Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 240 [Inside Lulong City, a man in a white robe]

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He just said that he had no magical power, but now this magical power is delivered to his door?

Should he go?

No, no, no...

Xu Changan continued to shake his head and said, "Brother, I still decided not to go. My cultivation is too low now. If I encounter a monster in the Jindan period, how can I deal with it?"

"Besides, the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence is the territory of the Yan Kingdom's royal family. They let us in, but if we really bring out the Heavenly Fire, I'm afraid the royal family will not easily agree, right?"

Chen Xuanli said, "This, I don't know, but the so-called opportunity is to face difficulties head-on. There are many people in the Yan Kingdom's royal family who have comprehended magical powers from the place of the Eternal Nether Fire. If you are willing, let's go together!"

"Of course, opportunities are destined by heaven, whoever has the opportunity can take it!"

"You don't have to refuse me, because there are still five years before the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence opens. After five years, I will come to find you again!"


Chen Xuanli bowed and left Xu Changan's dojo.


The next morning, Qingye looked at Xu Changan and Shen Xizhi, who was only seven years old, and opened her mouth in shock: “Junior brother, what happened?”

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: “I didn’t control myself when I was refining the elixir, and all of it became top-grade at once, so it became like this!”


Qingye burst out laughing: “Hahaha… I forgot that there is such a layer…”

“Hey… Don’t mention it, Junior Sister was really cute when she was a child… Come, sister pinch it…” Qingye stepped forward, and her two slender hands fell on Shen Xizhi’s cheeks, and then pinched them.

Shen Xizhi did not resist. Instead, her round eyes looked at the sparkling bracelet on Qingye's wrist and said in surprise: "Senior sister, this sparkling thing is very cute... I want it..."

"I want something sparkly..."

Xu Changan: …………

Qingye rolled her eyes at Xu Changan and said: "Little girls especially like sparkly things, you don't understand!"

While speaking, she took off the sparkling bracelet on her hand and tied it around Shen Xizhi's neck, saying: "I'll give it to you, okay?"

"Okay, senior sister is so nice, hehehe..." Shen Xizhi laughed with satisfaction.

Xu Changan said: "Senior sister, please find her an outer disciple, a female cultivator of about 30 years old, and this person must be very careful and take care of Shen Xizhi for a while..."

Shen Xizhi is too young now and still needs someone to take care of her!

"I don't want it..." Shen Xizhi was extremely dependent on Xu Changan. She reached out and hugged Xu Changan's thigh, then swung on his legs like a swing: "I want my junior brother to take care of me..."

"Okay, okay, I'll take care of you!" Xu Changan said: "But, I can't do these things like washing clothes and cooking? I have to find someone to do it for you!"

"Oh!" Shen Xizhi is also sensible.

"Okay!" Qingye said: "Don't worry, I can get it done for you today!"

Xu Changan pulled Shen Xizhi's collar and lifted her up, saying: "Let's go, I'll take you to buy some clothes first..."

Walking out of Qingye's dojo, Xu Changan turned into a fairy light and left the sect, heading down the mountain.

Thousands of miles away from Taixuan Xianzong, there is a human settlement.

This is a bustling city called: Lulong City.

The city is very big!

Xu Changan took Shen Xizhi and casually landed in a densely populated area and found a ready-made clothing store.

They bought several sets of clothes of all styles and colors, as long as they were the right size, and even prepared clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

They bought forty or fifty sets at once.

"Wow... these clothes are much more comfortable!" Shen Xizhi looked even cuter after putting on new clothes: "Junior brother, I'm hungry, I want to eat at this best restaurant... Look, is this sign big enough?"

"Enough, enough, enough..." Xu Changan stretched out his hand and pinched her hair, saying, "Let's go!"

The two of them looked like a pair of father and daughter, slowly crossing the clean street and came to the big restaurant across the street.

The waiter ran out to greet them and arranged them to sit down near the window on the second floor.

This restaurant is located in a prosperous area and has very good business. Not long after Xu Changan sat down, the entire hall was basically full of people from top to bottom.

Because it was close to the window, Xu Changan could see the situation on the street below from the window on the second floor!

But a luxurious carriage slowly stopped at the door. An old servant and coachman opened the door of the carriage at the back, and a middle-aged man in a white robe came down from the carriage. He looked to be in his forties.

Although the middle-aged man had no cultivation at all, he was extraordinary and heroic. His eyes contained vicissitudes of life, and his eyes seemed to be able to encompass the world.

"Little brother!" The middle-aged man went up to the second floor under the guidance of the old servant. Looking at the hall that had been full for a long time, he came to Xu Changan casually and greeted him: "The hall is full, can I sit opposite you?"

This guest table could originally seat four people. Xu Changan and Shen Xizhi, who was only seven years old, occupied one side, and the other side was still empty.

He smiled and said, "Of course, you can do whatever you want!"

"Thank you!" The middle-aged man rolled up the cuffs of his robe and saluted Xu Changan respectfully.

This was a bit grand.

Xu Changan also stood up, returned the greeting, and said: "Sir, you are too polite. It's just a small seat. You don't need to be so polite!"

"Hehehe..." The man in white robe sat down with a smile, and the old servant beside him stood aside with his body huddled.

The man in white robe said: "Old Gu, just sit down!"

Old Gu said: "I'm not used to sitting at the same table with the young master!"

The man in white robe said: "Oh, there is no place, can't we sit together?"

"Okay!" The old servant sat down with a big grin, and said: "Then I won't be polite. If the lady says I'm rude later, the young master must help me to defend myself!"

The man in white robe said: "Don't worry, the lady doesn't have the magical power of three heads and six arms, nor does she have the ability of clairvoyance and super hearing. How can she see that you are rude?"

As he spoke, the man took out a roll of bamboo slips from his sleeve, opened it and began to read.

While reading, he nodded with relish.

"Ah..." Shen Xizhi suddenly screamed.

The bamboo slips in the man's hand fell to the table with a clatter.

"Sorry, sorry..." Xu Changan apologized quickly.

The man said: "No problem..."

Shen Xizhi pointed with her chubby little hand and said: "Trojan seesaw... I want to play, I want to play..."

Xu Changan looked out through the window and saw an old man playing with a Trojan seesaw not far away. You can play it with a copper coin.

Xu Changan took out a dozen copper coins: "Go, be careful, don't run around..."

"Hey..." The little girl took the money and walked out in a hurry.

The man in white robe smiled and said: "Your sister is so naive and romantic!"

Who knew that Shen Xizhi ran over in a hurry again, pointing at the middle-aged man and said: "Uncle, don't talk nonsense, I am Xu Changan's senior sister, I am his senior sister, he is my junior brother, if you don't believe me, ask him..."

"Ah?" The man in white robe was shocked.

Xu Changan nodded helplessly with a bitter face, and said: "Yes, yes, sister, please don't worry about it!"

"Hmph..." Shen Xizhi pouted her lips, and then went downstairs. In Xu Changan's eyes, she threw two copper coins to the old man, then got on the wooden horse and began to shake happily.

There was no way. Although her soul was in her twenties, after she became young again, her childishness came back, and no one could do anything about it.

"Oh... strange... strange..." The man in white robe said: "Little brother, I see that you look heroic and extraordinary, you are not an ordinary person, right?"

He looked at Xu Changan with a smile.

Xu Changan said: "I am just an ordinary person, but you look mighty and extraordinary, I think if you are not a high official, you must be a general!"

"Hahaha..." The man in white robe laughed.

The old servant pouted his mouth and said: "That is..."

"Stop talking!" Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the man in white robe.

The man in white robe looked at Xu Changan and said, "I like reading... The world is really interesting recently. Some people write books, some people found schools; some people travel around the world, and some people form alliances."

"There is the great Confucian Confucius, who is known as the Master, and his achievements in educating the wise are unparalleled; there is the master of Mohism, and all the peddlers and hawkers in the world can only look up to him; little brother, where are you Xuanmen cultivators going?"

Xu Changan looked at himself, and there was a hidden talisman on his body!

No way!

Can you tell that I am a Xuanmen cultivator from this?

Oh my God... What is this guy's cultivation?

You know, Xu Changan's hidden talisman cannot be seen through by people who are two realms higher, which means that the uncle holding the bamboo slips in front of him is likely to be an old monster in the late Yuanying period!

"Hahahaha..." The man in white robe laughed and said, "Don't be nervous, young man, I am not a Xuanmen cultivator like you!"

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