Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 102 [Top-grade elixir, wins again]

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

There was a panic in the box.

When the head of the Ji family attacked Xu Changan with his spiritual consciousness just now, he was unaware of it, not even the two children around him. Now he was doubly attacked by his powerful spiritual consciousness and fell to the ground unconscious.

Therefore, Ji Changgeng and Ji Feishuang didn't know what happened!

"Sister, what should I do?" Ji Changgeng was trembling all over: "Someone is attacking us. Someone is attacking us..."

"No!" Ji Feishuang was relatively calm. She shook her head and said, "With the ancestors in Taixuan Immortal Sect, no one dares to sneak attack on grandpa. It must be for other reasons!"

"Brother, let's take grandpa and leave first. Grandpa just lost consciousness and his life is not in danger. When he wakes up, he will know everything!"

"Okay!" Ji Changgeng picked up his grandfather and left the luxurious private room.

Xu Changan's eyes also turned slightly and looked over.

He was still alert when the old man from the Ji family attacked him.

However, Xu Changan was a little surprised to see the old man unconscious.

You know, when he was in Taixuan Sect, Cheng Bufan also used his spiritual consciousness to sneak attack him. However, Cheng Bufan had no intention of killing people. He just wanted to cause Xu Changan some pain, so after being rebounded by the God-shaking Talisman, Cheng Bufan It's just a sharp pain in the consciousness. But now this old guy is unconscious, which means that this damn guy wants to kill me with one blow.


Xu Changan gathered his mind and continued to refine the elixir.

Buzz buzz...

Near the end of the game, there were people on the field who succeeded in condensing elixirs.

The elixirs in Xu Changan's elixir furnace have also begun to take shape.

Although I don’t know what the grade of the elixir will be after it is completed, the extracted juice looks pretty good.

"Condensation..." Xu Changan performed the Dan Condensation Technique, and with a sudden shift of consciousness, the pool of juice in the stove turned into twelve parts, and after a few breaths, it condensed into a round shape.

Buzz buzz...

Twelve blood-red pills suddenly flew out of his furnace, and were then violently collected by Xu Changan using a porcelain bottle.


The host, Zhu Zimu, who is also the elder of the Taixuan Immortal Sect Alchemy Hall, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xu Changan: Is this kid really an alchemy?

That's incredible.

Zhu Zimu felt the same as Ming Jing. Xu Changan's bottle of blood was really the blood of a spiritual beast in the Qi refining stage.

This thing is not absolutely useless, but for most alchemists, there is absolutely no way to make a pill with this bottle of blood.

Only those who have strong spiritual thoughts and are proficient in alchemy skills can make pills, and the pills they make are only ordinary and low-grade at best.

"Alas..." Zhu Zimu took a deep look at Xu Changan and said to himself: "No wonder the Ji family dealt with this guy like this. It turns out he has real abilities. If he doesn't take action, the first place in this Dan Dan Competition will definitely be..." It’s definitely this guy!”

the other side!

Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness couldn't wait to go deep into the porcelain bottle and check the grade of the elixir inside.

In a few breaths, the elixir patterns of the elixir inside also fainted.


Seeing the elixir pattern of Cheng Dan, Xu Changan's head was shocked: There are actually four top-quality elixirs?

Are the remaining eight pieces also top grade?

Hiss, hiss...

Isn't it?

Xu Changan was completely stunned.

You know, although he has refined top-grade elixirs before, they were all first-grade elixirs, such as [Qi Gathering Pill] and [Bigu Pill].

Later, when he tried to refine the second-grade elixir [Spirit Gathering Pill], he basically never produced any top-grade elixir.

And now, there is a second-grade elixir and a top-grade pill?


Xu Changan does not think that his alchemy skills or spiritual consciousness have improved compared to before.



Is it because my blood was used to refine the best elixir?

That's for sure.

That must be it.

If it weren't for the fact that he was at the competition venue, Xu Changan would have been eager to test whether his blood could be a blessing for alchemy.

"time up!"

The alchemy elder looked at the time, and then shouted seriously.

For those disciples at the scene who had not yet completed the refining, their pill furnaces exploded one by one under the interference of external forces.

This is the rule of the Dan Dou Competition. If it cannot be refined by the time, it will be forcibly terminated.

"Everyone, follow me..." Zhu Zimu waved his hand: "Appraise the quality of the elixir!"


All Cheng Dan's disciples came to Zhu Zimu one by one.

Xu Changan took a quick look and found that there were only about thirty or forty disciples who had achieved elixir.

He did not deliberately push forward, but lined up at the end of the line.

"You all understand the rules of the Dan Dan Competition, right?" Zhu Zimu said calmly: "A low-grade one counts as one, a medium-grade one counts as ten, and a high-grade counts as a hundred. Do you understand?"


Everyone nodded and handed over.

Xu Changan also understands this rule.

That is, lower-grade elixirs are used as the basic unit. If 12 lower-grade elixirs are refined, it counts as twelve.

If there is one medium-grade elixir and eleven low-grade elixirs, then it is 10+11=21.

If there is one high-grade item, then the high-grade item will be directly counted as 100 low-grade items.

As for the best...

It's not mentioned in the rules.

Why I didn't say it, because since the establishment of this Dan Dan Competition, no disciple has been able to refine the best second-grade elixir.

"Lan Yongtian, count forty-eight!"

"Hu Guangsong, count three hundred and ninety!"

"In the spring of God's year, I count fifty-seven!"


Numbers flashed past Xu Changan's ears.

Most of them count dozens.

In other words, most of the disciples' elixirs are of middle grade mixed with low grade.

Those with more than 100 points are basically of high quality.

And the disciples who can refine high-grade elixirs are all the best among people.

Soon, it was Xu Changan's turn.

"Xu Changan!" Zhu Zimu looked at Xu Changan and said, "I didn't expect you to become an elixir. I still need an alchemy boy to assist in alchemy. Are you interested in coming over?"

Zhu Zimu started poaching people before he saw the appearance of the elixir Xu Changan was practicing.

Because he felt that Xu Changan could use that kind of inferior blood to make elixirs, and he was definitely an alchemy genius.

After listening to Zhu Zimu's words, many people around him looked envious.

Being able to become an alchemy master at the headquarters of the Immortal Sect and an alchemy boy who is also a golden elixir monk means that he is a registered disciple.

Even if you are a registered disciple, the resources you can obtain and the alchemy techniques you can learn cannot be compared to those of a single helmsman.

This is a job that many people would like to have.

However, Xu Changan cupped his hand and said: "Thank you very much, elder, for your kindness, but this junior already has a disciple, so I am really offended!"

"Yes!" Zhu Zimu did not show any displeasure, but directly took Xu Changan's elixir bottle. In his opinion, Xu Changan's refusal was Xu Changan's loss, not his.

"Xu Changan..." Zhu Zimu reported a number casually and directly: "Counting twelve..."

However, before the last word [piece] could be said, Zhu Zimu immediately raised his voice and screamed: "Impossible... This is impossible, there is actually a top grade..."

Hiss, hiss...


How the hell did you actually use the inferior blood of spirit beasts in the Qi refining stage to refine a top-grade elixir?

I can’t do it either, okay?

What I couldn't do was actually done by a little guy like you.

Zhu Zimu even poured the elixir into the palm of his hand and felt the temperature on it. After feeling that the elixir was still hot, he was sure that the elixir had just been successfully refined.

"Boy, are you cheating?" Zhu Zimu stared at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said calmly: "The disciple did not cheat. If the elder doesn't believe it, just give me another material and the disciple can refine it!"

"You..." Zhu Zimu was speechless.

He had nothing to say, and he couldn't talk about Xu Changan's blood.

After all, there was nothing wrong with the blood, as he had just admitted himself.

"Why are there only eight?" Zhu Zimu looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan cupped his hand and said: "When the disciple was refining, he accidentally destroyed four of them, so in the end he only made eight pills!"


He didn't dare to take out four top-grade coins.

If this thing was taken out, the alchemy elder in front of him would have to take off his pants to study it thoroughly?

To be a human being, you must have the most basic concept of being low-key.

As for the eight top-grade pieces?

Sorry, these can already be counted as eight hundred pieces.

Enough to stand out from the crowd!

Even if there are only eight high-grade ones, it is enough to win the first prize.

Because Xu Changan was the last player to be rated, and the person who scored the most points before him only counted 660 coins.

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