Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 921 Zhu Zhou, we want to see you!

——We are correct——

It was a roar.

It is also the beginning and end of a song.

If you were in the void of the multiverse and looked at the music universe from afar, you might be able to see it.

On the battlefield where gods and humans are at war, there are vast waves of notes that gather together to form an unprecedented piece of music that no one has ever seen, and no one has ever tried to play!

And the power of this movement, although very weak at first, gradually accumulates layer by layer, just like when a river is flowing, other rivers are constantly joining and merging to support the correctness of this long river. The power of the river began to expand rapidly and explode.

Eventually, it turned into an unstoppable ‘torrent’.

The surging torrent of music jumped up from the earth and struck towards the few bright but lonely shining notes in the sky.

【How can it be? ! ! 】

Facing the giant hand of the human original body that was wrestling with itself, getting bigger and stronger, and with no escape, the God King of Time let out an incredible roar: [I, we will fail! ? 】

[Where does this power come from? ! 】

The divine power of Hedao is infinite. This is an incredible power that transcends all reason. They can create civilization, create the world, and distort reality. No matter how many mortals there are, there is no way they can surpass them.

However, as long as he is not a mortal, wouldn't it be fine?

After all, in the final analysis, the so-called mortals in the music universe are all notes of the innate Tao in other universes.

As long as it is slightly activated, it can activate infinite power.

At this moment, the silent human original stepped forward in the blazing flames, broke the hands of the God King of Time who was screaming in pain, and crushed the opponent's hand bones and shoulders.

[Why, why is this happening? ! 】

The God King of Light also let out a miserable howl. A holy sword was inserted into his chest and abdomen. Eve swung it out, and the holy sword of light stuck it on the throne, making his hands powerless and the shield falling to the ground: [Even the original candle He didn't take action... We, we were defeated...]

On the other side, the Shadow God King also died on the spot. She was suppressed by the Star Sky God King with a warship from God knows where, and then thrown into the black hole engine. The Absolute Shadow was swallowed by the Absolute End. Not even a howl could be uttered, but it was nothingness.

"Why does Zhu Zhou need to take action!"

There was such an angry voice: "We believe in the original Zhu Zhou, and Zhu Zhou also believes in us - he believes that we can take back our own future and victory with our own hands, and we also believe in his teachings and believe that he does not need anything. If you do, you will witness your defeat!”

At the end, the god-kings who were about to fall raised their heads and looked at the top of the long golden road.

There, sitting on the seat of blazing white flames, the original candle day whose face could not be seen clearly stood up slowly, with purple flames burning around it, like the sun, illuminating the entire universe of the movement.

He was wearing a white robe, with a crown on his head, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. There were horns and bells playing at the top of the sky, as if they were playing all the notes in the world, and they were whispering the names of all the beings in the world.

[Is this your purpose? 】

The ancient God-King struggled towards the end of the road and asked, and the God-King of Time refused to rest in peace: [Come to our world, kill us with the hands of all sentient beings, and then become a brand new ruler? ! 】

They could see that the note representing Zhu Zhou was loud enough to overwhelm all sounds. Even if Su Zhou was silent at this moment, just an ordinary heartbeat was enough to shake the entire universe of music and make the surroundings diverse. The void of the universe was also rippled by it.


The realm and power that all god kings and gods dream of are about to be achieved by outsiders in this alien universe.

As for the God King's inquiry, Su Zhou didn't even need to answer.

For anyone can know that He rules over nothing.

And...the gods had already failed before he even took action.

——How long do you want to quibble?

Under that indifferent gaze and silent questioning, the god who was originally angry and unwilling wanted to ask 'Why', 'Why can Zhu Zhou, a visitor from outside the universe, interfere with the internal affairs of their universe at will?' The king also lowered his head dejectedly.

——Yes... indeed.

——There is no need for the original Zhu Zhou to take action... They have already been defeated.

Their eyes lost their luster, and their spiritual thoughts gradually fell silent.

At this moment.

With the defeat of the God-Kings, for the first time in the entire universe of music, there was no ‘melody master’.

On the contrary, under the sky, there is a brand new movement, melodies and notes are beating.

——Infinite power is gathering.

——Endless light flooded the heaven and earth.

——The majestic music resounds in the universe.

The bells resounded loudly and everything, everyone with ears, heard it.

It's all over.

"We won!"

After a brief silence, which was enough to shake away all the clouds in the sky and earth, joyful and high-spirited cheers resounded across Ilotar and the continent of Atlantis: "The gods have been defeated, we have won!"

“Finally, we don’t have to suppress technology and can only live with the technology before the industrial age!”

"Finally no one is tampering with the timeline and weaving a non-existent fate for the rebels!"

"Finally there is no divine punishment to wipe out those amazing talents, so we can control our own destiny!"

"for freedom!"

It was the cheers of those who were angry because of the evil deeds of the gods and drew their swords to resist in countless epochs, countless eras, and countless parallel worlds. They cried and laughed, celebrating the arrival of a new era.

Staring at all this, Su Zhou smiled and nodded.

"This is enough." He said: "In this way, Eve and Alan, as well as the endless sentient beings in the Yue Zhang Universe, will not have to leave this universe and can live here with peace of mind."

There is no need for Candlelight to appear.

Candlelight only needs to guide one possibility.

Candlelight doesn't have to be the final and most important protagonist.

Under the sky, Zhou Buyi, Elias, Ming Zhengde and Aura were all smiling and looking at the cheering crowd, cheering for the victory.

"It's not bad."

After becoming the divine tree mentor of an era and retaining his memory because of Su Zhou's power, Zhou Buyi is quite satisfied with this ending: "To be honest, the power to control time is really scary... I just got an era for no reason." With my experience and knowledge, I can probably break through to Tianzun smoothly when I return to my hometown."

It turns out that Zhou Buyi's strength is the realm of immortals, but there is no way forward in the divine tree world. If he wants to become stronger, he can only break through bit by bit.

But now, Zhou Buyi has time and experience to make breakthroughs - by then, humans in the Shenmu Universe will usher in another wave of technological explosions!

【Must be used next time】

The same is naturally true for Elias. This god who still looks like a young man nodded slightly. As a god, he naturally had many insights in his heart after watching the rebellious behavior of the gods in the music universe.

Like Zhou Buyi, he has naturally gained many experiences and lessons, but more importantly, he already has his own thoughts and views on the 'better god' in his heart. Human beings who have returned to the world, at this moment They are also colonizing many worlds, and new gods and new strong men are born. They often have conflicts with ordinary people, and they need to mediate with the God of Wind.

Originally, Elias didn't know how to build a universe with the distinction between gods and humans...but now, he seems to have some understanding.

[Even in the face of such bad gods, mortals in this world still have the courage to fight against them]

As for Ming Zhengde, he paid more attention to another point: [Whether it is immortal gods or gods of this universe, as long as there is oppression, all living beings dare to resist... The most important thing is the courage to resist, no matter how many times the time repeats, as long as If you still have courage, it is not considered a failure]

[Those slaves who intend to solidify the world and define destiny will lose all their efforts as long as they lose once. But those who resist, those who intend to control their own destiny, can fail countless times, but as long as they win once, then they will be a complete victory! 】

The light blooming in all living beings is something that the Human Emperor has long believed in, and now, the light once again echoes the Human Emperor's trust, proving that the pursuit of perfection is still feasible even in a fateful universe.

Finally, Ola…

Ola is busy!

As the last candlelight spirit in Su Zhou's perspective timeline, she is an important figure in guiding the battle between the human original body and the god king. She is also the leader of the human alliance in this era. She is currently working overtime to provide logistics services. and prepare for subsequent processing.


Victory is just the beginning!

Without the restraint of the gods, without the suppression of the gods, the world will not immediately become better. Just like after killing the devil, a desert world will not immediately recover and bloom again. It will still take a long time to cultivate. , Only through struggle can there be results.

However, it is a joy in itself that people can work hard and change their own destiny without worrying about punishment and threats from gods.

Therefore, although Ola is hardworking, it is also hard work that is joyful.

And Zhu Zhou is also happy for this joy.

"very good."

Seeing that all his friends had gained something, Su Zhou smiled and nodded, then turned around and said, "Everyone is happy. This is what being right should look like."

He was about to go outside the music universe: "It's almost time to do my job..."

"It's time to call Hongshi over, it's time for Zhu Zhou Tian to open!"

Although the purpose of coming to this universe is just to find the key to destiny and find the way to the world of Hun Tian, ​​Su Zhou is a multiverse policeman after all. Is it okay to catch some criminals when he goes out to look for things?

Defeating the God King and the gods is just the beginning. The sentient beings in the Yue Zhang Universe can defeat the gods with the guidance of the original body, Su Zhou and Zhu Zhou from other universes, but they cannot completely wipe out the other party. If they are not careful, if they let these The resurrection of the God King will cause another trouble.

Helping people to the end, sending Buddha to the West, Su Zhou also has great mercy, he will naturally throw all these messed up gods and god kings into prison for rehabilitation.

Of course, in addition to this, as the source of all these changes, Su Zhou will also deal with the aftermath for the gods of the Yue Zhang Universe.

He stretched out his hand, and immediately he could see, in different time and space, five dark circles of evil floating among the defeated corpses of the five god kings.

Five rounds of dark evil turned into meteors and converged towards Su Zhou's palm.

It was like a musical note. Even if it turned into a evil spirit, it still played a strange melody. Su Zhou took a cursory look at it and found that it was really bad. Not only did it not do any good, it would even make people commit crimes. nausea.

After all, the God-Kings of this universe only have a vague guess as to why they became God-Kings. They know nothing about it.

However, it is precisely because it is so bad that it allows Su Zhou to realize that right and wrong are just two extreme ends. The multiverse is full of existences that are neither right nor wrong and are disgusting.

On the other hand, there are also existences that make people happy even if right or wrong doesn't matter.

"If you want to become a torrent, it is difficult to be simply correct, because understanding the correctness itself is a threshold."

The young man closed his eyes and whispered to himself: "However, 'relatively good' and 'I want to be like this', this kind of hazy yearning, are more attractive to follow than the simple and cold correct answer."

"The Infinite Flood... has other key elements besides trusting all beings."

After a moment of silence, he felt a strange movement in his palm and opened his eyes again.

"It's really bad."

Shaking his head and staring at the five evil ways in his palm, Su Zhou sighed: "Dark evil souls like you, even if they are thrown into the judgment of Zhu Zhoutian, they will be burned in the flames forever."

[Spare us...] [I won't do it again...] [Please, give us a chance...] [We will definitely change, we will definitely...]

You can still vaguely hear the sounds of regret and begging for mercy from such evil ways. They are the voices of many god kings.

Their will is still with the entire universe of music, and has not been completely eliminated.

Su Zhouhun didn't care about this: "Giving you a chance is what Miracle wants to do, and what I want to reform is to capture you all and send them to see Miracle!"

As for how to deliver it? Hey, if the great beings send it anywhere, they can see it if they want, and they can definitely put it in prison.

Suppressing all five evil ways with his backhand, Su Zhou looked at the entire movement universe.

The sealed road made from the corpse of the God King of the Sky mixed with eternal elements can suppress the many magical powers of time and space in the music universe, and can also sort out the messy timelines and parallel time and space that were messed up in the Hedao battle.

In the process of fighting and escaping with Su Zhou, Deus actually destroyed a lot of causal continuity, resulting in many parallel time and space, and even many events in the main world lacked causal relationships and could not be coupled with each other, which led to some people He disappeared before he was even born... Su Zhou was partly responsible for this, so Su Zhou used the other party's body as glue to repair the time and space route that had begun to gradually break apart.

However, even so, the current music universe has been completely divided into four parts.

The overture, the sound, the excitement, and the final finale. The originally subtly connected universe and space-time has now been completely split into four mutually interconnected universes due to the death of the four epochal god kings and the magic sword that Su Zhou slashed before. Parallel twin universes.

This can be considered a good thing - by cutting off cause and effect from each other, only then can each be independent and gain the freedom of their own time and space.

Moreover, it’s so detailed that Eve and Alan from the four eras certainly don’t want to overlap and merge into one!

In the first life, the two parties were a pure love couple, in the second life, they were the awkward savior and the rescued, in the third life, they were simply father and daughter, and in the fourth life, they were a couple in theory. In fact, Eve was widowed for most of her life. In the end, it was divine power that pulled Alan out of the black hole.

It's hard for Eve herself to say, at least the third-generation Alan feels so awkward when he looks at himself from other generations, feeling that he is simply a pedophile ghost father, and he can't even look at it!

"But there's still some trouble."

Su Zhou couldn't help but look troubled.

In the final analysis, Eve is the 'eternal note' of the great movement of creation... Even if the eternal elements are stripped away by the gods and turned into eternal elements that can control time and space and determine fate, she herself is the source of this concept.

If Su Zhou ignores it, eternity will exist forever, and the eternal nature will gradually merge the 'four eras' and reintegrate them into the original 'universe of music'.

Because 'eternity' is essentially one, it can exist in every corner of the past, future and present. Whether Eve realizes this divine power or not, the eternal power will guide them to become one.

This does not change the transfer according to Eve's own wishes.

In fact, the same is true for other 'notes', which is the limitation of the movement universe itself.

"How to solve this problem?"

Su Zhou frowned. Transforming a new world was no problem for his power. Today, Su Zhou's strength is comparable to, or even better than, the Taoist Master who 'created the original world', as well as the Eternal Star God and the Only God. .

Transform and create a new world without any technical difficulties.

The main problem is still ‘how to satisfy everyone’.

Obviously, the four Eves are absolutely unwilling to merge into one. Although they are related to each other in the past and subsequent lives, they all have their own feelings and different dreams. They are all still alive at the same time and have not died. The mark of the true spirit is even more... I don’t know how long it will take for it to dissipate, and there is no way it will be possible to agree to unity.

To solve this problem, you need to strip away the eternal elements - but is stripping away really good?

This is the elemental authority that leads directly to the torrent, the essence of the ‘Universe of Music’, and the core of the magical power of the Supreme Destiny inheritance ‘Destiny Spectrum’!

"There must be other options. Strong people shouldn't do multiple-choice questions. I want to see if I can have the best of both worlds."

With this in mind, Su Zhou simply sat back on the white throne at the top of the seal road and thought carefully.

For a time, on both sides of his throne, there were surging long rivers of light and tranquil currents of cessation, and many starlights from the multiverse appeared above his head, turning into a dome of the sea of ​​stars.

In the absence of other god kings and gods, Su Zhou is the existence at the top of the Yue Zhang Universe. The place where he is is the core of the Yue Zhang Universe, that is, the 'inside of the world'.


Just when Su Zhou was about to calm down and think about how to create a satisfactory ending for all the sentient beings in the music universe.

Suddenly, he heard calls.

——Zhuzhi, Zhuzhi!

——Zhu Zhou, the original Zhu Zhou!

There are such calls, such cheers, such prayers, and such praises.

Wishes, prayers, longings, expectations.

Just when the surprised Su Zhou turned his head and looked at the world, his almost endless will turned into a sacred melody that resounded throughout the universe.


There are many people calling this name: "We already know that you are the one who brings us hope and the beginning of change!"

"It is you who protect us in our most vulnerable times and lead us to better possibilities!"

They have already known from the mouths of Eve and Alan in the four eras, as well as from the Zhuzhou legends spread from era to era, that it was the arrival of the original Zhuzhou that triggered the arrival of the Zhuzhou heroic spirit, inducing the most initial The changes caused the gods to fall in endless battles.

Zhu Zhou is nameless and formless, and has never appeared in front of living beings from beginning to end, but they want to know its name and appearance.

——This is a wish.

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