Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 311 [Eighth level of foundation building, Yun Meng is confused]

Water overcomes fire, that's for sure!

However, it can only be said that water overcomes fire if it is something of the same level.

And the Immortal Nether Fire and the Innate Ren Water are obviously not things of the same level.

What is the Immortal Nether Fire? It is one of the ten great heavenly fires in the world of cultivation. It is of a terrifyingly high level. It is produced in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence. It has not been subdued by the Yan royal family for countless thousands of years.

It can easily devour the origin of fire.

The original Golden Crow Feather became the food of this thing in less than a breath.

And [Innate Ren Water] is just a thing of the same level as the Golden Crow Feather, the Immortal Mulberry, the Innate Golden Mother, etc.

So the level difference is too great, and water cannot overcome fire.

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: It seems that it is impossible to use this golden talisman space in a short time, unless you find the ten great true waters to restrain and wrap the flames.

That's it!

If you can't use it, you can't use it.

Can't I just cultivate a spiritual root now?

Xu Changan walked out of the dojo again, and then turned into a stream of light and flew into the Earth Fire Hall of Taixuan Xianzong.

The person in charge of the Earth Fire Hall is no longer Lu Dadong's brother, but a cultivator, a great man in the foundation building period.

"Disciple greets Elder Xu..." Seeing Xu Changan coming, the disciple hurriedly saluted.

Although Xu Changan's cultivation is low, his status in the sect is not low. This guy is not only the elder of the sect, but also the first person in the sect to make pills.

Who dares to offend such a person?

"Okay!" Xu Changan took out the sect sign and put it on the table: "The first floor of the Earth Fire Pavilion, um... come for five years first!"

"Okay!" The disciple took out Xu Changan's sign and scanned it, saying: "I have arranged the best room on the first floor for you, elder, please practice!"

Xu Changan took the sign and left, and then walked into the Earth Fire Pavilion.

It was still a familiar smell.

He went down from the ninth floor to the first floor, and then entered his room.

There are not so many rooms on this floor, only a dozen.

Therefore, the room was very large, and a higher level formation was arranged.

Xu Changan was naturally worried, so he took out the formation flag and fiddled with it beside him, and two third-level formations were set up.

In this way, even a Yuanying cultivator could not easily see through his temporary dojo.

In fact, Xu Changan had already vaguely felt that after such a long period of study, he was already able to arrange a fourth-grade formation, but because of the problem of materials, he did not try.


After sitting on the futon, the unnamed innate fire attribute technique in his body began to operate domineeringly, and the fire spirit power in and outside the room was sucked away by him like a whale sucking a river, forming a huge vortex above his head, and the vortex fell down, wrapping Xu Changan up.


At the same time, Xu Changan waved his hand, and the [Asura Plate] was also taken out by him, and by the way, he used the [Blood Refining Method] in the Nine Nether Blood Sutra to refine the plate.

This thing is a defensive weapon!

A jade slip was placed on Xu Changan's forehead.

This jade slip is a copy of the [Taixuan Formation Code].

Comprehend the formation!

This thing has been comprehended for many years, but it has not been fully comprehended.

Another purple jade slip was taken out by Xu Changan and placed on his forehead.

This one is the [Basic Mechanism Refining Method], which was brought out from Ou Yezi's tomb. According to Ou Yezi, if this thing is comprehended, it can be refined into a puppet of the Nascent Soul level, and even a magic weapon of the magic weapon level.

In Xu Changan's eyes, this is already very amazing.

However, in Ou Yezi's eyes, this is just the [Basics].

Comprehend it.

Do four things at once.

Day after day, year after year!

Xu Changan desperately absorbed the fire spirit power from the underground of the Earth Fire Hall. In five years, his cultivation level has only increased by one level.

From the seventh level of the foundation-building period, it has been promoted to the eighth level.

Of course, only the fire attribute Dantian has broken through.

As for the rest of the Dantian, Jinmu is at the seventh level of the foundation-building period, while the water and soil that were just derived are still at the first level, without any breakthrough.

As the level gets higher and higher, Xu Changan's breakthrough is also slowing down.

Of course, this has more to do with the spiritual power he absorbs.

Let's put it this way, to break through from the seventh level to the eighth level of the foundation-building period, ordinary cultivators need one spiritual power, but Xu Changan needs several or even ten.

So although Xu Changan's skills are against the sky, his breakthrough in cultivation is just that.

Without the blessing of ten times the speed, it is simply a dream to want to practice the five elements at the same time.

Five years have passed!

Xu Changan not only broke through in cultivation, he felt that his formation level had also improved significantly. If the materials were sufficient and the time was sufficient, he felt that he should be able to arrange the ordinary fourth-grade formation.

As for the fourth-grade mountain protection formation, it could not be arranged.

[Basic mechanism refining method], I have understood a little bit, after all, it is the inheritance of Ou Yezi, the knowledge in it is too vast, and it is still too early to fully master it.

As for the [Asura Plate], he refined one third of it.

Although it was not completely refined, it was now very handy when used. It could change its size at will, and its defense was also greatly enhanced.

After putting away the jade slips and treasures, Xu Changan stepped out of the Earth Fire Pavilion and headed for the Rumeng Palace of the Yunmeng Patriarch.

Because the time for the Lulong County Three Sects Competition agreed with her was coming.

"You, kid, actually have five elements spiritual roots?"

In the Dream Palace, Yunmeng looked at Xu Changan with a look of astonishment.

Before, she couldn't see through Xu Changan, but she had heard about it.

Some people said that Xu Changan had five elements spiritual roots, but Yunmeng Patriarch didn't believe it.

How could a five-element spiritual root be cultivated so quickly?

How could it be so easy to cultivate to the foundation-building stage?

But today, after Xu Changan removed all the coverings on his body, Yunmeng Patriarch saw his spiritual roots clearly and became very uneasy.

"Yes!" Xu Changan said with a serious face: "I have five elements spiritual roots. When I was practicing before, I was always laughed at and said I was a loser! Even when I entered the sect to become a disciple, people were unwilling to accept me!"

"Later, in order to avoid being looked down upon by others, I have been hiding my qualifications for many years. I hope the ancestor will not blame me!"

"Oh!" Yunmeng nodded and said: "So that's it!"

" shouldn't be so self-deprecating!"

Yunmeng continued: "Each of the spiritual roots has its own strengths and weaknesses. The five elements spiritual roots naturally have their own advantages. Although the progress of your cultivation is extremely slow during the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages, if you can form a baby normally, after the Nascent Soul stage, , but cultivators with complex spiritual roots can often achieve higher achievements! "

"I heard that those aristocratic families, top-level immortal cultivation sects, or ancient Xuanmen are more inclined to cultivate disciples with five-element spiritual roots! "

"Although the cultivation is slow, these sects have no shortage of resources and skills. As long as you reach the Nascent Soul stage, there will be no problem! "

"After all, above the Nascent Soul stage, all beings are equal!"

Yunmeng took a deep breath and said, "Look at me, although I am a mutant single spiritual root, my cultivation progress was unparalleled in the early years. I advanced to the Nascent Soul stage before I was 300 years old. Unfortunately, after reaching the Nascent Soul, the power of the rules between heaven and earth that can be felt is very limited!"

Xu Changan nodded.

To feel the power of the rules of heaven and earth, the more spiritual roots the better, after all, the power of the rules between heaven and earth is also divided into five elements.

For example, if you don't have a wood-attribute spiritual root, you can't comprehend the wood-attribute rules of heaven and earth.

Of course, this is not absolute!

To comprehend the rules of heaven and earth, you can also complement each other through the way of [discussing the Tao] between cultivators.

For example, a cultivator with a gold spiritual root and a cultivator with a wood spiritual root can feel the Tao in each other when they discuss the Tao.

But there are limits to discussing the Tao. Generally speaking, people rarely discuss the Tao with each other unless they are close relatives or loved ones. Because once they discuss the Tao, there are no more secrets between them.

Looking at Xu Changan, Yunmeng's eyes suddenly became clear.

She suddenly remembered what Chen Xuanli said before, saying that Xu Changan had comprehended half of the magical power in the [Ruins of Seeking Benevolence] and even erected a hundred-foot divine monument in the Forest of Sages.

This means that the comprehension of this kid in front of him is uniquely high.

If... if this kid can advance to the Nascent Soul Realm in the future, I can discuss the Tao with him.

It will definitely benefit me.

However, the next moment, Yunmeng was suddenly shocked: What am I thinking, how can I discuss the Tao with him?

He is just a disciple of mine, not my Taoist partner!

Thinking of this, Yunmeng's face couldn't help but show two red clouds.

Below, Xu Changan opened his mouth wide and said, "Ancestor...what's wrong with you? Did something go wrong in your practice?"

"Why is your face so red?"

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