At this moment, on a side hall of the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty, Qian Gong, the third elder of the Qian family, has been waiting here for a long time.

In addition, there are also Tie Poyun and Tianyu Wang, who have already arrived at the hall.

Qian Gong, upon seeing the two, felt slightly shocked by the Heavenly Venerable Realm aura emanating from them.

"I didn't expect that the two Heavenly Venerable Realms that the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty possesses would turn out to be Marshal Tie and King Tianyu."

"How strange, why is Zuo Xuanqi, the Left Minister, not here?"

After exchanging greetings with the two, Qian Gong speculated to himself.

At this moment, the figure of Dongfang Yuan suddenly appeared on the high seat of the hall and sat down.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Both Tie Poyun and Tianyu Wang respectfully bowed.

"Elder Qian Gong, greetings to Emperor Yuan."

Qian Gong also slightly lowered his head and saluted Dongfang Yuan.

"No need for formalities."

"Elder Qian Gong, may I ask why you have come to our Heavenly Evolution Dynasty?"

Dongfang Yuan asked directly.

"Emperor Yuan, this time I am representing the Qian family and sincerely wish to cooperate with the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty," Qian Gong said.


"How do you propose we cooperate?"

Dongfang Yuan asked curiously.

"To be honest, the Qian family is currently surrounded by people from Xuanqing Mountain."

"And they have also formed an alliance with the Evil Moon Palace and Fantian Island, intending to attack the Qian family."

"Our family head speculates that these three forces have likely completely united, first to eliminate our Qian family, and then turn their swords towards Tianyan."

"Therefore, I have come here to discuss with Emperor Yuan, to have our two families cooperate and deal with Xuanqing Mountain and the Evil Moon Palace together!"

Qian Gong explained the current situation and the interests involved.

He also informed Dongfang Yuan that if he did not help the Qian family, then the next target they would unite against would undoubtedly be the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty.

After listening to what Qian Gong said, Dongfang Yuan was somewhat surprised.

He did not expect that the Qian family would encounter such a calamity.

It could be said to be a heaven-sent opportunity.

If he were to propose his own conditions based on this, it would be too easy.

"Elder Qian Gong means that you want to cooperate and have our Heavenly Evolution Dynasty send troops to assist your Qian family, is that right?"


"However, I have one condition."

"Verbal agreements have no guarantee when it comes to cooperation."

"Therefore, I hope that the Qian family can show some sincerity."

"I have long admired Miss Qian Xinrou of the Qian family and have the idea of taking her as my concubine."

"What do you think, Elder Qian Gong?"

Dongfang Yuan also directly stated his inner condition without beating around the bush.

"To make Miss Qian a concubine... This..."

Qian Gong was now somewhat conflicted.

When he came, Qian Jiuchou told him that as long as Dongfang Yuan's conditions were not too excessive, he could agree.

But the condition Dongfang Yuan proposed at this moment made Qian Gong unable to make up his mind for a while.

"Emperor Yuan."

"I find it difficult to make a decision on this matter. Can I contact our family head and let him decide?" Qian Gong asked.

"Of course, please go ahead," Dongfang Yuan said with a smile.

Afterwards, Qian Gong immediately took out a communication stone and transmitted the message into the spirit stone. Using a secret method of communication within the Qian family, he contacted Qian Jiuchou.


Qian family.

At this moment, the high-level members of the Qian family are guarding within the family, waiting in formation. Qian Jiuchou and Qian Xinrou, including the three ancestors of the Qian family, are still discussing the next strategy in a room.

At this time, a communication stone on Qian Jiuchou's waist lights up. After taking it out and looking at it, his brow slightly furrows.

"Dongfang Yuan agrees to cooperate, but he has proposed a condition," Qian Jiuchou speaks up.

"What condition?" the Qian family ancestor asks.

Qian Xinrou's eyes are also fixed on her father.

"He says that he has admired Rou'er for a long time and wants to take her as his concubine, using the marriage to bind the relationship between the two forces," Qian Jiuchou looks at his daughter.

Qian Xinrou's expression is somewhat astonished.

She did not expect that Dongfang Yuan would have such intentions towards her.

At the same time, she also feels somewhat puzzled.

Her reputation in the Northern Domain is not very good. People say that she is just a flower raised indoors, with no practical use other than being beautiful.

For Dongfang Yuan to take her, who is considered useless by the outside world, as his concubine, has he lost his mind?

"There are rumors that Dongfang Yuan's previous actions were all to hide his extraordinary abilities."

"He has been patient for so many years, and only after the Heavenly Evolution Emperor's death did he finally reveal his extraordinary side."

"With such intelligence, why would he propose such a condition?"

"Could it be that he has guessed Rou'er's special abilities?" the Qian family ancestor speculates.

Qian Jiuchou shakes his head, "Currently, we have never met this person face to face, so it is difficult to draw conclusions."

"Rou'er, what is your opinion?"

Qian Xinrou contemplates for a moment and finally says, "Father, agree to his request."

"The current situation of the Qian family cannot be dragged on any longer."

"Moreover, if the Qian family can really survive this crisis, then the marriage between my daughter and Dongfang Yuan can also help forge a deeper alliance between the two forces."

"If Dongfang Yuan can truly control such a vast dynasty and hold power in his hands, he is definitely not as simple as we think."

"Marrying our daughter to such a man is not a loss."

In this short period of time, Qian Xinrou has already considered all the details and interests of the situation and has made her decision.

"Very well."

"Now that you have made your decision, I won't say anything more," Qian Jiuchou immediately transmits Qian Xinrou's decision into the communication stone.


Heavenly Evolution Dynasty.

In a side hall.

Qian Gong's communication stone lights up, and the next moment, after Qian Gong checks it, he immediately says, "Emperor Yuan, our family head agrees to your condition!"

"Please Emperor Yuan, immediately send troops to support the Qian family!"

Dongfang Yuan, upon hearing this, has a serious expression, "Good!"

"Iron Marshal, gather a force of 300,000 troops and prepare to go to Tianlin City."

"Heavenly King, mobilize 24 Law Manifestation Realm experts and gather them on the training ground."

"This time, I will personally lead the troops and annihilate the people of the Evil Moon Palace and the Burning Sky Island one by one!" Dongfang Yuan immediately gives the order.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Heavenly King and Iron Poyuan immediately go to gather their forces.

Currently, the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty alone has nearly forty Law Manifestation Realm experts.

The thirty Heavenly Dao Pills have directly produced thirty Law Manifestation Realm powerhouses in the Heavenly Evolution Dynasty.

And if we include the Shadow Guards, the Godslayer Guards, and the Golden Armor Guards, the number of Law Manifestation Realm experts reaches more than sixty.

And one-third of them are all at the peak of the Law Manifestation Realm.

Qian Gong also withdraws with the two of them and rushes to the training ground with Iron Poyun.

Dongfang Yuan informs General Feipeng to guard the imperial palace during this period, and he also hands over the control of the defensive formation to him. There should be no problems.

And this time, Dongfang Yuan also brings four Godslayer Guards, four Shadow Guards, and four Golden Armor Guards.

These twelve people will be one of the most ferocious fangs he will show to the world this time!

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