Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 010 [Three years later, the third drop of blood]


In the depths of the dense forest with a little sunlight, a bloated white rabbit-like spiritual beast flashed by, raising a straight line of dust.

At the other end of the forest!

A black divine cow that was nibbling on spiritual grass suddenly raised its head.


The big bull stretched its neck and roared in the direction where the rabbit was galloping.

The forest trembled, and the dewdrops that had not been completely dried by the sun were shaken off by the sound waves and fell from the trees, like a spiritual rain.

Facing the rabbit's charge, the divine cow did not dodge or avoid, and its anthropomorphic eyes seemed to reveal a trace of contempt.


When the rabbit ran closer, the divine cow suddenly lowered its head and blocked the rabbit's attack impartially.

The rabbit was caught off guard and knocked to the ground!


Another low roar.

"Haha... Big guy, you're in trouble..."

Although the rabbit was knocked over, a dark-skinned and shirtless boy suddenly jumped out from behind it.

The boy turned around in the air, and then swung his fist from the sky, punching the black bull on the head.

The bull was caught off guard.


A punch landed on the bull's head!

This small punch seemed weak, but after landing on the bull's head, it directly overturned the bull.

There was a loud noise, and the surrounding spiritual grass was tossed to the ground by the divine bull, and even the two giant trees closest to it were broken and fell to the ground with a clang.

The boy turned a blind eye, just swung his fist and attacked again.


The black bull could no longer hold on, spit out a mouthful of blood, and lay straight on the ground.

"Huh..." The boy stood up from the ground, looked at his dark fist, and showed a satisfied look: "Haha... The third level of Qi Refining is indeed different, this power is more than twice as strong!"

"Big Iron Bull, you have bullied me for three years, now it's time to close your eyes!"

The only piece of clothing around his waist is a tiger skin skirt covering the key parts, his feet are bare on the ground, and his messy long hair is draped behind him. The face of this 13-year-old boy who is seven feet tall is a little dark.

For three years, he ate raw meat and drank blood in the wild, which carved out his face as firm as a knife.

This boy is naturally Xu Changan.

Ever since he was thrown into the Spirit Beast Mountain in the back mountain by the Chen family disciples, he has been looking for a way out day and night. Later, he almost went around the entire Spirit Beast Mountain, but he couldn't find a way out.

Xu Changan could only settle down temporarily, fighting spirit beasts while practicing.

After three years of hard practice in this deep mountain forest, Xu Changan finally condensed the third drop of blood essence in one fell swoop.

His cultivation level also broke through to the third level of Qi Refining.

But the result was exactly the same as the previous two times, and the third drop of blood essence was also stolen by the big card.

The good news is that he got the third talisman.

This is a hidden breath talisman.

After using it, you can hide your own breath.

After defeating the most powerful spirit beast in the spirit beast mountain, the iron bull, the boy's eyes slowly turned to the north, looking at the mountain ridge far away in the sky.

After three years of struggling here, although he didn't find a way out, Xu Changan knew that if there was any way out here, it was only to cross the mountain ridge.

Before, his cultivation level was too low to cross it.

But now, with the cultivation level of the third level of Qi Refining that he just broke through, he wanted to try.

"Squeak..." The huge rabbit next to him stood up, walked slowly to Xu Changan's side, and sat down.

From a distance, this snow-white rabbit was more than twice as tall as Xu Changan. It was tall and fat, and chubby and especially cute.

This was picked up by Xu Changan in the valley three years ago. It was still a young rabbit at that time. After following Xu Changan and eating raw meat and blood and countless wild fruits in the mountains for three years, it grew into what it is now.

Xu Changan named it Dabai.

Dabai is very smart and spiritual.

Just seeing the fangs when it opened its mouth made Xu Changan extremely suspicious that this guy was not a rabbit at all.

But he didn't know what it was specifically.

"Dabai, I want to leave here. Will you go with me?" Xu Changan patted Dabai's head.

Dabai nodded very sensibly and squeaked a few syllables that Xu Changan couldn't understand.

"Okay... let's do it tonight!"

It's not possible during the day, because this area is often patrolled back and forth by Chen's disciples in the sky.

At night, as long as there is no moon, even if there are Chen's disciples patrolling, they will definitely not be able to see the situation on the distant ridge.

Xu Changan calculated accurately that there will be no moon tonight.

He took advantage of the night to walk out of the cave with a huge cowhide package, then put the package on the rabbit's head, and squatted on the rabbit's back.

The rabbit was very smart. At the command, it shuttled through the woods like an arrow, rushing left and right, and arrived at the bottom of the ridge half an hour later.

Xu Changan looked up and saw a cliff of 100 feet, vertical like a high wall.

It was almost impossible to cross this cliff with his current ability. Fortunately, there were many vines growing on the cliff, so climbing was not difficult. However, when he reached the top about 20 feet away, there was nothing on the cliff, so he had to jump with all his strength.

If you can jump up, you may be able to escape.

If you can't jump up, you will fall to the bottom of the cliff and be crushed to pieces.

When Xu Changan was in the second level of Qi Refining, he could only jump 14 or 15 feet at a time, which was the limit, so he could never escape.

After he broke through the third level of Qi Refining, he could easily jump more than 20 feet.

It should be no problem to cross the mountain ridge.

But what is behind the mountain ridge depends on fate!

The boy grabbed the vine hanging from the cliff and jumped up to a height of 10 feet. After three or five jumps, he easily reached the halfway point of the mountain.

After dozens of breaths, Xu Changan panted and landed on the top of the vine.

There is a small platform on it.

More than 20 feet above the platform is a mirror-like upright stone surface.

You must jump up in one breath.

But Xu Changan was not in a hurry. He waved his hand below: "Dabai, come up..."

The rabbit looked fat but was extremely flexible. It also jumped up with the vine.

"Wait for me here... I'll go up and see what's going on!"

Xu Changan placed the rabbit on the small platform, then took a deep breath and jumped up.


He jumped more than 20 feet high, then turned in the air and landed easily on the top of the cliff.

Under the faint starlight, in front of Xu Changan was a bare slope that was several miles long, with no grass growing on it.

And behind the slope were mountains that seemed endless.

Xu Changan found two vines to hang down and hung up the white rabbit.

"Let's go!" Looking at the slope in front, he patted the white rabbit's head lightly: "Keep going, don't stop!"

Buzz buzz buzz...

At the same time, Xu Changan reached out and sacrificed a [Hidden Breath Talisman] to hide his and the white rabbit's breath.

One man and one rabbit immediately flew through the mountains.

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