Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 911 Keep touching and tapping away! (Small chapter)

There is no doubt that the oracles of the gods have been the top priority in the past few thousand years. After all, the last oracle was the last time (thousands of years ago). Almost everyone has no idea about this kind of myths and legends. When it becomes reality, no one will be surprised.

In a short period of time, the Chairman of the Continental Alliance summoned all committee members and powerful men to recall and analyze this oracle.

Because the incident happened suddenly and it was indeed of great importance, no one engaged in any boring bureaucracy or polite testing. For the first time, all the de facto rulers and senior leaders of the entire alliance were present.

"So why the war? Did the gods say anything?"

The speaker is the Alliance Finance Minister. The smooth top of his head is said to be able to reflect the etheric light cannon released by Atlantis's eighth-generation void-level Melody Armor. However, he is more famous for his stingy nature. The bald minister frowned and said: "I must say in advance that the alliance's finances are very tight, and the mining and exploration of deep mines in the southern seas require a lot of money and time..."

What he said was very tactful and gentle, but the voice that followed was not so friendly: "Hit him when he said it? Who did he ****?"

The voice was indignant. Although the tone was vulgar, it was obvious that it was the voice of everyone present - the conference room used technology originating from Atlantis, and even the gods could not spy on it.

"He is the God King." Someone said in a strange tone: "I have never seen a god who has been doing nothing for thousands of years. After thousands of years, the first oracle is to let us go to war. I have learned a lot."

"Isn't it? I don't think about how much public support will be reduced by starting a war. Who wants to go to war now? We just reached a border development agreement with Atlantis last month and want to build a mutual trade market... Let's go to war now. More than ten years of negotiation and consultation have all come to nothing, and all investment and construction have been in vain!”

"Indeed." Someone agreed: "It is said that in the ancient Second Era, the oracle also ordered the alliance of light and darkness at that time to fight the Atlantis, believing that the other party was an evil spirit... I saw it at that time History is baffling. Why do we listen to the gods and fight against a civilization that is obviously very powerful? Were the top leaders of the civilization at that time mentally retarded or without eggs?"

"Awe of the ancients." A scholar patted the table and scolded the last person who spoke: "At that time, the gods often sent down their divine power, which was a huge force that we can hardly resist now. It was normal for the ancients to listen to them... But in fact, since the war with the Atlantis countries, the gods have never sent down their divine power. No matter how badly we were beaten, or even when we were almost captured in the core hinterland, the gods have never sent down their oracles. and divine power.”

"And I remember that you are a descendant of demigods, right? Your bloodline can be traced back to ancient times, and you are also a descendant of gods! Are you scolding yourself?"

The person being refuted clicked his tongue and muttered unhappily: "God knows what happened tens of thousands of years ago. How do you decide which of us is not the blood descendant of the gods? Is it possible that you can't call me a fool..."

This is the current situation.

The Continental Alliance has indeed legally inherited the Alliance of Light and Darkness' belief in the gods... and respects Deus, the God King of the Sky, as the supreme god.

However, there have been no miracles or oracles for thousands of years. How pious you want to be with this kind of belief... is obviously impossible, right?

If the gods can communicate well, then it is obviously not difficult to return to faith. After all, the foundation is ready. In a world with true gods, faith is not something that cannot be accepted.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked for a world war... This kind of thing was impossible no matter how much he thought about it.

"The gods shouldn't have the energy to care about us."

A tall and powerful man said firmly: "Obviously, according to the ancient records of the First Era, the countries of Atlantis were followers of an ancient god, 'Zhu Zhou', also known as 'Xi Guang'. Candlelight waged divine war with our gods, and their prophets parted the sea of ​​clouds and raised their continent of Atlantis from the sea, creating the prototype of the Atlantean kingdoms."

"The group of gods above us are probably engaged in a divine war with Zhu Zhou and have no time to care about us. But in the second era, it is said that the Atlantis countries came with good intentions. It was our ancestors who obeyed the gods. He ordered us to torture and kill the envoys, which is why we now have an undying hatred between us and the Atlantis countries."

"Mao is relentless. God knows how many thousands of years have passed since the Second Era, and we have not had a war with Atlantis for seven hundred years. As long as the Atlanteans are willing to forgive, we can send the foreign minister there. Kneel down and admit your mistake.”

A female divine descendant with hair that looked like running water said: "To be honest, all those families that issued the order to kill must have died over the years, right? At least they have no inheritance. When our Continental Alliance unified, we had internal After seven or eight rounds of cleaning, there is nothing left."


At this moment, the Federation Chairman frowned. The tall giant-born man patted the table, causing the entire conference room to shake three times: "It seems that no one is willing to fight, right?"

This question does not need to be answered at all. Many high-ranking officials under the alliance may want to remain a little reserved, but those free overlords and immortal strong men will not give the chairman a bad look: "If you want to beat yourself, I will not do it for these people." God sacrifices his life.”

"No need to rush me, do I look like I want to fight?"

The Federation Chairman has a headache at the moment. Of course he doesn’t want to fight. Nowadays, people-to-people exchanges between the mainland and Atlantis are extremely ordinary. Seven hundred years of peace, let alone forgetting hatred, at least the new generation really doesn’t want to fight... Who Want to fight? Is it not possible to develop mutual exchanges and technical cooperation necessary for trade? The world is so big that it can accommodate the two forces of the Alliance and Atlantis. In fact, another seven or eight positions are completely sufficient.

This generation of federation president belongs to the peaceful development faction. He has been committed to erasing the pain and hatred of the past and has made a lot of efforts... After all, it is really inexplicable that you want a person tens of thousands of years later to share the hatred of the ancients tens of thousands of years ago. Well, if we change the earth, it would be a vendetta from the Stone Age that has continued into modern society. Even if we only count the seven hundred years of peace, it would have been at least three dynasties. Who can remember the family feuds of the previous three generations?

Now, the relationship between the Continental Alliance and Atlantis is warming up. In a few generations, it is estimated that complete peace talks will be possible, diplomatic relations will be normalized, and the Cold War will end.

By that time, wouldn't it be wonderful for both sides to open up trade, help each other develop resources, join forces to conduct scientific agreements, and then explore the boundaries of the world and open up the future?

This is the general trend of the world and what the people want!

War? Let’s have a shitty fight!

The people like it, whoever the gods are!

Say so.

But the actual situation is very bad.

In the final analysis, the gods have extremely huge power. Through the ancient books passed down, the Federation Chairman knows very well that the entire Fenrir Inland Sea occupied by the Atlantean countries is terrifying enough to destroy the core area of ​​the alliance with one blow. The deep pit was formed by the gods in the past who used their divine power to attack the world-ending ark led by the first prophet of Atlantis.

That kind of power is difficult for even the current Continental Alliance to replicate... It requires the use of the most under-the-radar technology and the unification of the entire alliance's power to barely be able to match it in terms of pure destructive power.

However, the First Prophet and the gods can launch such attacks at will!

Although the gods are not very old, they have such terrible destructive power, so it will be very troublesome if they don't want to fight... If the other party imposes divine punishment, the countries of Atlantis may be fine, but the alliance will definitely It’s gone.

Obviously, all the strong men present also know this key.

But they are not the chairman of the alliance, especially those strong ones from the alliance. At worst, they will drag their families and defect to Atlantis - for tens of thousands of years, the blood of the same race has been confused for a long time, and they have to have a relationship. Half of the people at the top of the alliance are related to Atlantis, and vice versa.

Therefore, this group of people left everything to the chairman to make decisions.

But anyway.

Today's Continental Alliance is decisively different from the past Alliance of Light and Darkness.

That is, compared to the people of the second era who could carry out massacres without thinking for the sake of the oracle, and the people of the first era who still obeyed the oracle even if they knew that Zhou Buyi's behavior was better for the world. He went to destroy his many demigod heroes.

The top leaders of the Continental Alliance in this era have their own ideas.

Whether it's selfishness, desire, or other ideas... at least, these ideas are not forced upon them by anyone, but are choices made by themselves.

They have the right to think about why without blindly following it.

In the end, the top brass of the Continental Alliance finally made a decision.

"We cannot risk civilization."

The chairman of the alliance said this, and the giant said calmly: "The power of the gods is not something that we can confront head-on - the ancient books do say that the gods are at war with Zhu Zhou, and facts have proven that thousands of them They have never cared about us in years.”

"But even if a major god comes and brings disaster to us, tens of millions of people will be killed or injured. We cannot afford to take this risk."

Raising his hand, he stopped other senior officials who wanted to speak. The chairman said solemnly: "Of course, we also know very well that if we are really stupid enough to fight an all-out war with the Atlantis countries, the number of people who will die will be as high as It’s not as simple as hundreds of millions anymore…”

According to the power of the space carriers on both sides, destroying a large city with tens of millions of people in an instant cannot be said to be easy, it can also be said to be like a flip-flop.

In a true all-out war, there are hundreds of millions of people in the trading cities on the border between the two sides alone, and they will be wiped out in an instant.


The chairman smiled and suggested a possibility: "Why don't we discuss it with the other side?"

"Discuss with the other party?"

This proposal was indeed beyond the expectations of everyone present.

"What does this mean?" The most outspoken and powerful ones spoke up, and the bald Minister of Finance suddenly understood. He said in surprise: "Wait a minute, Chairman, what do you mean..."

"Yes, that's what it means!"

The corners of Chairman Giant's mouth curled up. He raised his hand, and the communication array floated in his palm: "Let's talk to the leaders of the Atlantis countries next door..."

"Let's talk. There is news about the gods appearing again and asking us to 'go to war'."

Immediately, many senior executives present also suddenly realized, and they all smiled.

——The continent of Atlantis and the location of the sacred tree——

Federal Central Building.

The leader of the United Nations in Atlantis put down the communication array carrier in his hand. The information conveyed in this extremely secret channel that no one except a few senior officials knew about made him show a subtle expression.

"Oracles of the Gods..."

He whispered to himself, confused: "Requesting war?"

The man was silent for a while, unable to understand: "It's been thousands of years, and these gods haven't stopped yet? I thought they had learned their lesson. Could it be that God Zhu Zhou hasn't beaten them all yet?" Get down?"

Compared to the Continental Alliance, which has had no oracles for thousands of years, the Federation of Atlantis Nations has received some revelations from the heavens from time to time.

For example, sayings like "Zhujiu God beats up the gods again", "Zhujiu God wins consecutive battles", "Zhujiu God conquers the past and future" sounds so mysterious that I don't know if I should believe it. News... There is such news, but what if there is no news?

At most, everyone can take advantage of the 'divine revelation' to take a few more holidays, and everyone has an excuse to celebrate the Victory Day carnival.

But now...

"These gods must be just threatening, they are just anxious."

The leaders of the Federation can easily come to this conclusion - because the divine power of God Candlelight to protect the continent of Atlantis has not only not decreased, but has become much stronger, which is enough to show that those gods were really beaten by the God. He has a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, so he can only break the jar and threaten his former subordinates to fight with himself and others, thereby containing the fighting power of the god.

But here comes the problem...

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the last war was seven hundred years ago. What on earth are those gods on the Ilotar continent thinking?"

Shaking his head slightly, the federal leader shook his head. He was going to inform the top leaders of other countries: "But no matter what, if the group of divine fish breaks through, it will indeed be a trouble."

As he said this, he also showed a smile that was just like the chairman of the alliance, with a slightly strange smile: "Joint it?"

This was the plan set by the Continental League.

They are ready to superficially agree with the oracles of the gods and 'go to war' with the Atlantis nations, but this is just an appearance. In fact, they will only use drones and autonomous melody constructs to conduct a virtual battle, once An 'exercise' on a whole front scale.

There won't be any real humans on the battlefield, nor will there be any truly highly lethal equipment used.

The battle between the two sides only exists 'literally' and 'virtually'!

In this way, we can not only test whether the gods have the ability to truly bring down their divine power, but also learn more about the situation of both parties and prepare for deeper cooperation in the future.

Besides, maybe this exercise will be fun, and you can also get some ‘rewards’ from the gods!

After all, God is still a real person, so if you give me some face - if the two major forces put on a show for them, it won't be considered as an insult to the faith they have held for so many years!

The chairman of the alliance and the federal leader all nodded in agreement: "It is indeed a good idea."

——Era of Encouragement·4437——

A fierce 'war' that spreads across the entire continent officially begins under the sky!

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