Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 363 [Yangming passes away, the Great Zhou formation]

"Uncle Master, the great elder invites you!"

A disciple wearing black mysterious clothes walked up to Xu Changan, bowed slightly and saluted, then waved his sleeves and robe, pointing to the villa of the great elder Yangming Taoist.

Xu Changan raised his head and looked at the sun.

The bright and clear void presents a beautiful azure color, and a high white wall is faintly visible in the distance in the sky. The ice and snow on it are shining with sunlight, making it dazzling and magnificent.

Xu Changan asked: "Can we still see snow fields here?"

He hadn't noticed it before.

The monk said: "No, this is a mirage!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "It turns out to be a mirage!"

He followed the disciple and came to the great elder's villa. The bright sunlight was suddenly obscured by a gray cloud.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

A violent coughing sound came from the villa.

Xu Changan walked in quickly.

The small courtyard was almost full of people.

Many futons surrounded an old man with gray hair who was almost exhausted.

Seeing Xu Changan's arrival, Taoist Yangming's eyes showed a hint of excitement and said: "My lungs have become silent..."

Everyone felt sad.

Xu Changan took out a futon and sat next to the old man.

Master Yangming chuckled and said: "Junior Brother Minghe came just in time. If it had been a little later, my heart would have fallen silent!"

"Come on, come on..."

He took out a storage bag.


The contents inside were shaken out.

There are many spiritual stones and materials, as well as some jade slips.

"These spiritual stones will all be collected by the Alchemy Hall and put into the public treasury. You must not keep anything private!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

The old man said: "This is some of my alchemy experience. I burned it into two copies. Junior Brother Minghe and Junior Brother Shenzhao, you each have one copy. Take it away!"

The two of them each took a jade slip.

"These spiritual herbs will also be put into the public treasury. As for these elixirs, they will be given to my disciples!"

Then, seven or eight of the old man's disciples came up and took away all the elixirs.

Someone started to cry.

Finally, Taoist Yangming took out a blue jade slip and said, "This is a classic that I borrowed from the Great Zhou Sutra Hall when I was young. I'm afraid I won't be able to return it now!"

"Junior Brother Minghe, come here!"

Yangming looked at Xu Changan gently and kindly.

Xu Changan approached him.

He put the jade slip in Xu Changan's hand and said: "If you have any chance in the future, please help me return it. What is recorded here is the top formation book of the Great Zhou Kingdom. You have a good understanding of formations." , you can take a look, but don’t forget to return it!”

"Yes!" Xu Changan cupped his hands.

"One more thing!" The old man suddenly took Xu Changan's hand and said, "Junior Brother Minghe, I have one more thing to ask for!"

Xu Changan said: "Please tell me!"

Taoist Yangming took a deep breath, with a gentle smile in his eyes, and said: "I have been running around all my life just to revive the Zhou Dynasty. It's a pity that I haven't made many achievements in these years."

"That's all, from now on, it has nothing to do with me!"

"I am from the Yue Kingdom. If you go to the Yue Kingdom one day, would you like to scatter my ashes into the Yue River?"

The old man stared at Xu Changan with expectation.

Xu Changan said: "Okay, my disciple must go to Yue Country no matter what!"

"Okay, okay, okay..." A bright smile that only young people can have appeared in the old man's eyes. He looked at the sunlight above the nine heavens and suddenly asked: "How high is this day?"

Then his soul paused, and his life was extinguished.

Taoist Yangming will always ascend to Xianning.


A wisp of green flame suddenly burned from the middle of Taoist Yangming's body. In just a few breaths, his bones were burned to the ground, leaving green ashes on the ground.

Xu Changan picked up a larger porcelain bottle, carefully put the ashes into the bottle, then waved his hand and threw the bottle into the storage ring.

There was not much sadness in his heart.

Ever since I set foot on the path of cultivating immortals, I have been used to seeing life and death, and I have seen too many vicissitudes of life.

As for Taoist Yangming, Xu Changan has no relationship with him.

Because it is neither a master-disciple relationship nor a blood relationship!

It's just that they came into the same camp because they took advantage of each other's value.

Seeing the disciples below crying in grief, Xu Changan's face showed neither sadness nor joy.

Master Shenzhao said: "Junior Brother Minghe, from now on, you will be the second elder of our Yan Guotang, alas..."

Xu Changan also understood what he meant, and quickly cupped his hands and said: "Yes, Great Elder..."

In terms of seniority and cultivation, the position of the great elder should be occupied by Shenzhao, but Xu Changan was not interested.

He just wanted to practice quietly.

"I've met the Great Elder..."

The disciples below also saluted God Teruo Zhenren one by one.

Shenzhao nodded and said: "My condolences, everything will be business as usual in the future!"

"Junior brother Minghe!"

As soon as Xu Changan entered his dojo, Master Shenzhao followed him.

Entering the dojo, the two of them sat down in order.

"Haha... As a brother, I am also very interested in the formation. So, can you show me the [Great Zhou Formation Outline]?"

Jin Zhaozhen made a very impolite request.

However, Xu Changan did not hesitate and took out the cyan jade slip: "Senior brother, please take a look!"

In fact, Shenzhao Zhenren knew nothing about formations. He was worried that Yangming would use the excuse of the Great Zhou formation to secretly give Xu Changan other things.

For example, peerless skills and magical powers.

However, after looking at the Great Zhou formation outline, he understood: Yangming did not lie, this is a very advanced formation outline.

"It's good!" He returned the jade slip to Xu Changan and said, "It's a pity that my formation level is limited. I can't comprehend such a profound formation. Junior brother, don't forget the instructions of the elder. I will return it to the Great Zhou Sutra Hall one day!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan bowed.

Shenzhao had no other thoughts. He stood up and said, "Then I won't disturb you from your retreat!"

Next, Xu Changan did not retreat.

He first immersed his mind into the [Great Zhou Formation Outline], looked at it for a while, and then took out the [Xuanyuan Water Control Formation].

Look at the two things together.

The level of this Great Zhou Formation Outline is very high. It can be said that it is the highest level formation in the entire cultivation world.

Because it records the arrangement methods from the first-grade formation to the eighth-grade formation, and there are many formation diagrams in it.

If you can fully comprehend this thing, then arranging a teleportation formation can only be said to be child's play.

But now is not the time to comprehend this thing, Xu Changan is a little anxious.

He wants to go to Yiyang County and Yangshuo County to see the situation.

Of course, you can't just rush in like this, you still have to make some preparations.

First, make pills!

First store the goods in Han Xiaozhi and Zhang Datong's shop.

Secondly, draw a batch of talismans for self-defense.

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