Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 137 [Turning into enemies, blood-sucking formation]

"Junior Sister Ding!"

Xu Changan turned to look at Ding Lan and asked, "When Uncle Qingling arranged for the two of us to go to the Chen Family Fort to annihilate the Chen family, was it your intention?"

"You want me to get those human beads and blood essence on purpose, right?"

Xu Changan couldn't figure it out before, but now that he saw through Ding Lan's joint, he suddenly became enlightened.

However, you still need to verify it.

"That's right..."

Ding Lan laughed heartily: "Senior brother, don't worry. In the entire Taixuan Sect, I am the only one who knows that you are practicing the Nine Nether Blood Scripture. I saw that your progress was so slow and I was worried, so I thought of giving you some. Opportunity!”

"You have a strong self-esteem and are afraid that others will know your secret, so it's not convenient for me to tell you directly!"

"Thank you!" Xu Changan said: "If it weren't for those things of yours, I still wouldn't be able to break through to the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

"Now, with the help of Senior Sister Zhen, I have broken through to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. Although I cannot say that I have perfected the Qi Chain, I can still be considered a master in Qi Refining!"

"Now that the illusion of the Demonic Sea has been revealed, you and I are the only two practicing the Nine Nether Blood Meridian in the entire Taixuan Sect, and we have both reached a crucial point. I don't know if you, junior sister, are going to devour me, or are you going to let me devour you?" Woolen cloth?"

Xu Changan's voice suddenly changed and became extremely cold. He looked at Ding Lan.

Ding Lan took three steps back in surprise.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Do you have any could I devour you!"

"Although I have practiced the Nine Nether Blood Scripture now, don't forget that I am still a Xuanmen genius with dual spiritual roots. If I don't devour it, I can still break through to the foundation building stage by relying on Xuanmen practice!"

Tears overflowed from Ding Lan's eyes.

She looked aggrieved!

He moved his feet, took three steps back, and distanced himself from Xu Changan.

However, Xu Changan's face was still cold.


At this moment, the entire Guanyun Peak suddenly began to tremble, and countless spiritual energies began to spin crazily under the operation of the mountain-protecting formation. Within three breathless seconds, a huge light film appeared like an inverted sea bowl. The mountain peaks covering dozens of miles covered the entire Guanyun Peak.

A female disciple from Guanyun Peak flew into the sky and shouted loudly: "There are important matters at Guanyun Peak today. No one is allowed to intrude within ten miles of my mountain peak, otherwise they will be shot to death!"

Xu Changan smiled.

He looked at Ding Lan and said, "Junior sister Ding, everything is ready!"

"You really did a good job!"

"It's going to devour me soon, but it doesn't have to be like this now, just say it!"

"May I have your name?"

"What's your relationship with Chen Yuchang?"

"When did you harm my Junior Sister Ding!"

Xu Changan looked at Ding Lan and took a step forward.

His voice was extremely cold, and his tyrannical spiritual thoughts turned into coercion, pressing down on the other party.

"you you……"

"Senior Brother could you do this?"

"You actually doubt me?"

Ding Lan still looked pitiful.

Xu Changan said calmly: "Ding Lan and I entered Taixuanmen together and agreed to keep in touch with each other in the future. Later, I left Taixuanmen for something. Before I left, I left a message in the stone house outside my door. message!"

"About three or four years later, I came back from the outside, and the message in the stone house was still untouched!"

"I knew something was fishy. If it were me, Junior Sister Ding, how could it be possible that she hadn't even seen me for three or four years?"

"So, it must have been around that time that you harmed our junior sister, right?"

Xu Changan's eyes fell on Ding Lan, like a sharp sword that could see through people's hearts.

"Hahahahahaha..." Ding Lan burst into laughter in front of him.

At first, the laughter was normal, but after a few breaths, Ding Lan's laughter changed.

From a clear female voice to a mixed male and female voice.

"Xu Chang'an, I didn't expect you to see through it..." A mixed male and female voice came over, and it was unbearable to hear how uncomfortable it was.

Xu Changan had heard this sound once before. It was the sound of the monster that intercepted and killed him in the woods outside the sect.

Obviously, the end in front of me is not that end.

But the way of speaking is exactly the same.

"Who am I?" Ding Lan sneered and said, "I... was once the only genius in Taixuan Sect, and also the supreme genius in Taixuan Sect."

"What a pity for this thief, he doesn't like me and refuses to let me break through!"

"Damn Xu Chang'an, it's your master Minghe Zhenren who destroyed my Dantian and made me unable to practice Xuanmen techniques again!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "You must be Chen Chong. Tell me, how is my Junior Sister Ding doing?"

He looked at Chen Chong.

Chen Chong said: "You are right, I am not only Chen Chong, but also the ancestor of the Chen family... Hahahaha..."

"Your dear junior sister was once my favorite disciple and the blood food I trained. She is extremely talented. If it weren't for accidentally peeking into my secret, she would be the one I would devour!"

"It's a pity that she ran away!"

"What a coincidence...she actually got a Taixuan Immortal Order from nowhere, and rushed to the Taixuan Sect, and even worshiped under my mother's sect!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"On the night she entered Taixuanmen, I took possession of her body!"

"With a body like hers, I can walk blatantly in Taixuan Sect, hahahaha..."

"Xu Changan, are you particularly sad?"

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Chong said crazily: "Ding Lan is not dead yet. Her soul has been suppressed by me in my body. When I devour your body, your soul will meet her soul. You two brothers and sisters Together, we can be together forever!”


As he spoke, Chen Chong's aura surged, and a thick demonic cloud dragged him high into the sky.

At the same time, streaks of blood flowed on the surrounding ground. Before three people could breathe, a large bloody formation with a radius of ten feet formed around them.

In the great formation, there are gusts of sinister wind!

Outside the formation, demonic energy rose.

"The Guanyun Peak Mountain Protection Formation has been launched!" Chen Chong hung high in the air and said with a proud face: "My mother personally protected me. Even if all the disciples of the Taixuan Sect came to attack today, they could not break through this great formation. Half a minute!”

"Xu Changan...come on!"

"Let you and I become one!"

"Help me make a breakthrough. I am already over ninety years old this year. I don't have much time left..."

Infinite demonic energy rushed towards Xu Changan.

"Vampire Formation..."

Chen Chong fell from the hanging demon cloud, his left and right hands turned into black claws, and grabbed Xu Changan's shoulders!


Two bloody holes appeared on Xu Changan's shoulders.

Puff puff...

Chen Chong's hand was also cut with a huge wound by a sharp weapon.

The wounds of the two merged into one, and the blood also merged into one.

Thump thump thump…

The heart beats, and the two people's blood is connected.

After the blood-sucking formation is activated, you can suck the opponent's blood essence and use it for your own use. After refining it, you can break through to the realm of foundation building in one fell swoop.

Chen Chong knows how to suck blood.

Of course Xu Changan also understands!

The two of them each used their own skills, each trying to absorb the essence and blood from the other's body.

That's right, it's the essence of the heart.

It's useless to suck ordinary blood.

Guanyun Peak, the front mountain!

Qing Ling stood on the top of the mountain and looked over the cliff, only to see a cloud of devilish blood rising.

"Has it started yet?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly.

This is the time when the son is devouring and growing.

She couldn't interfere, and she didn't dare to interfere.

But Fairy Qingling believed that her son Chen Chong would be able to defeat Xu Changan.

After all, it is the twelfth floor versus the eleventh floor.

"I order all disciples of Guanyun Peak to gather in the front mountain square. Ding Lan is now at the most important point of foundation building. If anyone dares to set foot on the back mountain, he will be killed immediately!"

Fairy Qingling's voice spread to every corner of Guanyun Peak.

She herself even stationed herself behind the front mountain to personally watch the Dharma.

"Hahahaha...suck it for me..."

"Xu Changan, you will be able to meet your Junior Sister Ding soon..."


A huge suction force came from Chen Chong's body. The suction force went straight to his heart along the blood veins, and seemed to suck Xu Changan's heart.

"No..." Chen Chong suddenly said in horror: "Where is your blood essence?"

"Why don't you have blood?"

"How do you make a breakthrough without your heart's essence and blood?"

Chen Chong became frightened.

Because when practicing the Nine Nether Blood Meridian, every time you reach a level, your heart will condense a lot of essence and blood.

But why does Xu Changan have no heart essence and blood?

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