Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 401 [Beast Taming Immortal Sect, Fourth-grade Beast Pill]

"You want it?"

As if seeing through Xu Changan's thoughts, Wu Lian Nihong asked.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "I just lack this kind of spiritual herb!"


Wu Lian waved her hand, and took out the black and red swords, saying, "Then rob him..."

"Hey..." Xu Changan's face darkened, and he said, "Are you brave now?"

"Yeah!" Wu Lian looked at Xu Changan seriously and nodded, "I'm afraid of ghosts, but not people. They can't kill me!"

Xu Changan curled his lips and said, "Put away the sword. This thing can only be obtained by chance. You can't rob it by force!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his wisdom light was released.

He saw the cultivation of the four great cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage below the cliff clearly.

One is at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, one is at the seventh level, and two are at the third level.

Hiss hiss hiss...

Great cultivator!

Eighth level

Xu Changan dared to guarantee that if he dared to go up and rob, the eighth-level Yuanying would slap him to death with one slap.

This is also the reason why there are so many people here, but no one dares to go up and rob.

Who doesn't want to live?

"Okay, I'll try again!"

The eighth-level Yuanying cultivator stood up from the state of sitting cross-legged on the ground, then looked up, exerted force on his feet, and the whole person flew up.

When he flew to the middle of the air, a dark shield was activated by him, and the power on it burst open.

Although he didn't attack anyone, the power of this fall made the Jindan cultivator retreat three steps.

Xu Changan didn't retreat, his face was calm.

But Wu Lian and Miao Yin next to him, their faces turned pale.

The powerful late-stage Yuanying is so terrifying!


The shield in the man's hand suddenly blocked the dark cave entrance.

The four people cooperated very well.

The great monk blocked the cave entrance, and the two Yuanying of the third level of Jindan looked at everyone, while the Yuanying of the seventh level flew out to pick the heart-warming grass on the cliff.



A huge force suddenly came from the sealed dark cave entrance, blowing away the shield at the cave entrance and the Yuanying of the eighth level monk.

A thick snake tail flew out of the cave, turned a corner at the cave entrance, and hit the Yuanying who was trying to pick the heart-warming grass with a bang.

With one blow, the two Yuanying were blown away.

The aftermath was so huge that it turned into an infinite evil spirit that rushed towards them, blowing the monks on the ground to wail.

Xu Changan had to throw out a formation talisman.

When the evil spirit was half dissipated, Xu Changan put away the formation talisman again.

There were not many defensive formation talismans of this type, and it could not be allowed to collapse here.

"So strong..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "The monster in this cave should also be in the Nascent Soul stage, at least in the late stage!"

I just don't know why it didn't come out to attack everyone directly, but only showed a tail.

Wu Lian Nihong asked: "Is this the guardian monster of the Mother-in-Law Grass?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. The so-called monster guardian is used to absorb the energy from the treasures of heaven and earth. This Mother-in-Law Grass can't provide anything to the monster, so it shouldn't be a guardian monster!"

"I guess it's just a coincidence that this Mother-in-Law Grass just happened to grow next to the monster's cave!"

Xu Changan had seen the guardian monster a long time ago.

They say it's a guardian, but it's actually a symbiotic relationship.

For example, the guardian monster of the Blood Jade Bodhi in the secret realm, the Purple Eyed Giant Ape, absorbed the energy from the Blood Jade Bodhi when it slept.

But obviously, this snake didn't.

Next, the four great monks in the Nascent Soul stage tried several more times, but they couldn't successfully collect spiritual herbs.

"Everyone!" The eighth-level cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage stood up and said, "Which fellow Taoist has the ability to take down the [Vincent Grass] on the cliff? We are willing to give him one of them!"

"How about it?"

Countless people were eager to make a move!

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed.

Take the spiritual herb?

The biggest obstacle is the snake.

If you take it by force, it will definitely not work. If the giant snake's tail hits it, Xu Changan estimates that he will be dead.

Of course, he will not really die, and he can be resurrected with thirteen drops of golden blood.

But if you do this, the golden talisman may be exposed.

Exposing your golden talisman for such a Vincent Grass?

Not worth it?

As for whether to put on the [Hidden Breath Talisman].

Xu Changan also denied it.

He was not sure whether the hidden breath talisman could deceive the giant snake.

Of course, even if it was deceived, once someone used divine thoughts to attack the giant snake, the giant snake's tail would be thrown out, and he would die.


Forget it!

I might as well go buy it.

Although this thing is rare, you can always buy it as long as you are willing to pay a high price.

It is much easier to find than Yudao Shenma.

Just like Wudao Tea!

Is it precious?


Can it be bought?

Of course it can be!

It depends on what price you can offer.

Bang... Bang...


Many monks who were eager to try went up, but they were easily beaten down by the snake's tail.

Some people were lucky enough to escape the attack, some were seriously injured, and there was a Jindan monk who was overconfident and was directly beaten to death by the giant snake's tail.

Most of those who were eager to try gave up after seeing this situation.

Suddenly, a female cultivator from the first level of Nascent Soul Stage stood up and said: "Three fellow Taoists, I want to give it a try..."

"Okay!" The monk on the eighth level of Nascent Soul nodded.

"More!" The female nun said: "I want three [Poxin Grass] plants, not one..."

The black-clothed Nascent Soul stared at the female cultivator with sharp eyes and sneered: "You seem to be very confident?"

The female monk said: "My name is Wenshui, and I am the elder of the Beast Controlling Immortal Sect!"

The male cultivator narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The Beast Controlling Immortal Sect?"

There is no Beast Controlling Immortal Sect in Jidu!

Not even in Yan State!

The man said: "You are not from Yan country!"

The woman said: "I am a native of Qi!"

"Yeah!" The man nodded and said, "Tell me, how can you get this Poxin Grass?"

"It's very simple!" the woman said: "Based on my experience, the big snake in this cave is not the guardian monster of [Poxin Grass]. The reason why it is here is to protect its descendants!"

"Our Beast Controlling Immortal Sect has a way to communicate with monsters. This snake is at the Nascent Soul stage, and its spiritual intelligence should not be weak. Just let me communicate with it!"

"Okay!" After thinking for a while, Da Yuanying nodded in agreement.

After the woman got the answer, she waved her hand and took out a string of three golden bells from her storage bag.

She moved her right hand slightly, ringing the golden bell rhythmically. At the same time, a spiritual thought flew out of her body, and she recited a rhythm that ordinary people could not understand.


A snake's tail swung out from the cave.


The woman took out a pill the size of a pigeon egg from her pocket and threw it into the cave.

Xu Changan nodded. Although it was just a moment, he saw clearly the type of the pill: Spirit Beast Pill.

And it’s a fourth-grade spirit beast pill.

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