Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 916 Thirty million years of countercurrent! (4800)

The gods are essentially a group of outstanding and lucky people. After unexpectedly gaining power, they refuse to let it go. They are such a group of guys who intend to hold the power in their hands forever.

What did the gods look like in the beginning? No one knows it, not even the God King, because even the God King who has survived the longest time has only survived for dozens of real era reincarnations, and has not gone through ancient and modern times, leaving behind the birth of the universe. The inheritance that appeared at the beginning.

They don't know what the ancient first gods did after gaining divine power, and what changes they made to the world.

But over a long period of time, they themselves were gradually left with a mark.


Mayflies that live and die cannot chase eternity. They are too insignificant and turn into smoke and dust as time flies.

Mediocre mortals cannot pursue eternity. They work hard and live in pain. They have to be oppressed, taxed, killed, and tortured. When they die, many people do not think about "returning to the afterlife". , but 'never come into this world again'.

Yes, this world is full of suffering. As long as you choose, there will be regrets. There are always endless troubles in the world.

Only the rich, only those who hold power, those who are rich all over the world, are respected as ancestors, and emperors.

Only such a beautiful guy who enjoys all the glory and wealth, knows the beauty of life, and understands authority.

Only such people will look forward to eternity and pursue immortality.

Who else in the world can enjoy more glory and wealth, be richer in power, and be higher than the gods?

Never again.

Therefore, no one can desire eternity more than the gods, and long for this supreme divine power and authority to remain in their body forever.

Deus, the god king of the sky, remembers the memories before and after he became a god.

In the life before becoming a god, he was a well-known emperor. He led the development of aerial ships, led humans to the sky, built twelve floating cities, and established his supreme authority on the continent of Ilotar. , so he was praised as the God Emperor of the Sky.

With these achievements, he became the God King of the Firmament in the next era, and many of his team members, those friends and subordinates who led the era to its peak, also mostly became gods and became members of the pantheon of that era.

However, now, all of Deus' former team have disappeared and turned into mortals, reincarnating between heaven and earth... Only Deus is still standing high in the sky, chasing the misty eternity.

Deus always strengthens his faith every time he reflects on the past.

When he was seven years old, his father, who was the imperial prince at that time, took him to the slums. Deus knew exactly why his father did this.

Born intelligent, he can easily understand people's desires, and he can easily understand the meaning behind all human behaviors like reading fairy tales. When Deus came to the slums and saw the numb and hateful expressions of poor ordinary people, , he knew what his father wanted to tell him.

——If you want to be an emperor who cannot be overthrown, Deus, then you should not allow poor people to exist in your country, and you should not allow such expressions among your people.

Clearly, Deus understands this.

He later became the God Emperor of the Firmament precisely because he practiced this principle - under his governance, the country was peaceful and the people were happy and healthy, and he was even willing to actively contribute many tributes so that the God Emperor could go to the Firmament.

This is also the foundation for him to become a god.

——For the emperor of mankind, this is enough.

——But as the King of God, is it okay to do this?

That's obviously not possible.

The "Emperor of the Earth" who is immortal and mortal, whose authority comes from mankind, needs the "human collective" itself to give him strength.

His power is the power of the collective, the superposition of the system, society, and the trust of the people, so it has its power.

In other words, it is first because of the system, then because of actions, and then because of the people's belief that the power of the country will become the power of the emperor.

But the God King is different.

God-Kings first have power so they can act, and then they create systems.

As for whether people believe it or not...

That doesn't matter.

At the very least, what use are people to a god-king who seeks eternity? They are so fragile, so easy to decay. One generation dissipates in a dream, and ten generations pass by just one sleep. When the God King focuses on building his palace in the sky and clouds, hundreds of generations have already risen and fallen on the earth. , the country has changed more than ten times, and countless joys and sorrows have been staged.

The country he created in the past has long since been destroyed. It is not an eternal thing. No matter how prosperous it is, it will definitely decay.

It's so nihilistic. what?

Nothingness is nothingness, it doesn't matter. As long as you still have the power of the God King, everything else is trivial.

Unable to empathize or understand deeply, the human emperor was already extremely lonely and could not trust anyone except those around him, especially the God King.

Apart from themselves and eternity, they cannot find any other goal to pursue for a long time.

In the process of chasing eternity, Deus looked down upon the earth again and again.

He could always see people like sparks, lighting up and going out in the blink of an eye, which terrified Him.

The God King is already the highest level existence in this world. Deus can't find any way to become stronger. The mortal emperor can rule all things and become a god in the hymn of all living things, but he is already What should the God King, the King of Gods, do?

Whether it is the gods directly ruling, settling on the sacred mountains, and being assisted by demigod heroes, they govern the people.

Or the client king acts as an agent to rule the mortal world, and what belongs to mortals returns to mortals, and what belongs to gods returns to gods.

Or just stand by and watch, the gods withdraw the divine power they have given, and just overlook the rise and fall of the human world.

None of these actions affect the power of the gods.

No matter how well you do it, no matter how the gods make everything in the world happy and praised, the gods will eventually fall, and no one can figure out the rules behind it all.

So, when the gods saw the eternal daughter who was born with the elements of eternity... how jealous they were.

There is no need to reincarnate for thousands of generations, no need to sit and watch the people around her gradually decay. She does not need to do anything. She only needs to wait for awakening. The eternal power that surpasses the God King is destined to be hers.

She is the eternal goddess of the future. Although she has not awakened yet, she will inevitably awaken in infinite time, and after awakening, she will inevitably be infinite.

So unfair...

That’s why I was jealous and vowed to get it.

"What a stupid idea!"

However, there was such a rebuttal: "I saw it at the first sight when I came to this world. In the entire universe of music, all living beings are musical notes. If you want to reach eternity, all the notes must sound at once, that is, all members must god!"

"How many epochs have passed and you haven't thought about all living beings becoming gods together? It's not that you can't think of it, but you don't want to!"


When Deus heard this voice, the first thought that jumped into his mind was the ultimate sense of danger.

If a universe is a village, then the gods who rule the universe are the village chiefs and guards. They control all the rights in the village, and naturally have to face the invasion of many beasts and monsters outside the village.

For gods such as Deus, the original candlelight that came from the void without authorization was a real beast.

His existence forces everyone to entrust their rights to one person to fight against each other and start a brutal fight.

But this is too dangerous, and the gods will probably fall completely, so their preferred method is to throw out some villagers and let the beasts eat them, and the eaten beasts will naturally leave.

But this beast named Zhu Zhou is greedy and crazy. He doesn't even bother with that little bit of flesh and blood, and must feed on the authority of the gods.

He doesn't know how to compromise and is unreasonable.

He also can't communicate and can't understand.

Still don't follow the rules and don't distinguish between pros and cons.

All in all, Zhu Zhou is like this... unable to understand, unable to communicate, the most bloodthirsty and terrifying, almost invincible...


[It’s just a matter of gathering the power of all living beings to condense a god... Does this count as all living beings becoming gods? 】

Wandering between many waves of time, but without the energy to change these fragments of the world to fight against the monsters coming from afar.

Deus could sense that the candlelight was mixed with anger, indifferent will, and a spirit that was difficult for him to understand, but seemed to burn him to death, and was crashing towards him like a meteor from the sky.

A sword named Miedu, also known as Getian, is a sword light of innovation. It is splitting through the fog of history. The song that spans the past and future across the universe of music is coming towards Him!

Deus stood tall. This God King of the Sky was indeed despicable, stubborn, and selfish. He didn't know what experience and lessons were, and he didn't know what empathy was. But when his own life was concerned, he would naturally use his full strength.

At the moment when the blazing sword was about to tear Deus' body apart completely, with the howling of the wind, his body once again turned into a virtual state composed of cloud-like divine power.

Buzz————! !

Ordinary elementalization or virtualization, even the quantum state superimposed with divine power will be decoherent. Naturally, it is impossible to withstand the blade of annihilation. But this time, Deus spent a lot of money, and he will be eternal. The elements were condensed into his own body, and then condensed and forcibly solidified around the Blade of Annihilation.

This was equivalent to him using his own body as a scabbard to forcibly block Su Zhou's Taoist soldiers. After that, Deus gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, firmly grasped the divine sword that had been submerged in his body, and flashed His eyes with moving gray-blue light lit up, and he began to analyze Su Zhou's power with all his strength.

The blazing flames are churning endlessly, burning Deus's divine power all the time. The hymn belonging to Su Zhou is like a tsunami, overwhelming the music played by Deus. If the other party continues to forcibly block the Blade of Destruction, then The ending is to be wasted to death without any doubt.

"Are you stupid?"

Even Su Zhou couldn't imagine what Deus wanted to do at the first moment. Although he can understand that every Hedao, even a cheap guy like Deus in the movement universe, has his own unique power, not to mention that the other party already holds part of the eternal power, even the Blade of Destruction. It is difficult to eliminate and cut into pieces the essence of the other party.

If there was no element of eternity, Deus would have been killed at the same level as Youquan, or even faster than Youquan at Deus's level - the Dao-cutting blade of the Blade of Destruction was not fun, that was Su Zhou Specifically designed to deal with the destructive power of the powerful Hedao.

[Zhu Zhou, I didn’t want to come to this point]

At this moment, Su Zhou and Deus were almost fighting hand-to-hand. The God King of the Sky held the blade that penetrated his chest and abdomen with one hand, and held Su Zhou's heavy fist with the other hand. He smiled evilly and said: [Originally this move It doesn’t work for you, but since you have changed your own nature and integrated into our movement universe...that means you have become one of us]

【Become a member who can be influenced by the fate of time! 】

A violent explosion flashed, and the surrounding time reflections shook and shattered like moon shadows in the water. Su Zhou opened his eyes wide in surprise, because under his gaze, Deus suddenly self-destructed without hesitation - no There was no time left for anyone to communicate. With the incredible explosion and the vibration of divine power, the divine body of the God King of the Sky shattered, shaking open the boundaries of the surface of the Blade of Destruction and seeping into the 'Tao' inside it.

In an instant, the King of Heaven completely gave up the right to fight Su Zhou head-on... Instead, he used a magical power that was extremely unfamiliar to Su Zhou and had never been seen in other areas of the multiverse!

Zhouguang magical power!

[As long as it is not eternal or a ‘ring’, then there is cause and effect]

[Original Zhu Zhou, your strength is due to the cause of your past, but as long as this cause and effect is cut off, it will be like an interrupted song, and it will be unsustainable! 】

At this moment, one can hear the almost crazy voice of Deus in the dissipating clouds: [Gradually approaching eternity, I have understood the meaning of time... If I want to reach the realm of infinity, absoluteness and eternity, Chapter 1 The first step to do is to make your past, future and present independent, and your power will always exist! 】

[But on the other hand, as long as it is not eternity, all living beings, even those in harmony, will be affected by the time of cause and effect! 】

At this moment, Su Zhou could completely sense that there was an inexplicable force, which followed the Blade of Destruction, the essence of his Taoist weapon, and in turn traced back to his own time - Deus' tragic self-destruction before. There is also the deliberate taking of the sword, just to infiltrate his own power into his own time with the greatest strength.


He wants to look back!

This God King of the Sky wants to go back in time, go to Su Zhou's past, and influence the origin of the original Zhu Zhou!

"real or fake……"

Su Zhou raised his eyebrows as he looked around at the gray-blue storm that was slowly rotating around him, which was the divine body of the Sky God King that had completely given up resistance.

He looked at his last enemy in the Yue Zhang Universe with extremely strange eyes: "You mean, you want to go to the upper reaches of my time, kill or change me in the past, so that I don't exist at all, or... You lose a lot of power, right?"

"In other words, it is the 'killing the past body' in various fantasy novels... Wow, the external multiverse does not have this kind of magical power. I didn't expect that the Yue Zhang Universe is so special."

He has indeed never seen this level of magical power of time. After all, in the sealed multiverse, if you want to play this trick, it depends on whether the multiverse itself agrees or not, but also whether other great beings agree.

But now it seems that everyone within the Yue Zhang Universe agrees, and Su Zhou's choice to become a part of Yue Zhang gave the King of Heaven the opportunity to use this magical power.

【Wait, then】

At this moment, Deus's tone was full of joy: [I have found your origin through your avenue and know that... my power will follow your path and penetrate into other universes! 】

[Original Candlelight, you monster will cease to exist completely. Even if the price is that the element of eternity completely disappears, I will definitely defeat you! 】

Deus's tone was extremely passionate, as if he was a messenger of justice fighting against the devil for the sake of the music gods - in his view, perhaps this was indeed the case. Without the arrival of Su Zhou, there would be no weapons in this world, and it could also be called peace. .

All mistakes are the fault of innovation.

Therefore, as long as innovation is nipped in the cradle, peace will remain, the world can still be peaceful and happy, and enjoy eternity.


Just, about it.

The holder of the covenant of chaos, the holder of the immortal blood, the practitioner of the inheritance scale, and the successor of the angle of time.

The young man named Su Zhou even simply put down his hand and shook his head with a half-smile: "Really?"

He shrugged: "I don't believe it."

There is no doubt that there is no more irritating creature in this multiverse than the current Su Zhou.

【Foolish! 】

Therefore, even Deus, after being greatly angered, activated his magical power without hesitation.

Buzz! Time wavered, and the time surrounding Su Zhou began to rewind rapidly, and everything began to flow backwards, like a video tape played backwards.

Although he didn't know why Su Zhou didn't resist at all, the opportunity could not be missed. Deus knew that this was probably his only chance to defeat the original Zhu Zhou.

Therefore, when he went against the flow of time for the first time, he had no hold on anything... Deus tried his best to go against the flow of time, going back to the ancient time and space, and completely cutting off the history and possibility of Zhu Zhou's growth!

And this first time goes against the flow of time...

It was 30 million years ago!

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