Mortal counterattack

Chapter 20 Reward received

Zhao Kuo took a sip of tea from the teacup and said lightly, "One hundred taels."

"What's so much? What about the others?" One hundred taels is also a huge sum of money for Zhou Chen, and it is effortless to kill the third boss, so he set his sights on the other two.

"The second boss will be rewarded with two hundred taels of silver, and the first boss will be rewarded with a maximum of four hundred taels." At this moment, Zhou Chen's eyes flashed as if a pile of white silver appeared.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Chen also invited Zhao Kuo to stay for a simple meal. Originally, Zhao Kuo was going to refuse, but after learning that there was ninth-grade bear meat, he couldn't help but be greedy, so he stayed for a simple meal. Zhou Chen specially asked Leng Yiyao to stew a bear paw for Zhao Kuo.

After eating it, Zhao Kuo praised it again and again, saying that the taste of this bear paw was almost catching up with the taste of eighth-grade monster meat. Zhou Chen also took the opportunity to inquire about the affairs of Zhengyi Village.

Zhengyi Village is located on Qinghua Mountain, 20 miles away. The head of the village, Shen Feiyun, is a strong man of the ninth-grade blood training realm. The second-in-command, Wang Zhong, is also as strong as the ninth-grade blood training realm. There are hundreds of desperate criminals under his command.

After having a good meal and a good drink, Zhao Kuo also left Zhou Chen and told him to go to the county government office to collect the reward in three days.

After Zhao Kuo left, Zhou Chen thought of Zhengyi Village. Because he was too absorbed in thinking, Leng Yiyao called him several times and he didn't hear it. It was not until Leng Yiyao patted him from behind that Zhou Chen reacted.

"What's wrong with Yiyao?"

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking about? I called you several times but you ignored me"?

"Oh, nothing, it's cold outside, go in quickly", Zhou Chen sat by the stove and looked at the secret book of Iron Shirt. After the last experience, Zhou Chen knew that if he wanted to make martial arts appear on the panel, he had to practice martial arts first, familiarize himself with martial arts, and then make it appear on the panel.

However, this iron shirt is different from the Liuhe sword technique. This iron shirt has no moves, but a set of martial arts for physical training, which can strengthen one's own defense. When it is practiced to perfection, it can be fearless of ordinary sword attacks.

However, if you want to practice, you must use the medicine liquid. Pour a fixed medicine liquid into hot water, and then soak yourself in it and practice according to a special method to practice.

The secret book contains the names and usage methods of the medicinal materials. Now all you need is silver. Zhou Chen plans to accumulate some strengthening points in the next two days, and then collect the reward silver in three days and buy medicine to practice. When the martial arts appear on the panel, he will use the strengthening points to strengthen.

Zhou Chen told Leng Yiyao about his ideas, of course omitting the panel, "Brother Chen, you can decide these things by yourself. There is no need to tell me. I will listen to you, Brother Chen, in everything."

These days, Zhou Chen has been eating meat desperately to increase his strengthening points. During this period, a villager who was really hungry came to Zhou Chen and knelt in front of Zhou Chen's door with his daughter. He even threatened to sell his daughter to Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen could give any price, as long as he didn't let his daughter starve to death.

How could Zhou Chen watch them starve to death, especially such a young girl? Zhou Chen immediately asked Leng Yiyao to give them ten kilograms of rice and cut a few kilograms of bear meat for them. Of course, it was not the ninth-grade bear meat, but ordinary bear meat.

Zhou Chen did not leave the little girl behind, but let her go back with her father. Zhou Chen clearly saw that when the father and daughter walked to the corner, a middle-aged woman suddenly rushed out and hugged the girl and cried.

Zhou Chen sighed and returned home. That night, more than a dozen villagers knelt in front of his house and begged him to give them food. Zhou Chen did not refuse. Of course, he did not give them rice this time, because although his family still had dozens of kilograms of rice, it was not enough for them to share.

So he gave them ten kilograms of brown rice each. Even if it was brown rice, they were grateful to Zhou Chen.

Then, without waiting for the villagers to come, Zhou Chen sent food to the villagers with elderly and children in the village and those who had difficulties in life. Although it was not much, it was enough for them to barely eat for a while.

At this time, Zhou Chen's status in the hearts of the villagers was instantly improved a lot. Even the village chief once again proposed that Zhou Chen be the village chief. The village chief had mentioned it after the previous black bear incident, but it was a pity that Zhou Chen refused.

This time Zhou Chen also refused. Time soon came to three days later. Zhou Chen came to the county government as promised. Although Zhao Kuo was not in the county government today, Zhao Kuo had arranged everything. After confirming Zhou Chen's identity, the government gave him 100 taels of silver.

Zhou Chen took the silver and went to the medicine shop to buy the necessary medicinal materials. The medicinal materials were not expensive and cost three taels of silver. Then he bought 100 kilograms of rice. The price of rice is now stable at 50 wen and has not risen again.

Then Zhou Chen spent five taels of silver to buy another cotton coat for Leng Yiyao, but he didn't buy anything for himself.

Then he bought some daily seasonings and took the things out of the city. What made Zhou Chen speechless was that he was being stared at again.

After leaving the city for two miles, Zhou Chen found that his footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then turned his head and glared at him. This glare scared the person behind him and made him sit on the ground.

What he didn't expect was that it was the same people from last time, "Why are you still doing these things?"

Hero, we can't do anything. Our village has been attacked by bandits and now we really have no food to eat, "Are they bandits from Zhengyi Village?"

"Yes, it's them."

"If that's the case, why don't you report to the police."

Without waiting for them to speak, Zhou Chen cursed directly, "Get lost, I don't want to waste time with you," and then left without saying a word, "Is it because the New Year is approaching, and Zhengyi Village plans to prepare food for the New Year?"

"It seems I have to deal with this group of bandits as soon as possible." Although he said so, Zhou Chen couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of the hundreds of bandits. Although he was very confident in his strength, he didn't think he could fight hundreds of sturdy men alone.

After returning, Zhou Chen put down the food and took out the new clothes for Leng Yiyao. Although he said that Zhou Chen was wasting money, Zhou Chen could see that he liked it in his heart.

Then Zhou Chen asked Leng Yiyao to help him boil a few buckets of water, and he found the medicine pot and started to boil medicine.

In the room, Zhou Chen sat in the bathtub to practice, and his body absorbed the liquid medicine in the bathtub until the medicine power was exhausted. He opened his eyes.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, the system panel appeared in front of him. At this time, the iron shirt had appeared on the panel. Although it was not yet entry-level, it was enough. Zhou Chen also accumulated more than three points of strengthening points in the past few days, and then directly rose to the realm of small success in one breath.

Then a memory came to his mind forever. In his memory, Zhou Chen practiced with the medicine day after day, and three years passed day after day, and finally he broke through to the minor success.

Zhou Chen felt a strange feeling on his skin at the first time, and felt that his skin became much tougher.

Then he got up without wearing clothes and directly pulled out the amber to cut his arm. He didn't dare to use too much strength in this cut, but it was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

The blade cut through the skin, leaving only a white mark on the skin, and the white mark disappeared after only two seconds.

Zhou Chen showed a happy expression. Fortunately, I have a system. Otherwise, if I practiced in real life, even if I had time to practice, the money to buy medicine would be an astronomical figure. You know, he only bought a dose of medicine today.

Zhou Chen felt that his body was sticky and uncomfortable after being soaked in the medicine. Then he asked Leng Yiyao to boil another bucket of water. He put on his clothes, picked up the bucket, and went out to pour out the water.

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