Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 161 [Trading Conference, the Use of Wisdom Eyes]

Xu Changan stepped out of the formation and came to the street of Jiaohai City.

There is still a month before the opening of this [Floating Chariot Fairyland], and Jiaohai City is getting more and more lively. The monks wearing various Taoist robes are mixed with mortals, blocking the entire Jiaohai City.

The place where there were only mortal shops in an instant became a place for immortals.

Xu Changan noticed that a commercial street dedicated to serving all kinds of monks had been established on the east side of Jiaohai City, closest to the sea.

The name of [Liancheng Chamber of Commerce] was also prominent.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly: I saw the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce in Dayan back then, but I didn't expect that there was such a thing in Qi. This guy is a multinational chamber of commerce, and its strength is so strong?

Of course, this has nothing to do with Xu Changan.

He stepped into the chamber of commerce.

In the chamber of commerce, many monks were selecting items.

"Oh, my grandpa..." The shop assistant ran to Xu Changan enthusiastically and said respectfully: "Just tell me what you want to order!"

Although Xu Changan has no cultivation now, his temperament is extraordinary. His white hair and dark green Taoist robe make him look elegant, so the shop assistants dare not neglect him.

Xu Changan said: "I want to buy some high-quality talisman paper, or animal skins are also fine!"

He didn't have enough talismans.

In fact, Xu Changan still had a lot of talismans, such as the Golden Thunder Talisman, the Absolute Shadow Talisman, the Hidden Breath Talisman, the God-suppressing Talisman, the Wisdom Eye Talisman, and the Water Escape Talisman.

What he lacked was the defensive talisman.

For example, the Blood Shield Talisman, the Devouring Talisman, etc.

But his animal skins and talisman paper were gone.

"Yes..." The shop assistant said with a smile: "Senior, please follow me!"

Xu Changan followed the shop assistant to a shelf inside and took a look. There were indeed many things related to talisman making here.

Talisman pen, talisman ink, talisman paper!

There are also some basic rules about making talismans, etc.

"This primary talisman paper, a stack of 100 sheets, sold for 100 spirit stones!"

"The middle-grade talisman paper, a stack of 100 sheets, sold for 1,000 spirit stones!"

"As for this high-grade talisman paper, a stack of 100 sheets, sold for 10,000 spirit stones!"

"I wonder which one the senior wants?"

The waiter looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took the talisman paper in his hand and looked at it, and frowned again.

Even if this is high-quality talisman paper, it is a bit tasteless for him. To be honest, it is a bit low.

"Is there any higher-grade talisman paper!" Xu Changan looked at the waiter.

Talisman paper is divided into three, six, nine grades.

Just like elixirs, starting from the Qi Refining Stage, they are first-grade, second-grade, third-grade...

Xu Changan looked at the highest grade in the Chamber of Commerce, which is only the second grade.

It would be great if there was a third grade.

The talismans made from the third-grade talisman paper are more powerful.

"Sorry... we don't have any higher quality ones!" The waiter smiled bitterly.

"But!" The waiter added: "If you want a higher quality talisman paper, it's not impossible... I'll call the shopkeeper over for you, please wait!"

Soon, a thin old man came to Xu Changan.

The old man's cultivation level was not low, he was actually at the second level of the initial foundation building period.

But he still looked at Xu Changan very politely, and asked with a smile: "Daoyou want high-quality talisman paper?"

Xu Changan nodded: "Yes!"

"Well..." the old man said: "I can't guarantee that there is, but I would like to invite you to participate in a private trade fair held by our Chamber of Commerce... There will be cultivators from all over the Great Qi Kingdom at the trade fair. At that time, at the trade fair, you only need to tell your needs. If others have what you need, you can make a deal!"

"Of course, I can't guarantee that there will be high-quality talisman paper you need at this trade fair!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded and said: "I will participate. When does it start?"

The shopkeeper said: "There are still two hours. You can go to the private room upstairs to rest first, or you can come back when the time is right!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "I'll go upstairs and wait. By the way, do you charge an intermediary fee when trading?"

"No!" The shopkeeper smiled and said: "But there is one thing. If it is the same item, our Chamber of Commerce has the right to purchase first..."

Xu Changan nodded.

Sure enough, there is nothing free in the world.

The reason why the Chamber of Commerce held this kind of trade fair is naturally for some purpose, they want the source of goods.

This is understandable.

Xu Changan took Dabai upstairs and closed his eyes in the private room to rest.

Two hours later, the skinny second-level shopkeeper of the foundation-building period changed his clothes and knocked on the door: "Friend Xu, the trade fair is ready, please go in, it's in the hall in front!"

"Well..." Xu Changan stretched out his hand and pasted a [Wisdom Eye Talisman] on his body, then took Dabai and followed the shopkeeper into the hall.


As soon as Xu Changan walked into the hall, dozens of eyes were immediately stared at him.

There were already dozens of people in the hall.

Xu Changan had a [Wisdom Eye Talisman] on his body, so he could see other people's cultivation clearly even without using his spiritual sense, so he swept over and scanned out the cultivation of the thirty or forty people opposite.

Most of them were in the foundation-building period.

There were four or five Qi Refining Stage 12 Great Perfection cultivators, and two Golden Core cultivators.

The clothes and ages of these people were all different.

Xu Changan didn't look carefully, so he just casually chose a place to sit down.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." A woman in a red Taoist robe sitting opposite Xu Changan suddenly made a sound like a mouse from her sleeve.

Xu Changan looked over and saw that there was indeed a mouse on the red sleeve, but this mouse was extraordinary. Its fur was purple-gold, and it was still flashing with fairy light. The mouse's small eyes were even more agile and amazing.

"Hehehe..." The woman laughed and said, "Excuse me, everyone. My treasure-hunting mouse is timid and was scared by this big guy. Sorry to bother you!"

While speaking, the woman looked at Xu Changan.

Obviously, what she meant was that Xu Changan brought Dabai and scared her treasure-hunting mouse.

Xu Changan also looked at the woman, and saw that the woman was at the eleventh level of the foundation-building stage. She had bright eyes and white teeth, her cheeks were as white as jade, and her skin was as white as snow. She was indeed quite pretty. From Xu Changan's perspective, the only female cultivator he had seen in his life, Zhen Qingyan, could compete with her.

However, Xu Changan would not be obsessed with this woman because of her good looks. Instead, he was very sober. He quickly bowed to the woman and said, "Sorry!"

"No problem!" The woman looked at Xu Changan with a smile and asked, "What kind of spirit beast is this? This is the first time I have seen a spirit beast like this?"

As she said this, everyone's attention was also focused on Dabai.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "It's just a mutant rabbit!"

"Woo woo woo..." Obviously, Dabai was a little dissatisfied with being called a rabbit, but it was still aware of the overall situation and just wooshed twice.

In the next half an incense stick of time, more than 20 cultivators entered the hall one after another. Everyone sat on the futon in turn, forming a huge circle.

The shopkeeper of Liancheng Chamber of Commerce sat in the middle seat and said, "Welcome to Liancheng Chamber of Commerce. Our rules are very simple!"

"This is a trading place. No matter what personal grudges you have, you are not allowed to make a move in my Liancheng Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, you should know the consequences!"

Everyone nodded!

The shopkeeper said, "Secondly, because this trade fair is organized by our chamber of commerce, we will not charge you any commission, but the old rule is that if a treasure appears, our Liancheng Chamber of Commerce has the priority to purchase it at the same price!"

"Is everyone heard it clearly?"

Everyone nodded again.

The shopkeeper said, "Okay, let's start now!"

After a dozen breaths of silence, the red-dressed woman sitting opposite Xu Changan suddenly spoke up, saying, "You all don't want to compete for the prize, okay, then I will take the lead!"

She took out a huge piece of glittering gold metal from her storage bag and said, "This is a piece of copper essence, a rare refining material. It can be exchanged for anything, including spirit stones. It doesn't matter what specific items you have. Please take out any good things you have!"

"Everyone!" said the shopkeeper, "Does anyone want it?"

There was silence all around, and it was obvious that no one was interested in the copper essence of the female cultivator.

The shopkeeper said, "Let our Chamber of Commerce take this copper essence. The price is 15,000 low-grade spirit stones!"

The female cultivator nodded and said, "Okay... It's a fair price!"

"Hehehe..." An old man with a wretched appearance laughed a few times, then waved his hand and took out a huge beast egg and put it on the ground in front of him: "This is an egg that I accidentally found ten years ago. I don't know what kind of creature it is, but there is already a breath of life in this beast egg. This thing is only sold to the destined person!"

"Of course, if anyone can tell me what kind of creature this is, I will give a corresponding reward!"

Hiss hiss hiss...

Everyone gasped.

It's been ten years, and it hasn't hatched yet?

The key is that it's still alive now?

It must not be an ordinary spirit beast. Who can't hatch an ordinary spirit beast in ten years?

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