More Children, More Blessings, My Descendants Are Invincible Again!

Chapter 54 Unexpected Circumstances, And A Child?

Although Wang Ming had never been a father in his previous life, according to common sense and experience, the belly of twins should be bigger.

Anyway, there are two children living in it.

She Ziman and the others nodded: "It's very possible, after all, Qingcheng's stomach is indeed much bigger than ours."

Ji Mengxing's eyes lit up, "Sister Qingcheng, you are pregnant with twins, congratulations, I am so envious, I want twins too, don't you, sister?"

"Yeah, I want it too." Ji Mengyu also nodded, "Yeah, we two sisters grew up together and have always been together. We are just like looking in the mirror. It's really good."

"We are each other's best companions and each other's best listeners."


"Am I pregnant with twins?"

Ye Qingcheng caressed her stomach lightly, and put her palms lightly on it, feeling it carefully, and then frowned: "However, I didn't feel the existence of the second child. All the time, all I felt was the heartbeat of one child." rhythm."

She Ziman listened closely, and then nodded, "Yes, it seems that there is only one child."

Ji Mengyu and Ji Mengxing also listened, and then nodded in the same way.

"Looks like a real child."

"A child is also very good. If the belly is big, it means that the child is healthy and strong. It must be a big fat boy when he is born."

Wang Ming also listened with his ears close to his belly, and his ears were almost attached to Ye Qingcheng's belly.

It's amazing to listen to a child in this way.

Because he has a lot of experience, he listened more carefully than Ziman She and others.

bang bang bang!

The sound of the beating heart came from across the abdomen.

He listened carefully, and it was easy to hear a beating heart. It was strong and powerful. The child was obviously very healthy, and he would definitely be a big fat boy after birth.

A smile appeared on Wang Ming's face.

The child is very healthy, which of course is more important than anything else.

Perhaps, indeed, there was only one child.

It's just that the child develops better.

So it seems that Ye Qingcheng's belly is relatively big.

"There should be only one child."

But at this moment, Wang Ming's expression moved, as if he had caught something.

Noticing Wang Ming's strangeness, She Ziman and the others asked: "Wang Ming, what's the matter, did you find something?"

Ye Qingcheng's complexion also changed, and she was a little nervous all of a sudden, "Wang Ming. What's wrong."

Wang Ming made a booing motion, "Don't talk, I seem to hear another voice, but I don't know if it's my illusion."


She Ziman and the others opened their mouths wide and looked at each other, somewhat astonished.

They also listened to it just now, and they heard it very clearly.

Indeed there is only a beating sound.

Wang Ming listened quietly, and then focused his gaze: "There is really a beating sound of Dao heart, but it's very faint. If you don't listen very carefully, it's hard to hear it."

"What, there is another one?"

She Ziman and the others were astonished, and then frowned, yes, they had bad guesses in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak in front of Ye Qingcheng, for fear of affecting Ye Qingcheng's mood and affecting the child.

For a cultivator, once pregnant with a child, it is easy to feel the presence of the child.

There are two children in the womb, it is impossible to perceive only one of them and not the other.

Unless there is something unusual about the other child.

She Ziman and the others were worried, so they went to listen again, and this time they naturally listened more seriously, very carefully.

Ye Qingcheng kept watching, and then asked, "How is it?"

There was a hint of worry on She Ziman's face, and she couldn't believe it: "Qingcheng, really, it seems that you really have a child in your stomach."

After Ji Mengyu and Ji Mengxing listened carefully, their expressions were solemn: "Yes, sister Qingcheng, we heard it this time."


Ye Qingcheng frowned, she would close her eyes and concentrate, and put her palms on her stomach. After a while, her eyes opened, and there was a hint of surprise, surprise, and worry in her eyes.

"It's true." She looked at Wang Ming, a little at a loss.

She was pregnant for the first time, became a mother for the first time, how did she encounter such a thing.

She Ziman, Ji Mengyu, and Ji Mengxing had been going smoothly from conception to birth before, but why did such an accident happen when they came to her.

Of course it's a good thing if it's twins.

She will be very happy.

She only wanted Wang Ming to help her conceive one child, but Wang Ming gave her two.

But obviously, she has never been aware of the existence of the second child, which is somewhat unusual.

This is a good thing? or bad thing?

she does not know.

Furthermore. The child in her womb is already eight months old and full-term. No matter what, she won't be able to sense the existence of the second child.

Wang Ming thought of something and guessed: "Qingcheng, you don't have to worry. Could it be that the two children have been robbing you of nutrition, and most of your nutrition was taken away by one of the children, so that the second child did not have enough nutrition?" , development is relatively slow.”

Everyone thought about it seriously, and there really was no other clue. After all, Ziman She and the others went very smoothly from pregnancy to the birth of the child, and there were no accidents or emergencies.

"In this case, Qingcheng, you should take more supplements and nutrient solutions."

With the previous three children as a lesson, Wang Ming is already very experienced. When the three were pregnant, he bought a lot of supplements and boiled them into a nutrient solution for the three to drink.

Of course, Ziman She’s child is a bit special. Apart from drinking the nutrient solution, Ziman She also provides the child with a piece of Spiritual Qi from the top-grade Spirit Stones every day.

For the next month, Ye Qingcheng drank the tonic specially prepared by Wang Ming every day.

When a month passed, there was no noticeable effect.

Ye Qingcheng was even more worried.

She Ziman and the others were also anxious for Ye Qingcheng, not knowing what happened to the other child in her womb.

They have a very bad guess, but dare not say it.

"Wang Ming, you said our other child, you shouldn't."

How could Ye Qingcheng not guess, she almost cried.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, the child will be fine." Wang Ming's eyes lit up, thinking of something.

That's right, Ye Qingcheng herself is extraordinary, quite different from She Ziman and Leng Qingxue, she is already a strong early stage Void Returning Realm.

The level of Spiritual Roots itself is not low, and the Spiritual Roots of the fifth rank wind attribute is higher than Leng Qingxue and She Ziman. The child in the womb is a bit unusual, but it is normal.

Wang Ming said: "Qingcheng, the child in your womb must be extraordinary, you don't have to worry too much, anyway, you are fifth rank Spiritual Roots, the child you conceive will not be bad."

"As for drinking the nutrient solution for a month, it has no effect, maybe it's just that the nutrient solution is not effective enough."

He thought of Wang Hao.

When Wang Hao was still in Ziman She's stomach, he had to absorb one piece of Spiritual Qi from top-grade Spirit Stones every day.

"Then what should we do?" Ye Qingcheng panicked.

She didn't know what was going on, but since she knew that there was another child in her belly, she was extremely scared, afraid that something would happen to the other child.

"Since the child has not absorbed Spiritual Qi, might as well try this."

A porcelain bottle appeared in Wang Ming's hand, it was Medicine Pill, it was a low-grade qi-tonifying pill, let Ye Qingcheng try it first, if it really works.

At that time, I will take a higher-level Medicine Pill.

"Yes, you can try this." She Ziman also nodded, "Qingcheng, you don't have to worry, when I was pregnant with Haohao, Haohao still absorbed a Spiritual Qi from top-grade Spirit Stones every day."

Ye Qingcheng nodded, there was no other way for the time being, she felt more and more that the weak heartbeat of the other child seemed to disappear at any time.

She took the low-grade qi-tonifying pill.

Wang Ming looked at her.

She Ziman, Ji Mengyu and Ji Mengxing also watched.

Knowing that something unexpected happened to Ye Qingcheng, Leng Qingxue didn't practice in the house, so she came out to see what was going on.

Everyone is worried.


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