As for the remaining jade slips, in addition to the "Tian Gang Yu Lei Shu", there are also extremely superior "Alchemy", "Puppetry", "Weapon Refining", "Talisman", "Array", "Prohibition", "Poison", "Beast Taming", "Insect Repelling", "Pulse Detection", "Qi Viewing", "Spiritual Plants", etc. ... Among the hundred arts of cultivation, the more popular skills in the human world.

Although they are a bit mixed, each one is the top existence in the human world.

However, if you want to dabble in all these skills, it will take a lot of time.

But Wu Fan decided to learn all of them, without leaving anything behind.

In fact, this is also very beneficial to him. If you only know how to improve your cultivation, it may not be a good thing for cultivation. Only moderate cultivation and a balanced relaxation will play a key role in breaking through the realm.

So it is necessary to take some time to learn these skills.

Of course, this is because Wu Fan has a small space with a flow rate of ten times. If it were someone else, even if he only learned one skill, it would delay his practice.

Therefore, in the world of immortal cultivation, alchemists are alchemists, and array masters can only be array masters. There are almost no concurrent practitioners. But even so, these cultivators who practiced skills have almost never reached the peak. The main reason is that they do not have enough time and lifespan.

Therefore, such people can only enjoy some high treatment in the sect, but cannot rule the sect with their strong cultivation.

But Wu Fan does not care about these problems. For him, the most important thing is time.

And as long as he can practice these skills to achieve some success, he will go further on the road of cultivation. Only by knowing the enemy and knowing yourself can you win every battle. He also understands this truth.


Wu Fan held these jade slips in his hands, and his heart was excited. In fact, as early as the Xia Kingdom, he had the intention to dabble in these skills, but he could not get such precious books, so he had to give up.

But he did not expect that he would realize his wish in this sea area.

There was only one thing that made Wu Fan a little depressed, because in these jade slips, there were no evil spells such as "ghost control technique" and "corpse refining technique".

It can be seen that the Tianlei Sect was indeed a famous and upright sect in those days. As long as the techniques that included harming living beings were almost not recorded in these jade slips.

Even in the "insect repelling technique", there was no evil technique such as "poisonous poison", and only ordinary insect repelling techniques were recorded.

In fact, Wu Fan was not very opposed to these techniques. Of course, it was not that he had an evil heart, but he just had different ideas.

In his opinion, as long as he did not kill mortals indiscriminately and did not affect his Tao heart, it was not a bad idea to learn these techniques.

Is it possible to throw away an evil weapon that he finally got, such as the "Soul Control Banner" or a powerful "corpse refining" he got?

Why can't these evil weapons be used to deal with his enemies?

In Wu Fan's opinion, as long as it is not an evil weapon made by killing living beings, it is not a bad idea to use it.

Of course, since there is no such thing in these jade slips, it may be that the "Heavenly Thunder Sect" has some ancestral precepts. Wu Fan is just complaining about it. He doesn't care much about it. Maybe he will get it somewhere else in the future.

But then again, Wu Fan's idea is just his personal idea, not including others. You know, not everyone can withstand the temptation of strength. If some people get this kind of evil magic, they may not be able to control it like Wu Fan.

So, the practice of the Heavenly Thunder Sect is not necessarily wrong.


In addition, in addition to the lack of evil magic, there is another thing that makes Wu Fan a little depressed, because he did not see a pill recipe in these jade slips.

Before, he had thought that there must be pill recipes in these jade slips, but now it seems that he may have thought too much.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal. After all, in terms of preciousness, some pill recipes cannot be compared with these inheritances, so it makes sense that there are no pill recipes in these jade slips.

Fortunately, Wu Fan got some recipes from the storage ring of the mummy, and even got the man's experience in alchemy, so he was not too depressed.

However, there was one thing that made Wu Fan very happy, because among these jade slips, there was one that specialized in puppetry.

And it was also very complete, with detailed records from the basics to the high level.

This means that Wu Fan may be able to repair the golden armor puppet.

But what materials are needed to repair it, and how to repair it, that can only be known after learning, but he is confident that the day of repairing those puppets is not far away.

In addition, there is another thing that surprised Wu Fan, because among these jade slips, there is a jade slip that does not record any skills, but records some secrets of the Tianlei Sect.

It contains all the major events that have occurred in this sect since its founding, as well as some hidden things in this sea area, and some introductions to dangerous places, etc.

It even vaguely mentioned that there are several continents in a very distant place outside this sea area.

It was just that very little was mentioned, and Wu Fan could not find the way back to Xia Country based on this information.

But he guessed that among those continents, one must be his hometown.

This was also the first time he heard of such things after coming to this sea area, so he was quite happy.

Although the jade slip did not indicate how to go to other continents, it left several clues.

And these clues are almost all in some dangerous places that people are afraid of.

With Wu Fan's current cultivation, those places are simply impossible to go, so he can only suppress his eagerness to go home and make plans after his cultivation is improved.

In addition, during this period, he must also practice the art of formation and the art of prohibition to achieve some success, otherwise, even if he is promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, he will not be able to enter those dangerous places, otherwise there will be only one way to die.

So Wu Fan also has some plans for the future. First of all, he decided that in the future, in addition to normal cultivation, he must also learn the art of refining and puppetry.

As for learning these two arts first, there is naturally a reason.

Learning puppetry is needless to say, he wants to repair the remains of the puppets to improve his strength.

And learning the art of refining is because he wants to prepare for refining his own magic weapon.

Although he got the weapon refining technique, it would be impossible without a certain foundation in weapon refining. You know, weapon refining is the same as alchemy. If you make a mistake in one step, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Now he knows nothing about weapon refining. If he makes a mistake in refining his natal magic weapon in the future, he will be depressed to death.

You know, whether it is the second type of material, the third type of material, or the Tiangang sacred wood, they are all rare things in the world. Although the Tiangang sacred wood can be regenerated, the second and third types of materials cannot. If they are gone, they are gone. If you want to find them, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Therefore, he must learn the weapon refining technique thoroughly, so that he will be guaranteed when refining his natal magic weapon in the future.

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