Morning, the Heir

Chapter 106: See you can't save

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Chapter 106 Seeing Death

Lin Xiaomi came out from the editor's office and listened to outsiders talking.

"What's wrong?" she asked casually.

"I heard that some of us fainted in the stairwell. The ambulance had just arrived and was pulled into the hospital."


Lin Xiaomi did not know why she thought of Lin Xiner.

"Who is it? Male and female? What is it?"

"It seems to be a woman? I heard that it is not our company. I don't know what it looks like. I don't see anyone."

Lin Xiaomi nodded.

I was a little worried, but I thought it would not be Lin Xiner.

How can Lin Xiner’s life-stricken person allow himself to faint in the stairwell?


First hospital

Xue Yulin immediately informed Jiang Yan after he hanged the phone. When he arrived at the hospital, the Lin family had not arrived yet.

"How is the patient's situation?" Xue Yulin asked anxiously.

"Sorry, the doctor is being rescued. The specific situation is not known."

Xue Yulin leaned on the wall of the hospital corridor, heart, flustered.

When Lin’s family arrived, Lin Xiner had not finished the rescue.

Mrs. Li ran over in panic and asked him, "What about Xiner? My sweetheart?"

"Also rescued."

"What's the matter! What's going on! How did Xiner suddenly enter the hospital? She usually pays attention to her body." Mrs. Li only left Lin Xiner as a relative, and she used Lin Xiner as a baby. After the only daughter passed away, she even regarded Lin Xiner as her life.

Lin Qingtian called a nurse and asked about Lin Xiner's situation.

"We are the patient who received the emergency number to pick up the patient. The address is the Guomao office building in the city center. It seems to be a magazine."

Lin Qingtian heard the words, and the brow immediately smashed.

Jiang Yan, who had been holding Mrs. Li’s wife, suddenly became stiff.

The sharp dawn of Mrs. Li’s wife fell on the little nurse’s body: “Nantuo Magazine?”

The little nurse shook his head: "Sorry, I am not really clear."

"Then go find someone who is clear!" Mrs. Li whispered! Although the man is already in his 70s, he is still the head of the Li family. He is so angry that the little nurse immediately snorted and ran out to ask.

The accurate news after the last inquiry was Nandu Magazine.

It was said that Mrs. Li’s hand waved Jiang’s hand, and the sharp dawn flashed a touch of coldness: “How could Xiner go there? Why did Xin’s child go to the hospital so much, Lin Xiaomi has not Appear, you explain it to me!"

Jiang Yan’s eyes flashed a flustered voice: “I, I don’t know, I really don’t know, Xiner said today, I don’t want to follow me, I...”

Mrs. Li looked at her coldly: "If my Xiner has something long and short, I want your mother and daughter to be buried!"

Xue Yulin, who stood on the side and said nothing, was dark and gloomy, and his eyes fell silently on the red light outside the rescue.

I don't know how long it took, the lights went out and the doctor came out.

Everyone stood up, and Mrs. Li rushed to the front: "Doctor Liu, how is my sweet child?"

Dr. Liu has always been the attending doctor of Lin Xiner. At this time, his face is a bit ugly: "I didn't say it, don't let the patient get any stimulation? Why is it rushing to attack the heart! Now the patient is very dangerous and must undergo surgery immediately, but the hospital There is no suitable fit for her. At the latest three days, within three days, surgery is necessary, otherwise..."

Mrs. Li’s wife was black in front of her eyes and fell back when she was in her body.



Mrs. Li, through the glass window, looked at the granddaughter who was filled with a tube and could only rely on the ventilator to sustain her life.

After a lifetime of a strong woman, she actually shed tears.

"What the **** is I doing, I have been obsessed with my life, and my only daughter has died young. Now I have only the only granddaughter, and it has become like this!"

Mrs. Li suddenly turned back, and the wrinkled hand grabbed Jiang Yan’s shoulder: “Call Lin Xiaomi and call Lin Xiaomi immediately! Don’t forget, our original agreement, you can marry into Lin’s family. Conditional!"

Mrs. Li’s hand was very heavy. Jiang’s body trembled, and her hand trembled. Lin Xin’s carry-on clothes handed over to her by the hospital fell to the ground.

A recording pen is rolled out of the clothes.

Mrs. Li’s wife was stunned: “What is this?”

Everyone's eyes are focused on the recorder.

"Millet, isn't what you said to the aunt, she is so deep on my prejudice?" Lin Xiner's warm and sad voice came from the recording pen.

"Yes, it is me! I said it!" Lin Xiaomi's proud voice.

"What do you say? Why do you want to do this?"

"I told Xue Mu that I was Xue Yanlin's childhood playmate. I also told her that your mouth is the most vicious, insidious, and shameless..."

"Millet, why do you have to torture me so much, do you know how much I love Lin Lin? I have waited for him for so many years, I really don't want to lose him, I beg you, can you let me go! We are sisters, Why do you have to do this, I..."

In the recording pen, Lin Xiner’s voice gradually weakened and seemed to be very uncomfortable.

With the sound of "咚", followed by a mess of sound, I heard that Lin Xiner should have been sick and fell to the ground.

"Millet, my heart... medicine... in the bag... Xiaomi, don't go, save me... save me..."

All the sounds came to an abrupt end.

In the hallway, it was as quiet as the sound of the needle falling on the ground.

Mrs. Li’s eyes were glaring at Jiang Yan, and she slammed her face on her face.

"Snakes are heartfelt! This is really a snake! I originally allowed your mother and daughter to enter the door for my sweetheart. In the past few years, we have eaten Lin’s forest family. Your mother lives in the most expensive sanatorium in Liancheng and spends nearly a thousand dollars each year. Wan, but what do you return to us, even to my lover, I will not let you go! I will not let you go! You are the stuff of the wolf! In the past few years, how many times have she bullied our lover in the back, we are happy Think of her as a sister, but she!"

Jiang Yan was screamed and the whole person fell to the ground unsteadily, crying and crying: "I'm sorry, sorry... I am sorry for Xin..."

"Yao Guo, contact the Institute, immediately transferred Xiner." Li Lao’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief and returned to the iron-faced woman.

Lin Qingtian stood there aside, and there was no room for him to talk at such an occasion.

His brows were close, his eyes fell on Jiang Yan, who fell to the ground and cried, and his eyes flashed through a cold man.

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