Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 353 [Fighting Wu Lian again, deal done]

"Senior!" Zhang Datong and Han Xiaozhi came over to pay their respects when they saw Xu Changan coming out of retreat.

Xu Changan nodded: "Okay, you two don't have to pay attention to it, just continue to do your work!"

He continued to look at Wu Lian Nihong: "My aunt, what do you want?"

"It's very simple!" Wu Lian sat on a tall armchair, crossed her legs, and her feet swayed back and forth. She looked at Xu Changan and said: "Come with me to the Ashura Temple, don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you!"

"And I'll help you get rid of this karma, how about it?"

"Hehehe..." Xu Changan smiled and said: "You wish, you want my ancestral treasure... Don't even think about it!"

"No!" Wu Lian said: "I've figured it out, this thing, from a certain In a sense, it also belongs to you... You can take it, but you must go to the temple with me to see my mother!"

"How about this!" Xu Changan thought for a while and said, "If you help me do something, I will go to the Ashura tribe with you, how about it?"

Wulian's face lit up and said, "What is it?"

Xu Changan said, "Follow me!"

He led Wulian to his own dojo, and the two sat down in order. Xu Changan said, "Respected Princess, I have an enemy named Tie Zhongtang. If you help me kill him, I will go to the Ashura tribe with you!"

Xu Changan didn't really want to go to the Ashura tribe, he just wanted to use Princess Ashura's hand to get rid of this person who made him sleepless.

Wu Lian asked: "What is his cultivation level?"

Xu Changan thought for a moment and said: "It should be the eighth level of the Nascent Soul!"

"Puff..." Wu Lian Nihong said: "Are you asking me to kill someone? Let me die, the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, why don't you go yourself?"

Xu Changan said: "Aren't you very powerful? Even the Nascent Soul will retreat when they see you. Tianhe and I were almost killed by you at the beginning!"

"Hehe..." Wu Lian pouted and said: "I'll tell you the truth, I'm powerful because of these two swords behind me!"

Xu Changan said: "Isn't that different?"

"It's different!" Wu Lian shook her head: "My two swords, after being tempered with the immortal power of the Red Lotus Karma Fire, are unparalleled in their sharpness, but the farther away from the Karma Fire, the lower the power, and the closer the distance, the greater the power!"

"Do you understand?"

"Now this sword can't kill the Nascent Soul at all!"

Xu Changan was immediately disappointed: "Is that so...", his eyes turned slightly and he smiled.

Wu Lian took a step back and said, "What do you want to do? Even though I can't kill Yuanying now, I can still beat you easily..."


Xu Changan smiled coldly, and then punched Wu Lian without any warning.

"Damn..." Wu Lian's body exploded back, and at the same time, the two swords behind her flew out to try to block Xu Changan's attack.



Wulian and the two swords flew out like a cannonball, smashing Xu Changan's dojo hut directly, and then her body was caught by the fourth-grade defense formation next to it, and did not affect the outside of the formation.

"Cough cough cough..."


Wulian spit out a mouthful of blood: "So strong..."

Her eyes also burned with a raging fighting spirit.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

The two swords fell in front of her again.

"You are strong, but I am not weak either..."



The two swords carried unparalleled power and circled back to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan calmly took out the Asura shield and blocked the two swords.

"You..." Wu Lian was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood: "You are so shameless to use our Asura treasure to block my attack..."

Xu Changan said: "Do you accept it?"

"Don't come to me again in the future... You... can't catch me, let alone tie me up!"

"Come again..."

The Asura Princess was not convinced. With a wave of her hand, two swords fell into her hands. She turned her body flexibly, and endless sword intent swept over with sword shadows.

The sword shadow was like a dragon, and the sword aura was like the wind.

Before the person arrived, Xu Changan felt an extremely sharp sword intent attacking him.

It must be said that Wu Lian is very strong.

Although Jidu was far away from the Red Lotus Karma Fire, most of the Jindan disciples were still unable to withstand such an attack.

Including Xu Changan!


Xu Changan shouted again, and the blood in his body rushed into the black holy plate.

The plate instantly turned into a size of three feet.

Ding ding ding dang dang dang!

A burst of dense attacks like raindrops fell on the Asura Plate.

The huge force even pushed Xu Changan back a few steps.

However, this fierce attack was still blocked.

The opponent's moves had been exhausted, and Xu Changan naturally would not give up this opportunity. He flew out of his mind and slashed at Wu Lian's sea of ​​consciousness fiercely.

"Ah!" Wu Lian's face turned pale with pain.

Xu Changan said: "Here..."

With a thought, a golden rope flew out, and then with lightning speed, taking advantage of the moment when the woman's mind was damaged, it quickly wrapped around her body.

With a bang, Xu Changan pulled the rope and threw the princess to the ground.

Immortal Binding Chain!

This was the only treasure that was looted from Tie Zhongtang.

Xu Changan moved his mind, the rope shrank a little, and Wu Lian was hung horizontally in the air, at the same height as Xu Changan.

Xu Changan looked at her with a smile and said, "Are you convinced?"

"Hmph..." Wu Lian was definitely not convinced, and said, "Don't use our family's sacred weapon, I can cut you into seven or eight pieces, do you believe it?"

Xu Changan nodded.


Wu Lian is very strong!

If she hadn't met him, it is estimated that Wu Lian could almost sweep away everyone in the Jindan realm. .

Unfortunately, she met Xu Changan.

"Your Highness, the Princess!" Xu Changan said, "Asuras are protected by the divine fire of the immortal world, and they are indeed very strong, but without the divine fire of the heavenly world, you are nothing... I will tell you clearly today that I will not go to that broken temple of yours!"

"I want this artifact!" Xu Changan shook the Asura Plate in his hand: "Okay... But I have a condition!"

The bound Wu Lian asked, "What is the condition?"

Xu Changan said, "Go back to the Asura clan, get a wisp of red lotus fire, and burn my karma for me, and I will give you this Asura Plate!"

Wu Lian said, "There are countless cultivators in the world who come to our Asura clan with natural treasures and beg us to drive away their karma. Only you dare to threaten me?"

Xu Changan asked, "Do you agree?"

"Okay!" Wu Lian gritted her silver teeth and said, "Agree!"


Xu Changan put away the golden immortal chain.

Wu Lian looked at Xu Changan angrily and said, "Daoyou Minghe, you are great... Goodbye!"

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