Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 158 [Ambush on the way, Jade Purity Sword Formation]

Xu Changan waved his hand, and he picked up more than twenty storage bags from the ground.

Although these storage bags all belonged to those disciples in the Qi Refining Stage and could not contain anything too advanced, Xu Changan still checked them one by one.

There are a total of more than 200,000 spirit stones, some low-level cultivation techniques, herbs, and pills.

Xu Changan waved his hand and entered the golden talisman space.

Just these storage bags can be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones.

Looking at the densely packed spirit beasts around him, Xu Changan's scalp felt numb. He patted Dabai on the head and said, "Let your friends go!"


When Dabai roared, the overwhelming spiritual beasts slowly retreated and disappeared in an instant.

The entire misty swamp was silent.

Xu Changan thought for a while and asked Dabai to find an oasis to stop temporarily.

Because there were monks from Xiaoling Valley outside, although Xu Changan relied on Dabai's call to kill many low-level disciples, the high-level disciples from Xiaoling Valley were not harmed too much.

And once he leaves the swamp, he will be unable to defeat the opponent with two fists.

Therefore, he decided not to leave the swamp yet.

I'll wait for a while and see when these people from Xiaoling Valley leave before I leave.

Xu Changan took out some spiritual herbs and gave them to Dabai. Dabai stuffed them directly into his mouth and chewed them for a while.

He himself sat down and started to practice [Heavenly Emperor's Control of Nerve]. Because it was a swamp, Xu Changan did not dare to enter the golden talisman space easily. He could only sit cross-legged on the ground to practice, without the speed of recovery of the soul-nurturing wood. A lot slower.

A few days later, Xu Changan's spirit finally recovered.

He still had no intention of leaving, and drew some talismans here for later use.

He had painted a lot of talismans, but the animal skins he had accumulated over the years were all used up at this time.

Xu Changan was still worried, so he built a third-level formation here, and then entered the formation to practice spiritual thoughts!

Just like that, half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

He estimated that the monks in Xiaoling Valley outside should have retired, after all, more than half a year had passed. So Xu Changan took Dabai slowly to the edge of the swamp, and while walking, he explored the traces of the monks from Xiaoling Valley.

He didn't find the monks from Xiaoling Valley until he left Huaxuzhize. Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief, and then summoned the fire-beaked black-winged eagle in the space.

"Xiao Hei... take us away!"

Xu Changan and Dabai jumped on Xiao Hei's back. Xiao Hei rushed forward and flew into the sky with his wings.

Flight destination: Chenjiapu, Yiyang County.

Xiao Hei had been flying hard for less than a day when Xu Changan, who was sitting on the back of the bird, saw a red sword light suddenly flying in the sky in front of the high sun.

The sword light was very small at first, only as big as a bean, but when it reached the void above Xu Changan's head, it turned into a cloud of swords, and endless rain of swords hit his head.

The sword light was so sharp that it instantly penetrated Xu Changan's blood shield.

Several rays of sword light fell on the black-winged eagle, and a shower of blood suddenly spattered.

The black-winged eagle was unable to fly and barely landed on the ground with Xu Changan and Dabai.

At this time, Xu Changan saw a monk in the late foundation building stage a hundred feet away on the left suddenly recited a spell, and waved the silver formation flag in his hand slightly, and a sword light rose from the ground and rushed in. Void.

About a hundred feet in front of this disciple to the right, another disciple in the late foundation-building stage waved the formation flag in the same way, and a second sword light shot into the sky.


The third way!

The fourth way!

The fifth way!

In just a few breaths, twelve rays of sword light shot up into the sky from Xu Changan's front, back, left and right, and then surrounded him in the void of a hundred feet.


A majestic sword array took shape instantly.

"This is..." Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: "The sword formation... the sword formation at the peak of the second level can emit power comparable to the third level attack formation!"

The large formation stood up with a rumble.

The brilliance of the big sun above the head was absorbed by the sword formation by 10%, and dimmed by 30%.

The immortal Taoist wearing a purple robe fell into the void in the center of the sword array, standing high and condescending in the place surrounded by twelve sword lights, looking down on the sky.

"Boy, you're fine!" Master Changsheng shouted at Xu Changan.

Because he was too far away, the other party was standing high in the sky, and was blocked by the light of the sword and sunlight, so Xu Changan could not clearly see Taoist Changsheng's expression.

Xu Changan said: "What you Xiaolinggu did is really extraordinary. You actually ambush me, a mortal with no cultivation level?"

Master Changsheng said: "Hmph... We have been waiting here for a long time. In fact, we are inviting Taoist friends to enter my Xiaoling Valley and become my disciples in the valley. How can we ambush you!"

Xu Changan said: "Speaking like a sharp tongue!"

Immortal Changsheng said: "Boy, you are not a mortal. As far as I know, your name is Xu Changan. You were originally a core disciple of Taixuan Sect. Later, you returned to Xujiacun because of something that went wrong in your practice. Hahaha... you are a mortal. ?"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that you know everything, and you still investigated me?"

Half a year is enough time for Master Changsheng to investigate.

After all, Xiaolinggu is a sect that cultivates immortals, so it still has some tricks.

"That's right!" Master Changsheng said: "Xu Chang'an, you have killed many people in my Xiaoling Valley, but I am still willing to put aside the past and accept you as my disciple. If you continue to be ungrateful, don't blame me for being ruthless to you!"

In fact, Master Changsheng wanted to kill Xu Changan on the spot, but it was because of Dabai that he decided to accept Xu Changan as his disciple.

Because he was not sure what changes would happen to the beast after killing Xu Changan.

After all, his goal is to obtain the divine beast.

If killing Xu Changan makes the beast furious and cannot be subdued, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Before Xu Changan could speak, Dabai suddenly stood up suddenly, standing three feet tall next to Xu Changan, then raised his head and shouted at the Changsheng master above his head: "Hoo..."


The next moment, a solid purple shadow emerged from Dabai's body.

The phantom was thirty feet tall. The phantom was not as cute as Dabai's true form, but a green-faced beast with fangs and a ferocious expression.

"What a divine beast!" The immortal person above his head took a deep breath: "What a divine beast!"

"Today, I will definitely surrender this beast!"


Immortal Changsheng shouted loudly, and with a movement of his fingers, countless golden lights gathered, and the sword light turned into a three-foot-long sword shadow, floating above Dabai's head.


The sharp sword came down with a bang.


Dabai cast his spell and beat his chest angrily.

Its two thick palms stretched out and grabbed the fallen sword.


With a strong pull, the sword light was directly torn into pieces.

"Hahahaha..." Instead of being surprised, the Changsheng Master above laughed heartily and said: "What a divine beast... Xu Changan, this is my Xiaoling Valley's mountain-crushing secret, the Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation , The sword just struck was less than 10% of its power!"

"I'll give you one last chance, surrender or die!"

"Death..." The twelve foundation-building elders around him shouted to Xu Changan at the same time.

This shout was overwhelming.

Xu Changan smiled coldly and said: "Despicable little Linggu, just use whatever means you have. If you want me to surrender, you are talking nonsense!"


After a [Diamond Talisman] was inspired by Xu Changan, it was attached to Dabai's body.

Buzz buzz...

Suddenly, a golden light enveloped Dabai.

The Dharma form also became thicker and more solid.

The diamond talisman was a talisman awarded by the golden talisman when Xu Changan broke through the eighth level of Qi refining stage. After using this talisman, it can form a layer of copper skin and gold bones around the body.


The Changsheng master above his head slashed down with another sword light.

This time, he still didn't use all his strength because he was afraid of killing the divine beast, so he only used three points of his strength.


This blow was directly absorbed by Dabai's body.

The copper skin and gold bones on Dabai's body dimmed slightly, but did not crack.

"Roar..." The attack failed, and Dabai suddenly became more ferocious and roared at the immortal master.

"What a beast!" Master Changsheng said, "In that case, I won't be polite!"

"Come again, kill..."

This time, 70% attacked.

The long sword condensed by spiritual power in the void was covered with blood, and there was a burning fire lingering on it.

Unparalleled sword light fell downwards.

Xu Changan's eyelids twitched: What a powerful attack.

Just this one blow is equivalent to the strongest blow in the fake elixir realm.

I don’t know if Dabai can withstand such a powerful blow?

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