Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 177 [Climbing to the top of the altar, each showing their own methods]

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

The surrounding monks were like locusts, coming to the bottom of the tall altar.

Among the monks, there was another pair of brothers.

Both of them were wearing red Taoist robes, and they were disciples from a small sect called Jimo in the southern part of Qi.

The senior brother looked at the high platform in front of him and said, "I don't understand, why don't you just fly up... why do you have to climb up step by step?"

"I don't know!" The honest junior brother shook his head and said, "Mr. Huangfu and the monks on the thirteenth floor are climbing up step by step, so we can just climb together, why ask so many questions!"

"No!" The senior brother took a deep breath and said, "I'll try to fly for a while, otherwise when we climb up, the good things will have been snatched away by those geniuses, and it will be our turn?"


The senior brother didn't wait for the junior brother to speak, and flew directly to the top of the high platform with the fairy light.

Everyone who was climbing turned their heads and looked at the monk in red.

Someone immediately became annoyed: "Hey, why didn't I think of this?"

"That's right... How fast is it flying up?"

Some people have even started to activate their treasures to prepare for flying.

However, at this moment, a palm made of pure white clouds and mist suddenly fell from the top of the white platform, and slapped the flying red monk with an unparalleled speed.


The red monk was slapped directly to the ground, and then his body was straight and motionless.

"Senior Brother..." A shrill cry came from below.

Those who were ready to move immediately put away their little thoughts and climbed up honestly. Some people even had their backs soaked with cold sweat.

Xu Changan was also shocked when he saw this scene.

He raised his head and looked at the milky white clouds above his head, thinking in his heart: There is something on this soul-calling platform.

At this moment, Fairy Miaoyin in red caught up with him panting: "Senior Brother Xu... Oh... Huh... I'm so tired!"

Xu Changan smiled slightly, revealing two neat and white teeth on his bright face, and said: "Fairy, why are you so anxious?"

Fairy Miaoyin glanced at Xu Changan and said: "Isn't it to catch up with Senior Brother Xu? I want to go with you!"

Xu Changan said: "Then let's go!"

He didn't walk fast because the road was still long.

The one rushing in the front was Sun Chuan, who had climbed about two-thirds of the steps, but when he reached that place, even a terrifying genius like him had a bit of difficulty.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to reach the top. It doesn't mean that you will definitely get there if you charge with all your strength at the beginning.

So Xu Changan didn't sprint. While climbing, he carefully observed the changes in the pressure above his head and analyzed it silently in his heart.

"Brother Xu, what on earth is this? Why has this platform never appeared in all the information I have read about the floating fairyland?" After a short pause, Miaoyin asked Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "It is called the soul summoning platform. If you climb to the top, you will have a chance to obtain the [Shen Nian Dzi Bead] that can heal the damage of the mind, but I don't know what it is specifically. I need to climb to the top and try!"

"Climb to the top!" Miaoyin looked up at the towering divine platform and her mentality was a little broken.

This is too high.

Xu Changan said: "Let's go!"

"Even if you can't climb to the top, it doesn't matter. You should be able to train your mind here. After going up and down, your mind should be much stronger!"

This is the result of Xu Changan's observation.

"Ah?" Miaoyin said: "There is such a thing... That's great..."

They are the Five Sounds Sect, which is good at sound wave attacks. In fact, to put it bluntly, sound waves are also closely related to the mind. When the mind is strong, it is often possible to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing the sound wave technique.

Xu Changan continued to climb with Fairy Miaoyin.

When they reached two-thirds of the height of Sun Chuan's platform, Fairy Miaoyin sat on the steps with a pale face and said, "No, brother, I can't stand it anymore. My divine consciousness can't resist. You go first, I'll rest here!"

Xu Changan couldn't help her. Divine consciousness is different from others. Even if he could force Miaoyin to go up again, the key is that the divine consciousness will attack. Maybe Miaoyin's sea of ​​consciousness will be directly shattered!

"Well!" Xu Changan let go of Miaoyin's hand, then took a step and continued to climb up.

For him, even at two-thirds of the height, there was still not much pressure.

However, above two-thirds of the height, the number of cultivators was visibly reduced.

After another half an incense stick of time, Xu Changan finally caught up with Sun Chuan. Although the two were not on the same side, the four sides became narrower as they climbed up. He and Sun Chuan couldn't see each other, but they could talk.

"Senior Brother Xu, you've come up... huh... I'm so tired..." Sun Chuan said: "The pressure here is getting bigger and bigger..."

"How do you feel?"

Xu Changan said: "Not bad!"

Two incense sticks later, Xu Changan staggered to the first place.

There was no one above him.

He had climbed 90% of the steps here, with only the last 10% left.


Xu Changan took a step and climbed up another step.

At this time, the whole summoning platform suddenly changed color.


Above his head, the milky white cloud turned into black and gray, and spun wildly, and lightning condensed in the cloud!

That was not ordinary lightning, but lightning in the form of divine thoughts.

The lightning rushed over Xu Changan's head.

"Ah..." Even Xu Changan, hit by the soul of the lightning, screamed in pain.

He did not put on the soul-soothing talisman.

When the second lightning fell, a flying knife suddenly rose in Xu Changan's mind and slashed at the lightning.

Attack as defense.


The seemingly powerful lightning was easily broken by Xu Changan's powerful divine flying knife, and the road in front of him suddenly became clear, and the divine pressure on it seemed to be relieved a lot.

Xu Changan did not dare to delay, and his legs intertwined like the wind, and he went up a hundred steps.

After a hundred steps, another gray lightning rushed towards him.

"Cut..." Xu Changan used the same trick again and used the nerve knife to cut again.

After doing this seven or eight times, Xu Changan felt that his spiritual consciousness was about to be exhausted, and finally he climbed to the top of the soul-calling platform.


After reaching the top, it was suddenly clear.

The top of the soul-calling platform was a square field, each side was about ten feet long, and there was nothing on it, but there was no spiritual pressure here.

Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the ground, and the [Emperor's Controlling Nerve] in his body started to run wildly, and began to recover the loss of spiritual consciousness.

About half an incense stick of time later, Huangfu Ming, who was pale, also climbed up.

He didn't even have time to look at the surrounding scenery, so he sat directly on the ground and began to recover the loss of spiritual consciousness.

Then, Tian Dan and Sun Chuan also climbed to the top one after another.

Two hours later, when Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness was fully restored, two more cultivators climbed to the top.

One of them was a white-haired old man, and the other was a tall young man.

An old man and a young man!

"I meet you, young master!" After the old man got on the platform, he did not salute Huangfu Ming immediately, but ran to Tian Dan and bowed.

Tian Dan nodded and said, "Senior, you are too kind to me!"

After that, he introduced to everyone, saying, "This is an elder of my branch, named Tian Guirong, a great man in the late Jindan period!"

"Hehehe..." Tian Guirong was not proud of Tian Dan's praise, but said in a humble manner, "I am just a little older. One day, you will be the dragons and phoenixes of this world!"

Xu Changan took a look at the other young man with the wisdom eye talisman. The man looked young, but his cultivation had reached the middle Jindan period.


It turned out that they were two great Jindans, no wonder they could climb to the top of this platform.

"Everyone..." Tian Dan stood up, raised his hand and pointed to the clouds above his head, saying, "This is a cloud formed by the condensation of divine thoughts!"

Now, the cloud has also returned to milky white.

"There is the [Divine Thought Bead] in it. Attack this cloud and the bead will fall. Everyone, now it's time to use your own skills!"

"But I remind you, it's useless to attack this cloud with magic and magical powers. You must attack it with divine thoughts!"

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