Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 149 [Hongmeng Breath, Nirvana Rebirth]

Boom boom...

Xu Changan walked out of Liu's courtyard. The sky above his head seemed angry, and several huge lightning flashed in the night sky.

The lightning flashed, illuminating the dark night as bright as day.

After the lightning, bean-sized raindrops fell.

"Husband, what happened?" Seeing her husband returning home from the rain, Qiao Huizhu asked worriedly.

She had been married for ten years, and she had never seen her husband look so gloomy.

Xu Changan immediately smiled and said, "It's nothing serious, my aunt passed away..."

"Oh..." Qiao Huizhu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll go over to help!"


Xu Changan pulled his wife and said, "Don't go over yet. The mood over there is very excited now. Let's go after two days of burial!"

Just now, everyone was unhappy because of Liu's last wish.

Xu Changan naturally didn't want his wife to go over.

According to the customs of Yan State, after a person dies, he is buried three days later.

After three days, the cousins ​​and nephews should understand the truth, and they will be fine after a few days of calming down.

"Okay!" The wife nodded obediently: "I will listen to my husband!"

The two returned to the house.

The children fell asleep.

Xu Changan walked into the study and locked the door, and then his mind flashed into the golden talisman space.

When he was free, he liked to come here to practice for a while.

Xuanmen exercises could not be practiced, but the mind could be practiced.

There was an extremely powerful foundation-building mind, even if he encountered a cultivator who had reached the great perfection of the foundation-building period, he could kill him in a moment!

Of course, he couldn't do it now, because the foundation-building chapter of the Tiandi Yu Shenjing had not been practiced to the great perfection.

Xu Changan continued to practice his mind, and he didn't know how long it had been, and then he heard Qiao Huizhu knocking on the door anxiously: "Husband, it's not good..."

Xu Changan immediately walked out of the golden talisman space and opened the door of the study.

Qiao Huizhu said in a panic: "Just now someone came to tell me that the brothers next door went to the ancestral tomb and said that they dug up my mother's grave and wanted to bury my aunt in it..."

Xu Changan's face suddenly sank.


In the dark rainy night above his head, a dazzling lightning flashed again.

Two breaths later, a huge thunder came like an explosion.

Xu Changan nodded lightly and said: "Watch the children, I'm going out for a while..."

Qiao Huizhu held her husband's hand tightly, and her body trembled with fear: "Husband... Don't fight with them, everything can be discussed, if it really doesn't work, let the head of the village come out to preside over justice..."

"It's okay!" Xu Changan patted his wife's shoulder: "I'll take care of everything, don't worry!"

He strode out of the courtyard, and his spiritual consciousness swept over the ancestral tomb at the same time.

Sure enough!

My mother's tomb was dug up.

According to custom, the body is buried after three days. I didn't expect these brothers to be so anxious that they wanted to bury Liu in a hurry today.

When Xu Changan walked to the ancestral tomb, it was already surrounded by people.

There were descendants of Liu, the head of the village, and some respected elders in the village.

"You can't do this!" The head of the village argued with Xu Zhenshui: "This is the tomb of Xu Changan's mother. It's not appropriate for you to do this!"

"Let the old lady rest in peace!"

Xu Zhenshui said: "What are you afraid of? He is just a crow with feathers lost, a stupid immortal without magic. What's wrong with us wanting this Feng Shui treasure land?"

"Besides, my grandma promised before she died that she would fulfill a wish of my grandma!"

At this time, Xu Changan walked in front of everyone.

It was raining heavily in the sky, but Xu Changan's body seemed to be surrounded by something that had opened an invisible barrier, and no rain had ever touched him.

Seeing this scene, everyone retreated in fear.

"Uncle... This is my grandmother's last wish..." Xu Zhenshui looked at Xu Changan and took a step back in fear.

Xu Changan did not go to find Xu Zhenshui. He walked to the coffin of his mother that was dug out and placed next to him. He stretched out his hand and placed it on the coffin.

With a thought, a sharp flying sword fell into his hand.

Without spiritual power to support it, the flying sword was as big as a dagger.

Xu Changan exerted a little force, and the dagger was inserted into the gap of the coffin. He pushed forward along the gap, and wherever he went, whether it was wood or iron nails, he cut it off.

"What are you doing?" The head of the village said in shock: "Changan, are you crazy? This is your mother's coffin, how can you open the coffin?"

Xu Changan ignored it and pushed the heavy cover of the coffin open with force.

He looked into the coffin.

The coffin was empty, and there was no corpse.

There was only a fist-sized jade bottle floating there.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and the jade bottle fell into his hand.

Everyone's eyes were also cast on the empty coffin.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

"How is it possible?"

"Where is the old lady's body?"

"No, when the old lady was buried forty years ago, I covered the coffin myself. What's going on? What's going on?" The head of the village wiped his eyes in shock and trembled all over: "Someone robbed the old lady's tomb!"

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly.

He was completely stunned.

The mother's body is missing?

This is not a problem.

Xu Changan's mind was in confusion at this moment: Who is his mother? Is she dead or alive? Is she a fairy? Or an ordinary person?

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Changan's mind.

He suddenly recalled the time when his mother inserted a golden card into his body when he was a child.

For my mother to be able to put such a treasure into my body, she is certainly not an ordinary person.


Who is she?

What is in this porcelain bottle?

Xu Changan was stunned for a while!

He did not open the porcelain bottle, but threw it directly into the golden talisman space, and then frantically dug at the tomb.

But found nothing.

Xu Changan jumped out of the pit, took the porcelain bottle again, and swept it with his consciousness.

A female voice boomed into the sea of ​​​​consciousness: "My son Chang'an, there are many difficulties and dangers in practicing cultivation in this world. Some people are extremely talented in walking, and some people have bloodlines as shallow as paper and stand still. Everyone in the world thinks that the way of heaven is unfair, but they don't know that the way of heaven will never end. Leave a chance. All the geniuses in the world will eventually turn into dust. Only those who fight for their lives on narrow roads will win. "

"You must remember that there are endless mountains, endless waters, and boundless roads; wherever there is a dead end, there is an opportunity!"

Xu Changan stood there in a daze: "Mother... mother... where are you?"

No reply.

Xu Changan Yangtian took a deep breath. He couldn't even recall his mother's appearance.

Mother's appearance seems to be covered by some kind of rules!

"Hongmeng breath!" Xu Changan muttered to himself, looking at the porcelain bottle, and then threw the jade bottle into the golden talisman space again.

Who would have thought that what was placed in the mother's coffin was not her bones, but a bottle of Hongmeng breath?

"Go!" Xu Changan glanced at Xu Zhenshui: "This tomb is given to you..."

After saying that, he stepped out of the tomb.

Obviously, my mother did not die.

Then it is useless to come to this tomb.

"Husband!" As soon as he entered the door, he saw his wife waiting at the door in fear.

Xu Changan closed the door with one kick, and then lifted her up with both hands.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Huizhu was shocked and anxious.

But Xu Changan laughed and said: "Let's go to sleep!"

In the golden talisman space!

Xu Changan opened the porcelain bottle.


From the jade bottle, ten streams of purple air spurted out and flew high into the sky.

Like ten giant dragons, they began to swim in the golden talisman space.

"Collect..." Xu Changan waved his hand, and the ten Hongmeng auras above his head were collected into the jade bottle again.

"The Hongmeng aura is here!" He murmured to himself and looked into the void: "It seems that I haven't reached despair yet... No... It should be said that there is no desperate situation in this world. The way of heaven is endless, and there will always be a glimmer!"

Xu Changan walked up to the golden talisman about a foot in size.

This piece of talisman was rewarded by the big golden talisman when he broke through the foundation building stage.

It has been sleeping here for ten years.

No one cared about it for ten years.

However, the red light above was tireless, flowing over and over again.

Xu Changan followed the flowing light and slowly started painting.

One day later, he learned the fourteenth talisman.

【Nirvana Talisman】

Taking the meaning of nirvana and rebirth, it stands after breaking.

Using [Hongmeng Breath] and [Five Elements Origin] as talismans, you can outline the Nirvana talisman. After drawing the talisman, you can change your fate against the will of heaven and reshape your own spiritual roots.


Xu Changan took a deep breath: My opportunity has come!

Who would have thought that there would be no way out despite all the mountains and rivers, and yet another village would be filled with bright flowers and dark willows.

Whether it was Hongmeng's aura or the Nirvana Talisman he had just learned, they all pointed in the direction of reshaping his spiritual roots.

The talisman is there, and the Hongmeng aura is there!

There is only one last thing left before the spiritual roots are repaired: the origin of the five elements.

Although the Five Elements Origin is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth, it is generally much easier to obtain than Hongmeng Breath.

The two are not treasures of the same level at all.

Let's put it this way, if the Hongmeng breath is valuable at ten thousand, then the value of the source of the five elements is at most one.

To reshape oneself, the breath of Hongmeng is the main material, and the origin of the five elements is only the auxiliary material.

So the question is, what is the origin of the five elements?

The origin of metal, the origin of wood, the origin of water, the origin of fire, and the origin of earth.

There are also mutated thunder path origins, wind origins, ice origins, light origins and dark origins.

Any one of them can be called the origin of the five elements.

Any one of them can be used to refine the Nirvana Talisman.

However, talismans refined from the origin of the same attribute can only reshape spiritual roots of the same attribute. For example, the Nirvana talisman refined from the origin of wood can only reshape the wood spiritual root.

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