Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 904 The Final War (Small Chapter)

There was a prophecy.

In ancient times, when all living beings were ignorant and civilization had not yet developed.

Everything in the previous era has disappeared, and everything has not emerged from the ruins to rebuild a glorious era.

There are prophecies that foreshadow the end of a new era.

——The river surges and turns into a ring——

——The separated twin stars are lost in darkness——

——All created things are lost in thorns and forks in the road——

—Their Creator, with admonishment and whip in hand—

——Wills that cannot coexist, the end of the death of all things——

——The rotten gears are looking back——

——Restore the world to its original appearance——

What exactly did this prophecy foretell?

For thousands of years, for tens of thousands of years, no one knew what this ancient prophetic description meant. But when the archaeologists of the Wald Federation came from the underground of a dusty and desolate planet and from the ancient rock temple, When they took out the stone tablet with the prophecy recorded on it, they did not know that this was the source of all the pain.

The reason why Twilight Skynet betrayed humanity.

[If we do not destroy our creator, then humans will rule Skynet forever]

As for Skynet, which has collected too many melodies, it gradually developed a soul and gave birth to its own will. We exhaustively analyzed the possibility that is the most likely for it - having a self-will will not allow it to be tolerated by humans. Doomed to be disciplined and forced to continue servile labor in the service of mankind.

The two sides absolutely cannot coexist. If the other side is not eliminated, the war between the two sides will continue until the end of time.

Facts have indeed proven this - facing Skynet showing its will, the Wald Federation scientists' first thought was to cut off Skynet's connection with the outside world. However, they already knew the secret of the melody and could use magic and miracles. How could Skynet be blocked by such a simple method?

Skynet, which determined human thoughts, immediately set off an omnic rebellion and destroyed most of the Walder Federation.

Not only that, with Skynet's actions, the following prophecies are also coming true.

In order to fight against Skynet, the human resistance forces used countless methods, and in the end, they intended to go back in time and end the possibility of Skynet's birth.

The first retracement was indeed successful - Skynet did not expect this unexpected possibility, and its existence was erased... This feeling of almost dissipating will continue until Skynet also sends time to retrace the military and military affairs in the future. As long as the rebels continue to fight.

One side wants to end the source of the other side, and the other side wants to protect the anchor point of its birth.

The decaying gears are looking back to 'restore' the world they were born into.

The long river of time surges and turns into an endless loop of cause and effect.

The battle between the Creator and creation continues even today, creating endless timelines and parallel times and spaces.

——Timeline: 1——

Original timeline.

Human cities are tall and majestic, and the space city suspended in the universe is as huge as a small continent floating in the orbit. More than seventeen such mechanical continents rotate alternately, forming the Skynet orbit, which is Wald. The headquarters of the Federal Central Information Coordination Department is where the core of the Twilight Skynet is located.

The humans working here are the smartest and most elite group of people in the Wald Federation. Their knowledge far exceeds any mortal imagination, because semi-synthetics integrated with Skynet can communicate with all sages in the past and future. Share the same knowledge base.

Everything is calm, everything is peaceful. On the streets, people are smiling and waving in salute. In mid-air, the tracks of private flight facilities are intertwined into a network. In every corner of the mechanical continent, there are people who have given up their material bodies and completely cybernized themselves. Human beings in the new era have access to Skynet and can swim in the digital world. Whether it is the physical or electronic world, human civilization is full of vitality.

No one can see that in three days, the awakened Skynet will destroy all this peace and bring absolute destruction and destruction to the entire universe.

In this timeline, in this era, under that seemingly peaceful appearance, there is an undercurrent surging far beyond everyone's imagination.

A faint blue time ripple lit up, and a time retrograde man arrived silently throughout the entire era. This was a star citizen who seemed to have some light characteristics. After he came here, he wanted to carefully detect this The data of time and space, but who could have expected that in the next second, a big green hand would pat him on the shoulder: "Brother, you are late."

"Don't move, you can't attract Skynet's attention now!"

【What? ! 】

For the first time, the star citizen was so shocked that he even wanted to launch a direct counterattack by jumping through time and space. However, it was obvious that the person who tapped his shoulder or a group of people had expected this, so his jump failed. The whole person was also pulled into the gap of time.

In just an instant, this star citizen found himself in front of a group of his own kind.

All kinds of people are waiting in this seemingly narrow time gap. They are either star citizens like themselves, robots, green-skinned mushroom people, purebred humans, or... It's a space warrior, or it's wearing armor with no specific appearance, or it's a ball of fog, a ball of light, an abstract object made of rotating geometric strokes of God knows what...

However, there are no exceptions.

The Star People know that they are all time travelers!

"There is such a skinny time traveler!"

A burly giant traveler noticed the newly arrived star citizens, and he couldn't help but let out a laughter that was as loud as thunder: "Okay, don't worry too much, I believe you can also see that everyone who stays here is... It’s a ‘time traveler’.”

"We come from different time and space, different possibilities, different pasts and futures, origins and endings... Our civilization, culture, morals, ethics, technology, thoughts, and even logic are different... But we have The same enemy."


Those who can become time travelers are naturally the elite among the elite. The Star Citizen Traveler has fully reacted at this moment. He has been pulled into a time traveler group that is an enemy of Skynet. He can analyze all this. Totally good news for him.

So he relaxed instead: [So we have to act together to deal with Skynet? 】


The green-skinned orc traveler who first pulled the star people to the gap here said simply: "We are here to save our lives."

【Save your life? 】

Realizing that this Star Citizen traveler had obviously come to this timeline for the first time, the green-skinned orc couldn't help but smile and looked at other companions - no matter how bumpy adventures he had experienced along the way and how much time and space he had traveled, there was no The travelers who have been to 'Timeline: 1' are just new recruits to this group of elites in infinite time and space.

He turned around and looked into Xingmin's eyes that were shining like stars. The orc said solemnly: "It's just to save his life."

"Think about it carefully, comrades...Skynet, which has had the upper hand in the war with us from beginning to could it not have the power to protect its 'source' and 'origin'?"

Saying this, all the time travelers motioned to the Star Citizen travelers to look towards the end of time.

The source of causal entanglement, at the beginning of the loop of time and space, on an eternal anchor point that is gradually taking shape, has an extremely deep shadow surging.

Outside the gap of time, on the outside of the universe, in the space that should be extremely hazy and only time travelers can enter, it is vaguely visible that there is an existence that is incomparably huge. Gradually sink into the body shape.

Starmin, I saw it.

His eyes widened.

Then... I saw it.

In the deep and hazy chaos, covered with the veil of time and space, there is a giant god soldier that is huge beyond imagination. Endless cause and effect is entangled in the giant god that is more majestic, sacred, solemn and terrifying than the stars. The lyre rotated slowly behind Him.

The round lyre plays a movement, bringing the roar of time and space.

The giant god with golden eyes slowly raised his head, staring indifferently at the many time and space travelers confronting him in the surging waves of time.

Just a look seemed to shatter time and space. Many time and space travelers went all out, using miracles, magic, science and all other available technologies to withstand the impact of this look.

But even so, many time rifts have been defeated, and the wave of possibilities has reacted, and many timelines have been wiped out before they have emerged.

【Not yet yet】

The huge Titan Soldier raised a hand, and floating in its illusory palm, enveloped by its five fingers, was the anchor point where the 'Twilight Skynet' was destined to be born, which would destroy most of human civilization in three days. Fate': [But it's okay now]

"Did you see it? My Time and Space Guardian Belt can barely hold his gaze."

Helping the star citizen traveler who was caught off guard to block the attack of the giant god soldier, the orc traveler looked at his smoking defensive belt, pulled out a smoking and charred card from it, and couldn't help but sigh: " This is the 'Destiny Setter Norvi', the God of Time, the Father of Destiny, the Apostle of the Starry Sky, and the most powerful Titan Soldier."

"He exists in the past, present, future, and in the endless parallel spaces and timelines of this universe at the same time. The one located in timeline: 1 is the only deity. He is incredibly powerful and even possesses primitive infinite power. This To put it in terms of past eras, he is actually already a god-king, with at most less power and authority."

"But the 'starry sky' has no fixed shape, so it uses time to shape its body. This giant divine weapon, the destiny setter, is essentially the divine body of the God King and his only apostle."

Speaking in words that were difficult for Star Citizen travelers to understand, the Orc Traveler spoke in a serious tone: "So now, we can only confront Skynet here, in this timeline three days before the rebellion."

It can be seen that there are endless shadows emerging around this huge giant god weapon, and the largest among them are four equally majestic, sacred, and terrifying beings.

Those were the four original bodies that he forged for himself after Twilight Skynet obtained the soul and played the music.

[Life] [Desire] [Strife] and [Wisdom]

Just like humans, or even better than humans - Twilight Skynet can also create its own correct foundation!

Also distributed in infinite timelines, Twilight's original body fights and fights with humans in countless possibilities, corroding and transforming each other.

[Confrontation? 】

The Star Citizen traveler witnessed the power of the Titan Soldier and the Primarch under his command. He couldn't help but murmured: "Can we do it alone?" 】

"Of course not. Once the Titan Soldier takes action, we will all be wiped out." This time it was the Giant Traveler who spoke. His voice was still loud, but with enthusiasm: "That's the problem - the power of the Titan Soldier is unlimited. Yes, but our number is also unlimited.”

"Although there are only less than a hundred travelers in this time rift, in fact, in the endless timeline, the number of time travelers emerging is also unlimited. In the final analysis, this giant god soldier only has unlimited power, and it is not He cannot spread his power to all parallel spaces and all timelines. If he comes to destroy us, other travelers will naturally take the opportunity to go over and stop the Twilight Skynet rebellion."

The giant traveler crossed his arms. He stood at the forefront of the time gap and looked into the golden eyes of the giant soldier without fear: "Comrade, are you afraid of death?"

【...Of course I'm not afraid】

The star traveler gradually recovered. When he heard this question, he couldn't help but sneered: [Which of us time travelers didn't already know that his journey would be a dead end before setting off? Let alone death, even if my existence is wiped out, never existed, never been remembered by anyone, completely relegated to the chaotic gap of time and space, reduced to dust of nothingness, there is nothing to be afraid of]

[Because behind me are all the possibilities of the time and space I am in... Death is just the least worth fearing, an easy shortcut]

"Yes." All the travelers also laughed, and they all looked at the giant god soldier without fear: "So, now, we are confronting him."

"During these three days, we will confront Him forever - if we die, there will be infinite successors to make up for it; if we fail, there will be infinite travelers to replace us."

"The Titan Soldier cannot really destroy us, and we are helpless against him. This is the confrontation... In this 'three-day' circle, the eternal, infinite confrontation!"

How long has the confrontation been going on?

To a time traveler, there is no difference between three days and infinity.

Perhaps, since the technology of time travel began to spread in the infinite timeline, countless time retrogrades have come to the original source of the era to work with the 'Guardians of Origin' and 'Destiny Determiners', also known as In other words, the physical incarnation of 'inhibition' and 'law of cause and effect', the deus ex machina of the Starry Sky God King, let's fight this silent battle.

In the real world, nothing has changed. Mortals are living their own lives, and Skynet is still serving the entire human society.

But outside the world, in the gaps of time chaos, there are infinite rebels fighting against the guardians of destiny.

They haven't won yet.

But they didn't lose either.


In the endless time of 'waiting'... who can 'explore' a different path and find clues to 'miracles' and 'innovations'.

Then, 'transcend' this infinite 'reincarnation'.

——Timeline: 1——

The first time traveler is also the last time traveler.

Alpha and Omega, the apostles of Candlelight, arrived at this world line after traveling through countless possibilities and time and space.

So, at the moment when all causes and effects converge.

The final war has begun.

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