Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 358: The story of the **** baby

  Chapter 358 The Story of God's Baby

   "What's the matter?..." Qin Yin stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, "Dao Master, did you take away...the wig?"

  The braids that were originally fixed on both sides of the corpse’s cheeks fell to the ground together with the cotton cloth.

  The corpse still sat quietly on the spot, but it turned into a cool boy with short hair.

Without the blessing of cotton cloth, they found that the white skirt on the body was not worn, but was tied to the front of the body.

  This corpse was originally wearing an ordinary white shirt and jeans, with a short hair combed.

  This is a boy!

   "This is not Wenya..." Jasmine said in disbelief, "This...this is Hu Yuxin!"

  Baomu shivered all over.

  This character who has been paddling the whole game finally has a role.

   Xiaolan glanced at Baomu.

  Among all the characters, only Hu Yuxin’s identity is unclear.

   Could this be because his secret is transvestite?

   "I...I don't know," Baomu waved his hand again and again, "I don't know what's going on, am I dead too?"

   "What's written on your ID card?" Jasmine asked, "How many will I introduce."

  "It was written--once, the owner of the **** baby," Baomu showed the identity card, "what does this mean? Aren't we all the owner of the **** baby? Why did I ever be?"

"you still……"


  The **** baby in the arms of the corpse really moved.

  It lifted its head section by section, opened its mouth mechanically, with a very flat voice, but a very soft voice.

   "Wenya, you are finally here," the doll said, "Wenya, you finally came to me."

   Xiaolan stared at Shenwa in confusion.

  Is Wenya in the end? Or a doll?

what happened? Yourself, are you still alive?

  With a tummy of doubt, Xiaolan opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't ask anything.

   "Thanks for your hard work, Wenya, and also work hard for you all to protect Wenya, let's let the god, Wenya, tell you all about this."

  It’s God Wa Wenya.

  In this way, I am really a human being. I...Isn't dead yet?

"The whole story first originated from my birth," the doll slowly said in a hearty and gentle tone, "Mother Sun's careful care gave me consciousness, and I can feel the world. I am about the things around me. With the feeling, I like human beings and look at the happy expressions of human beings. So, when Mommy Sun offered to give me to a family who needed me, I immediately agreed. This is my fault. If I were not there. , There will be nothing more..."

The tone of the   doll gradually fell, and everyone followed it's narration and turned their attention to the person involved. "Mother Sun" Qin Yin stood up, and seemed very proud to be able to raise such a divine doll.

"I like the people of Wenjia very much, just like I like all human beings. They used a way to communicate with me, asking me to choose my real master. I don’t want to choose. I like them very much, but Sun My mother told me to choose, they need me to choose, so I saw Wenya playing with dolls in the hall. I thought, this girl likes dolls so, then she will like me too, I chose , My master is Wenya."

  Everyone looked at Xiaolan.

   Xiaolan grabbed the corner of her clothes with both hands, pressed her lips tightly, and listened quietly.

"Seeing that I chose Wenya, they didn't seem to be very happy. What did Sun's mother and Wenya's mother say to them? After listening to them, they finally became less unhappy. They took me to Wenya's side. Wenya really likes me so much. At that time, I thought, such a cute and pure Wenya, I want to protect her forever."

   Xiaolan's brows trembled, she sucked her nose, and her eyes were a little damp.

"The next day, Mother Sun brought my little friends again. Although they are not like me, they have some feelings. They have become the dolls of other people in the Wen family, just like me. Home, their feelings become more and more clear, that is to say... they are becoming more and more like me, more and more like human beings."

   "In the beginning, I was very happy. I had more friends, but soon I discovered something was wrong. Some of them have changed and changed. I don't know them anymore."

  The villain Jasmine looked melancholy at the sky, always feeling that she should not be here at the moment, but should be under the car.

  "Until one day, Xiao Ming ran over and told me that it finally figured out that the reason why we came to the Wen family was not because they liked us, but wanted to use us to extend the life of the Wen family."

  As soon as these words came out, the basement was completely dumb.

   Xiaolan's eyes widened.

  Jasmine, the black hand behind the scenes, covered her mouth in astonishment.

"I'm very curious and panicked," the voice of God Baby got higher and higher, "I want to know what they plan to do, but I also know that they can do this, because it's not the first time anyone has done this. They took advantage of us, not me, but dolls like us. Last time, people thought they had succeeded in exchanging lifespan, but only we knew that they did not succeed at all. When I first met Xiaoxin, I was Got it……"

Little new?

  Xiaolan looked at Baomu.

   "Hu Yuxin?" Qiao Nian asked directly, but Shenwa ignored it.

"Xiaoxin is a friend of Wenya and Mengli. When he first came to Wen's house, he and I recognized each other. Both he and I were very surprised because we are both gods. To be precise, Hu Yuxin once had a **** baby like Wen Ya. After exchanging lifespan, Hu Yuxin's body survived for a long time, but his soul is no longer Hu Yuxin. He is a **** baby."

  That Hu Yuxin should have been sitting here on his knees, and has been dead for a long time.

  It seems that Baomu played this time Baomu God Baby.

"When I saw me, Xiaoxin understood what the adults were going to do, so he also got involved. He likes Wenya, and he doesn't want Wenya to be like him. It is precisely because of him, Wenya, Only at the last moment can we successfully protect you and protect the relationship between man and God."

  I don't know if it was reflected by the orange light or was affected by the words of the **** baby, Baomu's blush turned.

"Father Wenya's illness is getting worse, and their plans are getting closer. Suddenly, one day, Mother Sun ran back. She understood what the **** baby said, and Xiao Le did a really good job-Xiao Le is Mother Sun’s **** baby, Mother Sun knew the truth behind her, she wanted to stop all of this, but Mother Sun’s actions were blocked."

  The voice of the **** baby became gloomy and cold, and they instantly felt a little cold all around.

   "Some people don't want the Wen family to know the truth about the lifespan exchange." The **** baby's blue pupils turned, seeming to stare at Jasmine, "She is the bad guy."

    Thank you for your reward! (* ̄3 ̄)╭Small flowers hit you



  (End of this chapter)

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