Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 126 [Abdicate and make way for the wise, plotting against the Chen family]

"Congratulations to Ancestor Qingxu for breaking through the golden elixir!"

"Congratulations to Ancestor Qingxu!"


The peak masters and elders below are also very realistic.

Before, Senior Brother Qingxu and Junior Brother Qingxu were shouting one by one. Now they saw that Qingxu had broken through to the realm of Master Jindan, and the title also became Ancestor.

That’s right!

As a powerful golden elixir, he is indeed qualified to be called an ancestor.

Someone said: "Tai Xuan Sect is prosperous. Now there are two golden elixir masters, cooperating with the sect's grand formation. Even if the powerful Nascent Soul comes to the door, we are not afraid anymore!"


Qingxu, who was on the stage, breathed a deep sigh of relief and said calmly: "Brothers and brothers, you are too polite. I have just spent too much to resist the calamity. At this moment, I need to rest and stabilize my cultivation, so I won't send you away! "

"In three days, a meeting will be held on Tiandu Peak. Then we will have a drink and chat with all the brothers!"

"Master Nephew Xu, please stay, I have something else to say to you!"

Countless escaping lights left.


Just after everyone left, the mountain-protecting formation on Miaolian Peak suddenly opened, and Hong Dashou, the top disciple of Miaolian Peak, strictly ordered all the disciples to guard the formation. No one was allowed to come within ten miles of the formation, otherwise they would directly Turn on the attack mode of the large formation and kill without mercy.

Everyone left.

Only Xu Changan and Qingxu were left at the scene.

Qingxu's clothes were ragged and his hair was unkempt, but his aura was extraordinary.

He glanced at Xu Changan and said: "This is where I made my breakthrough, and the rules of heaven and earth still exist. Come here and gain some insights. Whether you can figure out some cause and effect depends on your luck!"

After saying that, Qingxu left in one step.

Xu Changan strode up and sat at the spot where he had just made a breakthrough in Qingxu. As expected, there were a lot of auras of the rules of heaven and earth here.

It is a pity that Xu Changan's cultivation level is too low after all. He can touch these rules of heaven and earth, but cannot understand them.

After all, the golden elixir is still too far for him.

Two hours later, Qingxu changed into new clothes and came to Xu Changan again.

"How is it?" He looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: "Uncle, I love you very much, but the rules here are too complex, and the disciples are not lucky enough to accept them!"

"Well..." Qingxu nodded.

Xu Changan asked: "Uncle Master has now broken through to the realm of Master Jindan, and the appointment date between the two of us is coming soon. Can you tell me who killed my master?"

Qingxu's eyes turned, his face became solemn, and he asked: "Is the time up?"

Xu Changan was stunned.

Qingxu said: "The promised twenty-one years, one day, one hour, one quarter of an hour, one breath, are not twenty-one years!"

After saying that, a trace of amusement appeared on his face: "Master Nephew Xu, do you really think that I asked you to change your name because I wanted your luck?"


"You will understand in the future. You go back first, and don't forget to go to Tiandu Peak in three days!"

Three days later, Xu Changan arrived at Tiandu Peak.

"Senior Brother Xu!" Ding Lan saw Xu Changan and rushed over!

Standing in front of Xu Changan, she smiled slightly, with a single pear dimple on her face.

Now that everyone is getting older, Ding Lan's face has also lost the last trace of baby fat, and she has become a slim beauty, but the single pear dimple on her face has not changed at all.

Xu Changan was also very happy. He said: "Congratulations to Junior Sister Ding, have you achieved Great Consummation?"

"Yes!" Ding Lan smiled and nodded: "More than ten years ago, I had already completed the Qi Refining Stage!"

Xu Changan asked: "With your talent, it shouldn't be difficult to break through to the foundation building stage. Why haven't you broken through yet? If you don't have a foundation building pill, I can help you refine some!"

"They are all there..." Ding Lan curled his lips.

Xu Changan made a serious face: "Then what are you waiting for? Break through quickly!"

Ding Lan smiled secretly and whispered: "If I said I was waiting for you, Senior Brother Xu, would you believe it?"

Xu Changan was speechless and speechless.

At this time, the peak masters and elders of each peak also arrived.

"Let's go!" Qingxu waved his hand and said, "Let's go in and talk!"

The main hall of Tiandu Peak was opened.

Everyone entered together, then sat down in the usual order, and waited for half a stick of incense, but Taoist Tianxuan still did not appear.

On the contrary, Huang Zhicheng, a disciple of Taoist Tianxuan, ran over, cupped his hands in front of everyone and said, "Ancestor Qingxu, Ancestor Qingling, dear uncles and uncles, hello, the leader asked me to inform you of something at short notice. !”

Everyone looked at Huang Zhicheng.

Fairy Qingling said: "Just tell me to come!"

"Yes!" Huang Zhicheng said: "My master said that now our Taixuan Sect has made continuous breakthroughs from top to bottom. This is an unprecedented opportunity, which means that the great power of our Taixuan Sect has arrived. Master said , as the leader, he cannot live up to this good fortune, so he closed the barrier of life and death two days ago, saying that if he does not obtain the golden elixir in this life, he will never leave the barrier again! "


"In seclusion?"

"A matter of life and death?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

Even Xu Changan was a little surprised.

What is life and death?

Just like what Huang Zhicheng said, if he cannot break through the golden elixir realm, Tianxuan will never leave until his life span is exhausted.

This is life and death.

However, having said that, although Tianxuan Shou Yuan has not been exhausted yet, it should not be too far away from exhaustion, right?

Of course, Xu Changan also understood why Tianxuan was like this.

On the one hand, life is indeed running out.

On the other hand, Tianxuan is the head of the sect, and the two peak masters under him have both broken through to the Golden Core. He is still in the foundation building stage, which is very awkward.

Who will the sect listen to in the future?

It's better to be in seclusion for peace of mind and avoid others gossiping and lowering one's prestige for no reason.

"Alas..." Fairy Qingling sighed and said, "Senior Brother Tianxuan, why is this necessary? It's a matter of life and death!"

"We respect senior brother!" Qingxu raised his head and looked at Huang Zhicheng: "Does your master have any other plans?"

Huang Zhicheng said: "Master said that he has closed the barrier of life and death this time. From now on, all routine affairs in Taixuan Sect will be decided by the two master uncles of Miaolian Peak and Guanyun Peak. From now on, the sect The regular meetings and other matters of the sect will also be moved to your Miaolian Peak!"

"As for how to deal with it, you two uncles can just discuss it on your own!"

Everyone could tell that Tianxuan was handing over his rights in disguise.

Naturally, it would be better to handle it this way.

"Forget it!" Qingxu said: "I will do my duty!"

"Well..." Qing Ling also nodded.

"In that case!" Qing Ling said: "Little sister, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful. There is an important matter right now, and we must discuss it with all the brothers and sisters!"

Although she is Master Jindan, she still speaks very politely.

Everyone nodded.

Qing Ling said: "There is a Chen family in Yiyang County next door to us. As far as I know, there is an ancestor in this Chen family who cultivates children by raising blood food for cultivation. He has killed countless people, causing many causes and consequences, and his methods are extremely cruel. ”

"What I mean is that this kind of evil behavior should be eradicated!"

"Our Taixuan Sect is the righteous path of Taoism, and we are bound to take this responsibility!"

Fairy Qingling's gaze swept across the crowd, and finally rested on Xu Changan.

When Xu Changan heard about the Chen family, his heart was filled with ups and downs.

"Ancestor!" One of the peak masters stood up and cupped his hands and said: "As far as I know, Yiyang County also has the righteous path of Xuanmen. If we interfere like this, it will appear that they are not doing anything. What I mean is, can we repair the book? Inform these Xuanmen righteous people of the situation and let them go to destroy these evil ways? "

There are rules in the world of cultivation. If Taixuanmen stretches his hand too long, it is not good after all.

However, Qing Ling said calmly: "Senior brother has thought carefully, but the lives of countless children in the Chen family are at stake. If the book revision notice is issued, the joint exchanges will be delayed for months or even years, and no one knows how many children will be killed during this period! "

"What I mean is that we go and destroy it first, and then we can explain it to our colleagues in Yiyang County later!"

"Yes!" Qingxu nodded and said: "The only sect in Yiyang County that has achieved success is Xiaoling Valley. There is only one old Jindan in the valley who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Now we don't have to be afraid of them. Just as my junior sister said, I will immediately send my disciples to the Chen family to destroy the evil ways!"

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