Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 325 [Life is worse than death, leaving the Immortal Sect]

On the charred land, the ten thousand feet in the void, there was the smell of burning after the thunder tribulation.

Xu Changan looked at the void in front of him, and suddenly a green light spot the size of a rice grain flashed out in front of him, and then exploded, and a hundred feet of barrier was stretched out.

Ancestor Yunmeng still stepped into the hundred feet barrier.

"Grand Elder?" Xu Changan was stunned.

Then he and Shen Xizhi hurriedly saluted.

Yunmeng looked at Xu Changan deeply and said, "You kid didn't die?"

Xu Changan said, "The disciple stole the beams and hid in the magic weapon, and deceived the nine-day thunder tribulation!"

"Yeah!" Yunmeng didn't ask what the magic weapon was. She just nodded gently and said, "Xu Changan, in fact, this may not be a bad thing!"


Xu Changan was stunned.

Yun Meng said: "Now, the only ones in the entire Immortal Sect who know that you are not dead are me, Shen Xizhi, and your immortal pet..."

"Have you ever thought that it is better for you to die like this than to live!"

"Grand Elder?" Shen Xizhi took out her top-grade spiritual weapon flying sword in anger after hearing Yun Meng's words, and said seriously: "Why do you want my junior brother to die again? I will fight you to the death..."

She looked serious. Although she looked so insignificant, she had a lot of courage in her heart, which was really admirable.

Yun Meng smiled and said: "Shen Xizhi, you still have three points of righteousness!"

Shen Xizhi patted his chest: "Yes, ten points!"

"Yeah!" Yun Meng ignored Shen Xizhi, and looked at Xu Changan again: "Do you understand?"

"Disciple understands!" Xu Changan took a deep breath.

He finally understood why the Yunmeng Patriarch had come again in person, and even cast a hundred-foot-sized barrier to wrap up Xu Changan.

It turned out that he was afraid that I would leak the news when I went to the Rumeng Palace.

The Yunmeng Patriarch meant that from today on, Xu Changan was dead.

He would no longer appear in the Taixuan Immortal Sect as Xu Changan.


Because of the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation!

This is a person that even the Heavenly Dao fears. Once he grows up, he will definitely be terrifying.

If this matter is known to outsiders, those enemies, or potential enemies, will definitely kill Xu Changan at all costs.

The key is that Xu Changan's Nine-Nine Heaven Tribulation was seen by too many people, and it is almost impossible for such a thing not to be spread.

So, for Xu Changan, the safest way is: continue to pretend to be dead.


It's normal.

Under the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, it would be strange if he didn't die!

And for Xu Changan, there is another benefit: avoiding enemies.

Waiting for Tie Zhongtang to come out of retreat and then seek revenge on me, hehe... I'm already dead, what revenge do you have for me?

"Then..." Xu Changan said: "Disciple will secretly leave Taixuan Xianzong today, and from now on, will never return?"

"Yes!" Yunmeng nodded, she looked at Shen Xizhi deeply again, and said: "Shen Xizhi, Xu Changan is still alive, you can't reveal a word to the outside world!"


At this moment, Shen Xizhi finally understood what the old ancestor Yunmeng meant, she rubbed the flying sword magic weapon in her hand a little embarrassedly, a little at a loss.

After all, she was just thinking about using this magic weapon to fight the old ancestor, and now she looked at Yunmeng with a smile and said: "Grand Elder, do you think my treasure is beautiful?"

Xu Changan held back his laughter.

Yunmeng said calmly: "From today on, Shen Xizhi is my disciple. Come back to Rumeng Palace with me and practice in seclusion for thirty years first!"

"Ah?" Shen Xizhi trembled: "No, ancestor, I was wrong, I... I... I didn't want to fight with you!"

Yunmeng said: "What did you call me just now?"

"Oh..." Shen Xizhi put away the flying sword and said: "Master!"

"Well!" Yunmeng said: "Let's go!"

"No!" Shen Xizhi said: "Master, at least let me and my junior brother say goodbye!"

Yunmeng said: "Forty years!"

Shen Xizhi was about to cry: "Master, please don't, I won't go, okay!"

Yunmeng reached out and handed Shen Xizhi a red jade card: "Don't talk to anyone, go to the door of Rumeng Palace and wait, go!"

"Oh!" Shen Xizhi picked up the jade card and looked at Xu Changan reluctantly. The tears in his eyes suddenly turned into a drop of clear water and fell down.

Xu Changan walked over, hugged her gently, and said, "Be good, follow the ancestor to practice well, one day, I will come back to see you..."


Shen Xizhi couldn't help crying. She cried and turned into a stream of light and left. When she arrived at the door of Rumeng Palace, she cried even more.

Here, Yunmeng said, "Put away your fairy pet!"

Xu Changan patted Dabai and put it into the small world.

Yunmeng said again, "Give me your hand!"


Xu Changan stretched out his hand.

Yunmeng's gentle little hand also stretched out, and then held Xu Changan's hand tightly.

Xu Changan only felt a slightly cool touch from the palm of his hand, but the scene in front of him suddenly changed. In less than a breath, he and Yunmeng had appeared thousands of feet away.

The great man in the Nascent Soul period circulated his magic power, and the rules flowed, and there was another turn.

This happened three or four times, and Xu Changan was taken out of the sect by Yunmeng in this silent way.

"Let's go!" Yunmeng's face was not sad or happy.

Xu Changan rubbed his head, and suddenly he didn't know how to say goodbye to the respected elder in front of him, so he blurted out: "Grand Elder, I will kowtow to you!"

Xu Changan lifted his front skirt and was about to kneel on the ground.

Yunmeng stretched out her jade hand and quickly pulled him back, saying: "No!"

"If you kowtow, I'm afraid I will lose several decades of my life!"

Xu Changan stood up helplessly.

Then, he took out a disguise talisman from his storage ring, and stuck it on his body, turning into the appearance of Li Chijian.

Yunmeng's mind scanned it and said: "It's interesting. I can't even see through your way of changing your appearance!"

Xu Changan said: "This is a trick!"

Yunmeng looked disgusted: "You should also change to a better-looking image. This appearance is simply that of a farmer in the countryside of the mortal world..."

Xu Changan thought about it, waved his hand, and the image changed from Li Chijian to Master Minghe.

"This..." Yunmeng curled her lips and said, "Well, you won't show it to me anyway, and I won't ask you anymore!"

A white cloud floated over the horizon, blocking the dazzling sunlight, and the light in the mountains became much softer.

The mountain breeze blew, blowing Yunmeng's dignified red Taoist robe rustling, and her sleeves fluttered, like a fairy.

Xu Changan bowed to her: "Grand Elder, I will come to see you in the future..."

"Okay!" Yunmeng said gently: "You promised me to help me set up the teleportation array, just don't forget it!"

When Xu Changan finished his salute and raised his head again, the dignified woman with fluttering sleeves in front of him had left silently, and there was no trace at a glance.

All I could see were the mountains, green and verdant.

The white cloud that had just blocked the sun flew away, and the dazzling sunlight fell again.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, turned his head to look in the direction of Taixuan Immortal Sect, and then flew away on his sword.

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