Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 154 [Skillfully drawn talismans, Huaxu’s bodhi]


Beast blood!

Talisman pen!

Xu Changan has all the items he needs to draw the talisman.

But with only these, it is impossible to draw symbols.

It also requires spiritual power.

Only when spiritual power is injected into the talisman pen can the talisman patterns be drawn evenly on the talisman paper, and then the talisman can be formed.

But Xu Changan didn't have a trace of spiritual power in his body.

How to draw symbols has become a new problem.

Although drawing a talisman requires very little spiritual power, even a disciple at the first level of Qi Refining Stage can complete it, it still requires spiritual power.

Just a trace is enough.

what to do?

Xu Changan has a way.

He opened his mouth and swallowed a top quality [Qi Gathering Pill] directly.

Tsk tsk tsk...

The spiritual energy in the Qi Gathering Pill was released unbridled, impacting Xu Changan's meridians and Dantian.

However, due to the broken spiritual roots, although these spiritual powers can fill the Dantian and meridians, they cannot be retained. They will leak and run away through the broken spiritual roots every moment!

It doesn't matter if he misses it and runs away. Anyway, what Xu Changan needs now is just a trace.


A trace of escaping spiritual power was captured by Xu Changan, and then injected into the talisman pen.

Under the urging of his spiritual thoughts, the talisman pen began to draw rapidly on the animal skin.

In half a stick of incense, he drew a [Swallowing Talisman].

Come on!




A top-quality Qi Gathering Pill supported Xu Changan's transformation into more than a dozen talismans.

"Continue!" Xu Changan took out another Qi Gathering Pill and swallowed it.

Of course, almost all the spiritual power in this Qi Gathering Pill will escape, and only one out of ten thousand can be used by him.

Using this method, Xu Changan drew more than a dozen [Swallowing Talisman], some [Golden Thunder Talisman], [Blood Shield Talisman], [Hidden Breath Talisman], [Water Escape Talisman] and so on in three days.

Originally, there was a very interesting [Spiritual Wing Talisman], which after being activated can produce a pair of wings made of condensed spiritual energy on the back.

But because Xu Changan could not retain spiritual power in his body, he stopped painting.

Because it’s useless to draw it.

After drawing these talismans, Xu Changan sat on the back of the black-winged eagle and continued to fly south.

At the speed of a fire-beaked black-winged eagle in the foundation-building stage, Xu Changan arrived at Huaxuzhize after flying for thirteen days.

Huaxu Lake is very big, with a radius of thousands of miles!

Within thousands of miles, there are swamps. Of course, there are sometimes small patches of forests and woods in the swamps, but these are all shrouded in a thick layer of miasma.

Xu Changan and the Black-winged Eagle landed on a mountain on the edge of Huaxu Lake.


In the swamp not far away, bubbles wrapped in mud emerge from the ground from time to time.

The sound of the bubbles bursting is terrifying!

Xu Changan took out a flying sword from his storage bag, and then knocked down a big tree next to him.


He threw the thick tree where it looked thick.

However, even in those places that seemed thicker, the trees slowly sank in after falling on them.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: This is simply nowhere to stay.


His consciousness suddenly flew out, and his thick spiritual thoughts swept into the swamp.

Due to the influence of the miasma in the swamp, the area that Xu Changan's consciousness now sweeps out is less than one-tenth of what it was before.

Xu Changan released two golden-backed spiders, forming a triangle with him on the left and right, and explored the swamp.


The moment Xu Changan set foot, a crocodile-like spiritual beast jumped out from the mud in the swamp and bit Xu Changan.

Xu Changan did not launch an attack, but with a slight sweep of his consciousness, the nerve knife flew out.


Invisible spiritual thoughts passed by, and the consciousness of the crocodile spirit beast, which was only in the middle stage of refining its energy, collapsed instantly.

Legend has it that there are so many monsters in this swamp that it is impossible to kill them all with just spiritual consciousness.

So Xu Changan asked two spiders to clear the way in front.

The advantage of Cangzhu was revealed at this time.

First of all, their legs and feet are relatively long. Even if they walk on the swamp, they will not sink below, but will walk quickly on the swamp.

At the beginning, Xu Changan just let the Cangzhu clear the way. In the end, Xu Changan simply jumped on the back of the Cangzhu, so that he would not worry about falling into the swamp.

"call out……"

A black thread came out of the Cang Spider's mouth, directly piercing the body of a crocodile-like spiritual beast three feet away.

The blood was spilled in the swamp, and then attracted countless crocodiles to come over and compete for food.

There is poison in the miasma!

This kind of toxicity is not too strong, and there will be no problem if you enter it for a few hours or days. If you soak in it for a long time, the souls of the monks will be affected. Some people will have their souls damaged, and some people will have various symptoms. Illusion, and eventually the spiritual mind dries up and dies.

Fortunately, Xu Changan does not have this problem.

Although he will also be affected by these miasmas, the thirteen drops of golden blood essence and blood in his body are constantly flowing, and any trace of toxicity will naturally disappear wherever it goes.

What Xu Changan didn't expect was that the two golden-backed spiders were not affected.

It is estimated that the two golden-backed spiders have been eating dirty blood since they were young, and they have already developed the unique skill of being invulnerable to all poisons.

The swamp is not all desert. Just like the oases in the desert, there is also some land in the swamp. From a distance, it can be seen as a dense forest, which can be settled.

Xu Changan drove Cangzhu closer to a certain piece of land. Before he reached the edge of the land, he saw four or five human monks falling on that piece of land.

There were three men and two women, all of them unkempt.

Looking at the logos on their clothes, Xu Changan could easily recognize that these five people were all monks from Xiaoling Valley.

Among the five people, two are in the foundation building stage and three are in the Qi refining stage.

"This friend!" The leading middle-aged man in the foundation building stage bowed his hands to Xu Changan and said, "I am a monk from Xiaoling Valley. Your mount is really good!"

The five of them all looked at Xu Changan's Cangzhu with red eyes.

How to put it this way, it’s not like flying is impossible here.

The monks can definitely pass by with their swords.

However, the ground above three feet is covered with a layer of mist and miasma. If a flying sword breaks into it, it is easy to lose direction without seeing the east, west, north, and south. If one accidentally breaks into the depths of this swamp, those foundation-building monsters inside will fly out. , is naturally extremely dangerous.

Therefore, monks will never fly with their swords here unless absolutely necessary.

It's different when walking close to the ground. There is very little miasma within five feet of the ground. It's not easy to get lost, but it's easy to be attacked by the spiritual beasts in the ground.

Xu Changan stopped on the swamp, looked at the group of five people from a distance, and said: "Not bad!"

After saying that, he directly drove the Cangzhu away!

"Fellow Taoist, don't leave!"


As he spoke, the foundation-building monk exerted force on his feet and jumped towards Xu Changan, landing on the back of Xu Changan's other spider.

"Hahahaha..." He laughed happily and said: "Not bad, not bad... Little brother, lend me your mount for a while. Don't worry, I am a foundation-building monk in Xiaoling Valley. I will definitely do it in the future." I won’t treat you badly!”

Xu Changan said coldly: "No!"

"No?" A woman who looked to be in her thirties on the oasis said coldly: "I'm just being polite if I lend you one. A guy with no foundation really thinks of himself as a great monk in the foundation-building period? "

"Not only do I want your mount today, I also want these two!"


The woman exerted force on her feet and shot towards Xu Changan. At the same time, she pulled out the long sword in her hand, and petals of peach blossom-like sword intent slowly spread around the long sword.

Without saying a word, he took action as soon as he came up.

"Xiaolinggu is really decisive in doing things!" Xu Changan said coldly, and then the spider under his feet sneered, and the black spider silk flew over.

"Evil beast, seeking death!"

The woman waved her Peach Blossom Sword, and slashed at the spider silk with endless sword intent.

In her opinion, what is a mere spider silk afraid of?


"No..." Before the flying sword came into contact with the spider silk, many black spots appeared on it, and the sword's spirituality suddenly lost most of it: "This damn thing actually tainted a magic weapon!"

Xu Changan didn't take action, but he held two talismans in his hand.

One is the Devouring Talisman, and the other is the Golden Thunder Talisman.

The Golden Thunder Talisman was prepared for the female cultivator, while the Devouring Talisman was for guarding against the male cultivators.

Once the man launches an attack, he will activate the swallowing talisman to swallow the attack of the foundation-building man.

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