Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 131 [Soul-searching Technique, the Arrival of the Nascent Soul]

"Where is this?" Yuanying Great Power Ji Zhengfeng looked at the indicator in his hand and asked the elder next to him.

The elder said: "This... According to what is shown here, this should be Yangshuo County of our Great Yan State!"

"Yangshuo County?"

Ji Zhengfeng's face seemed to be neither sad nor happy, nor happy or angry, but he said lightly: "Why did the descendants of my Ji family suddenly appear here? Is there anything special about this place?"

The elder said: "Reporting to the ancestor, this place is not far from Taixuanmen, the branch of our Taixuan Immortal Sect!"

"Taixuanmen..." Ji Zhengfeng's eyes shrank slightly, and he said: "I know!"

Boom boom...

The terrifying pressure condensed from Ji Zhengfeng's body. He took a step and swept across a distance of a hundred feet. His body walked out of the life tablet hall like light, and then went to the south.

In the world of cultivation, the higher the cultivation level, the faster the speed of flying in the air.

Theoretically, Qi Refining disciples cannot fly, they can only rely on the powerful spiritual power in their bodies to jump forward, and after the Foundation Establishment stage, because their spiritual consciousness is strong enough and the spiritual power in their bodies is abundant, they can fly.

The Golden Core disciples are even more terrifying, they can walk a thousand miles in one breath, and disappear in an instant.

Their speed is more than ten times faster than that of the Foundation Establishment disciples.

As for the powerful people who have reached the Nascent Soul stage, their speed is so fast that people can't look directly at it.

Take the distance between Taixuan Sect and the Taixuan Xianzong of the upper sect as an example. Even if an ordinary large flying boat is traveling at a high speed, it will take six days.

The speed of the Foundation Establishment cultivator is about the same as that of the flying boat.

It takes a day for a Golden Core cultivator to arrive.

And if it is a Nascent Soul cultivator, it only takes one stick of incense to get from the Xianzong to Taixuan Sect.

So, after one stick of incense, the Nascent Soul ancestor of the Ji family landed on this ordinary hill.

There are traces of fierce battles everywhere.

A gully of several hundred feet was cut open on the top of the mountain, the trees beside it were knocked down, and the rocks were turned into powder.

Ji Feishuang's body was still there.

"Feishuang..." Ji Zhengfeng came to Ji Feishuang's side and reached out to touch her arm. Ji Feishuang's body was still warm.

Unfortunately, no matter how Ji Zhengfeng called, Ji Feishuang could not respond.

Ji Zhengfeng's face was normal, but the anger in his heart soared to the extreme.

It has been many years since the Ji family produced such a genius. The ancestor originally planned to pass on his mantle and teach Ji Feishuang to become the next Yuanying power of the Ji family.

Even if she can't reach the Yuanying, with Ji Feishuang's talent, she can still achieve the Golden Core Master within a hundred years.

A Golden Core Master is enough to protect their Ji family for hundreds of years.

But he didn't expect that his disciple who was full of hope would fall here inexplicably?

Ji Zhengfeng took a deep breath and looked around!

Not far away, there was a corpse of a spirit beast.

Ji Zhengfeng came to the spirit beast and touched it. The corpse of the spirit beast was still warm.

"Damn it!" Ji Zhengfeng cursed, then stood up and said, "Do you think that I can't find any clues and don't know who harmed my Tianjiao?"

"Dream on!"

"Soul-searching technique..."

Woo woo woo woo woo...

With Ji Zhengfeng's loud shout, the void with a radius of a thousand feet was suddenly shrouded by a black airflow.

The sun was dark, like night.

If there were still residual souls here, with Ji Zhengfeng's cultivation, he would definitely be able to rescue this trace of residual soul and ask for cause and effect.

However, Ji Zhengfeng cast the spell for dozens of breaths, but he still couldn't find any trace of residual soul here.

"Damn it!" Ji Zhengfeng was so angry that he vomited blood: "He killed my Ji family's genius and wiped out his soul. Damn it, damn it..."

It must be said that Xu Changan hit the mark by accident. He killed the spirit beast and Ji Feishuang's consciousness with his nerve knife, thus completely destroying their souls. Otherwise, with the magical power Ji Zhengfeng displayed at this time, he would definitely be able to find Ji Feishuang's soul and know the cause and effect with a little question.

Ji Zhengfeng stopped the magical power in his hand and looked around.

There seemed to be no life around.

"Come out for me!"

He just roared.


About ten feet away, a rock collapsed, and one of the pangolins was scared and ran away.


Ji Zhengfeng waved his hand, and the pangolin was held in his hand.

"Soul-searching technique..."

Woo woo woo woo...

Ji Zhengfeng performed the soul-searching technique and began to search the pangolin's soul!

The logic is simple. A battle just happened here. During the battle, the pangolin must have been nearby. Even if it didn't see any images, it should have heard a lot of noise.

Ji Zhengfeng was looking for clues in the pangolin's memory.

Of course, doing so would be quite exhausting even for a Yuanying-stage great man like Ji Zhengfeng.

But it can't be helped.

Revenge is important!

"Xu Changan... go to hell... Xu Changan, you deserve to die... you can't kill me..."

"Xu Changan... go to hell... Xu Changan, you deserve to die... you can't kill me..."

Suddenly, a shrill voice came from the depths of the pangolin's soul.

The Ji family ancestor's face was a little pale.

After performing the secret technique, he finally got a glimmer of information.

Xu Changan...

This name was not unfamiliar to him.

During the big competition twenty years ago, the Ji family took action against Xu Changan many times. Later, the head of the Ji family even traveled thousands of miles to chase Xu Changan to kill people and seize the treasure. Ji Zhengfeng also knew about this.

However, Ji Zhengfeng is a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage after all, and this matter is the fault of the Ji family.

The key is that Taixuan Sect is still a branch of Taixuan Immortal Sect, and everyone is still a family.

Therefore, although the Ji family suffered a hidden loss, Ji Zhengfeng did not come forward, because once such a thing came forward, it would always be him, Ji Zhengfeng, who would be embarrassed.

But he never expected that his beloved disciple would actually die in the hands of this monk named Xu Changan.

"Xu Changan, Xu Changan..." Ji Zhengfeng murmured to himself lightly: "You are really our Feishuang's nemesis. I don't care what kind of opportunities you have... Today, you will definitely die..."


Ji Zhengfeng collected the body of his beloved disciple, then stepped out and flew towards Taixuan Sect.

Miaolian Peak, in the dojo of Master Qingxu.

At this moment, there were only three people present.

Qingxu is sitting on the lotus platform!

There were two people standing under the lotus platform, one was Xu Changan and the other was Xu Changsheng.

"Master Nephew Xu..." Qingxu looked at Xu Changan and asked, "I already know about Chenjiabao. The sect will send personnel to Chenjiabao immediately. According to what you and Ding Lan said, Establish a branch of our Taixuan Sect in Chenjiabao, recruit disciples from the outer sect, and strengthen our Taixuan Sect’s name!”

"In addition, you have made great contributions this time. If Chenjiabao establishes a branch in the future, I will leave you a nominal elder!"

"But!" Qingxu paused for a moment and said, "When you return this time, is there anything else you need to report to me?"

Qingxu looked at Xu Changan with piercing eyes.

Xu Changan hesitated for a moment, and decided not to tell anything about Ji Feishuang, and said: "No, the disciple did not encounter anything special!"

"Hehehe..." Qingxu smiled and said: "You caused a huge disaster outside. A powerful enemy will arrive in an instant. You still said there is nothing special?"

Qingxu's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

When Xu Changsheng next to him heard what his master said, he suddenly got into trouble and scolded Xu Changan: "Senior Brother Xu, you are so bold, you actually dare to deceive my master..."

"You are the bold one!"

Qingxu opened his mouth, looked at Xu Changsheng and said: "I am talking to Master Nephew Xu, how can you interrupt..."


A ray of fairy light flashed, and Xu Changsheng's right forearm was suddenly cut off by Qingxu.

"Ah..." Xu Changsheng was in pain. He looked at Qingxu in disbelief and said, "Master... Master... you..."

"Don't be nagging!" Qingxu scolded: "Take care of your wounds quickly, I have something important to tell you!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan glanced at Xu Changan hatefully, then picked up his own forearm and threw it into the storage bag, then roughly cleaned up the wound on the spot.

Xu Changsheng had just healed his wounds when a tall old man suddenly stepped into Taoist Qingxu's dojo outside.

Puff puff……

Dozens of formations outside Qingxu Zhenren's dojo were shattered like paper.

The person coming is none other than the powerful Nascent Soul, Ji Zhengfeng!

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