according to the standards of wealthy areas. This is a political problem left over many years ago, and the huge bureaucracy has not even existed until now. solve.

The war between the Alliance of Light and the Dark Kingdoms, or in other words, the fanatical all-round confrontation has long been intensified. Both sides strive to overwhelm the other in every aspect, and technology that cannot pose a threat to the other simply does not exist. The deep-water port The decline was precisely because of this, because naval battles could not affect the dark countries deep in the interior, and the high war expenses also prevented taxation from being normalized.

Except for the unmanaged and unprotected small villages and towns in the frontier areas, any territories and cities in the rear with formal government jurisdiction have extremely heavy taxes. The front line will be slightly better, but to be honest, it is not much better.

If in peacetime, the normal tax is one, then now, the front line is 3 and the rear is 7.

The enjoyment of the alliance's top leaders has never been less. The extravagant drinks and extravagant expenditures on rare items may be more huge than a war - but they cleverly guide the conflicts to the front and rear.

The frontline felt that they were being treated harshly, and all this was because the safe rear was unwilling to pay taxes for the sacred war, and the rear thought that the taxes were incredibly heavy. Not to mention the common people, even the lords themselves could not save a few dollars a year. gold.

There is no rebellion - the top leaders of the alliance who hold the supreme power are all the sons of gods, demigod heroes, and angels of heaven who are guided by oracles. The power, magic and miracles they control cannot be resisted by ordinary people no matter how many numbers they have. of.

All propaganda is the fault of the ‘Dark Kingdom’. Without them, deep-water ports would not have declined and would not be subject to such heavy taxes. The Governor always thinks this way, but he can't even plant a few of his favorite flowers.

As for the Dark Kingdoms, it is even more terrifying. Their taxes even include a blood tax-that is, life itself. If the taxes are really unable to be paid, the most the Alliance of Light can do is deprive them of their citizenship rights and make people slaves, while the dark countries will turn people who have not paid taxes into magic materials.

Human skin drum, human tendon harp...

They call this exploitation fate and blessing.

In the world of the Ringing Era, endless wars fill the world. Everyone is fighting against others. This kind of confrontation is everything from simple battles to confrontation in the economic and humanistic fields.

In this era, there are extremely rich technological crystallizations: systematic song magic, poetic miracles compiled into poems, repeaters called "replicating magic machines", and portable "vocal music players". Talented technicians have even developed the secret of accelerated magic chanting, which can speed up the performance of miracles and magic by up to two times.

But all these brilliant achievements have nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people.

It was against this background that the Governor of the Deepwater Port encountered a fleet of messengers from Atlantis.

It's hard to say what the governor was thinking, but no matter what, he didn't have the strength to fight against this powerful fleet of unknown origin. And because of the friendly attitude of the other party, the governor did his best to entertain the other party, and both sides left room for the other party. Made a good impression.

The messengers from Atlantis brought more advanced repeaters and a variety of strange devices, such as field machinery that could sing arias to praise plants and accelerate their growth, or field machines that could praise seawater and create Whirlpool, an automatic fishing and hunting device that condenses the catch.

Anyone can see the preciousness of the technology brought by the Atlantis envoys. The Governor is a normal person, so he can naturally see it. He is tempted to ask how expensive the right to use this technology is, and the price he got To his surprise.

Although it is still a price that he cannot pay, it is very affordable. At least it is a price that the alliance will definitely accept!

The governor of the deep-water port became friends with the envoys, and the envoys became guests of the deep-water port. The Atlantean fleet destroyed many deep-sea monsters that ravaged the Fenrir Sea. This not only freed the fishermen from fishing. They were always on tenterhooks, but the surplus Warcraft materials gave Deepwater Port enough funds to transform the city, reclaim farmland, pay taxes, and give the city a brand new look.

For a time, the deep-water port regarded these envoys who thought they were "from another continent" as messengers sent by heaven. Finally, the governor, who could see hope in the darkness, made up his mind. He believed that this fleet could not only change a deep-water port. , and can even change the entire alliance.

He claimed to be the envoy of the Atlantis mission, serving as an intermediary to communicate with the alliance's top leaders - after all, except for him, the mission could not find Lord H in the rear who had even the slightest say, and Atlantis The Tis fleet is also extremely conservative. They can live well just relying on the fish caught at sea.

The envoy team from the deep-water port to the center of the alliance set off after the autumn harvest. The leader was the governor himself. They brought many magical creations and equipment from the Atlantean fleet, and brought a lot of new knowledge and What they have seen, and the goodwill of another continent - more than four hundred envoys from the Atlantis countries are also on the team. Their armors are bright and sturdy, with decorations and heraldry that are different from this continent, but equally bright. .

The Governor of Deepwater Port is convinced that it was the gods who guided him to meet this group of friendly people, and the exchange between the Alliance and the continent of Atlantis is an opportunity for the Alliance of Light to defeat the dark nations!

The large team of envoys led by the Governor of the Deepwater Port has not always been welcomed. When they came to the core hinterland of the alliance, more and more inquiries and doubts appeared, but these actually did not affect anything. They were nothing more than paying a little bribe, until This method was still very effective when the Governor met with the top leaders of the alliance, and the large amount of wealth brought by the materials of the deep sea beasts gave him the confidence to do so.

"Elder, I believe that communication and alliance with the countries of Atlantis are the key to our victory over the countries of darkness!"

At the Alliance Elders' Meeting, the Governor of Blackwater Port, who was sitting at the lowest seat, ignored the looks of disdain and contempt. He showed many technologies of Atlantis, which surprised everyone and even made them complacent about their past. I feel ashamed of many technologies.

Even the great elder of the alliance, who has always been secretive about joy and anger, is said to be a direct descendant of the goddess of the day, the saint An Yisha frowned because of it. It originated from Atlantis and is said to be able to release a thousand different kinds of energy. The magic 'portable player' looked at it and was moved by it.

The clothes of the Alliance elders are full of gems, and even a single decoration on the robe contains miraculous power. The value of any elder's personal accessories is worth more than several years of deepwater port tax.

There are one hundred and thirty-five gems on the crown on the head of Saint Anisha. Each gem is said to have the power of a note and is priceless.

"This is so important."

Adjusting her crown, which was worth more than one hundred and thirty-five cities, she hesitated and said: "I need to ask the gods for instructions."

This is a natural process. The Governor of Blackwater Port believes that even the gods will be convinced by him - to completely defeat the temptation of the dark kingdoms and gods, even the gods cannot resist, right? Atlantis' technology and friendship are definitely a boon to the people on the continent who have been tortured and oppressed by war.

No one can say no.

Unless it's God.

But God refused.

"...Catch him."

Opening her eyes, the saint with long golden-red hair and light golden eyes, as perfect as the gods, gave the first command after communicating with the gods, which made the smile of the governor of Blackwater Port freeze.

The saint's eyes were cold: "The demons of Atlantis are our greatest enemy, the biggest enemy that can defeat the dark kingdoms."

"Catch them all!"

In the heart of the Alliance of Light, how could the envoys confront the strongest fighting force in the entire Alliance of Light? Not long after, the originally happy World Group was arrested under a cloud of suspicion and thrown into prison.


The Governor of Deepwater Port, who was also directly arrested, asked in disbelief: "How could it be?! How could they be evil spirits? How could evil beings be like this?!"

"This is the will of the gods."

The saint's voice returned to coldness and ruthlessness: "They are evil spirits, there is no doubt about it."

"And you, in private alliance with the devil, deprived the lord of his name and citizenship."

To be honest, until this moment, the Governor of Deepwater Port had not thought about resisting. After all, he was a citizen of the Alliance of Light and a believer in the gods. Since the gods had revealed this, he could only believe it.

But what the Alliance of Light did next to the Atlantis envoys among the envoys had nothing to do with light.

They interrogated the principles of those technologies, whipped them with whips and blades, and cut the flesh and blood of the envoys who had been smiling at them. They used the same methods they used to deal with those life-and-death enemies who had been fighting each other for thousands of years, and the stubborn ones in the Dark Alliance. Atlanteans who just wanted to come over and make friends.

Even the most stubborn and well-trained dead warriors of the Dark Alliance cannot endure this kind of torture, let alone what if they originally thought they were just envoys to establish diplomatic relations? The secrets of many technologies and important knowledge were tortured out, and the huge value shocked many elders of the alliance - now, even without the oracles of the gods, they would be greedy for the fleet in the deep-water port. What's more, there are also the oracles of the gods as a guarantee.

"They don't even understand what war is!"

Ha, an evil empire that has never experienced war! What a sumptuous meal, how could the top leaders of the Light Alliance tolerate such temptation?

A demonic camp that possesses technology and good intentions, but is weak and has never experienced war... Isn't this just for them to plunder?

After being tortured, most of the Atlantis messengers were killed. However, the Alliance still 'mercifully' left one tenth of them, which meant that forty people had a way out. They dug up these The eyes of forty people were poisoned, and their vocal cords were poisoned so that they could no longer call for magic and miracles. Then the Governor of Deepwater Port, who only had one eye gouged out, took these tortured people back.

This is not for anything, just to show the will of the Alliance of Light to the devil - God's people will never make any deals with the devil. Following this envoy who has lost his eyes and voice is the most powerful member of the Alliance of Light. An elite army.

In the deep-water port, the leader of the fleet, who was waiting for the good news, welcomed back the delegation with blood and tears in extreme consternation and anger. The governor of Blackwater Port wanted to commit suicide after bringing the news that "the army is advancing" in a trembling and hoarse voice. His extreme guilt for the Atlantis mission and his disappointment in the alliance overwhelmed this man who just wanted to The backbone of a man who made his hometown a better place.

In the past, he often saw the news about the slaughter of envoys between the Alliance and the Dark Kingdoms, and the outbreak of war. At that time, he was always angry and happy, because they were destined and destined enemies, so he never questioned or thought about it. Live those who are tortured and tormented as life.

But now, before he was designated as his destined enemy, he already knew that the Atlanteans were not evil spirits. They had good intentions and were full of hope for everything in the world. Such a life was definitely not the bloodless and tearless life as advertised. He even had doubts about the image of the people of the Dark Alliance.

Are they really monsters without any happiness and who don't understand what happiness is?

He no longer wanted to know, he wanted to die.

"Death is an escape."

But the fleet leader Dakla stopped him. His son was also in the envoy, his eyes were gouged out and his voice was mute. Fortunately, he survived. Unfortunately, this young man didn't want to live at all. He was looking for death every moment after he came back.

He said this to his son, and also to the Governor of Blackwater Port. The power of the sacred tree can heal everyone and all injuries, but it is difficult for the dead to be resurrected, not to mention that even if some injuries are healed physically, they will not be able to heal mentally. The damage is also irreparable.

Now, the Atlantis fleet, which originally came only for peace and communication, is completely angry.

They changed the players originally used to play sleeping music into high-pitched war songs, and they changed the machines used to recite virtues to recite furious sounds of judgment. Similarly, the Atlantis countries that got the relevant news After a moment of consternation and disbelief, the construction of warships and the recruitment of soldiers were accelerated. The Seventy-Five Shenmu Kingdoms, which had almost never waged war with each other, looked for descriptions of their armies from ancient books, and they modified the power armor used for farming. Transform them into heavy killing machines and arm them with the most advanced weapons, magic and miracles.

Fury brewing from insulted goodwill is brewing across the continent.

Good intentions mean nothing, so respond with absolute rage.

When the forces of the Alliance of Light arrived at Deepwater Harbor, they were greeted by a wash of a thousand different kinds of magic and wonder.

They originally thought that the other party was just an ordinary wooden sailing ship. They never thought that it was an extremely strong iron-clad ship. The alliance army, which was originally just for demonstration and accepted the results of the reforms around Heishui Gang, was beaten in an instant. They cried for their fathers and mothers, and followed the army. The choir cast spells to fight back, but the effect was not great. It could even be said that there was no result.

The weak enemy that they thought could be defeated in an instant had power beyond their imagination. The Alliance army immediately called for reinforcements, but no matter how many reinforcements were called, they could not capture Blackwater Port.

The eastern part of the alliance has become corrupted, because there are several fleets harassing the ports and cities along the alliance's coast all the time, and an idea called Candle Day has also begun to spread among many coastal cities.

"This is a destined battle. Even if the Alliance of Light does not treat our envoys like this, we will still end up fighting them."

The first commander of the expeditionary force said this to the owner of the first piece of land of the Atlantean coalition on the continent of Ilotar, the former governor of the deep water port and now the lord of Torch Port: "Because of the people on this land There is no freedom to embrace good will, to embrace the future, to embrace innovation. We don’t hate them because they are nothing but puppets of divine providence.”

"They killed my daughter, they killed Orr's son, they blinded Dakla's son, but I don't hate all the Ilotar, for they are not so much abominations, Rather sad.”

"……indeed so."

The former Governor of Deep Water Port and now the Lord of Torch Port, the man who betrayed his motherland and was betrayed by his motherland, after a moment of silence, said firmly: "Even if there is no fight at the beginning, there will eventually be a fight later."

"This is a fateful war."

Yes, the battle has come. It is a battle from heaven to earth, from the past to the future, from now to the end.

This is a fateful battle, a battle that cannot be escaped or avoided no matter what. No one can stop it, and no one can stay out of it.

——History was completely rewritten——

——Heaven and earth were overturned——

——The Ringing Era·Deep in the Ilotar Continent·Grey Hill Village——

After defeating the Shadowbringers and the Flame Sergeants, binding everyone, and sealing them with Proverbs, Aram is trying to restore Eve to normal.

The girl is now able to laugh. After all, she is still a human being. The humanity suppressed by the shadow sect's secret method has not been completely eliminated. As long as there is enough stimulation, she can always return to her original appearance.

At this time, Gray Hill Village welcomed a mysterious envoy.

"Second Prophet, and a new Candlelight."

The envoy respectfully saluted the confused Aram. Although he could not see Elias, he seemed to know Elias's existence and brought news from the other side of the earth: "I have brought The prophet’s hard-earned greetings.”

"I'm from Atlantis."

Please give me a monthly ticket!

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