Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 969: courier sent

   Chapter 969 Express delivery

   Xiaolan and the others all showed shocked expressions.

  Big eyes, big eyes, big eyes, big eyes...

   "No way..." said the fool, "Ask her what photo."

   Xiaolan typed, "What?"


   Wu Ren's news came back almost instantly.

   "A picture of a painting, what else could it be."

   This time everyone completely surrendered.

   "I rely on..." said the fool, "she really..."

   "I said it before," Ling Luo said aside, "For human affairs, human beings and gods are omnipotent and omnipotent."

   "Take a photo first," said the Taoist priest.

   "Do you shoot the front or the back?"

   "Both shoot."

  Xiaolan pointed her phone at the painting, snapped a photo with two clicks, and quickly sent it to Wu Ren.

  Everyone eagerly stood in front of their mobile phones, waiting for Wu Ren's reply.

   Several minutes passed...

   "Why hasn't she replied yet?" Xiaolan muttered, "Is it possible that she doesn't know?"

   "Why don't you ask her," said the fool.

   "Will this make me appear too impatient?"


   "Ah! Wu Ren replied!" Baomu suddenly shouted.

  Xiaolan quickly looked down and read it out.

   "I can't see clearly, the picture is too blurry, did you take the picture with a landline? ... What, I took it with a high-definition camera!"

   The first half of the sentence is Wu Ren's accusation, and the second half is Xiaolan's defense.

   "Isn't she omniscient and omnipotent?" Qin Yin's tone was a little weird, "Do you still need high-definition photos?"

   "What's more, this is a high-definition photo of me," Xiaolan clicked on the two photos, "Look at how clear it is, and what I posted is also the original image."


   Wu Ren's news came again.

   "No, I don't know."


   Another one.

   "You send that painting here."

   Everyone stared at these two news and pondered for a long time.

   "Sent means..."


   As if hearing Xiaolan's question, Wu Ren's new message answered.

   "Send it by express, preferably SF, faster."

   Everyone froze in place, feeling speechless from the inside out.

   Is this the legendary omnipotence and omnipotence?

   "But this painting can't be sent," Qin Yin said, "what if it gets lost."

   "Yes..." Xiaolan also pouted, "Unless..."


   "Otherwise you can send it over yourself, that's fine."

   "Send it in person?" Qin Yin said, "Now?"

"What she meant should be, let's take the painting and go to Xinjing to find her," said the Taoist priest, "I think... Since she said that, it is possible that she really knows some clues, but she just needs to tell us face to face. ."

   "But now... can we go?" Xiaolan glanced at Senior Brother Zhuge, who was still in a coma, "I haven't finished dealing with the bridge."

   Everyone looked at Lao Luo and Luo Jiutian.

"Everyone, don't have any concerns," Lao Luo smiled gently, "On the one hand, there are no clues about the matter of Qiqiao's annihilation, and it is difficult to unfold, on the other hand... the matter of Qiqiao actually has nothing to do with you. You are just helping Jiutian and Jasmine, we all understand that.”

   "Don't say that," Qin Yin said, "your business is our business."

   "That's it," the Taoist priest glanced at his watch. "When the three people come back, let's exchange clues. If there is still no way out of Qiqiao, we will arrange for someone to go to Xinjing to find Wu Ren."

  Baomu nodded, "Xiahua still doesn't know what Li Muyuan said... I remember he said he could come back during the day today."

   "Where is Miaozhen?" asked the Taoist priest.

   "I don't know," Baomu shook his phone, "Only Li Muyuan has returned my message."

   "Then just wait," said the Taoist priest, "not in a hurry at this time."

   Everyone fell into a temporary silence. After an unknown time, Lao Luo broke the silence.

   "I thought of something..."

   Everyone's eyes followed his voice and looked over.

   "Have you noticed that our nine factions seem to be entangled in a strange way?" Lao Luo continued.

"I found out a long time ago," Qin Yin said, "what is the red tip of Qiqiao, the Xun in Wugengtian, and what other bugs... Doesn't it mean that a person can only join one faction and have an ability? What a mess right now..."

   "I've been thinking about this too," Lao Luo said while stroking his chin, "I just suddenly thought... If the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is chaos?"

   "Then he has achieved his goal," said the fool, "now Northwestern Shanxi has become a mess."

   "But there must be a deeper purpose behind the chaos," said the Taoist priest.

   "I guess it's still a god," Qin Yin said. "This is already the villain's fixed dream. A villain who doesn't want to become a **** is not a good villain."

   "Becoming a **** is not the key," said the Taoist priest, "the key is the means."

  Xiaolan nodded understandingly, "Speaking of which, everyone we meet has different ways of trying to become gods."

   "That's right," said the Taoist priest, "perhaps the person we met this time, his method was to throw the Nine Sects into chaos."

   "Then his ability is not small," Qin Yin said with a pouted mouth, "He can turn so many masters upside down, and destroy an entire faction. He is not ordinary people."

"Speaking of which..." Xiaolan turned to Lao Luo, "Uncle Luo, we have only seen Shuangyu, Sanyan, Sixia, Wugengtian, Qiqiao, Ba Liangshui and Jiutan. What are the other two factions? ?"

   "The other two factions... First of all, you should have met the people of the Lu family," Lao Luo said. "In the Jiutan station, those who carry knives and swords are all from the Lu family."

   "Oh, I remember them!" Qin Yin straightened his back, "There are a lot of people who carry weapons with them. At the time, I thought they were bodyguards hired by Jasmine."

"They are indeed bodyguards," Lao Luo said. "In a sense, the Lu family's people are mercenaries from the other eight factions. They are very good at forging swords and have strong combat ability. Therefore, when the other eight factions need manpower The Lu family was the first thing to consider when we were with the Lu family... and the Lu family has always only looked at money and nothing else, so even a faction like Qiqiao, who has never been involved with other factions, will keep in touch with the Lu family."

   "Is their name the Lu family?" Baomu asked, "It doesn't feel like the name of a sect."

"Yes, they are both a sect and a family," Lao Luo said. "Actually, there are not many people in the Lu family, but all the men, women and children of the Lu family are brave and good at fighting, and they fight almost recklessly... It is also commonly known as a suicide attack. Therefore, after such a long time, the Lu family has developed a strong fighting ability, and gradually changed from a small family to a huge family."

  Xiaolan opened his mouth, nodded stupidly, and asked, "What about the last one?"

   "The last family..." Lao Luo's voice was long and his eyes drifted away, "It is the most powerful faction among us."

   (end of this chapter)

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