Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 329 [Lightning Meteor, Sanxiao Temple]

"Then five taels!"

Xu Changan spoke.

"Hey..." Niu Baoguo almost jumped up with joy, and said: "Master, don't worry, I, Niu Baoguo, am absolutely reliable!"

Xu Changan nodded.

His medicine shop cannot do without a helper.

After all!

Some basic errands and communication work need to be done by someone.

"Master...I won't hide it from you!" Niu Baoguo walked to Xu Changan and said mysteriously: "I am still a martial artist. Although I am forty years old, I have not lost my kung fu. If anyone dares to come to our store to make trouble, I promise to let him taste my [Lightning Five Meteor Fists]!"

"Hehe..." Xu Changan was amused by him and said: "Okay...Niu Baoguo, go buy me some wooden shelves and cabinets to store various medicinal materials!"

Xu Changan told Niu Baoguo the approximate specifications and dimensions, and Niu Baoguo immediately patted his chest and left.

Xu Changan closed the door and walked to the small courtyard at the back.

This courtyard has three entrances, the middle one is the dojo, the house behind is empty, and the house in front is transformed into a special alchemy room.

He walked into the alchemy room, and then with a wave of his hand, he took out the Hundred Refinements Cauldron.

This thing is a top-grade spiritual weapon, given by Qingye.

In fact, Xu Changan has a better top-grade magic weapon, the Ten Thousand Herbs Cauldron, which is the treasure of his cheap master Zhu Zimu, but this thing was used by him to resist the heavenly tribulation when he was crossing the tribulation, and then it was destroyed by the tribulation thunder.

He doesn't know how to repair it, so the cauldron is naturally unusable now.

But for alchemy, the Hundred Refinements Cauldron is enough!


Xu Changan's mind burst open, a wisp of flame condensed, and began to refine the pill!

After stepping into the Golden Pill Stage from the Foundation Establishment Stage, Xu Changan's mind naturally grew with the realm, and expanded more than doubled.

Now refining pills is naturally handy.

Let's refine some pills that I need first.

A furnace of [Juyuan Pill].

Without using his own blood, Xu Changan's first furnace of Juyuan Pills was of good quality.

There were definitely no top-grade pills!

But all twelve pills were top-grade.

Then Xu Changan refined another furnace of Juqi Pills and another furnace of Juling Pills.

[Juqi Pills] are first-grade pills, used by Qi Refining disciples.

Twelve pills, all top-grade!

[Juling Pills] are second-grade pills, used by Foundation Establishment disciples.

Twelve pills, ten top-grade, two top-grade!

He nodded.

Even without using his own blood, Xu Changan's alchemy skills were comparable to those of the Golden Core Alchemy Masters, and even surpassed them by a lot.

For example, Zhu Zimu, who was in the Golden Core Stage back then, was not as good as Xu Changan now.

"Huh..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and continued to refine.

The fourth furnace was still [Juyuan Pills].

This time, he added two drops of his own blood.

After the final pill was made, there were twelve pills, four of which were top-grade and eight of which were superior.

It seems that after entering the Golden Pill Stage, although Xu Changan's divine consciousness naturally doubled with his cultivation, he still couldn't refine twelve top-grade pills.

He could practice the [Golden Pill Chapter] of the Heavenly Emperor's Controlling Nerve.

Unfortunately, he couldn't enter the Golden Talisman Space. Although he could practice the Heavenly Emperor's Controlling Nerve, he couldn't use the green soul-nourishing wood to sharpen his divine consciousness, so the speed was much slower.

What's more, there was no ten-fold time acceleration.

For the next ten days, Xu Changan spent all his time refining pills.

Of course, Xu Changan's divine consciousness was already strong enough at this time, and he only used a small part of his divine consciousness when refining pills.

So, although Xu Changan seemed to be refining pills, in fact, he was also practicing at the same time.

On the one hand, he was refining pills!

On the other hand, he practiced the fire-attributed exercises.

On the other hand, he was comprehending the [Golden Pill Chapter] of the Heavenly Emperor's Controlling Nerve.

When he is free, he can also separate the fourth ray of divine consciousness to comprehend the [Taixuan Formation Classic].

In this way, he can do four things with one mind.

There is almost no spiritual energy in Xu Changan's small courtyard, so when he practices, he does not rely on absorbing external spiritual power to temper and condense, but swallows [Juyuan Pills] to practice.

Juyuan Pills, a third-grade pill.

One low-grade pill is enough for Xu Changan to digest in five days!

One medium-grade pill, ten days!

One high-grade pill, thirty days!

One top-grade pill, a hundred days!

So theoretically, even if the [Juyuan Pills] refined by Xu Changan are all high-grade, this furnace of pills is enough for him to practice for a year.

This is because Xu Changan's skills are powerful, all of which are innate skills.

If it were those ordinary Jindan cultivators, a furnace of twelve high-grade [Juyuan Pills] would be enough for them to consume for several years or even decades.

Of course, most ordinary Jindan eats medium-grade Juyuan Pills, so a furnace of pills can only sustain their practice for a few years.

In a month, the shelves of the shop were filled with pills.

Rows and rows of porcelain bottles.

For example, a first-grade pill like [Qi Ju Dan] basically has twelve pills in one bottle.

And a pill like [Yuan Ju Dan] basically has only one pill in one bottle.

"Master!" Niu Baoguo said, "It's been more than a month, and we haven't sold a single bottle of pills... No one comes to the store, what should we do?"

He was more anxious than Xu Changan.

If Xu Changan couldn't sell it, the shop would go bankrupt.

Once the company goes bankrupt, I will have nothing to do. Where can I make money?

It’s frustrating.

"No hurry!" Xu Changan slowly placed a green porcelain bottle on the highest position on the middle shelf and said, "I heard there will be a temple fair tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Niu Baoguo said, "Master, tomorrow is April 18th, the birthday of the Three Goddesses. Do you know who the Three Goddesses are?"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "I know, it's the gods in the sky!"

"Yes!" Niu Baoguo said, "It is said that the most effective temple in Jidu is the Three Goddesses Temple... I will go to the Three Goddesses Temple to burn incense tomorrow. Will you go?"

Xu Changan shook his head, "I won't go!"

"Hey!" Niu Baoguo kindly grabbed Xu Changan's sleeve and said, "Master, you should go. You see that our business is so bleak. I think you should go and ask the Three Goddesses for blessings. Otherwise, I, Old Niu, will have nothing to do. It's so worrying..."

Niu Baoguo was full of worry.

Xu Changan said, "I'm afraid of the crowds. I can't get into the Sanxiao Temple if I squeeze and shove!"

The old cow's eyes turned and said, "It doesn't matter, sir. Let's not rush tomorrow. Let's go today and burn incense for the Sanxiao Niangniang first!"

After saying that, he paused for three breaths and added, "It's very effective. I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been there!"

Xu Changan thought about it, then nodded and said, "Well, I have nothing to do today, let's go and have a look!"

Anyway, he can practice anywhere, he takes pills!

And for some reason, when Xu Changan heard the three words [Sanxiao Niangniang], he felt very close to it from the bottom of his heart and from his blood.

The feeling of wanting to go there very much.

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