Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 163 [Fairy Miaoyin, details of the fairyland]


Xu Changan threw the porcelain bottle in front of the monk.

The monk opened the porcelain bottle, checked it, and said: "Yes, it is the middle-grade [Chaoyuan Dan]. This should be the leftovers from the seniors. Thank you... Hahaha, if you break through the Golden Dan before entering the Immortal Realm, , this is even more certain!”

Because Xu Changan had a hidden breathing talisman affixed to his body, no one could see through his cultivation.

Now he has even taken out the Chaoyuan Dan, so everyone thought Xu Changan was a monk at the Golden Dan stage!

call out……

The piece of animal skin was also thrown to Xu Changan through the air.

Xu Changan caught the animal skin and scanned it with his consciousness. There was no energy in the animal skin, but the old aura really shocked Xu Changan.

Originally, he did not have good talisman paper to refine the Nirvana Talisman.

I got the third-grade talisman paper today. Xu Changan originally planned to use the third-grade talisman paper to draw the Nirvana Talisman.

Now, now that I have this ancient animal skin, what kind of third-grade talisman paper should I use?

Wouldn’t it be nice to use the skin of this gluttonous blood descendant?

After putting away the animal skins, Xu Changan really didn't plan to buy anything this time. He just quietly watched the other monks trading at the scene.

The entire trade fair lasted for about two hours.

Of course, the biggest buyer among them is the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce.

"Okay everyone!" The shopkeeper of Liancheng Chamber of Commerce stood up with a smile and said: "Thank you for coming. Thank you very much for today. Please go down and have a cup of tea!"

"No need!" Everyone refused, and then left the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Not long after Xu Changan left with Dabai, he saw a woman wearing a red Taoist robe chasing after him. She caught up with Xu Changan in one breath and said: "This fellow Taoist... please stay..."

The woman looks about twenty-one or twelve years old. Of course, this is just compared with the appearance of those mortals in the world. If it is the actual age, she might be an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years!

"Hello!" Xu Changan put his hands behind his back and asked, "What's wrong, fellow Taoist?"

"Haha..." The woman smiled, and then said: "I am a disciple of the Wuyin Sect, named Miaoyin. I really hope to make friends like you, my fellow Taoist, today!"

"Fairy Miaoyin!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "My surname is Xu, and I am just a casual cultivator!"

"Xu Dao is friendly!" Fairy Miaoyin said: "The monks who come to Jiaohai City all come for the Fucha Fairyland. I came here to ask my friends, when the fairyland opens in a month, will you be willing to be with me? Form a team and climb Fucha together to the Tianhe Wonderland! "

Xu Changan looked at Fairy Miaoyin with some curiosity and said, "Why are you looking for me?"

Miaoyin smiled and said, "I guess, fellow Taoist, you don't know much about the situation in Fucha Wonderland, right?"

Xu Changan smiled: "Why do you see it?"

Fairy Miaoyin did not answer Xu Changan's words, but just said: "Anyway, I can see it. If fellow Taoist doesn't admit me, there is nothing you can do. If fellow Taoist is willing to form a team with me, then we can find a place to have a good chat." Chat, I am willing to tell fellow Taoist everything I know about this Fucha Wonderland!"

Xu Chang'an is a bold artist, so naturally he is not afraid, and said: "Forget it, there is a teahouse next door, let's go to the teahouse and have a chat!"

The two of them each took their immortal pets with them, walked into the teahouse one after another, and asked for a private room to sit down.

Two cups of light tea were served.

Xu Changan picked up one of the cups and drank it in one gulp: "Good tea!"

Fairy Miaoyin said: "Fellow Taoist, are you willing to form a team with me?"

Xu Changan said: "Why are you looking for me?"

Fairy Miaoyin did not directly answer Xu Changan's question. Instead, she glanced at Dabai beside her and said, "This fellow Taoist's fairy pet must be very powerful!"

Xu Changan said nothing.

Fairy Miaoyin took out her treasure-hunting mouse and said: "Although my treasure-hunting mouse is not a high-level spiritual beast, it is not simple either. A spiritual beast that can make it tremble in fear at the first sight is definitely not It’s ordinary, not even a mutated rabbit!”

"In this Fucha Fairyland, there are descendants of the ancient divine beast Golden Crow. Although they are no longer purebred Golden Crows after several transformations, they are far from ordinary spiritual beasts. Fellow Taoist, there are such spiritual beasts in Fucha Fairyland. You will definitely be able to enjoy it like a fish in water!”

"This is the reason why I want to team up with my Taoist friends, is it okay?"

Fairy Miaoyin's pretty white face faced Xu Changan, and her beautiful eyes stared into Xu Changan's eyes.

Xu Changan said calmly: "Okay, I agree to form a team. Tell me all the news you know about Fucha Secret Realm."

Fairy Miaoyin waved her jade arm, refilling the tea cup in front of Xu Changan, and said: "That depends on how much you know about this secret realm, fellow Taoist?"

Xu Changan said: "I know nothing!"


Fairy Miaoyin glanced at Xu Changan. She didn't believe that Xu Changan knew nothing about Fucha Fairyland. She thought Xu Changan was verifying whether what she said was accurate, so she took a deep breath and said, "Well, that concubine is Let’s start from the beginning!”

"This starts with Jiang Qi. As we all know, before our Tian Qi, Qi State belonged to Jiang Qi!"

"It is said that when Jiang Qi was in power, there was a king who practiced Da Qi Guoshu. His spiritual thoughts reached an earth-shattering level that has never been seen before or since. He could use his powerful spiritual thoughts to create a small world!"

Hiss, hiss...

Hearing this, Xu Changan was shocked and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Of course, on the surface, he was still very calm.

Fairy Miaoyin continued: "Monarch Jiang Qi was cultivating in the East China Sea. He opened up a small world with one thought, which is the Fucha Fairyland today. After this world was opened, the monarch released a small world in it. The origin of the five elements!"

Xu Changan could no longer remain calm this time. He took a sip of water and asked, "The origin of the five elements?"

"That's right!" Fairy Miaoyin said: "What the monarch put into this world is the origin of wood. The origin of wood evolved here. After a long time, it turned into a mulberry tree, which is what the world calls the fusang tree today! "

"I don't know when this hibiscus tree began to bear fruit. The fruit is [immortal tree]. The fairy tree contains abundant wood spiritual power, and it also contains the power of the wood source!"

“As we all know, wood makes fire!”

"I don't know when this hibiscus tree started to give birth to two balls of flames. After tens of thousands of years, those two balls of flames evolved into two balls of fire origin!"

Hiss, hiss...

After saying this, Xu Changan was even more shocked.

There is not only the origin of wood in this secret realm, but also the origin of fire?


That's outrageous.

"The origin of fire later evolved into two three-legged divine birds!" Fairy Miaoyin continued: "In appearance, it looks like the legendary Golden Crow in the fairy world, but due to the rules of heaven and earth, the divine bird derived here is not the Golden Crow. It is an innate divine bird with a trace of Golden Crow blood, which is called the three-legged divine bird by our ancestors!"

"The three-legged divine bird usually practices cultivation on the fusang tree. Every two months, it will break away from the fusang tree and fly outside. At the same time, it will open a gap in this small world. This is what the world calls the golden crow coming out of fusang..."

"It is at this time that the fairyland opens and floating boats come and go. Only then can we monks board the fairyland..."

"Of course, this world has evolved for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are many natural and earthly treasures in it, not just the [Immortal Tree], the Origin of Wood, and the Origin of Fire!"

"Also, back then, a monk attacked the three-legged divine bird and obtained several feathers from its body. These feathers are also a unique material for refining magic weapons!"

Fairy Miaoyin talked a lot, and Xu Changan finally understood.

It turns out that there are so many treasures in Fucha Wonderland.

And it has the origins I need!

Time is also fate...

I had already cut off the path to immortality, but who would have thought that when I broke through the foundation building, the golden talisman rewarded me with a [Nirvana Talisman], and then I got the Hongmeng breath in my mother's coffin.

Now the source of fire and wood is even more visible.

What my mother said is really true, there is always a glimmer of opportunity in the way of heaven.

My, Xu Changan's opportunity has come again.

Xu Changan exuded strong confidence.

"That's right!" Fairy Miaoyin said again: "Because this fairyland is just a small world built by divine consciousness after all, so the power of rules does not allow monks above the Yuanying realm to enter. And even monks below the Yuanying realm can enter. In this small world, everyone’s cultivation will be reduced to the Qi Refining Stage!”

Fairy Miaoyin added: "Including spiritual beasts!"

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