Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 174 [The Origin of Wood, the Immortal Mulberry Obtained]

Huangfu Ming was taken advantage of, which led to him being passive step by step, and was beaten by Xu Changan.

In the end, he had to violate the rules and use a small silver shield to block Xu Changan's second punch.

Of course, because it was a small shield activated in a hurry, it did not have much spiritual power to support it after it was condensed, so it was broken by Xu Changan's punch.

Xu Changan's fist with flaming light fell in front of Huangfu Ming's forehead and stopped.

The whole scene was deadly quiet.

No one expected that the first genius below the Jindan level of the Great Qi Kingdom would be defeated so easily by Xu Changan.

"What do you mean?" Xu Changan pressed his fist on Huangfu Ming's forehead and asked calmly.

Huangfu Ming did not answer, and he could not answer!

His face was black and red, and he was extremely angry.

Xu Changan loosened his fist and turned back.

Everyone can see that this time, it was Xu Changan who won thoroughly. First, he crushed the opponent, and second, he forced the opponent to commit a foul.

So, theoretically, he already had the capital to compete for the immortal fruit.


Xu Changan had just walked out of the five-foot distance, and Huangfu Ming finally adjusted his mood and said, "This Taoist friend, how about another fight?"

Xu Changan turned around.

Huangfu Ming said, "Just now I didn't expect you to come so fast. I was careless. I lose. I, Huangfu Ming, lose!"

"But!" He looked at Xu Changan and said, "I want to fight with you again. Of course, no matter whether you win or lose, you have the qualification to share the immortal fruit with me..."

Xu Changan smiled.

So, Huangfu Ming is worthy of being the pride of Daqi.

At least, he still has the heart to admit that he lost.

Xu Changan asked: "How to fight?"

Huangfu Ming said: "The heroes of Daqi are all here. Today, I, Huangfu Ming, will fight this..."

Xu Changan said: "My last name is Xu!"

"Oh..." Huangfu Ming continued: "I will fight this fellow Daoist Xu. For the sake of fairness, we will not use any treasures, but only rely on skills and magical powers. Let's fight again!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded and said: "Just as you said, we will not use any treasures, but only rely on skills and magical powers!"

"Hehe... Speaking of which, I did put two talismans on my legs just now!" Xu Changan took off the two talismans on his legs and said: "This time, it's fair and just..."

Huangfu Ming took out a silver ingot and said: "The silver ingot fell to the ground, and the game begins..."

After that, he threw the silver ingot into the void.

This time, he did not let Xu Changan make the first move.

After two breaths, with a click, the silver ingot fell to the ground.

Xu Changan still used the old routine. The spiritual energy in his body burst out and condensed on his right hand. Then he leaped towards Huangfu Ming at a high speed, and his right hand suddenly turned into a big fist and punched forward!


In the void, a huge red fist shadow formed.

This is not a magical spell, just a simple attack.

"Come on..." Huangfu Ming took a deep breath and punched out with the same full force.

There was a little lightning lingering on his fist, and a silver-black fist shadow also formed in the air in the mottled lightning.


The two fists collided with each other.


The two fists cracked almost at the same time, and then broke.

Two unparalleled energy fluctuations, one red and one silver, suddenly broke out in the void, sweeping in all directions around.

"So strong..."

"Oh my god, Huangfu Ming is indeed a peerless genius. This punch of the Great Perfection of Qi Refining Stage is comparable to that of the cultivator in the early stage of Foundation Establishment Stage, right?"

"What's the name of this guy? He actually tied with Huangfu Ming? Where did he come from? Why have I never heard of him?"

"Is this the strength of the extreme realm? Why did he, a genius of the thirteenth level of the extreme realm, only tie with Huangfu Ming? Shouldn't he have crushed Huangfu Ming?"


Xu Changan should not have tied with Huangfu Ming.

But what Xu Changan and Huangfu Ming didn't know was that Xu Changan's punch just now was just an ordinary punch, just a punch with all his strength after controlling the spiritual power.

And Huangfu Ming's punch was a spell called [Mysterious Thunder Fist]

In this way, the difference between the two can be seen.

"So strong!" Huangfu Ming said, "Friend Xu, you are the most talented cultivator I have ever met in my life, but... I will defeat you..."

"You should be my stepping stone on the road to immortality!"


He jumped into the sky, then shouted, "Magic power: Ten Thousand Thunders!"

Huangfu Ming was originally a cultivator with only one thunder spirit root!

He was gifted, and he practiced a powerful thunder technique. I don't know how many geniuses he had crushed with this move of Ten Thousand Thunders.

Invincible in the same level!

Killing by leaps and bounds!

These were commonplace in Huangfu Ming's life.


As soon as the magic power came out, a black thundercloud suddenly appeared above Huangfu Ming's head, and then dozens of silver lightning bolts fell from the thundercloud and hit Xu Changan.

Xu Changan was not an ordinary person, and he had already prepared his magic power.


His body also stepped into the sky.

"Mystical power... the sun is bathing the East Sea..."

Xu Changan roared!

Boom boom...

Behind him, a golden sun slowly rose, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Around Xu Changan's body, the space was slightly rippled under the interweaving of various laws, so the light around him swayed one after another, and from a distance, it looked like sea water.

This move of the sun bathing the East China Sea was also seen by many cultivators before by the two Golden Crows, but now seeing Xu Changan perform this magical power, everyone was stunned.

"What does it mean?"

"What's going on, how did this kid secretly learn the magical power of the Golden Crow?"

"I know... This kid must be the third Golden Crow derived from Fusang in this fairyland... He is a divine bird..."

"Fuck you, it's impossible, I saw this kid fighting for the floating raft outside, it can't be the Golden Crow..."


The sun glowed with golden light, and because it was too bright, it seemed to have turned into platinum. The three-foot-sized sun flew forward with a bang, and the void trembled wherever it was, and the space was slightly distorted.


Dozens of lightning bolts were all broken by the sun. Of course, the light on the sun also dimmed slightly, but it still hit Huangfu Ming in the void at a very fast speed.

"Not good..."

Huangfu Ming was crushed again. He had to pat his storage bag, took out a huge flag and shook it a few times, pouring almost all the spiritual power in his body into it.

This flag suddenly became larger, fixed the five elements of wind and thunder around, and collided with Xu Changan's sun.


The powerful energy fluctuations spread in all directions, pushing the crowd watching the excitement three steps away. Some people even sacrificed defensive treasures to protect themselves.

After one move, Huangfu Ming's face was dark. He waved the big flag and put it away, saying: "Friend Xu is worthy of being a genius, and the thirteenth level is worthy of being the extreme realm. Huangfu Ming has learned from it!"

"Brother Xu, I lost!"

Xu Changan put away his magical powers.

He was not feeling well at the moment. The force of the attack just now almost exhausted the spiritual power in Xu Changan's body.

However, thanks to the current strong single spiritual root qualification, after the spiritual power in Xu Changan's dantian was depleted, the nameless skill in his body began to operate automatically. Countless fire spiritual power between heaven and earth gathered on Xu Changan's head, turning into a dazzling cyclone, madly pressing the spiritual power into Xu Changan's body.

"Fuck..." A cultivator outside was shocked and said, "Is this the genius of the extreme realm? The speed of absorbing spiritual power is so terrifying?"

"Oh my God, this day of practice is more than my ten days!"

Next to him, Huangfu Ming seemed to have used up the spiritual power in his body and was now replenishing it frantically.

Xu Changan completed the replenishment in half an incense stick of time.

And the time Huangfu took was about a hundred breaths longer than Xu Changan.

However, Xu Changan did not take the initiative to meditate and practice, but just relied on the self-operation of the magic skill to fill it up, while Huangfu Ming filled up the lost spiritual power through meditation and practice.

Although there was a reason that the fire spirit power was abundant in this world, the more important reason was that Xu Changan's practice was too advanced, far surpassing Huangfu Ming's thunder practice.

"Xu Daoyou!" Huangfu Ming bowed to Xu Changan and said, "There are a total of 108 immortal berries on this Fusang tree. Now you have the final say on how to distribute them!"

Xu Changan thought about it in his mind, and then said loudly, "Everyone, although I won the game, it is not good to take all the immortal berries on this Fusang tree. How about this, I will take 28 of them. After I take them, how to distribute this Fusang tree, you decide for yourselves!"

After that, Xu Changan flew up and picked 28 immortal berries from the tree in succession.

The origin of wood was in hand again.

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