Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 345 [Tianhe Yuanying, Xuanyuan Reincarnation]


Seeing the huge bloody skull on top of its head closing its eyes, Xu Changan and Tianhe both breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"It's finally okay!"

Tianhe raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said: "I have already taken the reincarnation pill, let's go, Fellow Taoist Minghe..."


At this moment, the bloody skull above his head opened his eyes again.

A pair of eyes came down and stared at Xu Changan.

The power of terror swept through the body!

Divine Sense cannot be used!

The body cannot move either.

Xu Changan felt like he was going to die.

Fortunately, just like last time, it only took a few breaths for the eyes to open, and after a few breaths, they closed on their own.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe, let's go quickly..."


the third time!

My eyes opened again...

The terrifying pressure struck again.

After the blood-skull's eyes closed this time, Xu Changan said directly: "Can you please stop shouting my Taoist number... He opens his eyes when he shouts the number, don't you feel it?"

"Uh..." Tianhe touched his forehead and said, "Okay, fellow Taoist, let's leave quickly. We shouldn't stay here for a long time!"


Xu Changan raised his head and looked at the bloody skull again.

Sure enough, this guy didn't open his eyes without shouting.

How strange.

Why does this guy open his eyes when Master's Taoist name is shouted?

After walking out of the mountain peak, Xu Changan still didn't understand until he saw the white snow outside.

"Maybe..." He took a deep breath: The Master's soul is still in reincarnation. He just inadvertently opened the image of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Perhaps because of the name, it evoked the Master's soul in the Nine Netherlands. .

Xu Changan was just guessing.

But it didn't matter. The two of them escaped from the snowy mountain like crazy.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe!" Tianhe looked at Xu Changan and said, "Why did that guy open his eyes when he called your name?"

"I don't know either!" Xu Changan shook his head.

Tianhe said: "Hey... it's a pity. If I had known, I would have let you take a reincarnation pill, so that you can also see the past and present lives!"

Xu Changan shook his head.

He would not do such a thing that contaminates huge karma.

"What about you?" Xu Changan took a deep look at Tianhe and asked, "In the reincarnation just now, did you find the inheritance and impression of the previous life?"


Having said this, Master Tianhe suddenly became excited. He laughed loudly and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, hahaha... Originally, I thought I was the reincarnation of the black tortoise that supports the four poles of heaven and earth... Actually, it's not..."

"But!" He continued with a chuckle and said: "You can't think of it, I am actually the reincarnation of our ancestor [Xuanyuan Demon Emperor]... Hahaha, not only is the demon emperor reincarnated, I also saw the demon emperor's body in reincarnation. Inherit the skills!”

"It's a pity that I only saw the skills, but I didn't learn the peerless magical power!"

Xu Changan nodded to express understanding.

After all, this is only the fourth-grade [Reincarnation Pill], which can only randomly obtain one percent of the memory of the previous life.

Just being able to memorize peerless skills is already pretty good, and it doesn't matter if you don't have magical powers.

"Actually, I haven't learned all the techniques yet!" Tianhe sighed and said, "There are only the Foundation Building Chapter, the Golden Pill Chapter, the Nascent Soul Chapter and the Divine Transformation Chapter...but these are enough!"

"With my qualifications, the most I can achieve is to become a god!"

"not good!"

Having said this, Taoist Tianhe suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, it's not good, I seem to be about to break through!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan said in surprise: "Breakthrough, Nascent Soul?"

Today's Taoist Tianhe is at the twelfth level of the Golden Core Stage. If he breaks through again, as long as he is not at the legendary thirteenth level of the extreme realm, he will definitely be the Nascent Soul.

"I'm afraid so!"

Taoist Tianhe smiled bitterly.

Xu Changan said: "No, isn't it necessary to have the [Pohua Pill] to break through the Nascent Soul stage? Can you break through without taking the Pohua Pill?"

Breaking through the Nascent Soul is different from the previous major realm breakthroughs.

You don’t have to take the Foundation Building Pill, and you don’t have to take the Chaoyuan Pill.

There is a chance to break through the foundation building and golden elixir.

But you can't break through the Nascent Soul stage without taking [Ba Hua Dan]. This has been the rule of heaven and earth for countless years.

Tianhe said: "The so-called breaking and breaking is nothing more than breaking the pill and transforming into an infant. Although I did not swallow the breaking pill, I just ate a [Reincarnation Pill] and entered the six realms of reincarnation. One in and one out. It can be regarded as completing the breaking of the rules!”

"I don't really understand it anyway, I just want to break through!"

"what to do?"

Xu Changan said: "If you break through here, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by the Asura clan!"

"Yes!" The old man smiled bitterly.

Building the foundation and forming the golden elixir will cause thunder disaster.

Similarly, there are also tribulation thunders in the Nascent Soul stage.

call out……

The two turned into streams of light and flew further north.

Anyway, the disaster hasn’t come yet.

After flying for half an hour, Tianhe Taoist just sat down on the ground and said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, stay away from me, I can't hold it in anymore!"

Xu Changan pouted as he flew away.


Immediately, a golden cloud gathered above the nine heavens.

In the golden cloud, thunder and lightning flashed, winding like dragons and snakes.

In an instant, the first wave of nine tribulation thunders suddenly fell.

Xu Changan, who was watching from a distance, curled his lips once again: How unfair is the way of heaven. I have overcome the golden elixir tribulation and rained down the tribulation thunder from the sky.

This guy's Nascent Soul Tribulation is not as powerful as the thunder of my Golden Core Tribulation?

In the boundless snowfield, a wisp of divine fire soared into the sky, providing shelter to the Asura clan with its endless heat.

The water, grass, and mountains within a million miles near Honglian Yehuo are beautiful.

This place is equivalent to half the size of a county in the Great Yan Kingdom, but it is the paradise of the Asura clan.

The Asura tribe never understands the disputes outside the snowfield.

A graceful woman with a fair face was practicing with her eyes closed when an anxious voice came from outside.

"Princess, princess..."

"Old slave, please see me!"


The door without any formation was opened, and an old woman walked into the hall, flopped and knelt in front of the woman in black.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked as she stood up.

The old woman said: "The Holy Mother just said that someone broke into our Ashura Holy Land and attracted the eyes of our ancestors. She is practicing and can't escape. I asked you to go over and take a look and catch the young person who broke into the forbidden area without authorization!"

There was a trace of shock on the fair and beautiful face of the eldest princess, and she said: "You mean, ancestor Indra opened his eyes?"

"How can this be?"

The servant said: "This is what the Holy Mother said!"

"Okay!" The woman nodded and said, "I'll go right away!"

Her feet moved slightly, and she jumped into the void.

One black and one red, two sword lights flew out from the house behind her and landed right at her feet.

call out……

In the flash of black and red light, the eldest princess had already passed through the sky.

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