Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 036 [Strong puppet, underground training]

"Squeak... Squeak..."

Outside the door, the restless giant spider kept making terrifying sounds. From this anxious sound, Xu Changan could feel its anger!

But after watching for a long time and finding that the giant spider could not enter this space, Xu Changan temporarily put his heart in his stomach.

Then, Xu Changan turned his eyes and looked forward. At the end of this stone room, there was a door. There were two stone statues standing at the door with the same height as normal people.


Xu Changan took a deep breath.

Being controlled by this damn big blue spider outside, it is estimated that there is no way out. I don’t know if I can find a way out after opening this stone door.

Let’s try!

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a few talismans, then walked forward with full concentration and vigilance.

One step, two steps, three steps...

When he was only three feet away from the stone door, he suddenly heard a burst of "crackling" sounds in his ears.

The two stone men who were standing opposite each other at the door suddenly turned their heads mechanically, and then the two stone statues raised their swords almost at the same time.

A huge breath that seemed to come from the infinite depths of antiquity suddenly rushed towards him.

This breath was simple and distant, with the taste of time, which brought unprecedented fear to Xu Changan.

At this moment, he felt that the two stone statues in front of him were far more frightening than the giant spider outside.

He wanted to turn around and run away, but unfortunately his feet were out of control, as if an incomparable force was pressing him down in place.


Suddenly, the two Weng Zhong warriors slashed their swords in their hands almost at the same time.

The swords were stone swords!

There was still a long distance from Xu Changan, but the two stone swords suddenly emitted a terrifying sword intent, which turned into a lightning, crossed the void in an instant, and sank into his body without Xu Changan's reaction.


The next moment!

Xu Changan suddenly felt a sharp tearing pain from deep in his heart.

His body flew backwards, hit the stone top above his head with a bang, and then fell down diagonally.

Xu Changan felt that his soul was about to dissipate, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

The last trace of consciousness in his mind flowed into his body, looking inside himself.

Xu Changan vaguely saw that his heart seemed to be broken into pieces.

The sword intent of this sword hit the heart directly.


At this moment, buzzing...

A piece of golden light fell, and three drops of golden blood fell out of thin air and merged into Xu Changan's broken heart. After a few breaths, the heart was restored to its original state.

Bang... Bang... Bang...

The strong beating came back, and the blood was instantly pumped to all parts of the body.

"Ah... Puff..." Xu Changan opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, then sat cross-legged on the spot.

Not far in front of him, the two stone statues had returned to their original positions. Two warriors were guarding the gate face to face!

"Are these two puppets?" Xu Changan looked for a long time and found that the two guys had no intention of continuing to attack him.

It seems that they should be killed only if they walk within three feet of the stone gate?

"Try it!"

Xu Changan threw a stone over.


The stone fell to the ground.

The two stone statues had no reaction.

Xu Changan took out a white spider egg from the storage bag and threw it through the air.


The stone statue turned again, and with a puff, the two swords chopped it down together.

The white spider egg was instantly cut in half.


Xu Changan suddenly understood: this pair of puppets should be able to detect the existence of living things. Once a living thing enters the three feet range of the stone gate, it will be killed directly.

If it weren't for the three golden bloods just now, Xu Changan knew that he would definitely be dead at this moment.

Too scary!

The attack power of this puppet stone Weng Zhong should be much stronger than that of the huge spider outside.

Xu Changan was about to cry!

There was a big spider guarding outside, and there were two perverted stone puppets inside.

What is a dilemma? This is a dilemma!

What to do?

He fell to the ground with a bang!


Yes... wait!

If I really have a great opportunity, maybe someone can come here and kill this damn big spider, and then I can go out.

Since I have to wait, then practice while practicing!

Xu Changan slapped the storage bag, and the huge spider mother corpse was thrown into this space by him.

With the blood in his body running, Xu Changan's hands instantly turned into black claws. With a little effort, he took off the egg sac under the spider mother's tail, took out two golden eggs and threw them aside, and the rest of the white eggs were piled in another corner of the room.


The black claws penetrated the mother spider's weak abdomen, and the next moment he exerted force, and a bright silk sac was taken out. This was the mother spider's silk sac.

This thing was much larger than ordinary silk sacs!

But this thing was temporarily useless to him, so Xu Changan put the silk sac away again.

The third step was to take blood.

This spider mother was as big as a small house, and Xu Changan took out more than a dozen buckets of blood. Moreover, the spider mother was a spiritual beast of the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage, so the spiritual power contained in the same amount of blood was naturally richer.

After taking the blood, Xu Changan took out the body of the white tiger.

The white tiger's cultivation was a little weaker, about the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and the blood obtained was not much, about one bucket!

The next step was to refine the blood beads.

According to the [Blood Pearl Method] in the Nine Nether Blood Sutra, the blood beads of the Qi Refining Stage are divided into four levels, namely: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade.

The blood beads refined with the blood of the spirit beast in the early stage of the Qi Refining Stage are low-grade, and by analogy, the blood beads refined with the blood of the spirit beast at the peak of the Qi Refining Stage are top-grade.

Low-grade blood beads are only effective for cultivators with cultivation levels of the first, second and third levels.

Middle-grade blood beads are only effective for cultivators in the middle stage of the Qi Refining Stage.

Similarly, the top grade is for the late stage, and the best grade is for the perfect stage of Qi Refining!

When practicing, the higher the blood, the better. That is, low-level cultivators can devour high-level blood beads, but high-level cultivators swallowing low-level blood beads will have no effect.

In the following time, Xu Changan condensed 26 medium-grade blood beads with the blood of the white tiger, and refined 136 high-grade blood beads with the blood of the spider mother!

After refining the blood beads, the blood water was refined into dirty blood by Xu Changan and filled the big jar again.

The remaining tiger meat and spider mother meat were baked into jerky by Xu Changan using fire talismans.

Because fresh meat is not easy to keep fresh, it can be stored unscrupulously after being baked into jerky.

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