Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 414 Trapped in a Cave

Soon, Wu Fan and Ling'er came to a stone wall and stopped.

This place looks very ordinary at the bottom of the deep stream, and there is nothing special about it.

The only difference is that the black mist here is extremely thick. If low-level monks who have not practiced spiritual eyes and magical powers come here, they may get lost directly.

In front of Wu Fan, there is a small stone crevice that is thin at the top and wide at the bottom. It is about one foot high. It also looks very ordinary, as if it is formed by nature.

Even if a monk passes by here, he will not find it strange at all.

"Master, this is it, shall we go in now?"

Ling'er stretched out her paw and pointed at the crack in the stone in front of her.

"Let's go in. Let's hurry up and evacuate this place as soon as we find the treasure."

Wu Fan sensed carefully and found that there were indeed no other monks nearby. He felt a little relieved and then walked towards the stone crevice.

Ling'er smiled "hehe" and followed closely behind.

After entering the stone crevice, there is a long passage with uneven walls, just like natural formations. The man and the beast slowly walked forward along the passage.

After a while, a huge cave appeared in front. This cave was about thirty feet high and an area of ​​one hundred feet.

When Wu Fan came in, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

"This, this, is this the legendary "Teleportation Formation"?"

Wu Fan looked ahead in disbelief and murmured to himself.

I saw that there was indeed a teleportation array on the ground in front of me. Judging from its size, it was even larger than the one in the Corpse Refining Sect.

Of course, this was also Wu Fan's first time seeing a teleportation array. He had never seen the one from the Corpse Refining Sect, but he had seen it in a classic before, so he could recognize it at a glance.

"Master, is this the teleportation array?"

Ling'er tilted her head and asked, but it was not too surprised, but looked around for the treasure.

"Yes, this should be the teleportation array. I have seen it in a book before, but I didn't expect there to be one here."

Wu Fan nodded solemnly, then walked up the mountain to check it out.

"Master, where does this teleportation array lead to?"

Ling'er ran rampant throughout the cave, searching everywhere, but found nothing. Finally, she came to Wu Fan in disappointment and asked.

"It must be leading to the main sect of the Earth Demon Sect. I think the Nascent Soul Stage monk came here using this teleportation array, and the powerful spiritual power fluctuation you sensed before was emanated from this teleportation array. of."

Wu Fan replied without thinking, how could he not see such an obvious thing.

"Oh, but this teleportation array is of no use to us!"

Ling'er said in frustration when he heard this, then shook his head and sighed:

"Oh! I'm so angry, Master. It seems that we came here in vain. There is not a single treasure here."

Wu Fan was delighted when he heard this. He looked at the teleportation array with bright eyes and said:

"Who said we came in vain? It should be said that we came at the right time. You may not know that the materials used to set up the teleportation array are quite precious, especially this large-scale teleportation array. Many of the materials have already been repaired in Xia Guo The fairy world is extinct."

"Really? Giggle...that's great. I thought I came here in vain. Master, let's collect the materials without any further delay."

When Ling'er heard this, she immediately smiled and urged.


Wu Fan smiled and nodded, then raised his legs and walked forward.

But at this moment, Ling'er on the side suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the passage, and then sniffed gently with his nose. Then his expression changed in a very humane way, and he quickly turned to look at Wu Fan and shouted anxiously:

"Master, it's bad, someone came in."

Wu Fan, who had just reached the teleportation array, stopped immediately, his expression also changed, he quickly turned around and asked:

"What kind of cultivation level does this person have?"

"Master, he seems to be a middle-stage Jindan monk."

Ling'er replied with a humane look of worry in her eyes.

Wu Fan's face darkened instantly when he heard this. In such a hidden place, he knew without even thinking that the person coming must be the enemy's Golden Core Stage monk.

As for the middle-stage Golden Core cultivator, he was simply not something he could fight against. Now that Chang Xi was no longer around and the Heavenly Thunder Beads had been used up, he no longer had any means to fight against this person.

There was no time to think too much, and he was not even ready to ask for the materials for the teleportation array. He hurriedly shouted to Ling'er:

"Ling'er, hurry up, take me to use the Earth Escape Technique and escape."

"Okay master, please pull my tail quickly."

Ling'er agreed happily, and then a white light emerged from her body, and the ground faintly rippled.

Wu Fan didn't dare to neglect, he rushed forward very quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ling'er's tail.

But just when the man and the beast were about to escape, the entire cave suddenly flashed with black light, and a solid layer of transparent light instantly enveloped the entire cave, blocking Wu Fan and Ling'er from escaping. I tried, but failed.

Because there is also a layer of transparent light shield underneath the entire cave, making it impossible for people to escape.

Of course, this is also a characteristic of all defensive formations. Otherwise, not everyone can enter the formation by traveling underground.

Seeing this scene, Wu Fan's face darkened, and his heart pounded like thunder. In desperation, he let go of Ling'er's tail, his eyes swayed, his mind turned quickly, and he thought about ways to escape again.

Ling'er originally wanted to ask his owner what he should do, but when he saw Wu Fan's expression, he didn't dare to disturb him, but felt anxious in his heart.

At this moment, an old man's angry voice came in from the end of the passage, but these words were not meant for Wu Fan!

"You two, you are really chasing after me. Now that I have entered this defensive formation, I wonder how you are still chasing me. To tell you the truth, my "Little Tiangang Demon Control Formation" is not like this. It’s easy to break, let alone you, even two late-stage Jindan monks can’t break it without three days.”

As soon as the old man finished speaking, another man's laughter came from outside:

"Fellow Taoist, I know that you are the formation master of the Earth Demon Sect. Since you have escaped into the defensive formation, there is really nothing we can do. But don't be too happy. Wait until our support team arrives. , I’ll see how long you can last with this formation. By then, you’ll still be dead.”

When the man finished speaking, the old man laughed loudly:

"Haha, if you want to kill me, you can only say it is a dream. I am not afraid to tell you two that I will have left Xia Kingdom long ago before your support team arrives."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, another slightly anxious male voice came!

"No, senior brother, there should be a teleportation array here. Let's break it quickly."

"Well, you should just listen to his words and break the formation quickly."

Then there was a roaring sound outside.

Wu Fan heard the conversation outside clearly, and his expression was uncertain for a while. But at this moment, a burst of footsteps came from the passage, and the sound was coming towards the cave.

But the formation has the effect of blocking spiritual consciousness, and Wu Fan has not seen anyone coming yet.

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