Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 914 Things that change but are eternal (5200)

For Eve, a little girl from the exciting era, her life has become much more exciting since a gentle white-haired girl appeared in her basement.

Dad Yalan no longer has a sad face, and his luck is much better. In the past, even if he went out to drink cold water, inexplicable poisonous spiders would fall into the cup. Although it still happened occasionally, there would be invisible spiritual brothers and sisters who would help. He solves these problems.

Those invisible brothers and sisters are almost everywhere. According to Sister Aura, those are her 'teachers'. She has recovered her body in her original world, but after hearing the inspiration of the God Candle Day, out of curiosity, , also unwilling to be lonely, so he returned to the form of the spirit body and answered the call with Sister Aura.

Eve is always happy and interested when talking about Sister Ola.

Although the white-haired girl didn't look much older than her, she was extremely mature. Even though Ola reiterated several times that she was only seventeen years old, Eve nodded understandingly, thinking that she should be seventeen and a few hundred years old. Thousands of months, maybe—this is how characters like the hundreds-year-old girl elf sage in legendary stories usually talk about their age!

In any case, the appearance of Aura did change the fate of Eve and Alan.

Compared to Eve, the more mature Aura is the direction that girls long for.

Especially the existence of Aura has brought many new things to this world.

For example... a virtual reality game in a dreamland.

With the end of the 'Great Farce' campaign, many forces have increased their investment in virtual games due to the public's voice. As the most mature system architecture, the Dreamland of Xiguang Church has naturally received the most resources, and now the campaign has been completely reproduced. There are several classic gameplays in the game, and they even introduce new ones, abandoning the constraints of the two camps and adding a 'sixty-person battle royale' gameplay.

In this gameplay, the Church of Light chooses their well-known commanders and warriors as templates to create hero characters, giving each hero unique abilities and passives to fight in vast archipelago maps, fortress maps, mountain maps and city maps. .

Compared with camp battles, this kind of game that pays more attention to personal abilities is also extremely popular with the public.

Eve is one of them.

As the only daughter of the wealthy Yalan, the major shareholder of Xuguang Church, Eve is naturally a beta player of these games... Moreover, in these battle-related games, the girl has shown extraordinary and terrifying talents!

Not powerful, not outstanding, but terrifying!

Nowadays, Eve can easily achieve an average of ten kills and more than 2,000 damage per game when playing a double row battle royale with Alan. She can often achieve even 20 kills and 4,000 damage.

If it weren't for cheating in the Dreamland, and if it were placed on Earth, players like Eve would be reported for cheating in every game.

After all, Alan is old. Although he also has some miraculous abilities, his reaction ability is really not good without the miraculous bonus, so he can only be taken away by his daughter.

Nowadays, Eve and Alan's game identities are already a well-known high-end duo in the fantasy world. Every time they appear, someone will live broadcast and record the screen, and edit the scene of the killing from a hostile perspective.

Play games every day, learn how to control mecha combat in the game, and learn miracle magic and knowledge of other worlds under the guidance of my father and sister Aura.

Eve feels that such a life is really wonderful.

Compared to the time before, when I knew my father or I had to choose one of them to die, how happy I was now.


"Even if it is like this, it will last forever, and there is nothing wrong with it."

When the blond girl was sitting on the balcony, looking at the distant sun slowly setting on the horizon in the twilight, she couldn't help but sigh: "Time, please slow down... Such tranquility, I really want it to stop forever. "

She thought so, from the bottom of her heart.

Longing for time to stand still forever.

For the beautiful moments of time.

For moments of happiness.

For a little girl who had experienced great tangles and considered whether to commit suicide so that her father could be freed from his inevitable fate, such a wish was not surprising, and could even be called a matter of course.

However, someone still spoke.

"Eve, why don't you think about it from another perspective?"

With light footsteps, her long white hair flew, Ola's figure appeared behind Eve, and touched the little girl's head from behind: "Imagine making the future better and making the present happy, Become happier."

"Wouldn't this be better?"

"It's Sister Aura!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the girl happily stood up and gave the other person a hug, and then invited the other person to sit down and drink tea together.

Eve has always admired people like Ola who have their own dreams, abilities, can do what they want to do, and have courage. She also believes that sister Ola's words must be right.

But...she will also question it.

"elder sister."

The girl propped up her chin and asked curiously: "What you said about getting better, in the final analysis, you have to work hard to do it."

"But, you also want people who don't want to work hard and just want to live a normal life, who don't want to struggle and just want an ordinary life, right?"

"Since you are already happy now, you don't want to continue working hard or change, and you just want to continue like this forever... There will definitely be many people like this!"

She said this and asked a question: "In that case, sister Aura, will you force them to become better?"

"No, no." At this point, Eve suddenly realized that she had made a mistake. She waved her hands in a panic: "I mean, if others work hard to get better, those who don't want to work hard will be Leaving behind...the obviously happy life has been broken like this, and in order to restore the original happiness, I have to be forced to make progress...isn't this bad?"

"Although everyone says that progress is right, and it's your fault if you don't work hard...but is this really good? Hard work should come from your heart's desire, rather than being forced by others, right?"


Aura couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. The girl who originally came here just to see how Eve was doing recently was really surprised at this moment.

Have these children in their early teens actually considered such a thing as a snowball? He is indeed a very smart child.

However, this way of thinking is still too limited to ‘ordinary people’.

So, the silver-haired girl smiled, stretched out her hand, pinched Eve's cheek, and before the other party said, "I hate you, sister," she calmly said: "Eve, you really understand what it means to be forever... What is eternity?"

When the girl didn't react and still had a dull expression, Aura smiled slightly: "A truly happy world is a gentle world that allows waiting, allows latecomers to catch up, and allows slow and quiet life."

“No one urges, everyone is tolerant, and those who fall behind will not be left behind... Only such a world can support the ‘correctness’ of ‘innovation’.”

"It can be called 'eternal'."

Standing up, Aura stared at the dark sky where the sun had dropped below the horizon. She stretched out her hand and pointed at the dark night sky where the stars were gradually emerging.

The girl said in a firm tone: "Eve - I don't mean eternity casually, and I don't mean eternity as a joke. If you think about it seriously, facing the true sense of 'infinite time', you can really guarantee that there will be nothing." Work hard, never work hard, do you always want to continue playing like this and enjoy this tranquility forever?"

While Eve opened her eyes wide and fell into deep thought, Aura still used a very serious tone, staring at the seemingly endless boundary of the world. She solemnly said: "Ten million years, a hundred billion years, a hundred million years... From this moment until the end of Nayuta, the black holes will evaporate and the universe will reincarnate forever."

"This is a time that is infinitely longer than the limit of imagination."

"With such an 'infinite' time, can you be so determined to stop it forever?"

Eve listened.

Eve was troubled.

Eve frowned, she didn't know how to express her thoughts.

The girl's little cheeks puckered up. She thought seriously for a long time before she had to admit: "Isn't it possible?"

"Just like I want peace now... in the future, when I get tired of playing, I will probably want to change my life to another way?"

Saying this, the girl said with some reluctance: "It's not necessarily for the better. It's like changing to another game when you get tired of playing it. If one lifestyle is boring, just change to another lifestyle."

"If you think about it carefully, I still want to take risks, explore, and help other people whose lives are very bad. I don't just want to play games... I still have many, many things I want to do!"

Having said this, Eve cheered up again. She said with a smile: "Because I always felt that I couldn't live very long before, so I wanted to be as happy as possible and stay as long as possible. Now that I think about it, if I really If you have unlimited time, there are so many things you can do, it’s really countless.”

"It would be great if I could really live to infinity." The girl even began to imagine happily.

"In fact, everything you want to do will eventually be done in the face of eternity."

Closing her eyes slightly, the android girl, who originally had an extremely short lifespan, recalled the past.

She thought of her teacher and his dreams, and couldn't help but whisper to herself: "However, there are always some things, some 'rights' that need to be pursued forever."

——Chasing better forever is also a kind of eternity.

Eternal innovation...

The white-haired girl raised her head and looked at the sky where the stars were shining.

"The path that my teacher and I pursue is just like this, something that changes but is eternal."

——Era of Encouragement, Year 4453——

The dreamland technology promoted by the Church of Light has become fully mature. Now, in the entire universe of music, whether it is the Continental Alliance or the countries of Atlantis, all people can communicate with each other through this huge network that is connected to everyone’s souls. , communicate with each other.

As long as you think about it, everyone can know each other's joys, sorrows, and joys, understand each other's thoughts, and share some knowledge... Of course, all of this is limited, and even one person's true thoughts can be limited. It’s not clear that what humans can interact with is always only the most superficial thoughts.

But even this is enough, because under the power of this network, all hypocrisy no longer exists.

Of course, there are also people who protest, believing that dreamland deprives humans of their right to privacy. This is not an argument, but a real worry. After all, the power of human wisdom comes from being independent and having its own private thoughts and souls - no Without privacy and secrets that belong only to oneself, human beings cannot move forward with desire.

Moreover, lies are absolutely necessary, and some sad news requires white lies. People have the right to know the truth, but at the same time, people also have the right to be hypocritical and lie.

But this is not the case in the Dreamland. People can protect their secrets as a matter of course - the Dreamland can only guarantee one thing, that is, people can guarantee their 'sincerity'.

When a person doesn't want to lie and wants to prove that he really just ate a bowl of noodles, he doesn't need to dig his heart out. He only needs to prove it in the dreamland, which is the most authentic evidence.

People can still be silent, have their own privacy, lie, deceive and conceal each other.

However, for those who want to tell the truth, it is impossible for anyone to question their truthfulness and sincerity.

This ability seems to be one of the inconspicuous auxiliary functions of Dreamland, but it is actually the core function.

But for the public, the most important thing is the entertainment brought by the dreamland.

The world today still continues to be peaceful and prosperous. With the potential enemies of the 'gods', the two forces are working together... After all, the source of the war between the two sides that has lasted for two eras is the gods. to have his own way.

The gods have supreme power, but this power itself has been gradually overtaken by human beings - the power of poetry, magic and miracles is that it is the power that calls out the entire universe itself. It has unlimited power and is fundamentally There is no upper limit.

As long as the team that studies this path is deep enough, humans can also create a 'giant weapon' that is comparable to the gods!

Of course, people in the Jizuo Era don’t know that in the future ‘Finale Era’, Skynet and the Resistance Army will even create God King-level giant weapons... Although one of them relies on the power of the Star God King, and the other With the help of Candleday's knowledge, but ultimately, it also proves the possibility of magic and miracles.

Walking on this path, the two major forces have been building the 'final decisive battle weapon'... They have even begun to explore the high sky and explore the seemingly eternal and endless sky.

——If the logic of time and space is normal, starting from this time, the Jiuzou Era will embark on the road to the "starry sky" of the "Finale Era". At its peak, it will be destroyed by the gods and become the Finale Era. The 'background setting' that made Skynet awaken his will.

This is the fate set by the gods for all living beings. When all living beings obtain power comparable to them, they will destroy and obliterate the era.

But, this time.

Because there are candles and suns that cut off cause and effect, and there are great gods who block the destruction of the gods.

Therefore, everything is different.

In the Era of Excitement, in 4467, many Taixu-class floating fortresses set sail. They were comparable to the generational arks used by the first prophet of Atlantis to lead the people to the continent of Atlantis in the Overture Era. These Incomparably huge ships roam the sky, exploring the eternal distance.

Then, they really saw that in this vast and infinite world, there were actually planets like a sea of ​​stars!

Not only the two major forces, but also many pioneer space explorers are excited - because these planets are filled with obvious 'divine power'!

Yes... the entire sea of ​​​​stars is the remaining 'bodies' of many gods before the Jizuo Era!

And it’s not just this era, it may also be the ‘echoes’ that remain in this universe of music in countless real eras and reincarnations. Those notes that once achieved gods but finally faded back to humans!

In this sea of ​​stars, one can even vaguely hear distant ancient sighs, and one can hear the sad whispers that seem to come from the gods of the prehistoric era. The reluctance, the powerlessness to hate oneself, and the despair of sinking are enough to make people feel sad. The lonely movement of man's madness.

However, with the sonorous sound of swords that seemed to originate from outside the universe, all the sighs, all the whispers, all the lonely murmurs and cries of sinking were dissipated in the surging sounds and bells like flames.

Yes, every star in the starry sky is the body of a loser, a memory of pain and despair, and the remains of a group of people who pursued eternity but failed in the end.


so what?

If they were just local residents of the Le Zhang Universe, they would probably be shocked and frightened, and would be afraid of the starry sea and sky filled with corpses.

However, for those pioneer space explorers, for those local explorers who yearn for endless distances, abandon their own avenue brand, and also go to the outer universe.

Corpses, so what?

Aren’t humans also like this?

Human flesh and blood also contains part of the predecessors. Human beings are the creatures that devour countless corpses and move towards the future. Human beings are the creatures that trample on despair and chase meaning from nothingness!

Every bit of atom and dust, spiritual matter and energy that makes up the human body, brain, and soul is the ashes of all things past.

Those burned out fires finally condensed into mud, creating all things that are now full of vitality.

For the sake of all the losers, for the sake of those once burning flames, people now should, as a matter of course, move forward without hesitation, abandoning all confusion and fear!

Therefore, it’s time to move forward and find a way to a farther place!

【Take the long road】

Under the guidance of such a blazing, fire-like spirit, all living beings of the era can finally look up at the unknown starry sky without fear.

——The body of God is the echo of the starry sky.

——The endless sea of ​​stars is a majestic movement called the Joy of the Gods.

Yes, no one can resist the urge to move forward in this starry sky that may reveal the true nature of the entire movement's universe.

Without the help of the gods who have been covering up the truth and preventing humans from going to the stars, humans will finally have to rely on their own strength to step onto the edge of the 'truth'.

The era of excitement, 4467.

The era of exploration has begun.

Not the past, not the future.

Not initially, not finally.



The macrocosm of movement, the movement that takes place in the ‘now’.

Sounding the note of being both Alpha and Omega.

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