Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 929 Finale: The Ending of the Movie (Please vote for me!)

Tianmingpu, one of the supreme inheritance of destiny.

Quite similar to most impressions of destiny, this great being who dominates fatalism, controls destiny, choice and freedom, and governs all things, is actually quite artistic.

His supreme inheritance [Book of Commentary on Tribulation] and [Book of Destiny] are records of doomed disasters and songs praising victory. However, in the end, after Su Zhou obtained the Book of Destiny, the self-explanatory [Dao Zhuan Zhuan] was In determining the right of all living beings to freely choose their destiny.

It sounds like a random author, a third-rate composer and a calligrapher who came from nowhere.jpg

In short, the essence of the destiny genealogy is to plan an entire destiny genealogy. Its power can predict the future, control fate, and understand the information of all things. Although the power of the time system is now banned, fate and Yala are both affected. The plan (the whole of the great existence) was weakened a lot, but as Su Zhou had seen before, the power of the destiny genealogy is enough to build an entire destiny universe, and it is the power to plan the entire system.

Unlike the Prajna Pattern, the power of the Prajna Pattern is for reversal, while the essence of the Destiny Pattern is planning.

After receiving the inheritance of the destiny genealogy, Su Zhou analyzed it in an instant.

After all, he has experienced a theoretically long time in the Yue Zhang Universe, which can even be said to be a complete era. He has personally defeated five god kings and witnessed the flow of eternity and change. Naturally, he knows the essential power of the Destiny Spectrum. Very deep.

But here’s the interesting thing about fate: time has no meaning to fate.

Just like before, Su Zhou, [Fate] and [Pioneer] witnessed the fifth movement from the birth of the universe to the most developed and prosperous time of civilization, but that was just a picture of fate, a harbinger of possibility.

Hundreds of millions or even infinite time is nothing more than a spread of possibilities to fate. He has already recorded them all, so he already knows them all.

"No wonder Pioneer and Fate don't deal with each other - a man who was exploring beyond the boundaries was just happy, and suddenly Fate came over and said, 'I already knew what you were exploring, it was all fate.'"

After imagining it for a moment, Su Zhou couldn't help but raise his eyes and look at Fate and Pioneer on one side: "Didn't these two fight? No, maybe they have already fought. Hey, forget it, anyway, I don't care about the great existence. It needs to be made so clear.”

Thinking of this, Su Zhou was suddenly stunned.

"Wait a minute, if all the great beings are gathered together..."

"A great being, such as a pioneer who proposes an idea, must first experience Yara's questioning, 'Are you right? Are you wrong? There must be something unreasonable about you!'."

“Then, He still has to go through the twilight chanting: ‘Does it make sense?’ ‘No?’ ‘Oh’.”

"Following that, there was the shriveled and tasteless agreement of the two sacred trees, which sounded very insincere: 'Yes, you exist, you are right' and 'Well, yes, it makes sense for you to continue'."

"Finally, I have to listen to the whisper of fate that emphasizes, 'I've known what you said for a long time, it's all fate.'"

Just thinking about it made my fists shake hard, and I couldn't help but want to punch these great beings.

These are the few people Su Zhou is familiar with. Counting the ones he is not very familiar with, I'm afraid he has to say 'I'll finish the ball anyway' at the end, 'It's almost enough' for coordination, and 'I'll balance it' for balance. one time'.

It’s not about miracles and transcendence. “You may not mean what you said” or “I’ve transcended, you can figure it out yourself”. Maybe it’s just about reincarnation and reunification, so I don’t have much to say...


Thinking of this, Su Zhou suddenly realized something: "No wonder Lord Ji is so lucky, but he doesn't open his mouth when it comes to feelings!"

Silence is golden!

From this point of view, Su Zhou felt that he might have wrongly blamed Yala at the beginning. The correct battle for the great beings might not just be as simple as laying siege to Dusk and beating up Chaos, but the chaos between all the great beings. Blast other existences.

This time it makes more sense.

[Innovation, take it]

And while Su Zhou was thinking about these things, the pioneer will on one side said: [The long way]

"Ah, thank you."

He thanked him and accepted the inheritance. It was another great inheritance - Su Zhou was already used to it.

The cooperation between Su Zhou and Pioneer Space has lasted for a long time. Although Pioneer Space is not the Pioneer Will itself, it is actually just like the creation giant under [Creation]. Pioneer Space also upholds the Pioneer's will and mission. Cooperating with it is essentially cooperating with pioneers.

Su Zhou is also very familiar with Pioneer. Not to mention that under Yala's leadership, he had met Pioneer once before. Pioneer has actually been paying attention to Su Zhou, and it affects the active level of communication in the entire multiverse, urging Su Zhou to The growth of day.

Of course, it was not just Su Zhou who was promoted. Pioneers equally promoted the growth of all individuals in all civilizations, but Su Zhou stood out and attracted the most attention.

But this time, Su Zhou's actions in the Yue Zhang Universe were actually adhering to the path of a 'pioneer' and trying to open up 'possibilities beyond possibilities'.

That is, something ‘impossible’.

"……I see."

At this moment, Su Zhou silently realized the message contained in the long journey, as well as the truth and correctness of pioneering.

Then, if there is an enlightenment: "It is true that pioneers and fate do not like each other."

The infinite exploration of pioneers is, in essence, endlessly expanding the boundaries of ‘possibility’, chasing the ‘impossible’, and turning the ‘impossible’ into ‘possible’.

This is the Lord of the horizon. What is within the horizon is everything that is possible, the collection of all possibilities, but what is beyond the horizon is the collection of all impossibilities.

As a great being, the Pioneer already knows everything - everything that can be described, obtained, practiced, perceived, understood and acted upon, that is, everything on the horizon.

The past, the present, the future, everything that has happened, will happen, and can be described by infinite fate, are by no means what the pioneers are pursuing - but everything that fate can describe is already 'all', and there can be no other existence outside.

For finite lives, infinite destiny is freedom, eternal unknown, and impossible possibility.

However, for the infinite torrent, the transcendent, and even the great beings who transcend infinity and are able to achieve the "impossible possibility", where is their "impossibility"?

To pioneer this path is to take the initiative to reach a desperate situation.

However, He just wants to explore the impossibility beyond the possibility, explore "something that he doesn't even know what it is", and pursue the "eternal unknown"!

"A very desirable, very beautiful, desirable road."

This is Su Zhou's evaluation of the path of pioneering. He doesn't need to verify or think at all. He can feel the 'romantic' path simply by relying on instinct: "Destiny describes something, and chaos questions everything and puts forward different possibilities." , and the path of pioneer practice must open up impossible realities that fate has never described.”

But this is also the ultimate ‘road to madness’ and ‘the road to nothingness’.

The Pioneer's correctness is actually the correctness that Su Zhou understands best. If I have to say it, the path between the Pioneer and the Miracle is very similar. It can even be said that they are exactly the same. However, the Pioneer will fail. Entering the great seal is probably due to his own failure. Crazy on.

It is too easy to fall into madness when pursuing the path of "you don't know what it is". Only the wisest wise men and the most determined pioneers can still stick to their dreams after knowing what crazy and meaningless actions they have done. dream.

But... what about the losers?

Pioneers are sacrificed. How many people must die in order to explore the unknown world?

Miracles are to be made. In order to create a miraculous existence, how many of the worlds that fought for it perished?

The tendencies in this dream are different. The more similar the existences are, the harder it is to understand each other.

And [take the long way].

【This is such a road】

Pioneer knew what Su Zhou was thinking, because Su Zhou didn't hide it. He knew Su Zhou's evaluation of himself, and also knew what the other party thought of his own path: [Beyond the end, there is a farther place. Pioneer is the one who forges the path to the future. Those who are on the road beyond the 'end']

[Infinite people will sacrifice for it, but it is their own choice]

The ultimate purpose of traveling a long way is to explore the unknown beyond the known, the impossible beyond the possible. This can at least be explored by those who transcend. Without the infinite essence, thinking about this matter will make you crazy.

However, under this, the ability to travel to any "known" place and to freely travel to "any area that may be visited" is complete.

[Innovation, you have reached our agreement]

Compared with fate, the Pioneer's will is straightforward, firm and simple, just like the radiation that runs through the entire multiverse, spreading straight to a distance that no one knows. He said directly: "You are going to Huntian, In the primitive world of chaos, fate gives you the key, and I will give you the way]

[Use the power of the Destiny Book to spread your purpose, and then the path will be opened for you as far away as possible]

"So simple?"

It's not that Su Zhou doesn't believe it, it's mainly because what he said is the same as opening any door: "Tell me my destination and the door will be opened for me as far as possible?"

【if not】

The pioneer's words are full of natural charm: [Is it possible for you to reach Huntian? 】

Su Zhou felt that, excluding the natives of Hun Tian and the beings holding beacons, if even he could not reach Hun Tian, ​​no one in this multiverse would be able to reach Hun Tian.

【That's it】

Knowing Su Zhou's thoughts, the pioneer said firmly: "You can go to Huntian"


Since the other party had said so, what else could Su Zhou say? He would try to use the long-distance method.

Then, the road to Hun Tian was opened to him.

Suddenly, the void of the multiverse became brighter, and then dimmed. An incredible burst of light illuminated the stars in the surrounding world, and even the brilliance of the music universe was overshadowed. Pure white, pure black, and chaotic intertwined light overflowed, covering all the universes. The reflection on the surface is blurred, and I don't know whether it is light or dark.

Then, a silver road appeared, which was a strip of light intertwined with endless lines. It was exquisite and mysterious. Light bloomed from these lines, even penetrating the brilliance of chaos and reaching its depths.

A road, a door, silver light leading forward, reaching the realm of chaos.

And this road bursts out from Su Zhou's body and is intertwined - the chaotic cause and effect in Su Zhou's body is so great that it is simply countless, and it is extremely simple to create this road.

Staring at the road in front of him and the light of chaos flickering at the end of the road, Su Zhou immediately understood that as long as he set foot on this road, he would directly enter the realm of Hun Tian.

It's that simple.

"I see!"

At this moment, Su Zhoushuanshu completely understood the power of the far-reaching path - and he also completely understood the essence of all great inheritances.

All great inheritances require ‘infinite’ power to be fully effective.

In other words, if it is not a torrent, it cannot exert its most fundamental meaning at all.

For example, the essential principle of the long road is to 'ignore all the processes and reach the destination as long as possible'.

In other words, it is an ‘infinite improbability engine’.

Just like Su Zhou, he felt that if he set out on his own, without relying on any beacons, to reach Huntian, it would be 50% possible and 50% impossible. This is a probability, and all the probabilities are filled in by himself. Anyway, the size of the number doesn't matter, because as far as possible, probability doesn't matter.

Then the result is obvious.

1——Su Zhou can reach Huntian without relying on beacons.

2——Su Zhou cannot reach Huntian without relying on the beacon to set off.

And Su Zhou chose ‘1’, and he arrived.

All that remains is pure 'logic'.

The far-reaching road directly realizes the logical possibility - so as long as Su Zhou doesn't rely on beacons to set off, he can reach Huntian, ignoring the infinite processes and possibilities.

What may happen, will probably happen, this is the engine of probability; and what may happen, becomes "what happens", is the engine of infinite non-probability.

In the final analysis, what the Pioneer pursues is the ‘unknown’. He doesn’t care about all the possibilities in this known world... Then skip it and skip it!

"It's so nihilistic. All great beings are really sick."

After muttering something, Su Zhou thought with a bit of toothache in his heart: "I didn't realize it at first, but the stronger I get, the more I can appreciate the extremes of these great existences."

He probably also figured out why the pioneers were imprisoned. Fast forwarding and omitting the party deserved it. People who fast forward will die. Of course, some of them may live forever. That is the original form of the pioneers and transcenders... But how can it be so fast? Enter?

Moreover, this kind of fast forwarding, in essence, turns probabilistic events into deterministic events, which requires infinite costs, infinite energy and time to advance. It is not infinite in nature and cannot be used to travel a long distance.

It's not a torrent, and it's not useful at all - and without the essence of infinity as a backing box, the infinite non-probability engine is essentially just a useful portal, and the success rate cannot be counted as 100%. Just like the teleportation in the Pioneer Space, there are There are costs and risks.

And this is what adventurers and explorers are for.

[Extreme Way] requires infinite power to push it from a probabilistic portal to an infinite non-probabilistic engine. Although the former is already the first-class super magical power in this multiverse, compared to the latter, it is obviously not a slap in the face. superior.

And even this kind of super magical power is, in essence, just a 'derivative' of the fundamental magical power of pursuing the 'impossible unknown' with the true power of "The Far Way".

Just like when humans are chasing the truth of the universe, they discover that rolling with wheels can make them move faster, just like when humans are chasing the essence of the microscopic world, they discover that splitting atoms can be used to make super bombs.

One is Tao and the other is supernatural power.

"And this guy Pioneer, fast forwarded all the processes of communicating with me!"

At this point, Su Zhou realized why the feeling of communicating with Pioneer was completely different from the fateful communication, because Pioneer fast forwarded and lost all the things needed to communicate with Su Zhou, leaving only the necessary answers and explanations!

In other words, the pioneers chose the simplest, clearest and most natural communication possibility.

Just like now, Pioneer didn't say anything, but Su Zhou had already made his own decision.

The young man waved his hand and broke up the silver road in front of him.

"I won't go for now."

Shaking his head, Su Zhou said with a smile: "Since you can go at any time, there is no need to be in a hurry."

"The world of Huntian... seems to be different from other primitive worlds. It may be an unprecedented journey."

The pioneer didn't ask why, because it had no meaning and could be omitted. What's more, He also knew why.

And fate is even more so.

Therefore, the three wills stared at the universe of movements in front of them, and the universe of the fifth movement.

In the void, only Su Zhou's voice remained.

"Go home and take a look first."

With that said, the young man embarked on his journey home: "There are still things that have not been done."

So, using all his strength, he returned to Earth.

Earth, cinema.

"You're back, Ah Zhou?"

Shao Qiming turned his head and looked at Su Zhou, who seemed to be in a trance for just a moment. He seemed a little surprised: "You... have advanced again."

He didn't even bother to use a question: "What are you busy with?"


Su Zhou, who came back, smiled. He raised his head and looked at the screen in front of him that had just ended the power outage.

The young man who no longer cared about the ending of the movie shrugged: "As for what I did..."

"Just reversing a sad fate."

"Change the ending of a movie."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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