Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 341 [Wind-dwelling Snow Beast, Golden Core Monster]

The fairy boat driven by five high-grade spiritual stones surged into the sky.

The size of this kind of fairy boat is not very large, but its speed is astonishingly fast. It is several times or even ten times faster than the flying speed of the fairy boat of Taixuan Sect before.

The sails bulged.

Xu Changan stood on the deck and looked forward. The blue sky and white snow in front of him were all silvery white.

"It's so spectacular!" Xu Changan stared at the white snowfield and said, "I thought it was a snow mountain, but I didn't expect it to be so flat!"

After entering the snowfield, Xu Changan felt a sudden chill on his body.

This is not ordinary coldness, but a kind of coldness similar to being attacked by the Ice Creek spell.

"Yes!" Taoist Tianhe nodded, with indescribable joy flashing between his brows: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, legend has it that this was a grassland a long time ago, and the ancestors of the Shanrong clan lived on the grassland. They established He conquered the huge Shanrong Kingdom with unparalleled fighting power, and he also condensed the supreme national destiny, and even the surrounding countries surrendered! "

"Later, Emperor Huan of the Great Qi gathered nine princes, patrolled the sky, gathered the power of the princes, and then wiped out the Shanrong Kingdom. In order to prevent other races on the grassland from getting stronger and posing a threat to our princes and countries, he organized a Use your magical powers to freeze this place and turn these millions of miles of grassland into the snowfield it is today!"

Xu Changan said nothing.

He had heard many versions. Some said it was a magical move that sealed the snowfield, while others said it was a talisman that sealed the snowfield.

No matter what, it was Emperor Huan of Qi who led the princes to do this.

Of course, Emperor Huan of Qi was also the overlord of the princes. He enjoyed the luck of many countries by himself. With the blessing of luck, his cultivation once reached the unparalleled Mahayana realm.

Many overlords among the princes in later generations were also like this.

For example, Emperor Wen of the Jin Dynasty, Emperor Xiang of the Yin and Song Dynasties, Emperor Mu of the Qin Dynasty, etc.

Countries in the world are fighting for hegemony, and the advantage of fighting for hegemony is that they can share the destiny of all countries, thereby strengthening themselves.

This is the era of feudal lords fighting for hegemony.

Now, the era of feudal lords fighting for hegemony has long come to an end.

Da Jin no longer exists and was divided into three countries. Da Qi is no longer the Jiang Qi it used to be, but has become Tian Qi.

Naturally, everyone no longer competes for hegemony.

Instead, the annihilation and annexation began vigorously.

Because all the countries have understood a truth: instead of being the overlord for that moment and enjoying the world's good fortune, it is better to destroy all the countries and enjoy the great good fortune from generation to generation.

Some people even say that if they destroy all the countries and reshape the world, they can scale the highest peaks and achieve the supreme immortality in one fell swoop.

Emperor Qin once left Hanguguan in the east and went to Luoyang, the capital of gods, to inquire about immortality.

There was a Qi Emperor who sought out the Three Immortal Mountains on the sea in order to climb to the supreme realm.

There was a king of Chu who was looking for the tripod of Jiuzhou, hoping to bless himself and suppress the fate of the world.

Countries competing for hegemony, complete annihilation, annexation and destruction of countries are getting more and more intense!

It was under such circumstances that the Yin and Song Dynasties were destroyed.

From then on, Zhen Qingyan became a wandering and helpless princess of a subjugated country.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe!" Tianhe asked, "Are you feeling cold?"

Xu Changan nodded: "A little bit, but it doesn't matter. I have fire spirit roots and fire spirit energy in my body, so I can withstand it!"

This fully shows that the snowfield is no ordinary snowfield.

Ordinary ice and snow, how could Dajindan feel cold all over?

This kind of coldness is not the coldness of ice and snow, but more like a kind of magic attack on the monks all the time.

If the Dajindan monks are like this, mortals will not be able to live here.

A wave of spiritual power suddenly came from the void. Xu Changan raised his eyes and saw a fat monster with wings on its back, attacking the flying boat.

This monster is cute, plump, and its fur is as white as the ice and snow in the wilderness.

"Tsk..." Taoist Tianhe suddenly pointed his finger in the air, and a stream of spiritual power penetrated the void and killed the honest snow beast.

"This is the wind-dwelling snow beast..." He said: "There are a lot of these things in the wasteland, but most of them are not very good at cultivation. They are not a big threat to the monks, but it is said that there are also golden elixir stage and We still have to be careful about the wind-dwelling snow beasts in the Nascent Soul stage!”

Xu Changan nodded.

His spiritual thoughts suddenly opened up, and he looked around dozens of miles away.

"Do you, Fellow Taoist Minghe, know anything about this wind-dwelling snow beast?" Tianhe asked Xu Changan.

Xu Changan shook his head: "I don't know much!"

"Haha..." Tianhe smiled and said: "They have the talent of wind attributes, are very fast, and can merge with the wind. Legend has it that if you kill the wind-dwelling snow beast in the golden elixir stage, you can take out the golden elixir , can be used as a wind-fixing pill!”

"Fixing Wind Pill?" Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's right!" Tianhe said: "It's the Wind-Fixing Pill. It has a restraining effect on monks with wind attributes!"

The flying boat went all the way north.

The flight lasted about a month.

The further north you go, the dimmer the sunlight becomes, and the colder the sky and the earth become.

The two of them had gone deep into the snowfield.

Xu Changan asked: "Fellow Taoist, how far is it to get to the place you mentioned?"

"It's almost..." Tianhe said, "We'll be there in three to five days!"

At this time, there suddenly was an earth-shattering white tornado in the distance, flying quickly towards the direction of the fairy boat.

"Not good!" Tianhe said: "Is this... a wind-dwelling snow beast?"

"The powerful snow beast!"

Xu Changan said: "It should be a late Jindan Fengqi snow beast, equivalent to the seventh level of Xuanmen cultivators!"

Tianhe's face darkened, and he said: "This kind of snow beast is not easy to deal with!"

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, let's take the flying boat and go down to fight him!"


The flying boat was taken away, and the two fell on the snowy plain.

In the blink of an eye, the Jindan Fengqi snow beast also flew over. Its body was several feet high, accompanied by three huge tornadoes outside its body.

Seeing Xu Changan and Tianhe, it was not afraid. With a wave of its hand, two tornadoes flew and attacked the two.

In the tornado, there was ice and snow like a blade. After being blessed by magic power, it attacked like a magic weapon, with unparalleled power.

"Dang..." Xu Changan took out the [Hundred Refining Treasure Cauldron], and the wood spirit power in his body rushed in crazily, blocking the attack of the tornado.

It was blocked, but it was just to protect itself.

It is impossible to break this tornado.

"Get up..."

Xu Changan waved his hand again, and endless wood spirit energy surged out. Thousands of wood vines suddenly flew out from the void, forming a dense forest in an instant.

After the ice and snow tornado encountered the dense forest, it dissipated on its own in a few breaths.

Sure enough!

The best way to block a tornado is still the forest.

Restrain it.

After Xu Changan broke the tornado, he looked at Tianhe, and Tianhe also used his magic weapon to break another tornado.

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