Monsters Will Die if They Are Killed

Chapter 939 The opening of the Torrent War (1w1, please vote for this big chapter!)

For the sacred tree Zhu Riyuan Cang Que, the prison-suppressing divine elephant Zhu Diwen, and many other strong men and civilizations who are paying attention to the void around Hun Tian, ​​the conflict that just happened can be regarded as the first time they have seen it in their lives. Unlimited levels of combat.

Wave after wave of shocks are coming from the collision point between Su Zhou's knife and the realm of Hun Tian. The essence of the surrounding multiverse is deformed visible to the naked eye. If Su Zhou hadn't used his power to freeze the void, he could reach a small area. With the effect of almost a great seal, the three thousand realms of the surrounding Huntian and many world groups further away will be completely destroyed in an instant.

And if this divine power that would cause many worlds and universes to be completely destroyed in an instant, if both sides of the battle did not set rules to restrain their own power, but released it wantonly and were driven by pure desire for destruction, then the intertwined divine power of both sides, It will spread infinitely and without loss to every corner of the multiverse, destroying countless heavens.

That is a torrent, a torrent of destruction - it has nothing to do with resistance, consumption, or skill. As long as it is released, it will never shrink, never attenuate, and will not be affected by other torrents or even stronger existences. If the containment power of the multiverse itself is positively offset, the divine power can definitely be sustained to unlimited extent.

Even if it is suppressed by the small-scale icy void created by Su Zhou, even if it is so, when the aftermath is transmitted to many worlds, although it does not have any substantial impact, you can still see the sea of ​​clouds rolling in the sky and the starlight. It flickers like a desk lamp with poor contact.

In the void of the multiverse, cracks are emerging from the deformed void of the multiverse, and are beginning to spread in all directions - the void around the realm of the sky is undergoing a chain collapse, and the terrifying turbulence of time and space is causing the world to collapse. The Tao was born out of the low roar with timid teeth and teeth. It was the most terrifying natural disaster in the multiverse.

Of course, neither Su Zhou nor the Five Saints would let this happen.


Opening his eyes wide, Su Zhou raised the corners of his mouth. His long hair was now flowing, and he stared in the direction of the sky: "Ring... a huge ring... a five-headed snake that is intertwined and rotating!"

He did not hide his words, and everyone could hear them. However, except for the Five Saints who were confronting him, no one could understand the meaning behind these words.

Because that is the reality that can only be seen from a perspective that transcends time and space.

Su Zhou could see that infinite power was erupting from the Huntian, not just the 'Huntian now', but also 'the Huntian of the previous moment' and 'the Huntian of the next moment'. Looking back in this way, the Hundian spreading backwards The sky constitutes an infinite ring composed of 'opening and ending'.

This is an unbelievably huge 'ring' that is infinitely long in scope. However, this ring itself is not completely closed. It can absorb the surrounding world community through the two points of source and end, and absorb brand-new avenues in the multiverse. And grow.

This is ‘infinity’, an infinity that is mature enough but still growing.

——The realm of Hun Tian is absorbing avenues that it has never seen before into its ancient source, and at the end of the long-lasting time, it condenses and throws out the useless slag, turning it into the three thousand realms of Hun Tian. , gradually spreading to the entire multiverse.

In this way, Infinity becomes stronger and more powerful.

And this itself is very similar to the powerful Torrent who instinctively understands the multiverse, and then releases his own waves to change and affect the multiverse.

This is ‘infinity’ – the power of the realm of Hun Tian

Not to mention, there are five most powerful people controlling all of this.

Those five beings who can control this infinite power are...

【——Five Holy Saints of Huntian——】

In the eyes of all other Hedao powerhouses, five sages emerged, each representing the absolute authority of an era.

They control infinity absolutely, uniting the past, future and present, and all things connected by cause and effect are the ‘flood’!

【How powerful...】

Watching this scene, Zhu Diwen almost groaned. In his eyes, everything became blurred. The torrent of fighting even made it impossible for him, the pinnacle of Hedao, to see any one side clearly, and he When his soul sensed those indescribable infinite vibrations, it provided him with a phantom.

At this moment, Hun Tian turned into a giant god with five faces and ten arms in his eyes, and the original Zhu Zhou turned into a dragon with infinite phantoms to wrestle with it.

Their power is so powerful that even a simple fight, using pure power to compete with each other, can shatter and distort the void of the multiverse that serves as the arena.

At this moment, facing the Five Saints, Su Zhou's eyes swept across the past and future.

He could see the 'snake heads' spreading out on this infinite ring. The first snake head was derived from the extremely distant beginning of chaos and turned into a tributary.

In the ancient chaotic era of chaos, many innate gods and demons were born - at that time, there was no order established by the Five Holy Saints, and the peerless powerful men of later generations were constantly looking back in time to influence the past and become new innate gods and demons.

At that time, it was also the beginning of the birth of the sealed multiverse, and the moment when the great seal was most powerful.

The Huntian at this time is not huge, its time is obscure, and perhaps it is not infinite, and there are not many strong people in the future.

But the fact that they looked back in time did impact the many original innate gods and demons in the era of chaos. These unexplained existences, as manifestations of a certain kind of avenue, will all disappear in the future one after another due to the strong power of later generations. The reader's retrospection awakens wisdom, which in turn affects the birth of the future.

Even, because one after another one of his own kind was oppressed, seized, wiped out, and replaced by the strong men of later generations.

Those ancient concepts became the raw materials for future generations of strong men to tamper with their own birth...

These innate chaotic gods and demons became angry and even hated all living beings in later generations.

[We... are the original spirit of the Dao, the ancestors and cornerstones of you and even all sentient beings. In the future, we will transform into the Dao and become the heaven, earth and universe of your existence]

[You are not grateful for our nurturing and watching...actually...actually trying to go back in time, obliterate the reality of our 'existence', and let all our watching and love turn into nothingness...]

[Wrong descendants of future generations, you should not have been born! 】

The awakened original gods and demons have lost their love, so they cannot turn into pure avenues, watching and waiting for the infinite future of the universe.

They absorbed the nutrients of wisdom from the future, and all woke up in an instant, forming an indestructible alliance of ancient gods.

They are not rigid, nor are they stupid and simple. In the vast universe where time travel is possible, these ancient primitive strongmen have been able to travel through the past and future from the very beginning, absorbing all the wisdom, experience, technology, philosophy, and science of the future. way of thinking, and even all its derivatives.

If they don't turn away, they will imprison the future of the universe and make the entire universe a simple hunting ground for the ultimate strong to rule the weak, resulting in fewer and fewer absolute strong in the future.

This is exactly their purpose - if a strong person appears in the future, they will replace and obliterate them, the ancient spirits of the great road. This is not their first move, but the 'future' attacking the 'past' Aftermath.

But in turn, the future strong men realized that the roots of their birth were being shaken, and naturally they were not to be outdone and began to resist with all their strength.

This war, which spanned the past and present, shook the foundation of the realm of Hun Tian, ​​and almost caused the disintegration of Hun Tian.

Until ‘Qianyuan Dao Zun’ appeared.

The appearance of the First Holy One kicked off the massacre.

No one knows whether Tao Zun Qianyuan was the original ancient god or the spirit of the powerful Taoist spirit from later generations who took over his body and changed his birth.

It is also possible that he is a 'original intelligent life' that was formed from the original Qingqi spiritual enlightenment in the Chaos Era.

He might even be a powerful person from the void of the outer universe.

But no matter what, there is only one thing you need to know.

That is, He is very strong—incredibly strong.

Qianyuan Dao Zun is the source of all the wonderful ancestral Qi. He doesn't care about the past or the future, or the grievances between ancient gods and future powerful men. As long as it affects the development trend of Hun Tian, ​​he will kill no matter who it is.

Slaughtering all the ancient gods and killing all the new gods, Qianyuan Dao Zun swept from the past to the future, killing all those who dared to stand in the way.

As a result, there is peace in both heaven and earth.

The remaining power of those ancient and new gods was refined into Zuqi by Taoist Qianyuan, and then sublimated into the Three Thousand Avenues and became the stars in the sky. Some of the remaining slag was thrown into the outer universe by him at the end of the era. Void, that is the origin of the original "Huntian Three Thousand Worlds".

Qianyuan Dao Zun elevated all things to the sky, turning the differentiated space and time of the universe into many floating island planes and continents with different speeds of time and space.

As a result, the chaotic space and time of the universe has also cut off the infinite future powerful people from endlessly attacking the past in an attempt to replace the original spirit of the great road. Only the powerful people allowed by Taoist Qianyuan can, under his guidance, Shape your own origins and history out of primordial chaos.

——Determine the universe, separate yin and yang, sort out the past and future, pacify the original gods and demons, finalize the three thousand avenues, and conquer the infinite future.

This is the merit and merit of the ‘No. 1 Holy One in Hun Tian’, the first of the five giant snakes.

Its name is [Absolute Avenue]

Just as there are different ways to achieve infinity and eternity, the absolute element of Qianyuan Dao Zun's achievement is this.

[Fellow Taoist, can we each take a step back? We can guarantee with everything we have that everything we do is dedicated and sacrificed for the sentient beings in this multiverse]

Since it emanates from the origin in the past and resounds at the end of the future, Qianyuan Dao Zun's message cannot be heard at all if one cannot look at the past and future of an infinite universe.

Maybe it's a wise old man, maybe it's a dignified middle-aged man, or maybe it's a sincere and approachable child, anything is possible.

But Su Zhou just sneered: "I'm just here to visit the will of the universe. Why do you go so far as to say, 'Everyone take a step back?'"

"What's more, your guarantee is of no use? I have seen as many as eight hundred people who do bad things with good intentions. Which kind of self-righteous good intentions do you belong to?"

"In the end, you paid and sacrificed. Are you worthy? You are not even a complete torrent. If you want me to see it, why not do it in my place!"

This is Su Zhou's professional skill. If you throw out such a set of words, the other party will be speechless. It's not that you can't refute, but Su Zhou's words are full of loopholes. It can be said that they are full of flaws.

But there are so many flaws, but there are no flaws anymore.

After all, once Taoist Qianyuan starts to refute, will he still fight? Do you still want to fight? By saying this, does it seem like you are somehow tainted?

The most important thing is that Su Zhou is a torrent.

From a practical point of view, it is indeed better to replace him - maybe?

Therefore, Taoist Master Qianyuan stopped speaking, and Holy Emperor Ji Xing took over.

[Senior, if you want to investigate Huntian and others, or if you want to communicate with Huntian’s will of the universe, you can. But the Spirit of Huntian is really busy with important things now. We are not forcing you, but the Spirit of Huntian itself has not chosen to meet you]

The Pole Star Saint Emperor's words were powerful and concise. He did not lie and could indeed explain many things.

The most important thing is that he threw Su Zhou's accusations against them on the Huntian Spirit who had not yet appeared. Now, it was good that he could not determine the actual situation.

But Su Zhou obviously didn't come here to reason: "Senior, I'm not familiar with you, and I'm younger than you. Didn't you notice? I'm definitely only in my early thirties. In theory, I'm just out of the shell."

"As for the situation of the Huntian Spirit, I really don't know, but you guys have taken over his 'infinite power' to fight against me. His situation is not good at all."

"It's not you who did it, I can help; it's you who did it, so don't talk nonsense."

——The Pole Star Holy Emperor is an existence that was conceived from the possibility that Qianyuan Dao Zun could not kill.

In the realm of Hun Tian, ​​there are infinite possibilities and infinite growth pathways.

The battle between the ancient gods of the source and the new gods of the future, which transcends time and space, is not "absolute" and cannot cover all possibilities, so it was suppressed by Qianyuan Taoist, who represents the "absolute way".

The Pole Star Saint Emperor originated from a universe where the ancient gods and the new gods fought against each other, but the intensity did not break the Huntian.

The ancient spirit of chaos roams the world, etching its own traces in the future; the future Misty Lord affects the past, and forges its own majesty in the distant origins.

The ancient and new gods fought with each other, but they vaguely created an order - that is the terrifying order in which the origin and the end join forces to rule 'all the present'.

The ancient gods who had lost their love and the new gods who had been indifferent from the beginning, after reaching a tacit understanding in the initial struggle, began to exchange their needs and join forces to build a 'ring'.

The ring is infinite, the foundation of infinity, and the unit of infinity. The original ancient god of chaos and the future new god of order will be intertwined into an 'ouroboros' representing infinity. At this point, the entire Huntian universe will be transformed by Him. They rule.

As one of the stars, the Holy Emperor of the Pole Star emerged from the sky with overwhelming power and broke the "infinite ring" where chaos and order intertwined.

He completely destroyed the terrifying twin snakes that traversed the infinite structure of time and space, and turned the remains of the ring into a rule of heaven. He determined the iron-like laws and made all universe time and space orderly, allowing the past and future to be connected normally. It turns into a long and endless river.

——Capturing the sun and moon, stepping on the heaven and earth, holding two snakes in his hands, surrounded by long rivers, using six dragons to control the heavenly chariot, and using the pole star to control the time.

The Holy Emperor destroyed the gods and cleansed the world. This great achievement was the reason why He became the 'Second Holy' and the second leader of the giant snake.

The Holy Emperor of Pole Star appeared in the "Impossible Possibility" of Taoist Qianyuan. Of course, it may be the tacit approval of Taoist Qianyuan, but the five sages treat each other equally, and no one can tell the difference between them. The relationship is both fate and a miracle.

[Why are you prejudiced against us? 】

At this moment, Sage Qiongyuan also spoke to dissuade: [Teacher Xiguang, as you can see, we are indeed fighting for the future of Hun Tian and the survival of all living beings. This is true and true history]

There are countless names for the candle day, and different people will get different results according to different understandings. Some people can see the original candle day, some people can see the God of Judgment, and some people can see the Xiguang.

Su Zhou turned his head and looked at the 'Third Song', and then raised his brows: "Oh, that's right. You are also accomplished in the way of infinite time and space. In this case, why don't you try to break through the torrent yourself? Join forces with other Holy Saints and become a combined component?"

"As for prejudice... To be honest, if you had cut off the possibility of ancient and new gods being able to time travel from the beginning, and arbitrarily determined eternity, then maybe I would invite you to hold a banquet in the void and share the experience of becoming a torrent - but You have not banned time and space at all, but you continue to allow this phenomenon of connecting the past and the future."

Saying this, Su Zhou shook his head: "Your choice is to allow the emergence of the 'ring', and also to allow 'the existence of the weak to be denied by the strong and lose its reality'."

The Poor Source Sage appeared in the "Polar Star Holy Emperor" and "The Impossible Possibility". He was born in the endless "parallel time and space" of the Huntian universe, where he was an ancient worm representing truth and omniscient. The future of the universe where gods fight.

Truth is poisonous, and it chases and devours people, like a terrible worm that eats up all the oceans of the mind.

And the gods who know everything naturally know how to contain the poison of truth, and tame these truths that mortals cannot look directly at, touch, or understand into knowledge that can be used, copied, and used in all conquests and constructions.

But whether it is worms or gods, their battles have destroyed the sustainability of the universe, time and space, because the 'omniscience' required by the gods does not allow any changes. All their subordinates are used to Tools that transform truth and fulfill knowledge.

That group of ultimate technologists built a super-giant space-time devouring machine that can continuously swallow the truth and create an 'omniscient world'. When the many cosmic time-spaces swallowed by this giant machine turn into an omniscient universe, it will cause The gods located within it are 'omnipotently awakened' and possess relative omniscience.

And omniscience means omnipotence. As long as this super giant space-time swallowing machine devours the multiverse, the gods will become the omniscient and omnipotent gods of the multiverse.

Of course, they were not that powerful. The Qiongyuan Sage came out and created the 'Infinite Divine Machine MKⅢ', and packed them and the worms together and sent them to the non-recyclable garbage incineration furnace for destruction.

Then, the Qiongyuan Sage went back to infinite possibilities and found the final core source point of his infinite parallel time and space, which is the realm of Hun Tian - when he appeared, the other two sages were shocked.

But in any case, He is the God of infinite exploration who has opened up infinite possibilities of time and space, shattered truth and omniscience, and explored the possible essence of the impossible. He has brought a visible and infinite path to the realm of the sky. The path of parallel time and space is called the 'real timeline'.

Its name is the eye of truth and the unknown, the lock of omniscience and destiny, and the door to exploration and creation.

This is also the great deeds and achievements of the Qiongyuan Sage, the third most holy man in Hun Tian.

But the young man shook his head at this.

"You killed the ancient dragon and the new dragon, you killed the non-snake snake and the non-dragon dragon, but you didn't give up the dragon's long horn that controls time, and you became a dragon yourself."

The original infinite truth is the snake; the supreme Lord of Time is the dragon.

The worm of truth and the omniscient gods are the serpent that is not a snake and the dragon that is not a dragon.

In Su Zhou's eyes, the gears of reincarnation were spinning, and his voice was ethereal and majestic, like a judge who transcended reincarnation: "Yes, you have determined the order yourself, and it is up to you to determine the reality and the existence of all living beings in an era - - But your choice itself is equivalent to playing with time, causing the 'infinitely many' possible lives to cease to exist and return to nothingness because of your choice."

To choose is to give up.

Even choosing all options is equivalent to not 'creating new options', not choosing 'options that have not yet appeared', not choosing 'options that do not exist', and not recognizing 'nothingness'.

Rather than controlling time and space, it is better to cut off the possibility of time travel from the beginning and seal this 'high road'.

Just like instead of eating a plate of braised canned herring, throwing it into the trash can, or even burning it completely to ashes, it would be better not to buy this stupid canned fish in the first place and order it properly. Braised chicken and rice takeaway.

select? They’re all braised canned herrings, and it’s a waste of time to choose. No matter what you choose, it will be reincarnation.

Might as well go beyond.

Therefore, Su Zhou looked at the sage Qiongyuan and said intriguingly: "Have you ever thought about returning the great government not as this 'holy', not as a snake, nor as a dragon?"

“But be ‘yourself’.”

"What about becoming a 'torrent' like me?"

He extended an invitation.

[This is also a choice]

The poor source sage was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a polite smile: [And our choice is related to a greater future and a more grand plan]

[This plan can be informed to you, but the premise is that you can become Hun Tian... This is necessary, otherwise, the consequences may involve and affect the existence of the entire multiverse]

That's a lot to say. If you were an ordinary Hedao person, you might think that the Sage Qiuyuan or the Five Saints were bragging.

After eating a few dishes, a guy who hasn't even arrived at the five torrents dares to say that his plan can affect the existence of the multiverse?

You must know that the unconscious multiverse itself is equivalent to the peak of the torrent. This is still an ordinary multiverse, and the slightly special ones are even more extraordinary.

Not to mention that the plurality of seals is essentially a super-multiple structure that controls many great beings. It is the derivation of the 'great seal' located in the 'pan-infinite multi-derivative axis' and is the agglomeration of many multi-dimensional remains destroyed by the 'War between Greatness and Monsters'. Each of those multiverses has its own unique characteristics and cannot be calculated with ordinary multidimensionality.

Su Zhou thought to himself that if he could not touch the absolute edge and master the power of 'infinity, eternity, and absolute' at the same time, then it would be very difficult for even him to influence the entire multiverse.

Only infinity and eternity cannot transcend absolute existence.

Only eternity and absoluteness cannot transcend infinite continuation.

It’s just absolute and infinite, unable to transcend eternal nothingness.

However, Su Zhou could know that what Sage Qiongyuan said was true.

If Hongliu wants to know, he can know that the young man has seen the future described by the sage Qiyuan, and then realized that indeed the entire multiverse has returned to nothingness in that possibility.

It is absolute annihilation, infinite passing, and eternal nothingness.

"What the hell?"

Therefore, he turned his head and looked at Hun Tian with some disbelief: "Could this damn place of yours be a multiverse detonator? Were there no other torrent tubes to take care of your inexplicable big plan before?"

"You must have found the pause button of the great seal, right?"

Although this was a joke, Su Zhou did not completely deny it.

Although the great seal has gradually stagnated with the awakening of the great beings, and even the frozen void has dissipated, it is still operating, maintaining the existence of the entire multiverse.

To give an easier-to-understand analogy - the multiverse is just the moss derived from the great seal, covering the entire machine, which makes it far more noble than the ordinary multiverse. However, if the machine disappears, these many mosses will also lose their support. , will collapse.

Of course, the multiverse is not so fragile. If it simply loses support, for ordinary people, at most, various extraordinary ways will fail for a period of time (depending on the time when the avenues collapse and reorganize), and many universes will have bugs. A lot of people will die, but not everyone will be wiped out.

But the special thing about the sealed multiverse is that it is too huge.

There are many derivative possibilities spawned by the great seal and the great power of existence. It is the great seal that supports these and these incompatible 'different multiverse foundations'.

Just like the world of music, theoretically it will never coexist with the foundations of other worlds. The naturally born multiverse cannot support such a foundation... Of course, this possibility cannot be denied. After all, there are infinite possibilities, and Miracles always happen.

But generally speaking, it's never that common.

But in the sealed multiverse, how many worlds, universes and even groups of worlds are there with different multi-based bases?

Although Su Zhou wanted to say, 'How can we count everything until now? ’, but actually, the answer is infinite!

Therefore, without the support of a great existence and a great seal, once the multiple seals become independent, they will disintegrate in the next moment.

Good luck, split into multiverses dominated by their own multi-dimensional bases, bad luck...

Hey, it's not bad. Anyway, except for Torrent and Hedao who have their own small universe, they basically can't think about the good and bad.

[Other torrents, support our plan]

At this moment, it was Immortal Shengyan who spoke.

[In other words] He said calmly: [Their absence itself is support]

[Just like your appearance represents your opposition to us]

The torrent is real.

The fact that Su Zhou could appear in front of them was engraved in history, which was equivalent to the possibility that the characters written in history had been determined.

Once the torrent appears, it will not die, just like the characters and stories depicted in the book, even if they die in the book, they will still exist in the hearts of the readers... The torrent is beyond the story, choosing the direction of the story, choosing by itself Real existence.

Unlike Hedao, the ‘indestructible inheritance’ and ‘indestructible information’ of Tianzun and Tianxian are different from the ‘immortal of Tao Yun’.

The torrent is immortal and needs no reason.

Once such a being takes action, he must have a goal. The fact that Su Zhou appears proves his opposition to this plan. In contrast, the fact that other torrents did not come to exert their influence proves their admit.

Not even by default, because Torrent definitely knows these things.

Just like Su Zhou looked at the many holy saints and naturally knew many of their past and future.

But the difference is that those who have admitted it may be able to see the whole picture, but Su Zhou is opposite to the Five Holy Saints, so there are many details and the truth is covered up - they cannot lie to Su Zhou, but they can hide key information .

"It seems that there are more people who need to be beaten."

Su Zhou nodded: "I don't care!"

After becoming a torrent, holding two elements, the number of the same level is meaningless.

One against one is a fight, one against ten is a fight. Both sides have to see how they use their own nature that is almost transcendent. The powerful one can overpower the others who are at a disadvantage.

Su Zhouhui has many great inheritances, and he has also created two inheritances, 'Zhuzhi's Dream' and 'Shizupu', which can use unlimited power. However, Zhuzhi's Dream is used for growth, but also for life preservation and self-existence. It is a means of continuing the great path, and showing the final pupil is a practice method for self-growth, self-innovation, and perfecting the essence.

And most of the many great inheritances of Su Zhou's practice are like this.

He also lacks a great magical power that can be used to conquer and demonstrate the power of innovation.

After hearing Su Zhou's words, the five sages were stunned.

——He doesn’t care?

That's a plural torrent! Originating from those ancient, indescribable powers of great existence, strong men inspired and selected by their path, and even existences that have stepped out of their own path...

This original Zhu Zhou actually dared to say that.

'I do not mind'! ?

[Donor, that is the powerful representative of the entire multiverse]

The ignorant person chanted softly, and he was seriously admonishing Su Zhou: "You should seriously consider taking the exam..."

"No, who are you and why do you represent the multiverse?"

Su Zhou raised his hand, waved his knife, and said impatiently: "I don't agree, I don't agree, why do you represent me?"

"You can just call those torrents over, but you will definitely not get the good fruit from them. You all will remember it!"

Even the Five Holy Saints find it difficult to speak.

If you want to say that Su Zhou is unreasonable, that's not right. What Su Zhou said is all for the sake of the sentient beings within Hun Tian. They are not affected by the magical power of time, can freely choose the future they want, and have unlimited possibilities. .

He was correct. On the contrary, the Five Holy Saints were indeed wrong.

However, they are indeed sacrificed for a greater goal.

Shengyan Immortal is neither human, nor divine, nor holy, but the most subtle energy of vitality. He exists in the life of all things, and also exists in every corner of the heaven, earth, and universe, coexisting with the heaven.

He can listen to everything and knows the reality that all things hate inequality - whether it is the Qianyuan Taoist, the Pole Star Holy Emperor or the Qiongyuan Sage, there are existences that are 'very powerful from the beginning' in the eras they shape, and In contrast, acquired beings and acquired demons do not have that opportunity. They are born weak, and even true spirits are born acquired.

The sky naturally contains clouds, clouds naturally contain water mist, and water mist naturally contains water droplets. Why do water droplets have to belong to water mist, to clouds, to a part of the sky?

A water drop can also have its own true spirit, and can also become an existence equal to everything else!

All huge things are composed of smaller existences. To rashly regard a huge thing as "one" is to be unfair to those "ten thousand".

Therefore, when the Immortal Shengyan became enlightened, he asked about everything and everything.

He asked, "Do you want justice?"

Most of all things choose fairness, and those who are unfair, those who are strong, those who maintain their innate power and are unwilling to be equal to all living beings.

Be equalized.

After that, Immortal Shengyan gave the true spirit to all things, and they all awakened from the very beginning. No one can exploit anyone from the very beginning, and everyone is an insignificant part.

Then, there is the explosion of infinite life.

From gravel and dust to a trace of air and a ray of light, everything becomes life. All things are fair competitors, and with their own struggle, efforts, awakening and belief, they can convince and conquer other beings to form a larger existence.

Absolute fairness and absolute competition rely on the subjective initiative of life itself, and they are all righteous disputes.

That is the essence of life.

The ignorant person is even simpler - he is karma, the cause and effect of all reincarnations.

He exists in all eras and time and space, and it is the change of eras from generation to generation. The huge trend arising from ignorance, the Holy Saints changed the sky, just like hitting a stone with a hammer and turning it into a statue.

The ignorant person is the force that all the hammers instilled into the statue, and it is also the reaction force of the Holy Saints to change the universe. The flow of this force is fate and karma - all living beings in the future are shaped by the Holy Saints. All things that are born due to fate, but disappear and return to nothingness because of it, are the karma of all this.

Due to ignorance of origin, there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering. If you want to be liberated, you need to be enlightened.

The Awakened One did not specifically change the entire Huntian. In fact, he did not allow the existence of anyone above the Creator, that is, Hedao, to affect the world.

All things will have their own choices and stories, and they should bear these fate and karma. Hedao and Him should maintain the world and ensure the purity of the choices of all living beings.

And those strong people who always want to influence all living beings, want to leave their own mark on the universe, and feel that they should be able to interfere with other existences.

was liberated.

There is not much information about the Immortal Shengyan and the Awakened Ones. They are more closely related to the big plan that the Five Saints are unwilling to disclose, or in other words, they are more related to the details.

Su Zhou narrowed his eyes and seemed to be thinking deeply.

Obviously, although the Five Holy Saints are indeed not Torrents, they are all truly outstanding people and supreme gods, and each of them is enough to become a real Torrent.

Their combined strength makes it difficult for even Su Zhou to break through. Even if he breaks through, it cannot guarantee the safety of all living beings in the universe within Huntian.

Su Zhou would not take action if he could not hurt even a virus or bacteria.

Seeing Su Zhou's hesitation, the Fifth Sage spoke up to persuade him.

[Original Zhuzhi, if you are also hesitating, why not wait? 】

Taoist Master Qianyuan said: [There are many things that really cannot be said now, but after a few rounds, it will be the moment when the door of all wonders opens, and we will unveil it to make everything outstanding]

[All of this is harmless to all sentient beings. If there is even the slightest lie, our way will be destroyed.] The Holy Emperor of the Pole Star said in a sonorous tone: [We will fight endlessly for all sentient beings. This is the final battle, and we cannot give up]

The sage Qiongyuan also nodded: [That is a catastrophe that affects endless time and space, and infinite parallel universes will die instantly. In order to deal with it, we were born one by one, or came here from other universes]

The Qiongyuan Sage revealed the origins of some of the Holy Saints - some of them were indeed not powerful men native to Huntian, but they chose to stay here instead of looking for opportunities to achieve greatness in the multiverse.

They indeed made great sacrifices.

They said many things that came from their hearts and were true.

However, all this made Su Zhou feel annoyed.

"What you are saying is nonsense."

Suppressing his anger, Su Zhou said in a deep voice: "Complete nonsense."

He looked around at the Five Holy Saints and said word by word: "I can tell you loudly now, tell everyone, the purpose of my coming here - completely, without any covering or flaws."

"I am here to find the great being behind your 'original world', the great being named Yala."

"He is my teacher, my friend, and I just wanted to come over and see if He was here."

"I'm on the right path, and I want my past teacher to praise me, or to question me and let him criticize me."

"By the way, let's see what's the truth in His original world, just like the purpose of all the worlds I've ever gone to!"

"If it is correct, I will appreciate it. If it is wrong, I will correct it. No matter what, I will try to make those worlds better - this is my purpose, and I can tell all sentient beings in the multiverse openly!"

Saying this, he spoke openly about the great existence and the relationship between Yala and himself: "I want to see Yala, and everything comes together!"

Su Zhou is such a firm believer.

He's just so open and honest.

There is nothing hard to say, nothing to hide, because the right thing can be told loudly to everyone from the beginning, just like ordinary people feel ashamed and feel when talking about the poems and novels they wrote when they were children in the past. They are unhappy just because their writing is not good and they are not confident enough in themselves.

That's dark history.

If you can really write poems and articles that everyone can appreciate and you are confident that you are right, why should you be secretive?

Of course, there are also some personal thoughts that are unique to oneself and do not want others to know. This is also correct.

As long as you say "these things are private" openly and honestly, the person who asks you will say sorry.

However, the Five Saints kept making grand narratives, talking about the existence and death of the multiverse... Even if it was true, it was not the whole story, but a one-sided result.

That's not the truth, and it's not the right answer.

So, right now, young people take a step forward.

Immediately, in the void of the multiverse, under the gazes of many Hedao who watched this scene, the realm of Hun Tian began to move.

Because the void of the multiverse is tilted, its pouring angle cannot be seen clearly until the end of these unions' field of vision.

The reason why the void tilts is because of the steps of a certain torrent.

——He is the center of the tilt. At this moment, Su Zhou has become the 'axis' of the rotation of the world of Hun Tian.

In the realm of Hun Tian, ​​what kind of rules did the previous movements follow? Su Zhou guessed that Huntian moved according to the eternally changing coordinates of the axis of the multiverse, just like the axis that sealed the universe as a great seal would continue to move.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Five Saints from escaping, he directly made himself the axis of this multiverse.

——Huntian will rotate and move around him.

【How can it be? ! 】【Ordinary torrents have no such power】【No, all possibilities of escape have been blocked! 】

After many shocking messages were delivered, Su Zhou directly crushed the barrier formed by the alliance of the Five Holy Saints. Although it was only one step, he indeed took a step closer to Hun Tian, ​​and achieved greater success in the torrent battle. Upside.

The young man stared at the Five Saints in front of him: "Now, you."

Su Zhou said calmly: "Can you tell me your true purpose completely and loudly?"

There is only silence in the void.

Until finally, there was a sigh.

【That is……】


So, the battle began again.

At this moment.

When the Five Holy Saints and Zhu Zhou started fighting again.

In the world of Tiansui, Shenmu Zhuzhou and Yuan Cangyou suddenly received a private message in the group.

[Are you interested in going to Huntian to see the situation? 】

That was the private chat between the group leader Yuan Zhuzhou.

[Ah this...] Xiao Yuan was a little confused, and he replied: [Boss, aren't you guys fighting? 】

[Original Zhuzhou]: [That’s why you can go in, don’t worry, don’t force it, I just sent it to the group, it’s normal if you don’t want to, it’s quite dangerous]

[Not afraid of danger, really] Yuan Cangguo gradually understood and looked up into the void.

In the eyes of this sacred tree, the battle between the original Zhu Zhou and the Five Holy Saints is like a battle between a big pine tree and a big banyan tree with five trunks fused together to compete for the root system and cover each other's crown.

He clearly understood that although the Five Saints were at a disadvantage, they could guarantee that they would have no problem at all. Although his ancestors were powerful and were not even afraid of the siege of other torrents, it was extremely difficult to dig out the truth from them.

He needs collaborators to analyze the internal situation of Huntian, understand the essence, and know why the five sages of Huntian are silent about the whereabouts of the spirit of Huntian, and why it is related to the existence of the multiverse.

【I agreed! 】After thinking about it, Yuan Cangguo's blood boiled immediately - Good guy, if he doesn't do this kind of thing, will he still be Zhu Zhou!

[Okay, wait in line]

But Su Zhou's reply obviously poured cold water on the god Zhu Zhou: "You are number 110088, which is quite auspicious?" 】

[Grass] let out a sigh unique to the sacred trees, and Yuan Cangguo immediately understood.

Good guy, how many people in the Zhuzhou family like to cause trouble? I actually thought about it for a moment, no wonder it was ranked so low!

But there is no rush, He is a sacred tree, there is plenty of time to wait...

Silver light flashes.

When Yuan Cangguo didn't know it, he moved forward as fast as possible.

He has entered the Huntian.

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