Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 923 The true nature of immortality (6300)

——How are you different from all the gods in the past?

This is truest and truest, stemming from instinctive suspicion and distrust.

After all...the strong are the evil.

Even if you claim to be correct, you cannot go against this arrogant nature, and people will naturally hesitate to be arrogant. Even if they know that they cannot fight against it, they still dare not 'believe' in their hearts.

Therefore, even Su Zhou could only answer honestly.

"I am no different from all gods."

He never lies - just like the great beings, Su Zhou will not lie: "Like them, I rely on my own power to change your future existence, just like the revival of spiritual energy, completely changing the bottom layer of the essence of the universe. That's the miracle of rules."


He sincerely opened his hands to all living beings: "I hope you believe in me."

"Believe that innovation can make you better."

But under the sky, all the sentient beings in the Yue Zhang Universe are still hesitating.

"Why should we believe Candlelight?"

Someone whispered to someone familiar with this in a low voice: "All gods and all strong men always want to exploit something from us, and Zhu Zhou may be no exception... The appearance of such harmony now may also be a deception."

"Yes." Someone agreed: "Back then, when the gods still existed and were still giving divine power, we all felt that the gods seemed to be serving us... But what is the reality? We are destined for the future and can only live in this world. Generations of people have lived in the same era and been suppressed by them into primitive humans."

"Look, He wants to create a new world for us. If all this is done out of selflessness, it is simply incomprehensible. It is an entire universe. How can this be done?"

"He wants to confiscate all our musical notes... which is the foundation of our becoming gods. This sounds very wrong, doesn't it? He definitely has no other conspiracy. After we voluntarily hand over all the musical notes, we will have no control over Zhu Zhou. It’s worth using!”

This idea is gradually spreading, and similar whispers and thoughts are fluctuating in other directions.

After all, even the gods are so vigilant and longing for the notes, there is no reason that Zhu Zhou doesn't want them, right?

Of course, there are also dissenting voices.

"He doesn't need to plan anything for us!"

Some people are not so much supporting Zhu Zhou, but they simply can't figure out why Zhu Zhou shows such a kind attitude.

"He is so powerful. If he wants to use force, what ability do we have to resist, and what room for resistance do we have?"

This is an unavoidable point for all doubters - even the gods can easily suppress all humans in all movements of the universe. They can traverse the past and future, modify destiny, modify all established facts, and kill all resisters. In the past when not yet born.

And Zhu Zhou killed, defeated, and imprisoned such powerful gods.

His power is too strong not to be believed... because what on earth can he hide? With just a move of his hand, he chopped the Yue Zhang Universe into four time and spaces, so it would probably not be difficult for him to destroy the entire Yue Zhang Universe.

However, having said that, it is impossible for anyone to easily believe that Zhu Zhou has no ill intentions and will not make harmful choices for anyone.

Because Zhu Zhou is kind.

Because Zhu Zhou will not really destroy it.

Because Zhu Zhou is a good person and a good god.

That's why...they dared to question it.

After all, only good people are held at gunpoint because evil people leave no room for doubt.

"A world that allows questioning is the right world."

Staring at such sentient beings in the universe, Su Zhou waited with his hands folded. He whispered to himself: "This kind of doubt is normal, this is a normal civilization."

——If the entire universe of music really has no doubts and no hesitation, it really is like a girl who wholeheartedly awaits the arrival of her lover and throws herself into his arms, choosing the future planned by Su Zhou for all living beings.

Then, he (innovation) will sigh and be unhappy.

Because innovation requires innovation not only of others, but also of oneself.

If no one questions, no one puts forward opinions, no one objects, and let innovation reflect on whether there are any shortcomings, then this is not real innovation, it is just wearing the skin of innovation and repeating what the gods have done in the past countless years. those things.

At this moment, Su Zhou recalled the moments when Yala taught him.

-You should question me.

——You should ask more.

——Su Zhou, you should learn to think for doubt.


He sighed, then smiled: "That's it."

Yara is not afraid that I will question Him, whereas He is afraid that I will not question Him.

As for why...the answer is actually very simple.

"Because just blindly admitting it doesn't count as belief, it's just blind worship and fanaticism."

"You have to doubt, you have to question, you have to think for yourself, and try to find out the bad possibilities...and then, you are still sure that this is the path you want to take."

“This is what faith and conviction are.”

And while Su Zhou was waiting.

In the human world, the voices of discussion are getting louder and more powerful.

Because of the dreamland, everyone can communicate, argue, and exchange their thoughts with each other in the dreamland, and there is a fierce debate going on about whether to believe Zhu Zhou.

Perhaps it is the bad nature of human beings, or the instinct that humans have to distrust everything. After the two parties in the debate initially disagreed with each other's views, they gradually became more extreme - they began to attack each other. Character, family background, personality, appearance, past actions, and past words and deeds.

Both sides of the argument must prove that the other party's point of view is meaningless and that the other party's idea is 'wrong' by denying the other party's personality.

No one is perfect. Once such an attack begins, there will be no end. Such quarrels themselves will even cut off the remaining empathy of mankind and re-split the human alliance that has finally been integrated into one.

Perhaps, this kind of division can be regarded as a kind of is the essence of 'dispute'.

But at least now, it shouldn't happen.

"It seems that it still doesn't work."

Su Zhou shook his head slightly, forcing the people who had just returned to freedom from the rule of the gods of the Yue Zhang Universe to believe in themselves so quickly. It was indeed a bit difficult.

Perhaps after hundreds of years or several generations, they can look at everything rationally and objectively again, then they can believe and follow it from the bottom of their hearts.

However, just when Su Zhou was about to reach out and stop the quarrels and hostilities among the many mortals on the ground.

The human world under the sky bloomed with four bright haloes.

"Please stop!"

"Everyone, please wait a moment."

"Stop your quarrels. We are not fighting for this outcome."

"All living beings, please believe in us once!"

Those were four eras, different Eves and Alans.

The blond girl and the man standing beside her loudly expressed their thoughts to everyone, hoping that the dispute would stop temporarily.

Because they are the source of resistance and the reason for everything, the prestige of Eve and Alan is so high that all living beings in time and space gradually become quiet, and even dreams are no longer filled with sounds and become peaceful. .

Then, the four pairs of 'protagonists', who created the existence of all the 'plots' and 'fate' in the music universe, raised their heads and looked at the door in the sky.

"Honored Primeval Candlelight, the god who freed us from the fate of the gods."

The first person to speak was Yalan, the wealthy businessman of Jixiu Era. As the 'source of cause and effect' who initially sought help from the Pioneer Space and called Zhu Zhou, he bowed deeply to Su Zhou's incarnation in the sky to express his gratitude.

Then, he opened his mouth and said with complicated eyes: "I believe in your power and selflessness. There is no reward for my prayers. Facing the unexpected attack by the five god kings, I can't pay even a little bit. However, you I still accepted the task and after completing it, I only accepted the initial reward."

"I believe in you. Perhaps no one in this universe trusts you more than we do."

At this point, businessman Alan seems to be a little stuck.

Su Zhou and businessman Yalan looked at each other, and he just smiled and encouraged the other person to continue.

"...Okay." After swallowing, the businessman Alan turned his head and looked at Eve who was holding his hand. He calmed down and then mustered up the courage again: "But the four of us still have a doubt... …”

"Please tell me." Su Zhou said, "If I know, I will answer it."


The four pairs of Eve and Alan spoke together and looked at each other. Then, in the End of the Sound Era, Eve, the hero of the starry sky, scratched her hair and smiled awkwardly: "So, Lord Zhu Zhou... you see , the four of us are the same person, theoretically four variations of the same note."

"I know this, we are all notes of eternity and change, but I have to admit that the little girl, the three Wus, and the princess are me... It feels a bit hard to accept!"

"Indeed." Princess Eve hugged the arm of General Alan next to her. The blond young lady shook her head slightly: "There is actually a possibility that my husband is my father in other time and space... I want me to admit it. This is indeed still too difficult!”

"I'm the hardest to accept, okay!" Businessman Alan complained: "In my opinion, you are all guys who take action against your daughter - how weird!"

But looking at the expression on the little girl Eve's face, she seemed to dislike what her father said.

In short, there are four pairs of Alan and Eve. They share the same origin, but they still have conflicts, quarrels, and different ideas and opinions.

Not to mention other sentient beings in the universe?

And they communicated with Su Zhou just to know something.

"Can we cut off the connection between us?"

Yalan, the young man who sounded the epoch, spoke. He also bowed to Su Zhou to express his gratitude, and then asked: "Can we give up eternity and change, the two notes that create all chaos and strife, and simply be ourselves? ?”

They all asked: "Original Candlelight, please enlighten us - in the future you envision, is there a life in which we can live normally and not be different from other people!"

Su Zhou simply replied: "It can be possible, but not necessarily."

In the shocked and confused expression of Zhu Yalan Eve, the young man added: "Because I do not intend to manage your future. After all, I have forcibly stripped away the eternal elements from you. If you regret it in the future, it will be my mistake." .”

"Even if you don't regret it, does this really confirm your determination?"

Su Zhou calmly said: "I will leave you with the possibility of your own liberation. Don't worry, it is definitely not difficult. In the future world, everyone can use their own will to peel off the notes on themselves and become the multiverse. Ordinary people who are no different from other sentient beings..."

"And those who hold notes can certainly continue to hold them. That is the talent you deserve."


At this point, Su Zhou paused, and his tone became solemn: "If this is your wish...then I will also help you."

"But, do you really need to make a wish?"



"we do not need!"

Alan from the End of the Sound Era, the man who traveled through time and space, was swallowed by a black hole, and was finally rescued by Eve, spoke up. He saluted Su Zhou extremely seriously, and then said calmly: "Knowing all this is enough... …Honorable God Zhu Zhou, now, we completely believe in you.”

"Because you are not greedy for the eternity in us, nor do you force us to determine our destiny. You would rather not make a decision to protect our freedom..."

The four pairs of Eve and Alan all saluted Su Zhou and clasped their hands in front of the light in the sky: "For us, you are indeed right."

Su Zhou did not speak, because he knew that these four protagonists of the era still had something to say to him.

Then, he saw Zhu Yalan and Eve turning around and staring at the sentient beings of the music universe who were still waiting.

There were faces of doubt, expectation, uneasiness, joy, hesitation, excitement, disinterest, and yearning.

All living beings have various forms...should not be one face.

However, if all sentient beings in all phenomena are willing to admit it, then it is truly correct.

So, immediately, they turned around, looked in the direction of Su Zhou, and saluted the white throne burning with blue-purple flames.

"God Zhu Zhou!"

They prayed sincerely and sincerely: "All sentient beings in this world only doubt because they do not understand what you have done for us."

"They don't know the atrocities the gods have inflicted on us, nor the oppression they have suffered in countless epochs. They don't know what resentments they have carried in the past, nor how deep they have sunk. A dark, lightless abyss.”

"They don't even know how far away you are from the other side of the void. The reason is just our call - God Zhu Zhou, I believe that what is needed is to understand each other's actions. .”

"We can't even see your true appearance, your true form, or everything you do - we, they, know nothing about you! We don't even know that you are anything other than the original Candlelight , that real name!”

"Because they know nothing about you, that's why they don't believe you!"

Whether it is General Aram or young Aram.

Whether it's Eve the brave or Eve the girl.

They all stared at the phantom that could not see the specific image, sitting on the white throne, and they were not afraid that the bright light burning the world would burn their eyes.

"You understand us, love us, and trust us because you already know everything about our past and future, as well as what we are doing now."

Eternity and change, the music is the supreme note ordained by the universe, predetermined by fate, its eight derived minds, eight independent lives, after intending to abandon their own fate, towards the eternal one who is almost torrent, the peak. Hedao expressed their wishes.

"Please let us know you."

They said firmly: "Please let us know what you have done for us in the past, future and present."

"Please let us know you and believe in you..."

“And the power to love you!”

Su Zhou opened his eyes wide.


He whispered: "Is this your wish?"

For a moment, he suddenly finally understood.

Why does it seem that I already have a power that is close to that of a torrent, but I have never been able to break through the torrent...

Su Zhou suddenly understood that on top of 'belief', there was still a layer of confusion that had not been broken through, which made him stop there.

Allow others to believe in you…Allow others to love you…

Love and be loved……

"It turns out..." The young man closed his eyes: "That's it."

Su Zhou's surprise was seen by Zhu Yalan and Eve.

They smiled, they looked at each other, and then called again: "Primordial Candlelight, our god!"

"Please show us your immortal true form!"

"Your power, wisdom, and majesty! All that you exercise over us, all your authority, and your love for us, and for all sentient beings in this multiverse!"

"Please give us a view of this supreme truth, the real 'you', so that we can understand you... and eliminate the doubts in our hearts!"

Saying this, the original requester, the businessman Yalan, even choked up. He stared at the humanoid figure of light that had changed himself, changed the fate of his daughter, and brought a new future to the Yue Zhang Universe. The middle-aged businessman half-knelt down. He put his hands together and prayed to the sky: "Original Zhuzhi, my lord..."

"Please let me...see you."

This is the same wish as before.

——Zhu Zhou, we want to see you.

——See the real you, the you who can be believed, the real you.

This wish is because it is true, because it is simple, and because it comes from the heart.

So it goes straight to the sky.

Above the sky.

Su Zhou closed his eyes and was silent for a while.

Then, he opened his eyes, and there were rotating gears in his eyes, and the power of the [Reincarnation Seal] was stirring and growing.

He smiled.


Looking around at all living beings, the young man said gently, watching all the eyes that looked at him, whether they were reverence or suspicion, wariness or belief.

He stood up from the throne, took a step forward, spread his arms, and looked at all living beings.

"Let's see."

Then, the next moment.

All people, all minds.

All flesh and blood on this earth have been seen.

As those eyes that seemed to represent reincarnation looked at him, all living beings seemed to witness 'eternity'.

It was as if a blazing flame of innovation had been ignited in the boundless void of the universe.

The blue-purple fire shook the space and time of the universe, blooming into a candle-like light that illuminated everything, just like the sun.

That is……

At this moment, everyone in the music universe seemed to have another perspective. Their perspectives separated from their bodies and began to continuously rise and rise, flying straight towards the sky. They The horizon is constantly expanding, stretching, and expanding. Even the so-called boundless continents of Ilotar and Atlantis, and even the infinite sea that surrounds them, are constantly shrinking and getting smaller at this moment.

A surging sound like a time and space storm came to their ears. In a moment of shock and rising horizons, everyone saw that their world, the universe of music, had finally turned into a sphere...

A star that shines brightly in the endless storms of time and space in the multiverse!

The stars of the world are surging with incredible brilliance and divine power. Compared with this star of movement that constantly delivers notes and plays melody, the void of the multiverse is so empty and chaotic, ferocious and terrifying, like hell.

But... I can still see the stars in the distance.

That 'field of vision' can penetrate the space-time storms and the void itself that are difficult for many void civilizations to penetrate, and can observe almost the entire multiverse. Those billions, billions, endless, really countless boundless stars, transformed into The sea of ​​stars in the world is so dazzling that just seeing it makes people's hearts swell, hanging in front of everyone's eyes.

Even the star of music, infinite, can give birth to the eternal huge universe. In such an endless world of stars, it is just a misty embellishment. It is so small, so insignificant, so...


So, right now.

one hand.

A giant hand of light, built of light, faith, perseverance, love and trust, came from nowhere and was gently held up under the star of the movement.

The storm of time and space is turbulent, and the void of the multiverse is also distorted and groaning - it is like a bell, like an alarm bell, like a warning sound like morning bells and evening drums. It is the true holy sound of the great avenue. It is the existence of this hand itself that can Endless visions of excitement.

And this giant hand, whose mere existence can cover the entire universe of music, gently places this star in the palm of its hand.

Everyone held their breath.

They didn't dare to make a sound.

They slowly raised their heads, not sure whether it was fear or expectation. They were afraid of the possibility of the hand closing, but they felt reassured by the gentle movement of the hand.

But no matter what, all living beings raised their heads and looked at the source of the giant hand.


It was a human young man with a perfect appearance. He was looking at the entire universe with a gentle expression. Some of his fluffy long hair was tied up. Endless streams of light flowed from the tips of his hair and the corners of his clothes, as if there were billions and billions of them. The whole world is instilling power, looking forward to the achievements of this god, and this stream of light stretches so long that it extends to the far end of time and space.

If you cannot leave the universe and come to the void, as long as you cannot observe the entire world group at the same time, you will never be able to see its full picture. And the sentient beings located in the world can only see the reflection of their immortal true self projected on the world. Those dragons , the incarnation of a divine bird, a giant snake and a man with a sword.

Therefore, it is impossible to see this immortal cosmic form.

The appearance of this young god is enough to be called perfect, but what surpasses this perfect appearance is the majesty from the heart.

A kind of thing that is always dormant and flowing forever is called...


[Love] of [Innovation].

"Let's see."

At this moment, the giant god, young man, Su Zhou spoke up, he said softly.

Those who are close to the torrent hold up the universe of music like a candle in the palm of their hand.

He stared at everything in the universe and looked at everyone: "Look, all living beings."

"This is me."

"The innovation called Su Zhou, the original Zhu Zhou."

This volume is almost over! The main character is about to be flooded. I will try to write a big chapter tomorrow and finish it. I just want to ask for the double monthly pass on the 28th!

Everyone, please wait a moment and wait until the 28th!

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