Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 263 [The formation begins, the sages’ stele forest]

"Xu Changan... you seem to have changed!"

Chen Xuanli looked at him.

Xu Changan had a question mark on his face: "What have I changed?"

"I don't know!" Chen Xuanli said: "Anyway, I feel that you have changed... By the way, did you steal something from me? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Xu Changan: …………

Do you believe that someone who stole your great fortune?

"Ah..." Chen Xuanli sighed deeply and said: "The fairy in my dream, Sister Zhen satisfied all my imaginations of fairies. Xu Changan, you beast, you and her were alone on the third floor of the teahouse for such a long time, you wouldn't... woo woo woo woo..."

Chen Xuanli approached Xu Changan, sniffed deeply twice with his nose, and said: "Woo woo... you are full of fragrance, it's over, my Chen Xuanli's beloved is gone..."


Xu Changan slapped Chen Xuanli's shoulder hard.

Chen Xuanli was almost pressed to the ground by him.

"Good boy, how come you are so energetic?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Guess..."

A dozen days later, a large number of cultivators swarmed in from Jidu, and the foot of Shouyang Mountain was more lively than ever before.

When the time came, the innate formation was opened.

All cultivators holding nameplates can enter it.

Xu Changan, Zhen Qingyan and Chen Xuanli formed a team and entered the entrance of the formation.

As soon as he entered, Xu Changan saw a forest in front of him. There were more than a dozen tall stone tablets in the forest. Under these ten or so tall stone tablets, there were tens of thousands of small stone tablets.

Zhen Qingyan leaned against Xu Changan and said, "This Ruins of Seeking Benevolence is divided into three parts. The first part is the entrance stele forest, which is the stele you see."

"After entering the Holy Ruins, the stele forest is open for one month!"

"Everyone can feel the sages here!"

After Zhen Qingyan's introduction, Xu Changan also understood the entire formation.

There are three parts in the innate formation of Shouyang Mountain. The first part is the entrance stele forest.

It opens for one month.

The cultivator must stay here for a month before entering the next part: the outer perimeter of Shouyang Mountain.

The outer perimeter also takes one month!

After one month, the core is open.

The core area is open for the longest time, ten months.

A total of one year.

The stele forest in front of us is also called the enlightenment stele forest. It was formed by the royal disciples of Yan Kingdom who entered Shouyang Mountain and left their own insights here.

Some people have deep insights, and the stone tablets they left behind are tall.

Some people have shallow insights, and the stone tablets they left behind are short.

For countless years, countless people's insights have collided here, and a small world has been nurtured here. It is said that a month of insights here is equivalent to several years or even decades of hard practice outside.

"Each cultivator can grab a stone tablet later. The higher the stone tablet is, the closer it is to the sage's aura cloud, and the more benefits it will get!"

Zhen Qingyan stretched out her slender white fingers and pointed at the thirteen highest divine tablets: "These thirteen tablets are the objects of competition!"

Xu Changan looked!

In the void of this world, there is a mysterious, transparent cloud that seems real and illusory. If you don't look carefully, you can hardly see it.

Obviously, the higher the stone tablet is, the closer it is to the cloud.

Xu Changan turned his eyes and found that there were tens of thousands of cultivators gathered in this forest.

Some people can't wait to climb a stone tablet and start to comprehend.

But no one dared to climb the thirteen tallest stone tablets.

After all, there are eyes everywhere, so many people are watching, whoever comes out first will definitely be beaten badly.

"No one is going up?" Chen Xuanli said, "Then I will take the lead... I will go first..."

He exerted a little force on his feet and jumped steadily onto one of the divine tablets.

This divine tablet is thirty feet high.

Xu Changan looked at Chen Xuanli's appearance of riding away from the dust, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly: Good guy, Senior Brother Chen's posture is really cool.

Unfortunately, the next moment!

Someone asked dissatisfiedly: "Who is this?"

"A single spiritual root in the foundation-building period thinks he is amazing?"

"This place is not for you to go..."


In the crowd, a thick silver thunder suddenly flew out of thin air and hit Chen Xuanli.

Chen Xuanli was shocked and quickly sacrificed his defensive shield.

With a bang, he was knocked off the stone tablet.

"Damn, who is hitting me?" Chen Xuanli fell to the ground with an angry face.

The man who attacked laughed and said, "I, I just used only 30% of my strength. If you don't agree, you can come and fight me..."


The guy in the green Taoist robe jumped up and sat on the divine tablet.

Chen Xuanli was furious: "There are so many stone tablets, why do you want to hit me? You have a problem with your brain..."


Before he finished speaking, another lightning bolt fell from the sky, splitting the headband on his hair directly, and his whole body turned black.

The green-robed monk looked down sternly: "If you keep making noise, I will send you to immortality forever..."

After saying that, the green-robed monk sat on the divine tablet and began to comprehend.

Zhen Qingyan said: "This green-robed cultivator is Master Feng, a disciple of the top sect of the Great Yan Kingdom, the Chixia Sect. He has a single fire spiritual root and is proficient in the methods of thunder and fire. He is very powerful. Although he is a disciple of the eighth level of the Jindan stage, he can easily fight against disciples of the Jindan stage!"

"He is considered a Jindan stage genius of the Great Yan Kingdom. His name is Feng Jiu!"

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Feng Jiu?"

"Yes!" Zhen Qingyan said: "It is said that his surname is Feng, and he is the ninth child in the family..."


The next moment, a man in a narrow-sleeved brocade robe rose from the ground like a cannonball and instantly landed on the second divine monument.


This man just landed on his back and caused countless sighs.

The crowd also started to talk.

"Living King of Hell... Why is he here?"

"Oh my God, who dares to snatch the divine tablet from the living King of Hell Zheng Youjing?"

"I guess no one, unless he doesn't want to live anymore..."

"Zheng Youjing!" Zhen Qingyan whispered to Xu Changan: "He is a third-rank national scholar of the Jinyiwei of the Great Yan Kingdom. He is not a cultivator, but he has the power of incense and fire in his body, and his combat power is unmatched. He once killed three Jindan by himself and became famous in Jidu!"

"And this person is powerful and cruel by nature. He holds the intelligence guard of the capital and has the right to kill first and report later!"

"So, everyone is afraid of him like a tiger and calls him the living King of Hell!"

Sure enough, no matter whether it is a cultivator or an ordinary national scholar, no one dares to snatch the divine tablet from Zheng Youjing.


The third person climbed onto the third divine tablet!

This person is a woman wearing a purple robe, with unparalleled momentum.

"This is the daughter of General Qin Kai of the Five Armies, named Qin Polu, a third-rank national scholar..."

Zhen Qingyan smiled and said, "Don't look at this as a woman. She has followed her father to fight on the snowy plains for several years. She has killed the remnants of Shanrong and is also famous in Jidu!"

"No one should dare to snatch her position!"

Just kidding!

This is the daughter of the general of the Five Armies, who dares to snatch it from her?

Looking for death!

However, the name Qin Polu is indeed heroic enough.

Xu Changan had heard of General Qin Kai for a long time. He was a loyal and brave man and a minister of iron will.

"Everyone, thank you..."

At this time, another young Taoist in a moon-white Taoist robe exerted force on his feet, and the whole person instantly flew into the air and landed on the fourth divine monument.

This is a slender male cultivator, but he has a feminine temperament all over his body.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss... I know... Master Qingyun, the first casual cultivator in Yan State!"

"Master Qingyun, that pervert?"

"Oh my God, I heard that the cultivation method he practices is extremely fierce..."

"Fierce, evil, isn't it?"

The crowd was talking again.

Xu Changan's eyes also looked at the person on the fourth stone tablet.

Master Qingyun, a casual cultivator?

You know, casual cultivators in the cultivation world live a very miserable life. They have no sects, no backers, and no resources.

However, if a casual cultivator stands out and grows up, such a person is naturally extremely terrifying. Such people who grow up in the corners of the cultivation world are all gifted and scheming.

When you meet such people, it is best not to argue with them, just stay away.

"Husband... do you want to go?" Zhen Qingyan's little face slightly raised.

Xu Changan said: "Wait a minute, no hurry..."

Go up, you must go up!

But you can't be the first bird!

Let these geniuses of the Great Yan Kingdom show their faces one by one first, and then go up. Otherwise, it will add a lot of troubles.

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